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Zardari says Pak ‘created militancy for short term tactical gains’

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Read the third paragraph...........and then interpret it the way you want.....

Sorry my bad couldn't find, for which you posted whole newspaper's article. If you are pointing at kashmir-armed jihad, then sorry kashmir if a disputed region. which your country has accepted in UN, back in 1949.. & most of the pakistani even not accept it as Indian part. again it has nothing to do with militants of India.
Sorry my bad couldn't find, for which you posted whole newspaper's article. If you are pointing at kashmir-armed jihad, then sorry kashmir if a disputed region. which your country has accepted in UN, back in 1949.. & most of the pakistani even not accept it as Indian part. again it has nothing to do with militants of India.

Ok then ...lets not waste each others time ....
Ok then ...lets not waste each others time ....

Nice idea!! GOOD BYE!!!

Ps: when ever we comes on real cause of dispute, Indians run away. I guess they don't want to solve this problem. & don't want peace between two countries.
Nice idea!! GOOD BYE!!!

Ps: when ever we comes on real cause of dispute, Indians run away. I guess they don't want to solve this problem. & don't want peace between two countries.

I am not running away.....I just want to conver this thread into an India Pak allegation thread ..just like other threads are .....so it would be good to initiate a new thread if you want to continue this discussion there....

Or if you want we can continue here......and soon this thread will look like $%^&.....
Let me start with this:

The Mumbai dossier submitted to Pakistan looks like this....

This is a scanned copy of the 69-page dossier of material stemming from the ongoing investigation into the Mumbai terrorist attacks of November 26-29, 2008 that was handed over by India to Pakistan on January 5, 2009.

1. http://www.thehindu.com/nic/mumbaiattacksevidence-1.pdf

2. http://www.thehindu.com/nic/mumbaiattacksevidence-2.pdf

3. http://www.thehindu.com/nic/mumbaiattacksevidence-3.pdf

Spend some time reading this ..... and then claim that Pakistan is not working against India and supporting terrorism....

This is the proof that has gone out to the rest of the world.....and thew whole world has agreed to it...even Pakistani Government acted on it by arresting Hafiz Saeed and other terror group members...only after agreeing that yes the terrorists were Pakistani nationals....


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Oh the bloody moral of the story is that. India need not be jumping to any conclusion or immature understanding.

The statement was in fact for - the talebani giant not at all for the terrorist organisation terrorizing India. and its a already known fact that american and pakistani did creat this monster which is coming to haunt them now.
But on the same hand any relation between jud let or any terrorist organization workign in kashmir with the Taliban will prove fatal for them.
Pakistan vows to try Mumbai suspects soon

Pakistan's top prosecutor says the trials of six men accused in the Mumbai attacks that killed 166 people will start soon, setting the stage for a key test of Pakistan's commitment to cracking down on militants it once nurtured to attack India.
While Sardar Latif Khosa and other officials told The Associated Press the prosecution process was on track, defense lawyers complained they had not been given documents about the case or details of the evidence against the suspects, whom they have yet to meet.
India, the United States and other Western countries are closely watching Pakistan's efforts to punish the militant suspects, accused of planning and helping the Nov. 26-28 attacks that also wounded scores and terrorized India's financial center.
In the past, Islamabad has failed to punish militants suspected of attacks on targets in its giant eastern neighbor, with which it has fought three wars since independence from Britain in 1947.
Pakistan's intelligence agencies are known to have funded and trained Islamist militants to use as proxies against the much larger Indian army in the disputed region of Kashmir. The government says it no longer does this, but many Pakistanis remain sympathetic to the militants' aims.
The nuclear-armed countries moved troops toward their joint border in the aftermath of the attacks, chilling ties. The prime ministers of both nations are due to meet later this month on the sidelines of an international summit in Egypt for the first time since the attacks.
«It is very important the Pakistan government move further and faster to prosecute those who were associated with (the Mumbai) attacks and punish them,» visiting British Foreign Minister David Miliband said Wednesday, adding that ties between the two nations would remain difficult until this was done.
Indian security agencies killed nine of the Mumbai attackers and arrested a lone survivor, Ajmal Kasab, whom they said belonged to the Pakistani militant outfit, Lashkar-e-Taiba. He told investigators the militants were trained on Pakistani soil and the attack was planned there.
Pakistan was reluctant to accept the claims, but acknowledged in February that Kasab was a Pakistani. The same month, Pakistani Interior Minister Rehman Malik announced the arrests of six men linked to Kasab and pledged to put them on trial.
Attorney General Sardar Latif Khosa said late Wednesday the trials will start «soon,» but was unable to say when.
«There are no reasons (for a delay) other than the fulfillment of some legal requirements and resolution of technical issues before the start of the trials,» Khosa said.
Officials said the men will be tried behind closed doors in the maximum security prison where they are currently being held in the garrison city of Rawalpindi.
India has handed over evidence, including recordings of calls the attackers allegedly made to Pakistan during the siege.

