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Zaid Hamid Vs an educated man

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Actually we are afraid of the man who can turn pakistan to a superpower in 5 years & send a man to moon literally in 5 years....with guarantee !!!! :woot:

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kuch bhi ho yeh Zaid Hamid hai bara interesting banda...

^^ thanks gene for this MOON video..had not seen this..
can you compare them no both have different features


Its jus like comparing LCA(Upper pic) with JF17(Bottom pic) or Bharat Verma(Upper pic) with Zaid Hamid(Bottom pic)
Actually we are afraid of the man who can turn pakistan to a superpower in 5 years & send a man to moon literally in 5 years....with guarantee !!!! :woot:

YouTube - Zaid Hamid Predict about Pakistan

What was that? Is there any miracle known by Mr Hamid that with in five years Pakistanis will be in Moon, the whole world's decisions will be taken in Pakistani and Pakistan will be a superpower, He guarantees it! :angel:

I guess no country on earth can go to the Moon or becaome superpower so fast. :pop:
he should step into politics and contest the elections.

if indians were to vote in pakistan elections i m sure he would have won it. all educated Indians want him to be our enemy's leader.
any one can be prime minister or president of Pakistan

you need just one quality

how to speak against India speak shout and loud against India

so easy to gain name money power in Pakistan make peoples fool
Cuz when every he Speak against GoI, they start sweating from everywhere (you noe wat i am saying:rofl:)

I for once truely support Zaid Hamit i think he should rule pakistan as long as he can - pakistanis deserve him and need his services the most.
I as a Pakistani thinks that Zion Hamid must stop poisoning & deluding minds of Pakistanis with his super natural claims of righteousness, total reliance on religion as a 'logic' & hysterical emotional speeches he's doing what some what Hitler used to do 'sense of superiority with mixture of emotions & Racism' the only difference is Hitler used racism & he's using religion
You must persuade some if your pakistani mates to accept the highlighted statement^^^
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