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Zardari Ko Jotay Theek Paray Hain- Imran Khan

hilarious !!!! I really admire this guy ...i dont know why Pakistanis are not willing to give him a chance !
I think ISI is behind the flood 2 :undecided: to make PPP government look bad :lol:

nt so funny, bt thats a fact, n nt a big deal fr them too...
the man who threw the shoe, ws frm PPP AJK, Y he then left n nt arrested by the intelligence agencies present there? if smbody is giving sm lame excuses, that the protester had sm criminal records, then it needs evidences....

a number of protestors voiced slogans against president, outside the center....bt nt the PPP workers, Y he ws chosen to do that???think upon it.......
nt so funny, bt thats a fact, n nt a big deal fr them too...
the man who threw the shoe, ws frm PPP AJK, Y he then left n nt arrested by the intelligence agencies present there? if smbody is giving sm lame excuses, that the protester had sm criminal records, then it needs evidences....

a number of protestors voiced slogans against president, outside the center....bt nt the PPP workers, Y he ws chosen to do that???think upon it.......

because he is a britisher also.. our agencies have to fallow some rules before doing anything, if ISI is so independent then many other people are also in their custody. Be realistic.
a pre planted game by ISI......


hilarious !!!! I really admire this guy ...i dont know why Pakistanis are not willing to give him a chance !

Imran Khan enjoy personal popularity in Pakistan But as a politician he has not been successful. Imran Khan should have joined an existing political party and tried to change it from within but he started his own party and it has been a failure.
the man who threw the shoe, ws frm PPP AJK, Y he then left n nt arrested by the intelligence agencies present there? if smbody is giving sm lame excuses, that the protester had sm criminal records, then it needs evidences....

The incident happened in Birmingham UK and not in Pakistan so ISI does not have any authority. If it had happened in Pakistan then he may have not lived to give an interview.

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because he is a britisher also.. our agencies have to fallow some rules before doing anything, if ISI is so independent then many other people are also in their custody. Be realistic.

ISI needs to follow sm rules, nt always.........stay in this world Mr.:)

lemme prove u..
im gonna take a simple example to elaborate, and any sensible person can understand it..

the story begins from where the ISI's chief had to visit UK and president too...bt ISI's chief canceled his visit cz of cameron's statement, president dint do so, despite of the fact that the opposition was very strong...he was told by them not to visit there, bt he did..

whenever there is a clash between the establishment and ISI, they show their annoyance by any means.....
the story begins from where the ISI's chief had to visit UK and president too...bt ISI's chief canceled his visit cz of cameron's statement, president dint do so, despite of the fact that the opposition was very strong...he was told by them not to visit there, bt he did..

The ISI chief did not go due due to PM Cameron's statement. Zaradri went despite the massive floods in Pakistan that caused 30 million Pakistanis to flee their homes. Zardari does not have the political skills of Benazir Bhutto. Zardari was there introducing his son and daughter to President of France and Prime Minister of UK.
i think, my point ws same too :p
n rest is true as well....
ISI needs to follow sm rules, nt always.........stay in this world Mr.:)

lemme prove u..
im gonna take a simple example to elaborate, and any sensible person can understand it..

the story begins from where the ISI's chief had to visit UK and president too...bt ISI's chief canceled his visit cz of cameron's statement, president dint do so, despite of the fact that the opposition was very strong...he was told by them not to visit there, bt he did..

whenever there is a clash between the establishment and ISI, they show their annoyance by any means.....

buddy do you have any prove of what you are saying... it is just your own hypothesis with out any ground reality. so stop putting allegations on ISI. no one cares of what you are trying to prove about ISI. Most of the people in Pakistan hate Zad, and want him out of the government. ISI is not that free to take such actions.

and kindly prove this that ISI take down any bad guy in any other country of that nationality.
i think, my point ws same too :p
n rest is true as well....

so i think you are trying to prove that a person who threw a shoe on bush in iraq was working for CIA, and a person who threw a shoe on Shebaz Shareef was from FIA. nice thinking dude.
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