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Zardari Ko Jotay Theek Paray Hain- Imran Khan

buddy do you have any prove of what you are saying... it is just your own hypothesis with out any ground reality. so stop putting allegations on ISI. no one cares of what you are trying to prove about ISI. Most of the people in Pakistan hate Zad, and want him out of the government. ISI is not that free to take such actions.

like other ppl i want too, to kick him out...
m nt putting any allegation on ISI, try to b optimistic......ppl in news agency know far better than a lay man, so u can understand wh i wanna say..
n may b others care, perhaps u don't want to ..
as general public z against him, m sure thay can be as well..the act was to make his image bitter in front of the world n nation too....
like other ppl i want too, to kick him out...
m nt putting any allegation on ISI, try to b optimistic......ppl in news agency know far better than a lay man, so u can understand wh i wanna say..
n may b others care, perhaps u don't want to ..
as general public z against him, m sure thay can be as well..the act was to make his image bitter in front of the world n nation too....

well its your own hypothesis. ISI has many other things to do except training a british national aged Pakistani to throw his shoe on president and to piss on his image or repute.
so i think you are trying to prove that a person who threw a shoe on bush in iraq was working for CIA, and a person who threw a shoe on Shebaz Shareef was from FIA. nice thinking dude.

no he ws not....oh C'mon...
where did i say that....Ewwwww:angry:
nw tell me, wht hs happened to him after that act, m sure u mst know abt him....who ws he? wh has happened then? fr hw long he gt prisoned?
i ws only talking abt president, that wh cd be the real story, bt if u want to divert it, ok fi9, i'l carry on too....
wel its my first day here , n m sure , moderator gonna delete all f my posts, or gonna ban me,anyways.....i dnt want to hav sm bad tym here especially with all those, who hv quoted my wrds here..:)
nt so funny, bt thats a fact, n nt a big deal fr them too...
the man who threw the shoe, ws frm PPP AJK, Y he then left n nt arrested by the intelligence agencies present there? if smbody is giving sm lame excuses, that the protester had sm criminal records, then it needs evidences....

a number of protestors voiced slogans against president, outside the center....bt nt the PPP workers, Y he ws chosen to do that???think upon it.......

no he ws not....oh C'mon...
where did i say that....Ewwwww
nw tell me, wht hs happened to him after that act, m sure u mst know abt him....who ws he? wh has happened then? fr hw long he gt prisoned?
i ws only talking abt president, that wh cd be the real story, bt if u want to divert it, ok fi9, i'l carry on too....

What do you think ?? Its ISI's job to go after people arrest them !! or u mean ISI should go and detain him, a treatment given to terrorists ??? Why should they do this ! Just because he made a failed attempt to throw a shoe on Zardari !!

If it was under any one it was the Police of Pakistan but they can't and don't operate 7000+ miles away in UK!!!!!

What you are trying to prove is that our national intelligence agency, is busy hiring a person just to go and throw a shoe on Zardari!!! :hitwall:

Against your allegation, I would rather consider accepting that ISI is behind everything going wrong in India.

An organisation of this stature would go on organizing a shoe throwing covert operation !!:hitwall::hitwall: If they wanted they could have him killed instead and even then people would have supported ISI for getting us rid of a NO Leader as President of Pakistan!!

This sounds like a good piece of news for local evening news papers!!
m nt against ISI, m in complete favor of them, in fact they r the voice of our nation...
if i wanted to put any allegation , that ws so easy fr me...bt i dint do so
whether ISI z behind, whatever happened in india, its debatable, i dont want to say or even argue over that statement, its not gud to be discussed in any forum...
This sounds like a good piece of news for local evening news papers!!
well well well, :)
reality z nt always exposed, it doesnt need to b published in any newspaper Sir
hilarious !!!! I really admire this guy ...i dont know why Pakistanis are not willing to give him a chance !

Everyone here admire this guy, as to become a successful politician in Pakistan you need to be either corrupt or very good in this field, he is neither
Everyone here admire this guy, as to become a successful politician in Pakistan you need to be either corrupt or very good in this field, he is neither

Can you tell , in which field Imran is lacking

Joota pare to aesa pare warna na pare
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