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Zardari draws a blank from China visit


Dec 20, 2008
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Zardari draws a blank from China visit

By Syed Fazl-e-Haider

QUETTA, Pakistan - Asif Ali Zardari, president of cash-strapped Pakistan, has returned home from Beijing for the second time in a few months virtually empty-handed, without any commitment from China for aid.

During his first visit as president last October, Zardari failed to secure financial support from Beijing to stave off a balance of payments crisis, with the Chinese government rebuffing a request for concessional loans.

This time, the two countries signed cooperation agreements for hydropower generation and agriculture development, but there was no firm commitment from Beijing about writing off some of Islamabad's debt or extending additional aid.

Zardari's four-day visit, which included trips to Hubei province and Shanghai, overlapped with and was overshadowed by US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's visit to the Chinese capital.

After China's rebuff in October, Pakistan reluctantly reached agreement with the International Monetary Fund on a US$7.6 billion loan facility, which in turn paved the way for Beijing to grant $500 million in loans. That compares with the estimated $14 billion some economists say is needed to get Pakistan back on its feet.

"China has been providing help, within its own capability, to Pakistan's economic and social development," AP quoted Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Jiang Yu as saying last week.

Even so, Pakistan's financial distress and worsening internal security may be cooling China's perception of its neighbor.

"Instead of increasing assistance to its old ally, Beijing has apparently been keeping a distance from Islamabad," Time magazine reported last week.

"Pakistan today needs China more than China needs Pakistan - that is why there is more enthusiasm in Pakistan about its relations with China than vice-versa," the magazine quoted Shabbir Cheema, director of the Asia-Pacific Governance and Democracy Initiative, as saying.

While economic issues were at the heart of Zardari's visit, it took place in the shadow of the intensifying US "war on terror" in Afghanistan, also involving Pakistan's western border areas, and amid continuing questions on Pakistan's involvement in terrorist attacks in India's financial center, Mumbai, last November.

In a telephone conversation with President Hu Jintao on Tuesday, Zardari thanked him for China's support to Pakistan's stance on the Mumbai incident, over which Islamabad has had to fend of Indian charges of complicity. The two leaders agreed to work together to build a strong economic and political partnership.

"The visit assumes significance as Islamabad had given a blank check to China to intercede on its behalf with India on the Mumbai terror attacks," Press Trust of India reported.

Zardari sought during his latest visit to highlight the benefits his country offered China. In an interview with Chinese media, he said companies based in central China would gain from trading through Pakistani ports, which are nearer to the sea than their own country's ports such as Shanghai and Hong Kong.

"We will encourage Chinese companies to come to Pakistan as Pakistan is geo-strategically located and provides them access to the rest of the world through our warm waters," Associated Press of Pakistan quoted Zardari as saying.

The two sides agreed that establishing trans-border economic zones and a Pakistan-China rail link would go a long way in strengthening the relationship between the two countries.

Pakistan wants "to initiate rail links as well in addition to existing road and sea links". Pakistan Press International quoted Zardari as saying. Addressing Chinese heads of major financial institutions and banks, he said the government would also provide maximum support to Chinese investors to enhance links between the two countries. The opening of branches by Chinese banks in Pakistan, would further expand financial interaction.

"We also have a free-trade agreement with China and hope to finalize a trade agreement in services shortly", China Daily reported Zardari as saying. "Once we get our economic fundamentals right we can be a useful economic partner, a significant market and a profitable destination for investment." Pakistan is the first country with which China has signed a free trade agreement (FTA). The first phase of an FTA in goods and investment was completed last July.

Investment by China and provision of easier access for Pakistani goods into the Chinese market could help boost trade between the two countries. Last year, bilateral trade volume rose a mere 1.3% to $6.9 billion.

Zardari acknowledged the assistance China has already given to his country.

"China has helped Pakistan’s economic development. Chinese assistance and enterprise has been invaluable in areas as diverse as construction of nuclear power plants to dams, roads and industrial estates. The port of Gwadar on Pakistan's Arabian Sea coast is a testament to China’s friendship with Pakistan," he said.

