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Zardari issues ‘charge-sheet’ to The deposed Judges!


Apr 2, 2008
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ISLAMABAD: Pakistan People's Party (PPP) Co-chairman Asif Ali Zardari has issued a long charge-sheet against the deposed superior court judges, saying they never came to his rescue and were responsible for his eight years in jail.

In the clearest indication that the PPP may not stand by the Murree Declaration to restore the judges, the PPP leader told his central executive committee in Naudero that he was not interested in the restoration of personalities but wanted a judicial reforms package.

Analysts said things were getting complicated for Zardari, both within the PPP and outside, as he was moving closer to allies of President Musharraf and drifting away from his coalition partner Nawaz Sharif.

As Zardari issued his charge-sheet against the judges, Makhdoom Amin Fahim demanded the disbandment of the Pakistan People's Party Parliamentarians which he heads. Others in the PPP blasted the party leadership's decision to join hands with the MQM.

On the other hand, the PML-N is determined not to compromise on the issue of restoration of the deposed judges through a resolution in the National Assembly. The party says it seeks strict adherence to the Murree Declaration and would not accept any formula or constitutional amendment that restores all the deposed judges minus chief justice Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry.

"After gaining so much because of the political initiative that Zardari has taken in the recent weeks, the PPP co-chairperson is on the verge of losing all," a senior PPP leader told this correspondent from Naudero, revealing the situation in the interior Sindh was extremely tense after Zardari's visit to the MQM headquarters popularly known as Nine Zero.

In a post-dinner gathering of the PPP's central executive committee, the source said, many PPP leaders minced no words in criticising Zardari's decision to woo the MQM. PPP MNA Shugufta Jamani and Sethi Ishaq were among those who expressed strong resentment and wondered how the PPP could join hands with the MQM, which was responsible for the killing of PPP workers.

"The Sindhi people have not given a mandate to Zardari to thrust upon them his personal agenda of humiliation in the name of reconciliation," a PPP leader told The News, adding, "We strongly oppose and condemn the PPP-MQM coalition in Sindh."

The leader asked: "Who caused the May 12th incident? Who was behind the Oct 18 blast? Who killed Murad Baloch and Munawar Suhrawardy? But you still went to the Nine Zero to express solidarity with the MQM against the wishes of the nation. Now it's time for us to rethink our support for you, Mr Zardari," said the source, who sounded quite disturbed.

"There is a wave of anger," a PPP leader said. The likes of Raja Pervez Ashraf, Shah Mehmud Qureshi, Jahangir Badr, however, showered Zardari with praises and called him a great leader. Badr even crossed all limits by saying that the PPP had become more popular under Zardari.

Zardari, however, defended his party's rapprochement with the MQM and termed it a sensible political move having far-reaching impact. He said he wanted to open all political avenues for his son, Bilawal, and never liked to see the doors of Nine Zero closed for him. He said the MQM would be forming a government with the PPP.

Aitzaz Ahsan, who sought the restoration of the deposed judges, told the meeting that it would be in the interest of the party to get the judges restored.

Zardari, according to sources, came hard on the issue of the judges’ restoration. According to one source, Zardari snubbed the widely-respected lawyer leader and said he knew the worth of the judges whose restoration was being sought by the lawyers' community.

Zardari said these were the same judges who had earlier taken oath under the PCO and validated the military rule. Referring to his jail life, a source quoted him as saying that he was let down by these judges, who had even refused to release him on parole to attend the funeral of his nephew. He said he was allowed only a two-hour parole despite Farooq H Naek's pleading before the same judges.

He said the then Justice Wajihuddin Ahmed had also refused him a parole. He termed the same judiciary biased, which he said was responsible for his eight years in jail. Party sources reported that Asif Ali Zardari was quite emotional while speaking on the judges' issue. One source said he talked of the restoration of the judges but linked it to a constitutional package. He said the party was interested in the independence of the judiciary and not in personalities.

A party leader said he was disappointed to hear what he termed the charge-sheet issued by the PPP co-chairperson against the deposed judges. According to him, almost 60 per cent of the co-chairman's speech was on Aitzaz Ahsan and the judges.