Two of the defendants, Zaki-ur-Rehman Lakhvi and Zarrar Shah, have been publicly accused by India of masterminding the attacks. Malik has said they will be charged with «abetting, conspiracy and facilitation» of a terrorist act.
The men have been appointed lawyers, but they have yet to start preparing their defense.
«I have applied to get the copy of the charges submitted by the police, but am still awaiting,» said Shahzad Rajput, who is representing one of the men. «In fact, there is no evidence against my client. That is why the government is not showing any enthusiasm in this matter. I would say it is using delaying tactics.
India is pressing ahead with its trial of Kasab, who has pleaded not guilty to all charges against him, which includes waging war against the country and murder. Kasab, said to be in his early 20s, will face the death penalty if convicted.
Lashkar-e-Taiba was formed in the 1980s with the blessing of Pakistan's intelligence services, and the group has a long and bloody history of guerrilla warfare and bombings aimed at Indian rule in Kashmir, which is claimed by both Pakistan and India.
Pakistan banned Lashkar in 2002 during a crackdown on militant groups that followed the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks, under pressure from Washington, which considers it a terrorist group. It changed its name to Jamaat-ud-Dawa and concentrated on charity work, but the United Nations and U.S. consider it a front group for Lashkar.
the irony is that the person who accepted that mr.kasab was a pakistani is out of the job .. i am talkin abt mr.durrani.. now zardari has opened a pandora box of sorts .. i wonder what will happen to him..
Let me start with this:

The Mumbai dossier submitted to Pakistan looks like this....

This is a scanned copy of the 69-page dossier of material stemming from the ongoing investigation into the Mumbai terrorist attacks of November 26-29, 2008 that was handed over by India to Pakistan on January 5, 2009.

1. http://www.thehindu.com/nic/mumbaiattacksevidence-1.pdf

2. http://www.thehindu.com/nic/mumbaiattacksevidence-2.pdf

3. http://www.thehindu.com/nic/mumbaiattacksevidence-3.pdf

Spend some time reading this ..... and then claim that Pakistan is not working against India and supporting terrorism....

This is the proof that has gone out to the rest of the world.....and thew whole world has agreed to it...even Pakistani Government acted on it by arresting Hafiz Saeed and other terror group members...only after agreeing that yes the terrorists were Pakistani nationals....

Pakistan agrees that Indias dossier has proof of a citizens involvement

Pakistan: Mumbai attackers trained here - CNN.com

i don't know where is problem? You can't read or I. any ways, in both link i couldn't find where pakistani officials "accepted" that they were pakistani nationals. Let me tell you what i get from both news links,

1. Ajmal Kassab is pakistani
2. The mumbai attack partially planned in pakistan (not entirely)

Till i read your "EVIDENCES", you just answer me these question.

1. The distance between sea and railway station
2. How many people killed on railway station?
3. How long they stayed on the railway station?
4. How far is Hotel Taj, obray and jews community center from railway station?
5. How many police force is deployed in mumbai?
6. How your one police officer killed by fired from backside.
7. How long the whole drama continued?
8. How many terrorist were their?

btw Hafiz muhammad saeed wasn't arrested because of your evidences, but when UN added their name in terrorist list.
i don't know where is problem? You can't read or I. any ways, in both link i couldn't find where pakistani officials "accepted" that they were pakistani nationals. Let me tell you what i get from both news links,

1. Ajmal Kassab is pakistani
2. The mumbai attack partially planned in pakistan (not entirely)

Till i read your "EVIDENCES", you just answer me these question.

