Girl everybody knows who is suffering from inferiority complex Thats why Pakistanis always wrote fake history here just like you did now

becasue they dont have any ahievements an history of there own

yes man we cannot achieve medals in rapes yeah u r right
I have read it countered it.Why dont you telll me the name of Pakistani rulers who ruled India,You cant!! because there are none.One the other hand we ruled Pakistan also you were ruled by Turks,Arabs e.t.c.Pakistanis were always slaves and still are in the modern world

They never ruled there land
for this!!! again read my post until u understand what i was talking and then answer this accordingly my friend
By Pakistan i meant the piece of land which is there now.You are saying that Pakistan was not there then how you can say that Pakistanis ruled Indians??

.I know Pakistanis and logic are antonyms to each other but still try to grasp it,May be you will get it.

I know truth hurts