While the PPP is clearly seen connecting the judges restoration issue with a constitutional package, the PML-N is determined not to budge from what had been agreed between the two parties in Murree on March 9, 2008.

"We don't accept the 'Minus-One Formula' or any such solution that excludes Chief Justice Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry," PML-N minister Ahsan Iqbal told this correspondent, adding the "Minus-One Formula" would mean accepting March 9, 2007 Gen Musharraf's action of suspending chief justice Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry as legitimate.

Ahsan said as per the Murree Declaration, the deposed judges would be restored through a resolution. Ahsan categorically said that the question of any constitutional amendment for the judges' restoration did not arise.

Ahsan said the coalition was committed to the Murree Declaration and clarified that the PML-N was not averse to a mutually-agreed constitutional package having no link with the restoration of the judges.

Thanks to Mr. Ansar Abbasi, The NEWS
Mr 10% is now showing what he is made of :D , They are there to start looting again not for the people of Pakistan and we are not the verge of the desaster


:tup::agree:SORRY TO say, but mr, 10% is 100% right on the issue of restoration of judges.there should be a independent judiciary which every pakistani want, but there is a difference, between pakistani justice system alltogather and the deposed judges, after all he (zardari) knows them , better then any one, and he dosent respect them because their selffish charcters and offcourse he was the only person who sufferd from thier hands mostly!

at least, on this issue i, personally supprt him, and also he( zardari) knows that what NAWAZ actully wanted from him? and surly he is not going to give what ever NAWAZ WANTS :lol:
reading the article in detail one finds that a difference of opinion is brewing between Zardari (AZ) and Aitizaz Ahsan (AA). remember AA had a similar situation with BB before her unfortunate assassination. so this issue can upset the applecart. which way will NS go? support AZ or AA over the judges issue?
:tup::agree:SORRY TO say, but mr, 10% is 100% right on the issue of restoration of judges.there should be a independent judiciary which every pakistani want, but there is a difference, between pakistani justice system alltogather and the deposed judges, after all he (zardari) knows them , better then any one, and he dosent respect them because their selffish charcters and offcourse he was the only person who sufferd from thier hands mostly!
at least, on this issue i, personally supprt him, and also he( zardari) knows that what NAWAZ actully wanted from him? and surly he is not going to give what ever NAWAZ WANTS :lol:

I ask you can any politician really arfford a truly independent judiciary, the answer is no. The only reason these guys are supporting the reinstatement of the judges is not because they want an independent judiciary, but because it gives them one more reason to go against President Musharraf.
Mr.10% is right when he says where was the Chief Justice when he was in jail, or when the other opposition leaders were in jail. The answer is the Chief Justice took up no case which went against President Musharraf before his sacking and after that he took only cases against the President and gave verdicts that were in conflict with the interests of the government.
Now we cant forget about the Sharif of Pakistan. He is going around the country asking for an independent judiciary, thats wonderful right. But where did this independence go when his party goons went into the Supreme Court building and beat up the justices.
Well Nawaz is striving hard for independent judiciary only because ex CJ is his last of hope of abolishing his cases and re appearing as key position candidate on political platforms. Otherwise he also has no sympathy with anyone. He already injected load of money in " wookla tahrek".
But lots of people admit, Zaradari played all political cards very effectively, but still we all waiting for the " final show of hand ". Sound better then BB.
Lawyers drive nagative: Asif

Our Monitoring Desk

PPP Co-Chairman Asif Ali Zardari has said that the Parliament will decide the restoration of judges and President Pervez Musharraf’s political future.
In a telephonic interview with the BBC, Zardari said a debate in the National Assembly on judges’ reinstatement would start soon. “A committee will be set up to take decision in this regard,” he said, hoping that the decision would come in 30 days.
To a question about the countdown by lawyers’ community, Zardari said, “I shall name such elements as ‘negative forces’, because they themselves could not do in one year what this government had done in days - all judges including the CJ got freedom.
He further said, “The people who are outside the Parliament and who refused to go into the Parliament, have no right to threaten the parliament through countdown.”
To a question about President Musharraf’s political future, Zardari said it was the Parliament that would decide, and it would be premature to say anything about it. “I think, there is a room for negotiations between forces of the past and present, and only consensus will lead the democracy to move forward.”
Responding to another question, he said that PPP is continuing talks with MQM.