1. The distance between sea and railway station
2. How many people killed on railway station?
3. How long they stayed on the railway station?
4. How far is Hotel Taj, obray and jews community center from railway station?
5. How many police force is deployed in mumbai?
6. How your one police officer killed by fired from backside.
7. How long the whole drama continued?
8. How many terrorist were their?

btw Hafiz muhammad saeed wasn't arrested because of your evidences, but when UN added their name in terrorist list.

Islamabad, Jan 8 (IANS) Saying he had done no wrong, sacked National Security Advisor (NSA) Mahmud Ali Durrani Thursday resolutely defended his move admitting that Ajmal Amir Kasab, the lone terrorist arrested during the Mumbai mayhem, is a Pakistani citizen, even as the issue has served to bring into the open the deep fissures within the country’s top political leadership.

‘I’ve committed nothing wrong and had been authorized to issue statements on security issues,’ Durrani told IANS but refused to elaborate how he came to know about Kasab’s identity.

The Pakistani media, meanwhile, went to town Thursday on the former NSA’s dismissal, saying it not only pointed to the cracks in the country’s leadership but also to the lack of coordination between different government departments.

A source close to Durrani said he made the statement on Kasab after consulting President Asif Ali Zardari. Presidential spokesman Farhatullah Babar denied this, saying: ‘All advisors and ministers are under the prime minister, and Durrani had no consultation with the president.’

A retired major general, Durrani declined to speak further on his sacking, saying he would do so only after receiving written orders about his dismissal. Asked whether he had met or telephoned Zardari, he did not reply.

Durrani has held key positions since the late 1970s when with Pakistan’s help, the US started resisting the Soviet military intervention in Afghanistan. Durrani was military attaché in the US and was later military secretary to then military dictator Gen. Ziaul Haq, who died in a mysterious plane crash in 1988.

Zia’s son Ejazul Haq was quoted as saying on Express TV that it was Durrani who had insisted his father to go to Bahawalpur to witness a new Pakistani tank. Zia died when the aircraft crashed soon after taking off from Bahawalpur on the return flight to Islamabad.

The events relating to Kasab’s identity began unfolding late Wednesday afternoon with Durrani telling private Indian TV channel CNN-IBN that the captured terrorist was indeed a Pakistani national.

Later, other media outlets also ran the same story and attributed it to a Pakistani official, who in reality was Durrani himself.

Subsequently, foreign office spokesman Muhammad Sadiq was quoted as saying the same thing. Information Minister Sherry Rehman also sent text messages to this effect to several journalists.

Late Wednesday night, it was announced that Durrani had been sacked for not taking Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani into “confidence” and for “embarrassing” the country with his revelations.

As expected, all English dailies front-paged the development but only one chose to comment editorially.

‘Weak coordination leads to Durrani’s sacking’, The Nation said in its report.

Quoting sources, it said Durrani was sacked for his ‘controversial statements’ to the Indian media about Kasab’s identity.

‘His disclosures created a lot of confusion about Pakistan’s stance on Mumbai incident,’ The Nation said.

‘Sources further said that more heads could roll in the days to come as consequence of these developments… (the) confession (on Kasab) dealing severe blow to the image and credibility of the PPP-led coalition government,’ The Nation reported.

‘Indiscretion cost Durrani his job,’ said the headline in the Dawn.

‘The late-night decision by Prime Minister Gilani to sack the highly influential member of his cabinet immediately sparked speculations about growing fissures within the ruling party, and perhaps among the various pillars of the establishment on the handling of crucial and sensitive matters of national security,’ the Dawn said.

The News headlined its report ‘National security adviser sacked’, with the sub-head: ‘Mehmud Durrani accused of keeping PM in the dark on Kasab issue; confirmation of Mumbai gunman’s Pak nationality leads to fiasco’.

