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Zainabiyoun Brigade could become Pakistan’s new national security problem

It is their propaganda, brother. We can see it even on this forum.

Either you support Pakistan or Iran.

You cannot support both at the same time, due to the nature of Iranian strategic and geopolitical aims, which are opposed to Pakistan.


It is HIGH time that ALL Pakistanis start thinking about the interests of ONLY Pakistan.
Someone should tell, if IK is PM of Pakistan or Iran?

Imagine, GCC working hard to win sanctions on Iran, while Pakistan bidding for absolving of Iran sanctions, this translates to nothing but confronting GCC.
May be people would argue on the perception but remember not everyone think same way, this is why foreign policies are made keeping national interests above all, not to please all.
One must wonder, what exactly is Pakistan's foreign policy here?

I'm not saying that Pakistan should not bid for Iran but where's the sense in risking source of remittances, military and economic aid.
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No armed militia is good for any country

A little bit off topic example iv seen just few hours ago in French TV channel.
It was about an African country (yes again - some people will understand) where there was a political instability. Some town organised self defense groupes with locals. What happened next was those self defense groupes started to behave like mafias.

So better to not let any armed militia prosper inside Pakistan. need to remind people what did TTP and co... ?

we should stop to think, talk in terms of Shia or Sunni... we should talk in terms of Pakistan and Pakistanis only.

Hope sanity prevails among us.
in French TV channel.
It was about an African country (yes again - some people will understand) where there was a political instability.

Convienient that a French TV portrays Africa as such to its gullible masses
It was revealed that the Pakistani Shia militias, who previously acted individually, were organized under the name ‘Zainabiyoun Brigade’ in 2014 following a missile attack by the Salafi militias on the Shrine of Sayyida Zaynab in Damascus in 2012. According to the Tehran administration, protecting the Shrine of Sayyida Zaynab against attacks is the main reason this group is in Syria.

The group, which got its name from Prophet Mohammad’s cousin and son-in-law Ali’s daughter Zaynab
"Prophet Mohammad’s cousin and son-in-law Ali’s daughter Zaynab"
Do you mean the Prophet's Granddaughter? :crazy:

that's a very round about way of saying granddaughter unless you wanted to make her seem less significant

I think most Sunnis AND Shias would want her shrine protected from rocket attacks.
Just this point made the article seem like it was trying to stoke sectarianism
why dont Iran left us in peace? sometimes they send indian terrorists some times their own......and when we retaliate they start crying.

Iran should undertand Pakistan is not some lazzy and useless Arab country.
Imran Khan was driving car for money and release of some friend of Shehryar Afridi from Saudi jail.
Otherwise all his life he has mocked Saudis... you can do google by your self.

It's also not conditional that we should either fight Iranian wars or else curse the Saudis for unknown reason.

There were no such demands to curse MBS in parallel to every Iranian crime we post, until Iranian crimes against Pakistan's sovereignty become public knowledge, but that's NONSENSE... either people don't understand difference between friend and foe or mafia here is begging for some sort of trade in!

If Pakistan's interests are interlinked with jobs in Saudi Arabia and aid from Saudi Arabia, than it's not my design, neither i'm cursing anyone to please you.

Just simply get lost but before disappearing caption this and guess who's driving who's car?

View attachment 686913

View attachment 686912

IK has been more times into Saudi Arabia along with COAS then in Iran, infact only once he went to Iran.

You are clearly talking from your behind with your non sensical propaganda.

IK give two cent to both Saudi and Iran, only Pakistani interests matter.
As i said, there's hardly a single shia house hold, who has not sent FIGHTERS to fight Iranian proxy wars aka terrorism, and who knows, how else new regime is serving Iran.
Funy how none of the Shia households on my fathers of the family have sent anyone to join Iranian proxy wars.

You must be receiving intelligence straight from the Laskhar-e-Jhangvi bastards.

Once again, comments spreading sectarian hatred are not allowed.
Shia in Pakistan are organized and backed by Iran regime, they live in Pakistan like thugs, they are above the law of Pakistan.

While every shia have a picture of Iranian mulla at home, or as his mobile home screen.
Sect. less Muslims are being target killed on daily basis and Imran Khan is using state machinery to victimize them. You expect they should sit quite and do not react to the thuggery of state, which clearly is working to enforce Khumenisim on all of Pakistan.

Again, more breaking super duper top secret intelligence straight from the Lashkar-e-Jhangvi bastards
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Pakistan needs to take them out before it is too late they have been already fighting for Iranian interests.

Orya Maqbool Jan discussed it briefly. Basically there is a faction of the West which wants to reward Iran for helping them destroy Afghanistan and Iraq.

Pakistan will have to be vigilant as Iranian and Western interests largely converge when it comes to Iran's Sunni neighbors (plus Azerbaycan.) Same for India.

