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Zaid Hamid commentary

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In earlier post you claimed that Mr Zaid live in a temple like masonic underground building in Scheme 3. Then you claimed that you have followed him for 6 months and you have seen him going there in that temple in Chaklala scheme 3. and Now you are saying the temple is not in Scheme 3.

First make up your mind which statment of yours is true.

So where is that temple Now ???


Dear let's not get tangled in context here. Go back and read please, I said I live in scheme 3 and he lives close to me. I have seen him attend an underground masonic temple because indeed we were following him. Underground meaning not literally in the damn ground dear!! But hidden, it is a simple building but same people, same swanky cars and SUV's always meeting there once a week. I have shown you a house of a high ranking member, whose house ALSO happens to have masonic architecture. This man is one of my neighbor...him I have seen meet Kazzab Sahib many times. Ignore the proofs at your own leisure. :)

PS - If he is not directly a Kazzab he was a student and defender of one, which makes him a real Kazzab on top of being a small Kazzab.
Dear let's not get tangled in context here. Go back and read please, I said I live in scheme 3 and he lives close to me. I have seen him attend an underground masonic temple because indeed we were following him. Underground meaning not literally in the damn ground dear!! But hidden, it is a simple building but same people, same swanky cars and SUV's always meeting there once a week. I have shown you a house of a high ranking member, whose house ALSO happens to have masonic architecture. This man is one of my neighbor...him I have seen meet Kazzab Sahib many times. Ignore the proofs at your own leisure. :)

:) Read your ealier claims please read all your posts.

And i am asking about the location of this underground masonic temple. Because i have seen the entire scheme III and i did not find any such building there.

The administeration there have details of each and every household so no question of escaping by anyone.

The pic of the house you have posted doesnt prove anything as such designs are normal in posh areas even here in Peshawar Hayatabad many homes have this design mainly inspired from the houses in the West, England etc.

PS - If he is not directly a Kazzab he was a student and defender of one, which makes him a real Kazzab on top of being a small Kazzab.

Nop not at all. This doesnt make anyone a small or big kazzab.

Your lack of knowledge about the word itself speaks volume for your confusion. I think you are also made confused by some elements.

I pray for you to have a proof of what you are saying otherwise accuse everyone of being a freemeason.
i am realy feeling bad that you are telling a lie after a lie. He doesnt not have any bodyguard neither any security.


First I thought you might be neutral party, but after reading this I am starting to have my doubts ! You mean to say you've never seen his plain clothsed "assistants" ? Dear I live in Scheme 3, I live and breath every day and I know what goes on in my neighborhood. Please tell me which binocular you are using from Peshawar to keep eye on Hamid sahib :) ;)
The pic of the house you have posted doesnt prove anything as such designs are normal in posh areas even here in Peshawar Hayatabad many homes have this design mainly inspired from the houses in the West, England etc.
The pic of the house I provided is not only interesting because of the architecture. The old baba who lives here brought masonry with him from the UK in the 50's. He is very prominent, owning not only houses in each major city but LOTS of ownership in media...believe it or not GEO tv being one. I can't give out proof after proof because this is all I am willing to share at this point, I believe it is a good amount. The rest people have to use their own brains and brawns to answer these questions! The truth shall set you free!
i -------------------------------------------

First I thought you might be neutral party, but after reading this I am starting to have my doubts ! You mean to say you've never seen his plain clothsed "assistants" ? Dear I live in Scheme 3, I live and breath every day and I know what goes on in my neighborhood. Please tell me which binocular you are using from Peshawar to keep eye on Hamid sahib :) ;)

name the plain clothed "assistants" and i will let you know if you are right or just assuming things.

I have seen people at his office and there are no plain clothed bodyguards neither he has any security. I have visited his office and met his kids they even dont have any bodygaurd at their home.

There are office people one is admin/accountant and the other is his PS who keep schedual of office meetings and arranging the lectures when invited by some educational institutes. Indeed he wears shalwar kameez and often travel with mr Zaid for lectures BUT he is a common man he doesnt carry any weapon neither he is a security person.

Even their office did not have any weapon uptill few months back. It was just last two months that now they have started checking the visiters before allowing them into the office at gate.
The pic of the house I provided is not only interesting because of the architecture. The old baba who lives here brought masonry with him from the UK in the 50's. He is very prominent, owning not only houses in each major city but LOTS of ownership in media...believe it or not GEO tv being one. I can't give out proof after proof because this is all I am willing to share at this point, I believe it is a good amount. The rest people have to use their own brains and brawns to answer these questions! The truth shall set you free!

:) But what you are saying is not proof but mere saying, claims.

