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Your views on Gay Marriage

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I personally am completely against anything which is against the laws set for us by nature ... Just where will this quest for complete freedom ends for democracy preachers ???
My opinions are based on religious teaching regarding homosexuality. Christianity strictly forbids this universally and i agree with it. Its simply not natural. To me there is no difference between a person who does a goat (or any other animal) and a gay.

Do you even know that homosexuality is highly prevalent among many animal species? It is quite common in the animal kingdom.

List of animals displaying homosexual behavior

1,500 animal species practice homosexuality
Lions are also homosexual. Male lions often band together with their brothers to lead the pride. To ensure loyalty, they strengthen the bonds by often having sex with each other.

Homosexuality is also quite common among dolphins and killer whales. The pairing of males and females is fleeting, while between males, a pair can stay together for years. Homosexual sex between different species is not unusual either. Meetings between different dolphin species can be quite violent, but the tension is often broken by a “sex orgy”.

Homosexuality is a social phenomenon and is most widespread among animals with a complex herd life.

Kate on 1,500 animal species practice homosexuality
Homosexuality is quite common in the animal kingdom, especially among herding animals. Many animals solve conflicts by practicing same gender sex.

So what exactly are the laws of nature that you talk of?

FYI, nowhere in the "laws set by nature for us" is there any mention of religion or religious bigotry or discrimination based on religion, race, skin color, gender, etc.
Most people here are talking in terms of whether or not they should do this "ehsaan" on same sex couples forgetting that if the roles were reversed they would view such an imposition nothing short of cruelty and inhumanity.

Mankind needs to start understanding the values of freedom. Religion may not have a place for homosexuality but legalized partnership does not require sanction from religion and if its a sin condemned by God then let them be answerable on their own to God. You can argue, but not enforce your value systems upon them.

Problem is when people think not allowing them to express what they already know and think and believe in would somehow prevent the spread of the idea of homosexuality. As if all homosexual people are salesmen for the cause, as if, lol, as if any heterosexual can be convinced into homosexuality. Therefore I conclude that people who have a problem with homosexuality, probably are not secure about their own sexuality therefore they need a government sanctioned ban to contain themselves.

Someone up there said it quite right, you can't catch gay, its not a disease, people are probably hardwired be one.
^^^ Some african frogs in a unisexual environment, change their sex inorder to bread, its a good gift to that perticular spices and not humans. These humans who support homosexuality are some who can not persuade an opposite sex for their intimate sexual urge so they call themselves homos (pathetic creatures are they) ....
no to homo, gay, lesibian.. big nooo
Did you miss the Bannu flight?

Jokes apart, I don't know, and most of the Pukhtun I've met are themselves perplexed. That said, we have a vid on youtube of a 'beautiful lad' as an AfghanNA commandar's constant travel companion, but he doesn't talk about sexual relations in it.

And and then there's this video: watch?v=URl6sgiYrDk. Not for the faint of heart.

But you WILL find these kinds of people across the spectrum of ANY society/culture, and it is unfair on our Pukhtun friends.

Btw if you ever fiend a group of Pukhtanas going at it, give me a poke and I'll be on the next flight home!

Although I was joking but fact is that this an important subject and needs to be highlighted. Our society is full of these homosexuals and because of strict restrictions imposed by society they tend to fulfill their sexual needs through criminal activities --- child abuses etc
people who have a problem with homosexuality, probably are not secure about their own sexuality therefore they need a government sanctioned ban to contain themselves.

Someone up there said it quite right, you can't catch gay, its not a disease, people are probably hardwired be one.

True that!

Molecular neuroscience: Choosing your mate This from a scientific journal called Nature - informed people should know the importance of publishing in this prestigious journal.

Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that affects sexual preference in mice
How does a male decide with whom to mate? This is an important question for social interactions, yet its underlying molecular and cellular mechanisms are unclear. Yi Rao at Peking University and the National Institute of Biological Sciences in Beijing and co-workers1 have now demonstrated that serotonin and serotonergic neurons (neurons that use serotonin to communicate) are involved in the regulation of male sexual preference.

Unlike normal mice, mice lacking the Lmx1b gene do not develop serotonergic neurons. The researchers found that male 'Lmx1b-knockout' mice demonstrated an increased likelihood to mount other males. Male Lmx1b-knockout mice also displayed a loss of interest towards females.

The researchers found that sex drive, as measured by mounting frequency, was unaffected. The findings suggest that serotonergic neurons have an important role in the regulation of sexual preference.

The researchers also studied male 'Tph2-knockout' mice — mice without the ability to produce serotonin — and observed similar sexual behaviours to those of Lmx1b-knockout mice. They were able to restore the differences in behaviour by injecting a serotonin precursor into male Tph2-knockout mice.

The findings suggest that serotonin also has an important role in the regulation of sexual preference. The researchers are eager to see if serotonin and serotonergic neurons have similar roles in other mammalian species.

The authors of this work are from:
National Institute of Biological Sciences, Beijing, China; Graduate School, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences and Peking Union Medical College, Beijing, China; Institute of Neuroscience, Shanghai Institute of Biological Sciences, and Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Science, Shanghai, China; Departments of Anesthesiology, Psychiatry and Developmental Biology, and the Pain Center, Washington University, School of Medicine, St Louis, Missouri, USA; Peking University School of Life Sciences, State Key Laboratory of Membrane Biology, Beijing, China.


Liu, Y. et al. Molecular regulation of sexual preference revealed by genetic studies of 5-HT in the brains of male mice. Nature 472, 95–99 (2011). | Article | PubMed | ISI | ADS | ChemPort |

Any questions?
Most people here are talking in terms of whether or not they should do this "ehsaan" on same sex couples forgetting that if the roles were reversed they would view such an imposition nothing short of cruelty and inhumanity.

Mankind needs to start understanding the values of freedom. Religion may not have a place for homosexuality but legalized partnership does not require sanction from religion and if its a sin condemned by God then let them be answerable on their own to God. You can argue, but not enforce your value systems upon them.

Problem is when people think not allowing them to express what they already know and think and believe in would somehow prevent the spread of the idea of homosexuality. As if all homosexual people are salesmen for the cause, as if, lol, as if any heterosexual can be convinced into homosexuality. Therefore I conclude that people who have a problem with homosexuality, probably are not secure about their own sexuality therefore they need a government sanctioned ban to contain themselves.

Someone up there said it quite right, you can't catch gay, its not a disease, people are probably hardwired be one.

Asim bhai- what about social responsibilities?- Surely he will be answerable to his own God- but becoming or just endorsing such thing- isn't it the same thing?-
Fcuk Gay marriages, most little normal boys will follow their process. Kids will think it is normal to become gays, parents don't have authority to explain.

Pastors permitted to both gays couples kissing in church. Wtf.....same as lesbians.

There were alot of gays/lesbians people in Goliath and Babylon pasts,however God destroyed them suddenly. History repeat.
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