At the mouth of the Persian Gulf and opposite the Strait of Hormuz, Gwadar port is being funded and built by China and is intended to serve as a corridor for energy, cargo and services between Central Asia, the Gulf and other surrounding regions. Islamabad has awarded the US$70 million construction contract for an international airport at Gwadar to China Harbour Engineering Company. Under a memorandum of understanding signed during Zardari's latest visit, the Chinese company is to support the National Dredging Corporation of Pakistan in its dredging work - silting is a considerable problem at, for example, Gwadar.

Over 3,000 Chinese nationals have their presence in Pakistan, and concern is rising over their safety given the increased numbers of terrorist incidents in the country, which has included the deaths of Chinese engineers involved in the Gwadar port project.

"Terrorists have specifically targeted some of our Chinese friends who were working in Pakistan to drive a wedge between the two countries and peoples," China Daily quoted Zardari as saying. "The sacrifice of these Chinese citizens for Pakistan’s cause is an abiding reminder to us Pakistanis of China's friendship with our country."

Zardari identified possible areas of co-operation between Pakistan and China in hybrid seed development and other agriculture technology such as water management and use of solar technology, Business Recorder reported, citing a statement by the Pakistan Embassy in China.

Under a joint breeding programme, China’s Hubei Seed Group will transfer germplasm technology to boost productivity of hybrid rice. Pakistani scientists will also be trained in agronomy and oilseed production.

The two sides also signed an agreement under which China will provide technical assistance to Pakistan in hydro-power generation. Zardari visited the Three Gorges Dam, the world’s largest dam.

"Pakistan has not benefited to the extent that it should from its relations with China. We would like China to help us in the construction of a dam similar to this one," Associated Press of Pakistan quoted the Pakistani president as saying.

Syed Fazl-e-Haider, sfazlehaider05@yahoo.com, is a Quetta-based development analyst in Pakistan. He is the author of six books, including The Economic Development of Balochistan, published in May 2004.
He is just Good at NOTHING.

We don't expect Much from Him.
He is just Good at NOTHING.

We don't expect Much from Him.

I think he is good in certain aspects. He has turned out ot be an adapt politician and his handling of the Mumbai carnage was really excellent. His problem is that in view of his reputation, no half decent human being does not want to be within the range of his greedy hands. He is therefore in need of economists and other technocrats that can run the affairs of the nation, but cannot find them.
Secondly he could not have taken over in worse times. With the economic down turn, every country is worried and china is no exception. Under these circumstances, would you want to invest in a country virtually torn apart by war and unrest? The chinese understandably are taking a cautious approach. The third thing is what have we got to offer to China in return for its support. we have already virtually sold it the port of gawadar. The buffer theory in my mind is not so relevant anymore, as the turn in tides in Obama administration may well take the pressure off of them. So why should they invest their meagre resources in Pakistan?
This is the crux of the matter in my humble opinion.
I think he is good in certain aspects. He has turned out ot be an adapt politician and his handling of the Mumbai carnage was really excellent.
What was excellent? Can you tell us what was demanded by indians?
First govt. said evidence is not enough, which we all know was a fabricated dossier! indians did not even allowed to collect the DNA samples of the so called convicted 'Qasai' and their is no way any govt. accept a person who does not have any record in any form in the national database.
Irrespective you register your self or not there exist your record one way or the other! this is the beauty of NADRA database.
Any how no sane person would buy the revelations of Zardari govt. towards the so called carnage of bomby. Which of course were not related to the particular incident and was more like accepting lot more things than this incident!
There are more indian terrorists in Pakistani jails and many roam and operate freely in Pakistan.
Since this is not subject matter, only an interesting read:


His problem is that in view of his reputation, no half decent human being does not want to be within the range of his greedy hands. He is therefore in need of economists and other technocrats that can run the affairs of the nation, but cannot find them.

He is running the biggest cabinet of Pakistan's history. He has available the best of both parties who ruled Pakistan perpetually for long time.
On top of that Zardari enjoys the luxury of record number of advisors of repute, who even have declared themself more capable than qualified army generals and have shown apatite to head army, airforce and ISI.

