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Zalmay Khalilzad again tweets in favour of Imran Khan

He is right TBH, this man hates Pakistan with a passion
We should be careful
View attachment 921766
2004 US threatened to invade tribal areas with ground troops
View attachment 921767

He's not really in charge of affairs anymore.

He's giving his own constructive view of the current situation. Nothing in his tweets about Imran Khan indicate any sort of biases.
Its funny when patwaris who came to power riding american balls now have issues with an ex american officials supporting IK.
There is bigger picture bro. This diplomat has same Afghan vengence with American mind/exposure.
Former US envoy for Afghanistan Zalmay Khalilzad on Wednesday again advised Pakistan from proceeding against Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) Chairman Imran Khan despite a piece of advice from the Foreign Office to stay away from domestic issues.

In a series of tweets today, the former US diplomat said there are indications that Pakistan's parliament might well ask the Supreme Court to disqualify Imran Khan from running for election and even prohibit PTI in the next few days.

“The government appears to have decided to set up Imran Khan as Enemy No 1 of the State. Such steps will only deepen Pakistan's triple crises: political, economic, and security. Already, some countries have suspended planned investments,” he claimed.

“The IMF support remains doubtful.”

Khalilzad warned the government that international support for Pakistan will “decline further” and political polarization and violence will “likely increase” if the steps mentioned by him are taken by the authorities.

“I hope the Pakistani political leaders rise above destructive petty politics that undermine the national interest. If not, I hope the Supreme Court says no to being used in games that undermine the nation's interests. I am becoming increasingly concerned about Pakistan.”

Last week, the Foreign Office reacted strongly to Khalilzad’s “lectures” and told him that his feedback is not needed.

“Pakistan does not need lectures or unsolicited advice from anyone on how to cope with the challenges we face today. As a resilient nation, we will come out stronger from the present difficult situation.”

It is important to note that the PTI has engaged lobbying firms in the US after which a number of Congressmen and other influential figures have spoken in favour of the former prime minister.

The former ruling party has been embroiled in controversies facing multiple legal challenges since its ouster from the government.
Thank God. This 18th century chacha is banned.
He creates threads whenever maryam sneezes.
There is bigger picture bro. This diplomat has same Afghan vengence with American mind/exposure.

And donald lu is a well wisher of Pakistan? Seriously do u guys give ur brain a holiday? The whole PDM and the whole army is sitting on american boots. The pentagon, CIA, state deppt all have hands deep in pak army and we here talk abt khalilzad who is not even an official now and had a limited job related to a event that is now gone.
The whole Pakistani state is in American pockets and dumb morons need to realize. Even the PDM ppl know its just these stupid patwaris that are baboons. The whole establishment and army runs on american orders but qayamat agai khalilzad ne imran khan ki tareef kardi, just wow lolz.

He is right TBH, this man hates Pakistan with a passion
We should be careful
View attachment 921766
2004 US threatened to invade tribal areas with ground troops
View attachment 921767
Lolz comeon man, the whole state and establishment and army is an american slave, ur generals are selected by them and ur whole deep state is in their pocket but an ex official sides with IK and we have to be careful 😂. Pakistanis are way too naive.
And donald lu is a well wisher of Pakistan? Seriously do u guys give ur brain a holiday? The whole PDM and the whole army is sitting on american boots. The pentagon, CIA, state deppt all have hands deep in pak army and we here talk abt khalilzad who is not even an official now and had a limited job related to a event that is now gone.
The whole Pakistani state is in American pockets and dumb morons need to realize. Even the PDM ppl know its just these stupid patwaris that are baboons. The whole establishment and army runs on american orders but qayamat agai khalilzad ne imran khan ki tareef kardi, just wow lolz.
Okay, i have given my brain a holiday because i smiply cannot argue with such brains whom entire perceptions about Politics, history, diplomacy or culture are taught none other than Imran Khan himself. You guys are taught to have mindset of victims, wit blind following of a person who has history of U-Turns on each and every single position that he took.

Culitivation theory's "mean world syndrome is a proposed cognitive bias wherein people may perceive the world to be more dangerous than it actually is, due to long-term moderate to heavy exposure to emotional-related content in mass or social media. This media theory was presented by George Gerbner in 1960s....You guys living exactly in this mean world where every thing is at Shamble's gate without Imran Khan...Who was the first Ertuğrul Ghazi disqualified from national assembly.

