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Your Views on other nations after joing PDF?

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Indians have a higher troll percentage.
Take this post as a user Zakii only ---- just a personal opinion so you are free to disagree

Pakistanis: 70% of them are troll in this forum. busy attacking India and makes no sense in their post.

Chinese: 80% of them are troll and busy attacking India and replying to trolls. 20% of them are very knowledgeable and love reading their posts

Indians: Surprisingly the most emotional people I have seen in this forum. I thought Pakistanis are the most emotional but after I became the moderator and the loose language I read posted by Indian members --- They are shockingly too emotional... 80% of them are troll. Some of the members are obsessed with Pakistan and only join PDF to insult other members or Pakistan and after getting banned, create new ID and do it once again until the other ID is also banned.

Iranians: Arrogant, annoying but I like their foreign policies. Self-respect means a lot to them so good to see that... but they do too many personal attacks to other members/nationalities thinking as if they are earning rewards from the God... 80% of them are troll.

Arabs: Carbon copy of Iranians and above statement is also valid for them

Bangladeshis: 50% pro Pakistani - 50% anti-Pakistani... bit emotional, some of them makes sense to me --- some of them are just like Pakistani, Indian or Chinese trolls who just attack each other pointlessly.

Americans: 90% of American members are very intelligent and makes sense in their post. Only 10% are irritating and only join this forum to troll.
Thanks Zakii for letting me know how to create threads. :yahoo:
Indians have a higher troll percentage.

That is only because we have genuine Pakistani members in this site who are willing to contribute while not all Indian members are willing to contribute.. some of them just join to troll... so the percentage is higher if you see in that perspective :D
Today's situation don back your words.
I live in Karachi and I beg to differ, we're much safer here than Indians are in India and I've been to India, I know what I'm talking about
Today's situation don back your words.
I live in Karachi and I beg to differ, we're much safer here than Indians are in India and I've been to India, I know what I'm talking about
Views about
Pakistanis A considerable portion of them don't look at Arabs with regard. However, I find many of them well educated and mannered.
Chinease Surprised with the extend of rivalry with Indians.
Indians I didn't know that Indians like and admire Israel.
Iranians Nothing new. Every single post must contain words like Wahabi, Zionist...etc
Bangladeshis The nicest people here.
Turkish Sharp tongues,
Afghans I haven't had any discusstion with them.
you like it or not but word USA become blood boil for us now . killing us - bombing us - subatage us - spying us - pressurized us- and threatening us -by your gov's daily job .what you expect still we love USA ? a country is with people . your CIA illegally kill our thousands civilians and bomb us daily what Americans as a nation did to stop them for bombing us blindly ? nothing damage pakistan more then USA . we was living in peace and respect until US come to this region .
As I said earlier, America certainly needs to exercise much, much, more care in how we conduct ourselves, but why have we taken the actions in Pakistan that we have? Because far too many times, Pakistan has returned our friendship, our aid, and our efforts to help them, by openly or covertly giving aid and comfort to those who murder American citizens and destabilise their neighbours and ironically, Pakistan itself. Giving nuclear technology to Iran who has sworn to destroy America, over and over, and is a pariah to the community of nations. Giving active aid to the Taliban who made a nice comfortable home for Al-Qaeada to murder us from. Do you think Americans want to be fighting in Afghanistan? Do you think we want to attack targets in Pakistan? If you think so, then you know nothing about my country or it's people. Our country is one of such relative peace and tranquillity, that most Americans cannot even grasp the ancient hatreds and conflicts of your part of the world at all. We find it incomprehensible. We are also not the British. We hate the idea of exerting so much power around the world. We are war-weary and only want security to live in peace, but a festering movement in the Islamic world seems hell-bent on causing death and destruction to innocent civilians all over the world. America will NEVER again, depend on others to ensure that terrorists are dealt with. Where they find a home, America will work with those countries as best as we can to assist them in combating such terrorists, but if they demonstrate that they cannot or will not, then America will hunt those murdering bastards down and deliver justice to them, wherever they are. Make no mistake, we are not a lazy people. We will fight the terrorists another 100 years if that is what it takes.
That is only because we have genuine Pakistani members in this site who are willing to contribute while not all Indian members are willing to contribute.. some of them just join to troll... so the percentage is higher if you see in that perspective :D

Zaki, India is the most attacked country on PDF (98% Pakistanis, 98% Chinese, 98% Bangladeshi show their love for us day in day out). I don't hate Pakistanis but there is always a limit to which one can tolerate BS.

They attack Indian muslim who is posting for India like anything. Trying to prove that he/she is doing it not because India is their country but because they have to prove loyalty to someone. I seriously have no words for such idiots..
pakistan ...................................................................................
INDIA .... superpower:flame:
As I said earlier, America certainly needs to exercise much, much, more care in how we conduct ourselves, but why have we taken the actions in Pakistan that we have? Because far too many times, Pakistan has returned our friendship, our aid, and our efforts to help them, by openly or covertly giving aid and comfort to those who murder American citizens and destabilise their neighbours and ironically, Pakistan itself.
You have no right to criticize what we do or not do with your money. It's your fault for giving it to us, after that, it's ours and we can use it to give Al-Qaeda nukes. You have no right to talk, you have no right to speak, look at your country's obnoxious behaviour. They think that they can muddy the tranquil lands of Pakistan with their pellucidly aggressive drones.
Mr. Bond....this is a PAKISTAN DEFENCE FORUM

we dont celebrate when indians die at least.....whereas in your bharat rakshak forums they openly glee when Pakistani civlians (forget army) are killed in terror/targeted/insurgent attacks

so maybe you should talk to your own people first because there is much more hatred in them than there is in us
After joining here I have realised those some in India that can afford food and computer are disgusting low lifes that start to think they are white and American. They really have gone down into the gutter for me.

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