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Your views about Invasions of India

Invasion of India can be both good or bad. But Aryan invasion is the most terrible. It brought caste system which still poison India today.

Tamils welcome Muslim invasion, its was payback time for Aryans destruction of native Tamils - Muslims took the revenge on behalf of Tamils, millions converted and finally forced to speak a foreign language - Hindi
Islamic Invasions of india brought superior civilization, culture, and values to the land. They were a good thing, in the hindsight.

British colonialism was exploitative and disastrous. Unlike Muslim rules, Brits never saw india as "their" home. They just saw it as a girl to be r@ped brutally. While Islamic leaders saw india as their home..their only home. And did alot for its progress.

The effect of that so called Superior civilization can be seen in our western neighbour on daily basis
Dude you are like me if you dont care what happened century ago and live in reality of present world. I started this topic for two reasons

Most Indians of dharmic faiths have friendly relationship with countries or people where these invaders came from but they keep hate and bigotry for their own race because they are following the religion Islam. Its like you are brother of actual criminals and taking his revenge from your own race because they share same religion and are in minority in your country so thats bit twisted logic which i could not comprehend but at the same time i wanted to know the opinion of Indiand about them whether they paint everyone with same brush.

I dont think personally any Indian hates all pakistanis,i know of many friendships indians have with pakistanis and others in foriegn countries.

The trouble between India & Pakistan today is only part religious and not completely that.

I dont think any Hindu has great love for Turkey/Saudia/Iran and at the same time great hatred for his muslim neighbour,if at all anything it is the opposite.

Well some rulers destroyed temples for political reasons and it was not for service of Islam

Man come on,muslims see temples as shirk/idol worshippers heaven/butkhana etc etc,and no reasons political/personal/religious/economic can justify demoltions of our temples and also amazing sculptures and works of art,

You forgot the dinosaurs. :lol: Anyways you got the chronological order of the invasions right!

No offence intended. Point is all the invasions and migrations contributed to the rich culture of India. You can't single any one out (Vedic invasion) and say the rest have contributed nothing. Much of the local attire (especially in the North West), great architectures and cuisine (meat based) are contributions from the Islamic civilization. Would you deny it?

Germans are an awesome nation, but would you insist "the violent tendencies of Germans get morphed into different things in different eras? (Hitler)"

Salafism and Baghdadi are entirely new creations, like Hindutva and Modi. Hinduism (or the many local religions that are collectively called Hinduism) before India's creation had nothing to do with today's violent Gujarati/Marathi style Hindutvaism. Just an analogy.

I sincerely request you to stay out of this thread as you are not the correct person to be answering the question of the OP.
History of invasion of India is complex and there might be different opinions of any positive or negative impact of all these invasions of India in past. It was certainly not as hinduvata interpret that Indians were all one people and suddenly all Islamic invaders came and destroyed everything. Some of these invasion brought new ideas and substantially enriched Indian culture and had its impact on art, architecture,language, music, dresses, food etc.

Do Indians( especially those belong to dharmic faith) views all invaders or invasions in negative light? If that's the case then why they dont keep any enmity towards the countries where these invaders came from. I am referring to Invaders with Persian, arab, turks, Afghan, Mughals, British, Portuguese origin etc . what do you think which race of invaders were more cruel toward India or Indians?

Actually the thread title should be "Your views about Invasions of Pakistan and then India".
Were these British and Portuguese and mughals had local support? How it was possible for few thousand to rule over such huge population ? I heard that troops of British were not more than 60 to 70 thousands and ist also true for Portuguese.

By the time the mughals came in 1526,India had a muslim sulatante of Turks/Afghans since 1206,the one that Muhammad Ghori installed.

The north west that is Sindh to Multan had been muslim majority since 900 AD,so they always had help from the north west,it was not just a few kings alone.

Not to forget they had way superior firepower and ultimately the Indians never gave a proper,united military/political answer to the sultanate.
There is nothing positive or negative about the different invasions that happened in the Indian subcontinent.

That's the way history had it's own course and led to what we are now. There is no question of taking sides over here.
Then its fault of native Indians if they were divided among themselves and were busy oppressing their own kind whether low caste or women whether these raja mahraja or princes were busy in pulling legs of each others which gave opportunities to outsider for attack

There was no abuse of lower castes or women,thats your misconception or ignorance.

The fault is certainly that of native Indians,like today as well.

The Raj could not function without the cooperation of millions of Indians. Many filled the Indian army in senior ranks and as foot soldiers. Others served in the navy or the undermanned police force.

Your forefathers were native Indians too

Please dont use such words,it is not correct.