Rest it's not a problem when US Amabassador Donald Blome in August 2022 (After Saazish ) handed over 36 vehicles to CM KPK in shape of US AID to the health departement of Khyber Pakthunkhwa and former Health Minister Taimur Jhagra most wholeheartedly thanked Donald Blome for his visit and extended support. He extended his gratitude for USAID support in different health interventions on behalf of the KP government. Donald Blome even met CM KPK and he was much more thankful for US Aid due to several reasons.

Plus, Pakistani Tehreek e Insaaf has hired 2 lobbying firms (to our knowledge) to improve ties with Uncle Sam. One firm is named Fenton/Arlock LLC for $25,000 per month.....

The second firm has been hired recently ...The Washington-based lobbying firm, Praia Consultants LLC, to support the party’s goals for “good relations with the United States and the Pakistani diaspora in the US.” The firm has been hired for a period of six months at the cost of $8,333.00 per month.

Now may i ask a question......If you firmly believe that this has all happened because of Uncle Sam....Than WHAT THE F your party wanna do by hiring these lobbying firms on such huge expense.. Ask questions to yourself while looking in mirror.
Rest just go through chapters of history....and explore yourself role of Zalmy Khalilzad in destruction of Afghanistan. The end game where Afghans were falling from globalmaster on Kabul Airport was the marvel of his diplomatic career. I am done with arguing Imrandooo delusionals like yours.
Okay, i have given my brain a holiday because i smiply cannot argue with such brains whom entire perceptions about Politics, history, diplomacy or culture are taught none other than Imran Khan himself. You guys are taught to have mindset of victims, wit blind following of a person who has history of U-Turns on each and every single position that he took.

Culitivation theory's "mean world syndrome is a proposed cognitive bias wherein people may perceive the world to be more dangerous than it actually is, due to long-term moderate to heavy exposure to emotional-related content in mass or social media. This media theory was presented by George Gerbner in 1960s....You guys living exactly in this mean world where every thing is at Shamble's gate without Imran Khan...Who was the first Ertuğrul Ghazi disqualified from national assembly.

Rest it's not a problem when US Amabassador Donald Blome in August 2022 (After Saazish ) handed over 36 vehicles to CM KPK in shape of US AID to the health departement of Khyber Pakthunkhwa and former Health Minister Taimur Jhagra most wholeheartedly thanked Donald Blome for his visit and extended support. He extended his gratitude for USAID support in different health interventions on behalf of the KP government. Donald Blome even met CM KPK and he was much more thankful for US Aid due to several reasons.

Plus, Pakistani Tehreek e Insaaf has hired 2 lobbying firms (to our knowledge) to improve ties with Uncle Sam. One firm is named Fenton/Arlock LLC for $25,000 per month.....

The second firm has been hired recently ...The Washington-based lobbying firm, Praia Consultants LLC, to support the party’s goals for “good relations with the United States and the Pakistani diaspora in the US.” The firm has been hired for a period of six months at the cost of $8,333.00 per month.

Now may i ask a question......If you firmly believe that this has all happened because of Uncle Sam....Than WHAT THE F your party wanna do by hiring these lobbying firms on such huge expense.. Ask questions to yourself while looking in mirror.
Rest just go through chapters of history....and explore yourself role of Zalmy Khalilzad in destruction of Afghanistan. The end game where Afghans were falling from globalmaster on Kabul Airport was the marvel of his diplomatic career. I am done with arguing Imrandooo delusionals like yours.