The Nation
Well Nawaz is striving hard for independent judiciary only because ex CJ is his last of hope of abolishing his cases and re appearing as key position candidate on political platforms. Otherwise he also has no sympathy with anyone. He already injected load of money in " wookla tahrek".
But lots of people admit, Zaradari played all political cards very effectively, but still we all waiting for the " final show of hand ". Sound better then BB.

Zardari has the benefit of the NRO(withdrawl of cases surrey palace, swiss govt etc) while NS does not have that pleasure.
Zardari has the benefit of the NRO(withdrawl of cases surrey palace, swiss govt etc) while NS does not have that pleasure.

What are you talking about man. Because of the NRO he was able to come to Pakistan otherwise he would still be in Saudia Arabia.
It's true Nawaz is ONLY interested in having his cases disposed off through ex-CJP.... that's why he wants the scum back....:

1- dispose off cases so that nawaz could stand in by-elections
2- take up case against Musharraf and have him dis-qualified

This mediocre GUNJA thinks he's fit to rule like king. He was groomed under ISI hameed Gul and GEneral Jillani and General Zia-ul-HQ to counter PPP vote bank. He should know he has no brains otherwise!
All the jugdes that refused to take the oath under the PCO should be put in charge.
I wud like to suggest that, Govt: shud restore the Judges but as this became a public issue ( and Mr. NS and other liers Opps sorry I mean lawers also stated that, The restoration is Judges is important then any thing as its is only cause to be wellness of public), so they shud set these all honorbale judges before an open session for public and media............ ask them wud they take any action and justice for accountibilty of natons money. like:
Mr. NS spent lot of money approx12 billion Rupees just in reveage and personal ego satisfation, in differnet ways to find out proofs and propagenda compaign against Mr. Zaradari.
Note: If Zardari was really defaulter as per Mr. NS compaign during his last primiership under Mr. Saif ur Rehman supervision, then now we assumed that he NS must be corrupted as now ultimatly he is closest partner and showin all love and effection for him and BB, ( as intellactuals saying, Peoples always chose friends of the same mentality from society). while on otherside it cud be vise-versa that, Mr. Zaradari is not defaulter and he wud be decent like NS...................here again a serious question arise .........then Mr. NS should be responsible for the above stated nation's money which he has spent unnecessarily, he has to pay back or CJ shud take dececion to get it back from Mr. Ns for the sake of nation to prove his worthy justice........ its is not the end ........... Mr. CJ shud comments on the acountibilty of the money under tiltle " QURZ UTARO -MULK SAWANRO" scheme for which Mr. NS appealed to nation, and I remember well, even the poor peoples of this loving nation, sold their Bycle just to donate for country................ any way Mr. CJ and his team shud clearly declare:
1-The difference between the PCOs of 12th Oct,1999 and 03 nov 2007?
2- Why Mr. CJ have taken Oath in 1999, with details i.e,. what priorities circumtances and benefits were in Oct 1999, while the seated Judges refused and resigned in 1999?
3-What are the actual reasons behind the present clash and conflicts?
4-Wud they will take action and can justice absolutly on merit basis to all of the bearucrates, Politicians (present and previous)............ regardless of personal relations /egos???
5- If you really now decieded to make justice on merit basis, so will you allow the poor peoples to submit their cases for "Review" (on which you have given deciecions during 2006 & 2007 against them, on favor of Govt: despite of Session sourt and high court decicion, circumtances and documents was all in their their favor, and becuz of the support of your honorable justice Govt snatched their lands which they owned since last century with all documented proof, Now these hopless aged peoples have no place to even reside and no source of income, they just survive life with the cherity of peoles). Hope you must remember these cases belongs to Hyderabad, and you wud not mind above, as this is not personal issue, but this is the principle instance as matter of fact for the sake of Poor public of Loving Pakistan, as you, Lawers and Mr. NS stated all the time that, your restoration wud be the sign of restoration of wellness of pakistani Nation.
God Bless us All and our Country!
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