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Zardari fights back, plots counter-coup?

If Pak really wanna have some stability then the army chief should straight forward dismiss Zardari who is just looking forward to some cheap politics and second thing Gen. Kayani should do is to instate someone loyal to him and still a supporter of democracy.Fresh elections will lead to nothing and army backed president is need of the our otherwise Pak will most certainly be embroiled in a civil war.What Kayani should do or not remains a big conundrum though???
You should be never justifying such acts by PA. The ever dominant PA is what makes the political parties look like a bunch of thieves, sadly Pakistanis dont realise all political leaders are the same around the world.

You need to be more laid back when it comes to politics, let it find its own course and soon you would find it settling down.

We did have it, especially during early 90s. Govts were coming and falling like a pack of guards, but 20 years on, we are still alive and a govt is completing its 5 year term.

i'm sorry mate i am not advocating anything! just laying the facts bare. how can one be laid back when the country is under seige internally and externally. kiyani is very a-political but he has his own constituency to answer too also.
I'm fine with my credibility's demise in your eyes.

It presumes my inability to recognize America as morally bankrupt. We're not. Further, you presume to be a sound judge of such. I'm certain you're not.

You'd have to be without sin to do so. Pakistan is hardly such-by far. You'd have to show a countervailing foreign policy that includes decades of aid by our congress globally and the establishment of organizations such as U.S. AID to do so. Then you'd need to show the same or more from yourselves. You can't.

You ignored my articles and retort about 1967 borders? Why? Did it diminish your claims? Of course so. Thus avoided.

My positions on Israel are lucid and soundly based. So too on HAMAS and, for that matter, HEZBOLLAH. They are not partners for peace and the reasons are clear enough-both by charter and deed.

So be it but my nation is hardly bankrupt nor one-sided by it's views. Again, were that so, you would happily compare my nation's aid to muslim Palestinians against YOUR muslim nation's aid to the same. And all the other muslim nations which receive aid from America as well. And, of course, all the other muslim nations that benefit from your own considerable largesse.

We're on the topic of coups and counter-coups here. I know little of this subject so I'm avidly following the discussion as best I can. Both the specifics here and your history of such suggest an expertise that Americans can't imagine possessing.

I know our officer corps views events such as these with particular interest. It reveals so much about the culture and professionalism of our peers elsewhere. It does suggest a disconnect between the laws you displayed for my benefit and the discussed actions here.

Whether it also suggests a certain moral bankruptcy among elements of your officer corps, politicians, and general public is, I suppose, in the eye of the beholder.

Anyway, those are my thoughts on some of our issues. Your credibility must still stand high in my eyes. I know so because I bother to continue discussing your aberrant views of my nation.

How much longer, though, I'm unsure.
So it IS going down, eh?:agree:

Probably another example of A.M.'s progressive and new morality of which my morally bankrupt nation is unaware.

But you guys have done this a few times, right? So you know how these things work and it's no big deal...correct?

We'll cry true boo-hoo tears.:cry:

Then we might get :angry:

I sure hope not.:angel:

No sense :hitwall:

Best to stay :cool:

Yup. Time for a white russian.
This message has somewhat clarified itself. Yesterday General Aslam Beg(r), the outspoken former COAS came on TV and said that it was a general tough talk given to Zardari as well as Nawaz Sharif.

But the weight fell on Zardari because he is the instigator of the present problem and the COAS's message was, bring the calm back to Punjab, as brewing trouble in Pakistan's largest populated province and political center is no good. Zardari has actually something to lose, he can't really do anything to Nawaz Sharif since NS has no governmental position anyway.

I think Pakistan is in a state of technical anarchy. Where no one really has any confidence in the law, and thus it really is a non-starter to expect the COAS obey the President at all when really no one else in the country would either. He is using the police to arrest his rivals, jailing people en masse. The only power he has is the police which is running on his orders, rather than what the law book says.

The long march movement is going to be a tough cookie for Zardari. He managed to suppress it largely today. As soon as the procession moved out of Karachi City, on Zardari's orders the Sindh police brought trucks and busses and made massive arrest. Literally arresting the entire procession. Now these are PhDs and LLBs. Lawyers. Very annoying protesty kind, but they aren't really going to be the gun wielding type. So he managed to arrest them.

But the interesting situation happened yesterday. When Shabaz Sharif was making a speech, and really mocking the President and his flip flops on every promise he made on camera, and was even signatory to the Murree declaration about the reinstatement of the deposed judges. At that time he ordered the Gujranwala SP to arrest Shabaz Sharif. The SP refused! Today he was fired too.

And today we've heard that the Procession starting from Multan on the 14th (which will actually be the real start of the Long march, since that is Punjab, and close to Islamabad) would be joined in by some PPP members as well in defiance of the President.

Undoubtedly the COAS is viewing this entire situation. Islamabad will be sort of in a siege on Sunday, with the government trying to stop them and the procession will be homing in to the capital from all 4 provinces.

Then there is the Al Qaeda element. Millions of people in one juicy area should be ripe for a bombing. It won't be a stretch to say that probably Zardari might just hire terrorists to bomb people themselves and later blame it on Al Qaeda. The way things have progressed and his true nature of a selfish, corrupt, villainous person has come forward, he probably killed his wife too and faked the will as well and then systematically fired 10s of people from the PPP who were close to his wife.

Pakistan is in a mess. A mini-coup would do Pakistan some good. Where he coups only to hold re-elections and not take power for himself. Which is what he would probably do given his dislike for governance.
Zaradari really is turning out to be a villain isnt he? And everyone really had high hopes from him. But he has CATEGORICALLY turned on every statement he made before he got power-from restoration of judges, to a non political person becomming Prez, to curtailment of Presidential powers to what not.