In an editorial, The News said the manner of Durrani’s sacking had revealed cracks in the top echelons of the country’s leadership.

‘Some very serious differences at the highest level in Islamabad had been spectacularly laid bare within the space of a few hours,’ The News said in the editorial, headlined ‘Cracks at the top?’

The timing of the editorial was also highly unusual because English newspapers in Pakistan normally take up to 48 hours to comment on an event.

Durrani defends himself on Kasab identity disclosure (Roundup) Sindh Today - Pakistan News, India News and World Affairs

Pakistan has said the only surviving gunman from November's attacks in Mumbai (Bombay) is a Pakistani citizen.

After weeks of refusing to confirm the allegations, the foreign ministry said: "We have just been informed... that Ajmal Qasab is a Pakistani national."
Mohammed Ajmal Amir Qasab was detained on the first night of the attacks.

India says all 10 gunmen were from the Pakistan-based militant group Lashkar-e-Taiba. Relations with Pakistan, which denies any role, are under strain.

More than 170 people died when 10 gunmen attacked Mumbai on 26 November.

Meanwhile, Pakistan Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani has dismissed his national security adviser, Mehmood Ali Durrani, amid the tensions with India.

It is not entirely clear why Mr Durrani lost his job. One report suggested it was because he had made unauthorised comments to the media that the surviving gunman was Pakistani.

A prime ministerial statement said Mr Durrani had been sacked "for his irresponsible behaviour for not taking the prime minister and other stakeholders into confidence, and a lack of co-ordination on matters of national security".


It is the first time Pakistan has acknowledged any links to the gunmen after weeks of refusing to confirm Indian claims.

"We are confirming that Qasab is Pakistani but investigations are still ongoing," Information Minister Sherry Rehman told the BBC on Wednesday.
Pakistan had previously said Mohammed Ajmal Amir Qasab's name was not listed in the national database of citizens.

The BBC's M Ilyas Khan in Islamabad says that it is not clear why the Pakistani authorities have taken so long to admit publicly what many officials long ago conceded in private.

But our correspondent says the Pakistani security establishment in particular has a reputation for dragging its feet when it comes to making any sort of military or political concessions to India.

Confirmation of the suspect's nationality comes after India provided Pakistan with a dossier of evidence which it said linked the Mumbai attackers and elements in Pakistan.

On Tuesday, Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh said that because of the "sophistication and military precision of the attack it must have had the support of some official agencies in Pakistan".

Pakistan rejected Mr Singh's allegations and accused India of raising regional tension.

Mohammed Ajmal Amir Qasab faces a number of charges including murder, attempted murder, waging war against a country and criminal conspiracy.

BBC NEWS | South Asia | Mumbai gunman is Pakistan citizen

the organisation which was operated under blessings of mr.saeed was banned in UN on the evidence given by india . a unanimous resolution was passed in security council and after that pakistan HAD TO ban jamat otherwise it would have been declared a terror sponsor nation. the arrests were made after the ban was imposed. china incidently supported the notion.
U.N. sanctions alleged Lashkar members, ban Jamaat-ud-Dawa for Mumbai attack | NowPublic News Coverage
Even China Backed Ban on Jamaat ud Dawa : Diplomacy Failure | The Pakistani Spectator

the third link says that india failed to provide the evidence against jamaat .. pressure tactics work sumtimes i guess .. the bottonline is india initiated the process..
i don't know where is problem? You can't read or I. any ways, in both link i couldn't find where pakistani officials "accepted" that they were pakistani nationals. Let me tell you what i get from both news links,

1. Ajmal Kassab is pakistani
2. The mumbai attack partially planned in pakistan (not entirely)

Till i read your "EVIDENCES", you just answer me these question.

1. The distance between sea and railway station
2. How many people killed on railway station?
3. How long they stayed on the railway station?
4. How far is Hotel Taj, obray and jews community center from railway station?
5. How many police force is deployed in mumbai?
6. How your one police officer killed by fired from backside.
7. How long the whole drama continued?
8. How many terrorist were their?

btw Hafiz muhammad saeed wasn't arrested because of your evidences, but when UN added their name in terrorist list.