And Zardari, Nawaz, Altaf Hussian and many other wealthy people have properties in every big city does it make them freemeasons??

:agree: people should use their brains to assert if your claims sans proofs are true or not.

I am willing to believe you if you prove it. Because the house design you posted is not something which could prove it.

Because this design is common in many posh areas.
I think I've proved way more here than Mr. wanna be Ottoman has tried. I understand you have a soft spot for him, met his kids (even Stalin had kids) but let's be real...the guy is not only making lots of money, he has kicked off the start to a political career. I have nothing to gain or lose from his success or failures. But I call a crook where I see one, provide what I can and let people decide.

PS - Zardari, Nawaz and Hussain aren't masons, the proper word is bastards. They probably are masons too, but bastards first.

These petty maulvi's are sectarian rats.

They can't stand anyone doing anything good for the country or even for their fellow Muslims.

Mosques and Mazar's are held hostage under them for personal business.

Zaid Hamid has clearly said he's a Muslim and believes in the Finality of Prophethood. In Shariah law that is more than enough to shred any doubts. But these rascals will keep bringing it up again and again for some publicity n personal gains. What a shame.
name the plain clothed "assistants" and i will let you know if you are right or just assuming things.

I have seen people at his office and there are no plain clothed bodyguards neither he has any security. I have visited his office and met his kids they even dont have any bodygaurd at their home.

There are office people one is admin/accountant and the other is his PS who keep schedual of office meetings and arranging the lectures when invited by some educational institutes. Indeed he wears shalwar kameez and often travel with mr Zaid for lectures BUT he is a common man he doesnt carry any weapon neither he is a security person.

Even their office did not have any weapon uptill few months back. It was just last two months that now they have started checking the visiters before allowing them into the office at gate.


First you said no security the man is a walking book now you say "oh just few months back they have weapons now and check people at the gate" what is it Miss Jana? ;)
I think I've proved way more here than Mr. wanna be Ottoman has tried. I understand you have a soft spot for him, met his kids (even Stalin had kids) but let's be real...the guy is not only making lots of money, he has kicked off the start to a political career. I have nothing to gain or lose from his success or failures. But I call a crook where I see one, provide what I can and let people decide.

PS - Zardari, Nawaz and Hussain aren't masons, the proper word is bastards. They probably are masons too, but bastards first.

I have an underground basement in my house and I spend most of my time here to chill with friends who come in BMW and SUV's too sometimes.

I also have an old freaky looking dog and a broken lamp outside my house where bats have made a nest.

Does that mean I am a Freemason, too??
I have an underground basement in my house and I spend most of my time here to chill with friends who come in BMW and SUV's too sometimes.

I also have an old freaky looking dog and a broken lamp outside my house where bats have made a nest.

Does that mean I am a Freemason, too??


In the words of Asim Aquil...go die. ;)

PS - Underground does not mean literally under the ground, which is where you nasty tongue belongs ;)
I think I've proved way more here than Mr. wanna be Ottoman has tried. I understand you have a soft spot for him, met his kids (even Stalin had kids) but let's be real...the guy is not only making lots of money, he has kicked off the start to a political career. I have nothing to gain or lose from his success or failures. But I call a crook where I see one, provide what I can and let people decide.

PS - Zardari, Nawaz and Hussain aren't masons, the proper word is bastards. They probably are masons too, but bastards first.


:rofl::rofl::rofl: ok i am sure that you are too much reading into things which you can not prove.

Another lie from you about making money as far as i know he does NOT own any property in Pakistan neither abroad.

He does not have any bank balance of his own.

He is living in a rented house.

His wife or his kids do not own any property neither bank balance.

Please have some heart.

As far as political career everyone in this country is a free citizen and he/she can start a political career as per constitution of Pakistan it is not treason rather right of every citizen.

Come on. I did not see a single proof about even calling some people in Chaklala as free measons.
In the words of Asim Aquil...go die. ;)

PS - Underground does not mean literally under the ground, which is where you nasty tongue belongs ;)

You haven't answered my question.

Underground means Under the ground in the English language.

I am speaking English here.


Can you hear me? *clears throat*
Yep, I'm all lies and Mr. Syed Zaid Zaman Hamid who yesterday was denying all relationship with Yusuf Kazzab now acknowledges he was delivering letters for him, and defends him with all sorts of newly fabricated material. Yes, let's take all accountability and spotlight away from him and target me, someone you will never know or find, nor someone who is a personality with a huge media empire and political career at stake.

Mr. Hamid has no money, he has no assets, his children are living on angel tears, his wife doesnt need money nor food because she is an angel herself, rented property in a 700,000 USD house in Pakistan might not mean a lot to you, but most people would disagree dear. Still love you ;)
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