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Zaid Hamid Sentenced to 8 years in Jail and 1200 Lashes

I don't think an Egyptian or even a Saudi will be given preferential treatment. Nevertheless, I do not know of any instance of a European getting beheaded. But on the other hand, the general perception here is that Bangladeshis are fair game given their frequent run ins of the serious type with the law (drug trafficking, murder). Also I have often read about Pakistanis getting the death penalty for drug related offenses. Indians or other nationalities if at all are awarded the death penalty would get it for murder and even that would be for manslaughter(voluntary as well as involuntary. There's no difference here) than culpable homicide. They are rarely in the news for .

Thanks, so you have your head chopped off even if you kill someone accidentally in a car crash or maybe a doctor who made a mistake while treating a patient?

Here is a link to an article from Nov 2014 by a british man who lives in Saudi. According to him he has not had any major problems other than someone spitting on him from a moving car and his wife getting abducted, she was released when she started cutting up the seats of the car with a knife she carried with her.....so damage to the car caught their eye but not fear of the law for abducting a woman!

Expat Workers Treatment By Saudis; How Expats are treated in Saudi Arabia
Man, the Saudis are really having a nightmare recently - every move they make is wrong!

ZH is a big mouth and an imbecile tbh, but he is a friend of KSA - Saudis have shot themselves in the foot again with this.
Excellent move on their part, I might say...... more catalyst to obliterate the kingdom....... this will TOTALLY flip the last remaining elements of pro-Saudi lobby in Pakistan's Armed Forces and ........in a very special ................. all in all, awesome for Pakistan......

Man, the Saudis are really having a nightmare recently - every move they make is wrong!

ZH is a big mouth and an imbecile tbh, but he is a friend of KSA - Saudis have shot themselves in the foot again with this.
Lal topi ka pichhwara lal hoga, ise power milegi Ghazwa - e Hind ke liye :omghaha::omghaha::omghaha:

you mean

Now Zaid Hamis saheb will turn his Gun to Saudi. Gaza e hind Postpone. Gazwa e saudi is in priority.

Frankly speaking, I am hurt by this inhuman punishment to Zaid sahab.
Now Zaid Hamis saheb will turn his Gun to Saudi. Gaza e hind Postpone. Gazwa e saudi is in priority.

Frankly speaking, I am hurt by this inhuman punishment to Zaid sahab.

You should save your pity. He wanted to behead all Brahmins of India. You were on his radar. As being below the Shudras, I was apparently safe. He had quite a bit of sympathy for my kind.
I'm just waiting for his first reaction once he comes out of the jail after completing his term! Will have to wait for 8 long years....damn..
You should save your pity. He wanted to behead all Brahmins of India. You were on his radar. As being below the Shudras, I was apparently safe. He had quite a bit of sympathy for my kind.


How do you know that I am a Brahmin?

Saint (Evil) Xevior also wanted Brahmin's to be killed. He wrote that had brahmins not been there, he would have converted whole India into Christianity.
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