It will be quite interesting to see what happens when Assad begins to lose his grip on Syria again due to his downward spiraling economy and inability to repay loans given by the Russians and Iranians.
Funy how none of the Shia households on my fathers of the family have sent anyone to join Iranian proxy wars.

You must be receiving intelligence straight from the Laskhar-e-Jhangvi bastards.

Once again, comments spreading sectarian hatred are not allowed.


Again, more breaking super duper top secret intelligence straight from the Lashkar-e-Jhangvi bastards

This is how Indo Iranian puppies target Muslim sin Pakistan by accusing them as lashker Jhangvi.
Even the article writer is lashkar jhangvi for you,.. you can ask support from your friends camping at Chabahar port Iran.
There's a reason, why Pakistani jurnos. can't talk about Indo-Irani nexus, so only international friends of lashkar jhangvi do that.
Reality bites... which Kulbhoshan Yadeve leaked and as a result the army officer who arrested him was killed by the mafia.
Orya Maqbool Jan discussed it briefly. Basically there is a faction of the West which wants to reward Iran for helping them destroy Afghanistan and Iraq.
That is an idea, BUT THE REALITY is that Pakistan your country has been rewarded for helping destroy Afghanistan, for example through taking revenue and taxes on NATO convoys transiting through Pakistan....your country enabled the destruction of Afghanistan by doing things like that. You also gave US a drone base in Shamsi, which was used to kill so many Pakistani and Afghani civilians....but those drones operated our of your territory! Why blame Iran when Iran isnt the major problem in those countries? Iraq? The whole world but you knows US destroyed Iraq alone, Iran is a neighbor that has a right to and interests in a stable united Iraq, and they've had a dirty history, the 8 year war.

Pakistan will have to be vigilant as Iranian and Western interests largely converge when it comes to Iran's Sunni neighbors (plus Azerbaycan.) Same for India.
Iranian and Western interests "largely" converge when it comes to Iran's SUnni neighbors?
HOOOOW? Lets analyze some examples to test your theory:
Kuwait- US supports monarchy, Iran doesnt like the monarchy
Saudi ARabia- US supports the monarchy, Iran dislikes the monarchy
Iraq- Iran supports Shiite majority central govt, US and TUrkey support Sunni faction in Parliament and ISIS activities in Iraq.
Bahrain- US supports the monarchy, Iran hates the monarchy.
UAE- US supports the monarchy, Iran is neutral/not too happy about the monarchy there.
Egypt- Iran supported Muslim Brotherhood, US and West support MIlitary dictatorship, AKA Sisi
Yemen- US support ex military dictator Hadi, while Iran supports Islamist revolutionary liberation Houthis...

So in none of those Sunni neighbors of Iran's does Iran and Western interests "largely converge"?? Its bogus, its actually your country + US/NATO + Sunni ARab countries that generally have the same interests. YOu dont attack each other publicly on many issues that are sensitive and relevant today if they disagree on it.
It will be quite interesting to see what happens when Assad begins to lose his grip on Syria again due to his downward spiraling economy and inability to repay loans given by the Russians and Iranians.
LMAO....Assad won the war and has established dominance again in SYria, that is not my opinion, that is the truth and reality in Syria today. I laugh because your opinion here is so approrpiate for maybe year 2013 or so...when Assad was down alot and almost above to give up and lose, but those days are so far away...ARab country after Arab country is doing more trade with SYria, including your brother Saudi ARabia, times have changed, and another Iranian ally defeats the Western + ME Sunni world's attempts to turn the tables against Iran and her allies...
Do not take this opinion against any religion or sect, because Iran is not a name of any religion or sect but a country and state. Under no circumstances we should rely on India's ally in Chahbahar port. From Balochistan to mosques, Iran has also been India's ally in terrorism. They are as dangerous as the mother of terrorists , India
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why dont Iran left us in peace? sometimes they send indian terrorists some times their own......and when we retaliate they start crying.

Iran should undertand Pakistan is not some lazzy and useless Arab country.
what about Jundollah ? ISI let Saudis and US use them to do damage to Iran's national security. Pakistan and Iranian govt BOTH accept quietly that they both have supported not so good elements against the other country, not out of intentional spite though, but out of desperation to meet other objectives. Iran AND Pakistan have hosted groups that are hostile to the other. But these activities can cease quickly...because Iran and Pakistan both have generally good relations...
Do not take opinion against any religion or sect, because Iran is not a religion or sect but a country and state. Under no circumstances we should rely on India's ally in Chahbahar port. From Balochistan to mosques, Iran has also been India's ally in terrorism. They are as dangerous as the mother of terrorists , India

Yes, brother 100% correct.

We can observe their activities in Pakistan and see the destabilizing role they have played in Afghanistan.

Iran cannot be trusted. Their proxies harm harmed many innocents and destroyed the lives of countless civilians in the Muslim world.

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