Read the three PDF files and you will get your answers.......
You are not reading what i wrote, neither you read what i said, why should i read what you posted? btw you are only confirming those things which are been accepted by me in my previous posted, you aren't adding any value, to back your friends claim.

Waste of the Space

Typical ostrich story.....
btw Hafiz muhammad saeed wasn't arrested because of your evidences, but when UN added their name in terrorist list.

If thats the case then why is Pakistan trying these six men.....for fun :woot:

DAWN.COM | Pakistan | Mumbai spectre looms as Pakistan vows to try suspects soon

Pakistan's top prosecutor says the trials of six men accused in the Mumbai attacks that killed 166 people will start soon.

While Sardar Latif Khosa and other officials told The Associated Press the prosecution process was on track, defence lawyers complained they had not been given documents about the case or details of the evidence against the suspects, whom they have yet to meet.

India, the United States and other western countries are closely watching Pakistan's efforts to punish the militant suspects, accused of planning and helping the Nov 26-28 attacks that also wounded scores and terrorised India's financial centre.

In the past, Islamabad has failed to punish militants suspected of attacks on targets in India, with which it has fought three wars since independence from Britain in 1947.

Pakistan's intelligence agencies are known to have funded and trained militants to use as proxies against the much larger Indian army in the disputed region of Kashmir. The government says it no longer does this, but many seemingly remain sympathetic to the militants' aims.

The nuclear-armed countries moved troops toward their joint border in the aftermath of the attacks, chilling ties. The prime ministers of both nations are due to meet later this month on the sidelines of an international summit in Egypt for the first time since the attacks.

‘It is very important the Pakistan government move further and faster to prosecute those who were associated with (the Mumbai) attacks and punish them,’ visiting British Foreign Minister David Miliband said Wednesday, adding that ties between the two nations would remain difficult until this was done.

Indian security agencies killed nine of the Mumbai attackers and arrested a lone survivor, Ajmal Kasab, whom they said belonged to the Pakistani militant outfit, Lashkar-i-Taiba. He told investigators the militants were trained on Pakistani soil and the attack was planned there.

Pakistan was reluctant to accept the claims, but acknowledged in February that Kasab was a Pakistani. The same month, Interior Minister Rehman Malik announced the arrests of six men linked to Kasab and pledged to put them on trial.

Attorney General Sardar Latif Khosa said late Wednesday the trials will start ‘soon,’ but was unable to say when.

‘There are no reasons (for a delay) other than the fulfillment of some legal requirements and resolution of technical issues before the start of the trials,’ Khosa said.

Officials said the men will be tried behind closed doors in the maximum security prison in Rawalpindi where they are currently being held.

India has handed over evidence, including recordings of calls the attackers allegedly made to Pakistan during the siege.

Two of the defendants, Zakiur Rehman Lakhvi and Zarrar Shah, have been publicly accused by India of masterminding the attacks. Malik has said they will be charged with ‘abetting, conspiracy and facilitation’ of a terrorist act.

The men have been appointed lawyers, but they have yet to start preparing their defence.

‘I have applied to get the copy of the charges submitted by the police, but am still awaiting,’ said Shahzad Rajput, who is representing one of the men.

‘In fact, there is no evidence against my client. That is why the government is not showing any enthusiasm in this matter. I would say it is using delaying tactics.’

India is pressing ahead with its trial of Kasab, who has pleaded not guilty to all charges against him, which includes waging war against the country and murder. Kasab, said to be in his early 20s, will face the death penalty if convicted.

Lashkar-i-Taiba was formed in the 1980s with the blessing of Pakistan's intelligence services, and the group has a long and bloody history of guerrilla warfare and bombings aimed at Indian rule in Kashmir, which is claimed by both Pakistan and India.

Pakistan banned Lashkar in 2002 during a crackdown on militant groups that followed the September 11, 2001 attacks. It changed its name to Jamaatud Dawa and concentrated on charity work, but the United Nations and US consider it a front group for Lashkar.
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