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Zaid Hamid taking on Indian Major General

Well all I saw in this video was a frustrated person. He was unhappy that they could not do anything. He talked about 1000 years of rule without realizing he was getting ruled at that time and not the ruler.

That depends on the PoV you take. Religious identity would prove him right(to an extent), nationalistic identity would prove him wrong.

Most defense analysts in India have a view that a weak, truncated Pakistan is in India's interest .....Don't know why you think otherwise.

The Western consensus is also for breaking up Pakistan which it perceives to be a rogue, nuclear armed state which is nothing but permanent trouble.

You think the US will let Pak go unpunished for hosting Osama and duping them, when the Americans were spending their blood and sweat looking for him in Afghanistan?

The entire operations in Afghanistan is for exporting civil war to Pakistan and speeding its disintegration.

In this, India and Israel are on board with the West. Russia doesn't care.

Only China will be sorry to see its investment written off.

I am glad the someone recognizes the true game here.
Zaid's Hamid's monologue shows that he's so pissed with the Indians that he's not even allowing others to speak, as usual! He needs to see a psychiatrist to cure his chronic verbal diarrhea.

He is so dumb, he calls Indians, 'Hindus' which is incorrect! He even says that Muslims ruled over Hindus for 1000 years! Really? Is he aware that 90% Muslims were Hindus for the past 1000 years and converted to Islam much later? Is he also aware that Pakistan was part of India pre 1947 and the Muslims there were also hounded by the Muslims rulers?

And finally this idiot says that Pakistan will cut India into a thousand pieces and reduce it to the size of Sri Lanka!! Really?

He's such a feather brain that I don't even want to comment on his anti India rants.
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That depends on the PoV you take. Religious identity would prove him right(to an extent), nationalistic identity would prove him wrong.

Not sure if that applies. Most Muslims of present day Pakistan are a result of forced conversion by sword during that supposed 1000 year rule .. So religious identity probably would prove him wrong before nationalistic identity does..

Unless he can trace back his family tree to a different place.
I dont know why some guys think ZH was giving hard time in discussion with Indian couterparts? I mean he never talked about the topic, rather he is talking about his own version of History.. Why did anyone even invite him for discussion?
I dont know why some guys think ZH was giving hard time in discussion with Indian couterparts? I mean he never talked about the topic, rather he is talking about his own version of History.. Why did anyone even invite him for discussion?

comic relief :)
Zaid Hamid, Mubashir Lucman, Sheikh Rasheed, Gen. Pervaiz Musharraf, Air Marshal Shahid Latif & so many others like them know how to defend Pakistan in front of the world. They know how to deal with Indians who only live in the world of lies, ficitons & propaganda.
Not sure if that applies. Most Muslims of present day Pakistan are a result of forced conversion by sword during that supposed 1000 year rule .. So religious identity probably would prove him wrong before nationalistic identity does..

Unless he can trace back his family tree to a different place.

B.S. Most Muslims of Present day Pakistan are not forced conversion. Please stop reading textbook propaganda if you eagerly write against it for Pakistan. They are converts from Sufi preachers.
It's interesting to listen him but my pakistani friends he can entertain you guys for speaking anti India but I feel surprise if pakistan got only his type of think tank left for discussion on national tv. He talks totally non sense and always out of topic!!
B.S. Most Muslims of Present day Pakistan are not forced conversion. Please stop reading textbook propaganda if you eagerly write against it for Pakistan. They are converts from Sufi preachers.

You are talking to hindutvas, who either believe Pakistanis were forced or raped :lol:
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