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Zaid Hamid Vs an educated man

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yes we are scared of fools....:lol::lol:

Are you afraid of this guy?



No we just act like that :lol: so that our rivals love him, take him to the heights and continue to remain in delusional fake world.:pop: World spy agencies have to invest a lot of money in doing that and we got it for free.:D

indians just abuse they have no facts on any thing to talk a\bout that so
dont conversate with them
its there national problem
we should help india sending our psychatrics to them
Come on Guy's you are just acting like buch of Teen boys.

Please see the both side what they are saying.

Yes funding is coming from Arab countries, Anti American and Anti Pakistan Elements .
The idelogy is a fact. If you see the total scenario Taliban it seems only one Ideology believer is doing this terrorism.

. Lazker e Janghvi
. Sephah he Sahaba
. JUI (Jmeet0
. Taliban (Pakistani or Afghanistan)
and other. All are followers of Dubande Thought of Islam.

I did't see any Suni Thought means Bralvi, Sufi or even Shia thought of Islam doing this terrorism.

Its an old video, I think he has been asked to keep shut and haven't heard from him for a while

But again, he has shown himself to show no sense. Its people like ZH that keep confusing the Pakistani populace and weakening the war against Extremists.


You seem to be uninformed in linking Deobandi school of thought with these people. As mentioned in the video it is a political Islamic ideology first advocated by Syed Qutb in Egypt. Nothing to do with Deoband.

This thread here should clarify some of these ideological issues.
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You seem to be uninformed in linking Deobandi school of thought with these people. As mentioned in the video it is a political Islamic ideology first advocated by Syed Qutb in Egypt. Nothing to do with Deoband.

Dear Ejaz R.

If you please check Syed qutb was also from same thought of Islam. But my question or Analyse was it seems most of the Organizations who are responsible of Bomb Blast, Subside Blast are Dubande School Of Thoughts.

And i can tell you that the Dubande Thoughts of people in pakistan is less than Even Shia School of Thoughts. So Majority of Suni Muslims are against these Terrorism.

Thank you.
^^So are you saying that Syed Qutb was a graduate of Deoband ? That is not correct

He was not even a graduate of ANY Islamic university/dar-ul-uloom/madrassa and that is probably what went wrong. He applied his own theory of revolution and revivalism probably impressed by the communist and leftist revolutions taking place and advocated this idea of establishing a political Islamic state if not easily then by force. No traditional school of thought advocates this ideology. Identifying the wrong people by the actions of a few is just like saying all Muslims are terrorists just because there are so many Muslims who do such acts. Completely wrong. There might be peopel associated with these school of thoughts that are involved in militant activities but the main driver is the political religious ideology. Hence you have groups like Hizb-e-Tahrir who don't advocate any school of thought but are equally problematic.

Although not complete, this Wikipedia entry is more or less accurate on his bio
Sayyid Qutb - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Ziad Hamid got some perfect answers for his mythological conspiracies. Man like him will only increase hatred between India and Pakistan.
I as a Pakistani thinks that Zion Hamid must stop poisoning & deluding minds of Pakistanis with his super natural claims of righteousness, total reliance on religion as a 'logic' & hysterical emotional speeches he's doing what some what Hitler used to do 'sense of superiority with mixture of emotions & Racism' the only difference is Hitler used racism & he's using religion
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now look at the description of Video....

Situation Room with Ayla Malik (09-12-09) - A real picture of terrorism in Pakistan. We have to get the doggy (america) out to clean the well. The role of Pakistani Govt. is highly suspected criminal and shameful. Dr. Khalid Zaheer is a big lier seems to be funded to talk for israel India and America and spreading misconceptions and lies. Zaid Hamid answered him very very logically which dr. khalid zaheer the lier couldn't reply properly but his face and eyes were telling the truth. Pakistani Talibaan Terrorists are supported and funded by israel india and america. Afghaani Talibaans are not against Pakistan, they are only fighting against the powers came to loot and to create fassaad in the land. Dr. Farooq Malik analyzed well. Ayla Malik realistic ancor on dunya news.
The Obsession with ZH continues even thought he is not in Pakistan anymore & nobody knows if he will ever return but this obsession with ZH knows no bounds :cheesy: i was just reminded of this quote from Desperate House wives S-1 " Long after the loved ones are gone their love remains etched in our hearts" :rofl:
World spy agencies have to invest a lot of money in doing that and we got it for free.:D

shhhhhhhh......he s probably a agent of CIA-RAW-Mossad...:rofl:
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