Secondly he could not have taken over in worse times. With the economic down turn, every country is worried and china is no exception.
Under these circumstances, would you want to invest in a country virtually torn apart by war and unrest?
Pakistan's unrest is only the result of anti Pakistan propaganda by media.
On top of that present govt. is forcing existing investors to packup.
Govt. is wasting money on temporary solutions like employing people in state organizations without any checks or opposition!
Afterall only present govt. is to be blamed for currency devaluation, and loss in forex reserves. world wide economic downturn has hardly any thing to do with the crisis of electricity or gas in Pakistan.
Pakistan's downturn is more associated with the Zardari's rule.
The chinese understandably are taking a cautious approach.
Indian support to Zardari and viceversa and his connection with mehsud who has been involved in abduction of Chinese and murder of BB is enough reason for Chinese or Saudia or Turkish to be cautious of moles like Zardari.

The third thing is what have we got to offer to China in return for its support. we have already virtually sold it the port of gawadar. The buffer theory in my mind is not so relevant anymore, as the turn in tides in Obama administration may well take the pressure off of them. So why should they invest their meager resources in Pakistan?
This is the crux of the matter in my humble opinion.
No this is not your humble opinion this is well thought havox you are trying to spread here.
If it was not upto China and past govt. there would not have been any Gawadar! It is definitely built by Chian but when was it sold to China ?
I know it was contracted for operations to a Singapore and Dubai based port operator. When this port was built it was forseen that shipping of Chinese goods via this port will be the target but this is mere geography and purely business.
IMO, interdependence of China and Pakistan is big pain in the *** for anti Pakistan elements and by increasing Chinese presence in Gawadar could be the right move to discourage all ill wishers.
BTW, by coincidence this is new indian propaganda which is already in news nothing of new and yours alone.
I have read the article deal with devil, depicting perhaps China as devil!
When you depict China as devil before visit, I think it is a messge for Chinese and all those friendly states thta if they invest or help any progressive govt. they will be next in the line for mud slinging.


Ma Salama
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Its good china is not offering anything, except technical assistance in different field. I think Pak achieved FTA status is huge achievement in this trip. China open its market for Pak goods. What else people wants, now they can explore over billion population market. Don't be scared.
Why is the report from Quetta Pakistan and what does Zardari expect he and Musharraf have shown no accountability to where their aid has gone and wher it has been spent.
I think he is good in certain aspects. He has turned out ot be an adapt politician and his handling of the Mumbai carnage was really excellent.

What are you talking about dude? The Situation he handled was excellent? I think it's pretty clear that Zardari (If he wouldn't have been guided correctly) was going to be a disaster for us. Did you forget about him calling the Kashmiri mujahideen as "Terrorists"? Or did you also forget one of the most STUPID plan EVER to be conceived by ANY Government whatsoever, when they decided that they'll send our "ISI CHIEF" to India for a briefing. What exactly was so "Excellent" about that?

The whole Mumbai episode was handled by the Patriotic people of Pakistan and our Armed forces. They are the ones who united the country and Zardari just followed around giving the "Obvious" statements. All of us made him think twice that he better not give some "Submissive" statement again at a time when unity was required the most. and he did so to preserve his "Image" and "Leadership" in the eyes of the common man.
IIRC, sources in the GoP had said before Zardari's visit that obtain more aid would not be on the cards given the Chinese assistance already obtained, as Zovc pointed out, so to argue that he 'drew a blank' based on the lack of additional aid is and extremely flawed argument.

The itinerary for Zardaris trip was out weeks ago, and I dod not recall any analysis of his trip mentioning lobbying for more aid.

A non sequitur by the author.
he didnt go to china for money. if he had someone from the statebank would have gone with him lik last time.
Also it's good that we don't get aid by China like US so Chinese Aid is in form of investment in our economy which will help us in long term!
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Even if we agree with the author that President came back empty handed perhaps this should be seen in a different perspective. It will help us in the longer sense as we the Nation with all our troubles and war on terror thing, need to stand on our own two feet. Wont getting aid will help this thing pass through thick skulls of ours that we need to stop relying on friends for bail out and need to work out on our own to get out of the damn mess that we are in.

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