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Zardari -- Best Leader of Pakistan

Should be given the Diamond medal for bankrupting all Pakistan institution and corruption
also has distinction among South Asian leaders of spending years in jail on corruption charges and even when whole establishment was against him, they could not prove any charges; never ran away like a coward.
I sincerely and genuinely wish for India to get best leader of India..like Zardari...as soon as possible
^ That's what I have said repeatedly. Zardari is one of the best thing happened for India. Instead of taking his country forward, he took it back two steps.

Not true. You forgot WOT,Enormous size of China and concentration of Chinese Economic Assests in its eastern part.
yes he is best from an indian perspective.

wish a zardari to india.

Some of the things he has done are quite impressive.

Most notable being standing up to the Army. He is the first President in the history of Pakistan to keep the Army from usurping power.

Second having a liberal mind and trying to open the economy. He is stopping Pakistan's obstructionist approach to SAFTA

Thirdly trying to rein in the Army on its excess powers it enjoyed. He did no succeed, but he set a precedent of trying and failing yet still staying in power. Something like this was unheard in the old days.

Managing the BoP crises pretty well again and again.

Ofcourse there are notable failures as well. I however feel the positive outweighs the negative. In my opinion, were I a Pakistani, I would prefer what he brings to the table - stability and a determination to cut down the unconstitutional powers of the Army.
In the long term, these two things alone will steer Pakistan through.
one thing is for sure ,he is one hell of a politician ,he did not even have simple majority in the parliament but istead of making it a weakness he made it a strength .he used almost all the other parties according to his wishes,
we will Root for Zardari to win next election :tup: in Pakistan :D

No man...he is very corrupt...I think we should give credit for India and Pak relation not to Zardari rather former PM Y. Zilani....He has internally stabilized a lot of things and apart from that the existing Army chief Kiyani is a resonable and rationale person.... In case India needs to appreciate, then we should appreciate Gilani and Kiyani rather than Zardari....Although Zardari has not done any thing positive but again he has not done anything wrong too...He is kind of a neutral guy.....
I have respect for Zardari ,He is not a leader but a real Politicians and I have no doubt about it.

He controlled all the political parties and politicians like his dogs. He literary controls them like a master and he has my respect for that.

Other than that he is no good for Pakistan or its people.
Zardari is mature politician, he kept everybody happy and completed his term which is good achievement but unforunatly at the cost of poor, too much corruption, much terrorism by his own party and allies, keeping blind eyes on the problem of poor and more importantly no direction as a country
Such a useless president, current world champion useless and corrupt
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