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Zardari to be next president

Dear All,

I read this thread and I am very much shocked that even more senior members in this thread are not much optimistic. I am not saying that we should not be realistic but we can see thing in positive way aswell.

Yes most of the people think that Zerdari is not a good leader but I also say sorry Nawaz Sherif is worse than him. I was watching the news when Bomb blast happen in Pindi and when the News agency asked for condemnation of this brutal killing he said "well we should talk and let the national assembly decide what to do"!

Come on man say "yes I condemn this act and will bring to justice those people who are behind this coward act.

And every one knows that some Arabs, Uzbek’s, Afghani’s i.e. foreigners who came from across the border who've been expelled from their countries want their own Islamic system to apply. Why they don't leave and do this things (Which should not happened in any country) on their own countries why only suside bombing happen in Pakistan not in Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia or other countries which they belongs.

Why only our people have to be killed on the name of Islam which they don't know what Islam is?

Also I was reading in a news paper that one man Who was killed in his Madrasas compound worked in Saudia Arabia as labor and went back home Made A Hiya (means religious party who will ask people to do good) Nahi anul munker. And start killing peoples. He never learn in any Madrasas or was not a Scholar but when he get little power when Religious parties were in government and fee hand were given to militancy. He becomes Ameer (Peoples to follow him). My dear, Islam does not say who is not praying you have to go and start beating him to pray. It was common in Saudi Arabia and peoples were afraid from these religious peoples but now in Saudi Arabia it is not happening much like in Riyadh, Jeddah, Madinah, even Makkah. Only in Qassim area where their religious Leader was born. (Abdulwahab).

Please I will appeal all the members do not Accept these killers (Taliban) as your Leaders. They will take your families on the name of Islam They will kill them in front of you on the name of Islam and laugh.

Please condom these brutal killing and also make more effort to notify and inform the peoples to stand with the Army to stop these killers and bring them to justice.

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Here's an one liner...

with a looter as president this country isn,t in good hands
I, guss the dececion , was being already taken by CIA. its not pakistanis , its USAs will to have MR10% as a president of pakistan.
its , so simple:lol:
that is the reason , why ZARDARI is finding it so easy:tup:
PPP deliberately ignored Nawaz on Zardari’s bid for presidency
Sunday, August 24, 2008
By Tariq Butt

ISLAMABAD: The PPP will go ahead with the election of its presidential nominee, Asif Ali Zardari, regardless of the PML-N position, senior party leaders said on Saturday.

“Even before the meeting of our four-member delegation with Nawaz Sharif in Lahore on Saturday, we knew it well that the PML-N support will not be forthcoming for Zardari’s bid to become the president,” a top PPP leader told The News. At the same time, a senior PML-N leader said the question of support of his party to the presidential contestant of the PPP did not arise because “we have been only informed about the PPP’s decision to elect Zardari as the president without consulting us, and that too belatedly. This is in violation of the written agreements between the two parties on the restoration of the deposed judges and the kind of the president to be elected after Pervez Musharraf’s ouster.”

He said it was clear that the PML-N would not vote for the presidential contestant of the PPP unless the nominee met the agreed parameters. However, if the judges are restored by Monday (tomorrow), the situation can be radically different and the PML-N may extend its support to the PPP representative, he indicated.

The PML-N leader said the effort of the PPP to take his party on board at the eleventh hour was mere eyewash when Zardari had already taken his decision about the presidency. He said the PML-N was aware of the motive behind the sponsored support for Zardari’s presidency from different tiers of the PPP.

On the other hand, a PPP leader declared: “We don’t care about another deadline given by Nawaz Sharif to reinstate the judges before the filing of nomination papers for the presidential election.”

The cut off date to file the candidacy papers by the PPP’s unbeatable presidential candidate and other contestants will expire before a promised resolution providing for the restoration of the deposed judges could be approved, if at all it was tabled and passed by the National Assembly.

Twelve noon August 26 is the deadline to submit the nomination papers.

According to the original plan, the resolution was to be tabled in the National Assembly on Aug 25 and after its passage following a two-day debate on it, the judges were to be restored on Wednesday (August 27).

The schedule for the presidential election has been deliberately devised in a way to create a situation where the move to bring back the deposed judges and the presidential election have been closely linked.

As a well-considered policy, Zardari has imposed a timeline on Nawaz Sharif to accept him or his nominee for the presidency even before the deadline, fixed by the PML-N chief for the reinstatement of the deposed judges, expires.

The scheme is that if Nawaz Sharif refuses to support Zardari as the presidential candidate (he has already declined to accept him), no resolution will be moved in the National Assembly for the restoration of the deposed judges.

By putting him forward as the presidential candidate and announcing the tight schedule of the election, Zardari has given a blunt message to Nawaz to decide to keep the alliance with him or say goodbye to him. The answer from the PML-N leader is that he is not in a position to keep the coalition intact.