Boot him. What about making him go peacefully? Impeachment? Are there any alternatives to removing Zardari without a coup?
”And everyone really had high hopes from him.”

Quite to the contrary. Actually, no remotely sane person had high hopes from him. But you know, one hopes about being wrong in things like this...
Then there is the Al Qaeda element. Millions of people in one juicy area should be ripe for a bombing. It won't be a stretch to say that probably Zardari might just hire terrorists to bomb people themselves and later blame it on Al Qaeda. The way things have progressed and his true nature of a selfish, corrupt, villainous person has come forward, he probably killed his wife too and faked the will as well and then systematically fired 10s of people from the PPP who were close to his wife.
Now that you have brought it up, I would like to say that India or other foreign hand may had some role in the Lahore terrorism, but I am positive that Punjab Government (if there was any at that time) didn't do anything to stop that incident to happen even though the intelligence agencies had warned them before hand. Yes, a person (also includes Salman Taseer) of this criminal mind can go to any extreme to achieve his objective.

ISLAMABAD (March 12 2009): Senator (Retd) Farhatullah Babar, spokesperson to the President has strongly contradicted media reports claiming that President Zardari is not returning to Islamabad and will stay in Dubai. Spokesperson said that the President will return to Islamabad as per schedule.

The reports of his staying in Dubai and postponing his return to Islamabad are absolutely false, mischievous and deliberately designed to cause confusion, he said.
There's no point of a short term coup. The devil we know will depart and leave the stage for the devil we don't yet know.

Better to have another 5 years army rule, at least.
the coup will happen and kayani and the army will save us once again
and we will get rid of these corrupt politicians
Question is can the air force bomb the army faster than the army can squat on its runways?:lol:

Close race but you've really got to earn the right to lead.

Go for it...:pop::usflag:
PM ready to act even if it costs him his job
Friday, March 13, 2009
By Tariq Butt

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan Army Chief General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani has asked Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani to defuse the current political situation and the PM is about to undo “all the wrongs” in a grand historic move to make his place in history.

This is the gist of what PM Gilani told a group of senators during a private talk. He told them he wanted to “decisively deliver” in the present crisis even if he might have to lose his coveted post.

“Prime ministers come and go, but what they do remains in the annals of history. I want to do something worthwhile to break the prevailing logjam,” an outgoing senator quoted Gilani as telling him.

He was sitting beside the prime minister at a meeting with outgoing Senate Chairman Mohammadmian Soomro at Wednesday night’s dinner for the retiring senators at the Prime Minister’s House.

“What did Chief of the Army Staff (COAS) General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani tell you to do?” the outspoken senator asked the prime minister. Gilani replied that the COAS expressed his concern over the prevailing situation and wanted him to defuse it.

“You should play your constitutional and legal role in calming down the situation,” General Kayani was quoted as telling the prime minister. “What is the solution?” Gilani asked another senator. “Shah Sahib, you should restore the Feb 25 position by reinstating Shahbaz Sharif as the Chief Minister, undo the disqualification of the Sharif brothers by the Supreme Court and sack Governor Salmaan Taseer,” the senator replied.

“The exit of the governor would take some time to materialise while the other things can be done without any major delay,” Gilani was quoted as assuring the lawmaker. Another senator said that the prime minister made it clear that he was not a “product or beneficiary of the NRO” (National Reconciliation Ordinance).

The parliamentarian said that the prime minister was conscious of the fact that Washington, London and some other powerful capitals wanted the political situation in Pakistan to stabilise and their representatives had communicated their concern to him and other top leaders of the country.

One senator suggested to the prime minister to use his legal and constitutional powers to resolve the confrontation-ridden situation or nothing would be left for the politicians to salvage.

In a chance encounter with PML-N MNA Abid Sher Ali in a corridor of the National Assembly on Wednesday, the prime minister sounded as if he was going to accept all the demands of the lawyers and opposition.

“Abid Sher, what do you want? You certainly don’t want Abdul Hameed Dogar as the chief justice. You want Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry as the chief justice, you want the implementation of the Charter of Democracy, and you want lifting of governor’s rule. Will you be happy if all this is done?” the prime minister asked.

The MNA said that not only the PML-N, civil society and opposition parties would be satisfied but also the entire Pakistani nation would be happy if the steps were taken by the government.

“When contacted, an official spokesman told this correspondent that there was no doubt that the prime minister was making sincere and hectic efforts to do away with the crisis-like situation. Everybody has such a strong desire.”

He said that it was well known and the prime minister had also repeatedly publicly stated that he wanted political reconciliation. He added that this was what Gilani conveyed to the senators on Wednesday night as well.

PM ready to act even if it costs him his job
My suggestion:

Get Zardari in a comfortable closed room. Install electric bolts to his balls. Make him make a speech (to be aired nationally) that he resigns.

If things still don't settle politically and there is no option than the military, let the Pakistan Air Force for once rule the country. Air combat is far more organizationally closer to politics than the rigid hierarchy of the army and PAF officers are the finest minds of the country. Why not give the PAF one chance? After all, the PA has had many..

Be carefull while addressing President of Pakistan and don't preach coup. The worst democracy is still better than dictatorship.

Most of our problems are the result of Zia-ul-Haq and Musharraf actions.
Are you sure Zardari has got any balls? :rofl:

Torpedo and mhussain -->for whatever his reputation pls dont insult the President of our country in this way!:tsk:

this is a serious infraction and can lead to your being banished from the forum! i will make sure of that!:enjoy:
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