Lolz your logic is not just falwed but outright ironic. The US is good for supporting FA pass generals but suddenly becomes evil because an ex official praised IK? We nevwr wanted wnmity with US, we want good relations but not slavery. Your mentality is ok with slavery and a slave gets jealous when the master admires someone else lolz. Hiring lobbying firms is something very common and each and every country does that, including india and china. What is bad is changing ur govts on their whims, staching ur ill goten wealth out there. I criticized IK alot too here when he was in govt. The thing is be it PTI or others, the colonial army or the US have no right to change people's elected govt, that should make u angry, but it doesn't. And ex official praising IK gets u all awaken? Wow lolz
Lolz your logic is not just falwed but outright ironic. The US is good for supporting FA pass generals but suddenly becomes evil because an ex official praised IK? We nevwr wanted wnmity with US, we want good relations but not slavery. Your mentality is ok with slavery and a slave gets jealous when the master admires someone else lolz. Hiring lobbying firms is something very common and each and every country does that, including india and china. What is bad is changing ur govts on their whims, staching ur ill goten wealth out there. I criticized IK alot too here when he was in govt. The thing is be it PTI or others, the colonial army or the US have no right to change people's elected govt, that should make u angry, but it doesn't. And ex official praising IK gets u all awaken? Wow lolz
LMAO.....Yeah, we were free, army was professional, judiciary was independent, ECP was impartial. But when Niazi lost his mind along with his chair, army became controversial, judiciary or ECP became US puppets, and Pakistanis became slaves. This is pure populist politics....if you know about populism. A coalition government lost it's allies along with key members due to it's sheer stupidity...Jahagir Tareen group was always ready to stab back. Not to mention angry partners of MQM or BAAP....But because Anti Americanism, religious card or emotinal appeals are the most effective tools, you guys became victims. And as per interview of Imran Niazi to VOA in Feb 2023, it wasn't America which toppled his governent, it was Bajwa who informed Americans before toppling his government, so this current government was exported from Pakistan to USA for approval. Now if you are going to defend this new dimension.... then most welcome. !! :hitwall:
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LMAO.....Yeah, we were free, army was professional, judiciary was independent, ECP was impartial. But when Niazi lost his mind along with his chair, army became controversial, judiciary or ECP became US puppets, and Pakistanis became slaves. This is pure populist politics....if you know about populism. A coalition government lost it's allies along with key members due to it's sheer stupidity...Jahagir Tareen group was always ready to stab back. Not to mention angry partners of MQM or BAAP....But because Anti Americanism, religious card or emotinal appeals are the most effective tools, you guys became victims. And as per interview of Imran Niazi to VOA in Feb 2023, it wasn't America which toppled his governent, it was Bajwa who informed Americans before toppling his government, so this current government was exported from Pakistan to USA for approval. Now if you are going to defend this new dimension.... then most welcome. !! :hitwall:

And u think bakwa was doing everything on his own? Maybe u r too thick to understand but the fundamental point is rhat the wlwcted govt of ppl should not be interfered with by generals or americans. U think that mix achar united on its own? You are suffering from Stockholm syndrome and thus believe in a delusion that ur cator is actually ur well wisher lolz. You think PDM suddenly got the guts to take on journalists and politicians? Or they got the balls to attempt to kill IK? You are the person who willingly closes his eyes and says its dark lolz. As i said, dont send ur brain away on holidays for that long.
The U.S. knows that IK isn't going to fundamentally alter Pakistan's stance vis-a-vis U.S. interests. If anything, the U.S. knows that -- at the bare minimum -- IK would carry out any IMF reform, pave the way for FDI, and tightly align Pakistan's security interests with US strategic goals in the region. Ultimately, the fight in Pakistan is between two camps that want power, but neither one is particularly anti-U.S.
And u think bakwa was doing everything on his own? Maybe u r too thick to understand but the fundamental point is rhat the wlwcted govt of ppl should not be interfered with by generals or americans. U think that mix achar united on its own? You are suffering from Stockholm syndrome and thus believe in a delusion that ur cator is actually ur well wisher lolz. You think PDM suddenly got the guts to take on journalists and politicians? Or they got the balls to attempt to kill IK? You are the person who willingly closes his eyes and says its dark lolz. As i said, dont send ur brain away on holidays for that long.
So if PDM was a mix achar, what would you call former PTI's governement ? A combination of BAAP, MQM, Q league along with electables of Sourther Punjab ?

What was PTI doing during dharna days while Chinese President had to visit to Pakistan in 2014 for initiation of CPEC project ? Remember Khan said publicly that Chinese President's visit was a fake news ? Remember ? What was PTI doing during TLP's Dharna of 2017-2018 by which law Minister was forced to resign based on stupid allegations ? Remember? Why you guys were jumping with joy while sitting Minister Mr. Ahsan Iqbal faced attempted murder by a religious thug ? Remember ? What was Niazi doing when PTI and PPP joined together to topple N League's government in Balochistan months before 2018 general elections ? What was Niazi doing when he ensured to put Hanif Abbasi, Maryam and Nawaz Sharif behind bars before 2018 general elections.

Do you think PTI was doing all this by his own ? Why he was basking in the glory of establishment or the Bajwa doctrine ? Do you really think PTI took charge of government all by itself with help of coalition government ?

Who were managing affairs of PTI government from 2018-2022 onwards ? It was Niazi's over dependence on establishment which forced to establishment to seperate it's way, because they already started receving bad name..!!