The ruling alliance, as far as the relationship between the PML-N and the PPP is concerned, is dead for all practical purposes and its formal obituary would be read on Monday (tomorrow).

The deposed judges, especially deposed chief justice Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry, will attract considerable criticism from a number of PPP lawmakers if the resolution seeking their restoration came up for debate in the National Assembly next week, coalition leaders fear and said the chances of moving the motion had vanished in view of the fast-changing situation, particularly the PPP-PML-N ties.

The PPP hardliners, who are contemptuous of deposed chief justice Iftikhar Chaudhry, have sharpened their teeth to attack him and other aggressive deposed judges in the days to come.

There is no doubt left anywhere now that these judges would not be restored. However, some of them may be reappointed by the government as an effort was made before the impeachment plan was unfolded.

PPP insiders said with Zardari or his trusted nominee becoming the president, the “hidden” agenda of the PML-N to pull down the federal government in the next six months or so by constantly maligning it would be foiled. They said in the presence of a powerful presidency, Nawaz Sharif would not be able to pave the way for another general elections as early as he wanted.

Even if the PML-N succeeds in executing its plan and Nawaz Sharif becomes the prime minister as a result of fresh polls, the PPP president, armed with the existing discretionary powers, including the dissolution of the National Assembly and the dismissal of the government, would be there to check him in all respects, the PPP leaders said.

With the PPP man all set to become the president, even a slight chance to scrap the 17th Amendment has become non-existent. The PPP would be able to have a dominant president only if all the discretionary powers vested in the Aiwan-e-Sadr remain in place.
ISLAMABAD: PPP Co-chairman Asif Ali Zardari told a British TV that political agreements were not words of Qura’an which could not be changed with the changing political scenario. According to the TV, he was asked about his shifting positions and not fulfilling his promises to which he said there was nothing final in politics and positions could change with the changing situations. The PML-N has accused Zardari of going back on his words every time he signed a written agreement or made a verbal commitment.:azn::bunny:

Have a look of next President's vision, philosophy & variety about commitment, he now definitly prepared to be promoted himself as Mr100%.:rofl:

God Bless Pakistan:pakistan:

No need to start multiple threads on Zardari's bid for president - put all related articles, preferably with your comments, in this thread.
Is it a pride for nation who is now preparing to have a noticeable world class familier personality Mr. !O Asif Ali Zar dari, as upcoming Honorable President of Islamic democratic Pakistan. His disctions are at par, as detail mentioned below:

What a significant biography of upcoming honorable president of Pakistan,at wikipedia. Please check link given below:

Asif Ali Zardari - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Immaculate track record of previous earth-shattering achievements and experience:

Citibank’s branches in Dubai and Switzerland provided the off-shore accounts and banking facilities that would enable Asif Ali Zardari to receive a questionable payment from a Dubai-based financier. Zardari is the husband of Benazir Bhutto, the former Pakistani prime minister.

Citibank opened three private bank accounts in Switzerland and a consumer account in Dubai for three corporations under Zardari's control between 1994 and 1997. Some of these accounts were allegedly used to disguise $10m in kickbacks for a gold importing contract to Pakistan.

"The bank was left to face public and internal recriminations. Chairman John Reed told a meeting of the Senate subcommittee that the bank manager who took Zardari on 'must have been an idiot'. Reed said he knew about Zardari's reputation, and he was aware of 'troubling accusations concerning corruption surrounding Mr. Zardari, that he should stay away from him, and that he was not a man with whom the bank wanted to be associated.' By that stage, the damage had been done. The accusation of money laundering would attach itself not only to the client, but also to the bank that had handled his money. " Please read details in link: Asif Ali Zardari

Chowk: Politics: How Citibank Laundered Asif Zardari\'s Money

The details of Corruption made by BB & Zardari, provided b Zardari’s current friends & hot supporters MQM…. please check following link:

A US Bank did not want to be associated with him. And now he sits on the decision about the fate of Judiciary.
His close teams memebers, Sherry Rehman has very close link with Shaukat Aziz through her third Husband. Rehman Malik and Hussain Ahmed Haqqani have close link with C.I.A-USA, Mossad-Israel, MI6 British Secrate agency, . The three people, PPP Outsiders, Sherry Reman, Rehman Malik, Hussain Ahmed Haqqani calling the shots for Judges. According to Habib Jalib, "yeh das karore awam, yeh gaddeh......aqil en ki soe gayee......" Everyone is quiet about Zardari money. What will this man give Pakistan?:disagree:

Hmmm........, should we pride upon having them or........what should now we do????

Well, let see how will Gen Kiayni-the COAS and other genrals looks to salute such unique President ............ that would be the moment which will set the new track to Pakistan's Future. :smokin:
well this is what the people of pakistan (as some claim) want - so they shall get their wish.!
like i said let the games begin!
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