Point is that PTI iself is the biggest beneficiary of establishment himself....And thanx to Niazi....PTI lost the plot once establishment realized that it's it's not getting on his it's own feet. That's how the crises began. We all know PTI can develop narratives, but entire Amreeki Saazish narrative is done and dusted after his leaked audio "Let's play with this cipher"...!
All i have is huge pile of pop corns and soda drinks to see future getting unfold. Not a good one for Enqalabies....!
Okay, i have given my brain a holiday because i smiply cannot argue with such brains whom entire perceptions about Politics, history, diplomacy or culture are taught none other than Imran Khan himself. You guys are taught to have mindset of victims, wit blind following of a person who has history of U-Turns on each and every single position that he took.

Culitivation theory's "mean world syndrome is a proposed cognitive bias wherein people may perceive the world to be more dangerous than it actually is, due to long-term moderate to heavy exposure to emotional-related content in mass or social media. This media theory was presented by George Gerbner in 1960s....You guys living exactly in this mean world where every thing is at Shamble's gate without Imran Khan...Who was the first Ertuğrul Ghazi disqualified from national assembly.

Rest it's not a problem when US Amabassador Donald Blome in August 2022 (After Saazish ) handed over 36 vehicles to CM KPK in shape of US AID to the health departement of Khyber Pakthunkhwa and former Health Minister Taimur Jhagra most wholeheartedly thanked Donald Blome for his visit and extended support. He extended his gratitude for USAID support in different health interventions on behalf of the KP government. Donald Blome even met CM KPK and he was much more thankful for US Aid due to several reasons.

Plus, Pakistani Tehreek e Insaaf has hired 2 lobbying firms (to our knowledge) to improve ties with Uncle Sam. One firm is named Fenton/Arlock LLC for $25,000 per month.....

The second firm has been hired recently ...The Washington-based lobbying firm, Praia Consultants LLC, to support the party’s goals for “good relations with the United States and the Pakistani diaspora in the US.” The firm has been hired for a period of six months at the cost of $8,333.00 per month.

Now may i ask a question......If you firmly believe that this has all happened because of Uncle Sam....Than WHAT THE F your party wanna do by hiring these lobbying firms on such huge expense.. Ask questions to yourself while looking in mirror.
Rest just go through chapters of history....and explore yourself role of Zalmy Khalilzad in destruction of Afghanistan. The end game where Afghans were falling from globalmaster on Kabul Airport was the marvel of his diplomatic career. I am done with arguing Imrandooo delusionals like yours.
Short version: Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar. Khalilzad is just a person expressing his opinion. Just as I and you.
Former US envoy for Afghanistan Zalmay Khalilzad on Wednesday again advised Pakistan from proceeding against Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) Chairman Imran Khan despite a piece of advice from the Foreign Office to stay away from domestic issues.

In a series of tweets today, the former US diplomat said there are indications that Pakistan's parliament might well ask the Supreme Court to disqualify Imran Khan from running for election and even prohibit PTI in the next few days.

“The government appears to have decided to set up Imran Khan as Enemy No 1 of the State. Such steps will only deepen Pakistan's triple crises: political, economic, and security. Already, some countries have suspended planned investments,” he claimed.

“The IMF support remains doubtful.”

Khalilzad warned the government that international support for Pakistan will “decline further” and political polarization and violence will “likely increase” if the steps mentioned by him are taken by the authorities.

“I hope the Pakistani political leaders rise above destructive petty politics that undermine the national interest. If not, I hope the Supreme Court says no to being used in games that undermine the nation's interests. I am becoming increasingly concerned about Pakistan.”

Last week, the Foreign Office reacted strongly to Khalilzad’s “lectures” and told him that his feedback is not needed.

“Pakistan does not need lectures or unsolicited advice from anyone on how to cope with the challenges we face today. As a resilient nation, we will come out stronger from the present difficult situation.”

It is important to note that the PTI has engaged lobbying firms in the US after which a number of Congressmen and other influential figures have spoken in favour of the former prime minister.

The former ruling party has been embroiled in controversies facing multiple legal challenges since its ouster from the government.
Watchout , he is mouth piece of Republicans and kinda Pentagon.
The U.S. knows that IK isn't going to fundamentally alter Pakistan's stance vis-a-vis U.S. interests. If anything, the U.S. knows that -- at the bare minimum -- IK would carry out any IMF reform, pave the way for FDI, and tightly align Pakistan's security interests with US strategic goals in the region. Ultimately, the fight in Pakistan is between two camps that want power, but neither one is particularly anti-U.S.
Imran Khan slapped Biden by pretending to be a victor when USA was leaving Afghanistan.
Then he slapped again by dealing with Russians against their wishes.
This behavior is deadly for America's power projection.
America wants to make a horrible example of IK so no one tries it again.
America may even allow IK back as long as he doesn't challenge them again.
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