His forefather were native Pakistanis not Indians.

During the Mughal period (1526–1858) in the 16th century, the gross domestic product of India was estimated at about 20.1% of the world economy.

An estimate of India's pre-colonial economy puts the annual revenue of Emperor Akbar's treasury in 1600 at £17.5 million (in contrast to the entire treasury of Great Britain two hundred years later in 1800, which totaled £16 million). The gross domestic product of Mughal India in 1600 was estimated at about 21.3% the world economy, the second largest in the world.[17]

By the late 17th century, the Mughal Empire was as its peak and had expanded to include almost 90 per cent of South Asia, and enforced a uniform customs and tax-administration system. In 1700 the exchequer of the Emperor Aurangzeb reported an annual revenue of more than £100 million.

In the 18th century, Mughals were replaced by the Marathas as the dominant power in much of Indian, while the other small regional kingdoms who were mostly late Mughal tributaries such as the Nawabs in the north and the Nizams in the south, declared an autonomy. However, the efficient Mughal tax administration system was left largely intact.

By this time, India had fallen from the top rank to become the second-largest economy in the world.[17] A devastating famine broke out in the eastern coast in early 1770s killing 5 per cent of the national population.[18]

Economic historians in the 21st century have found that in the 18th century real wages were falling in India, and were "far below European levels

source : Wiki

I dont trust these random estimates,But almost all muslim rulers largely wanted to rule with islam on their sleeve,so the target was largely brahmins(the religious) & the kshatriyas the warriors,the muslim kings never hurt the businessmen/artisans/farmers because they contributed to the GDP,why kill or mess with something which makes you wealthy?

The fertile indian agriucltural lands gave the most tax to the treasury and the temples which gave the most gold and the businessmen who traded very well,then why mess with all this?

You know nothing about European history. Mongols, Europeans and East Asians have fought some of the most horrifying wars in human history, along with industrial scale genocides. Read what the Romans did to Carthage.

You are here today because Muslims did not do the same to you. Nor did Muslims treat you the way Mongols treated the Muslims (read about Baghdad, Nishapur, Samarkand).

Read what the Europeans did to indigenous American civilizations. Or what Europe did to the Jews, starting with the Romans. Or how the Chinese annihilated the Dzungars.

Or how the Japanese treated foreigners (Chinese) on their first invasion of overseas territories.

Or how the Vedic people enslaved all local indigenous people as low caste untouchables.

So how is it that Muslims are singled out to be the "bad guys" of history? Even though independent India killed more Sikhs than Aurangazeb did to crush opposition? It's politics. You needed a historical enemy for national unity. :coffee:


@Atanz Since you're such a history freak :D, would you be interested in creating a thread listing all Muslim/Central Asian/Middle Eastern/Persian influence in Indian culture, food, attire, civil administration, architecture, language? Or maybe pass the message to someone else who might be interested?

The muslims did massacre endlessly,so many of my forefathers dead and only because they would not convert.

rest of your post is all timepass,i tried very hard not to reply to you but well,i will try even harder next time.

One of Aurangazeb's son also defected to the Marathas. The Mughal-Maratha war wasn't really a Muslim vs Hindu war as many like to depict. Some of Aurangazeb's most powerful generals were Hindus. It was a fight for empire, the ailing Mughal empire losing it's grip to a new emerging power.

However the Muslim vs Hindu thing fits the current political narrative. Vilifying Islam as the inspiration for Aurangazeb's ruthless suppression of revolts adds more ammunition to the Hindutva arsenal.

Just like the Sikh Khalsa,Marathas also fought under the Bhagwa Dwaj,the saffron flag.

It was absolutely a hindu vs muslim war,shivaji'son sambhaji was also murdered for not converting,every political prisoner was always asked that whether he would convert,that was an option for him to stay alive,the ones who didn't obviously are the shaheeds,who are remembered today.
Do Indians( especially those belong to dharmic faith) views all invaders or invasions in negative light? If that's the case then why they dont keep any enmity towards the countries where these invaders came from. I am referring to Invaders with Persian, arab, turks, Afghan, Mughals, British, Portuguese origin etc

ALL invaders and invasions IS seen in negative light. And that is how it should be.

No Rape can or should be see in positive light.

However its pointless to let the ghost of the past haunt us in the present and dictate our future. India's future must be built with POSITIVE energy and outlook, not using Negative energy like hate or Fear.

So the past teaches us lessons as far as who to trust and who not to trust. How to prepare for the worst etc.

Finally your real question which is hiding behind all this is do the Hindus hate the muslims.

No they do not, as long as the muslims do not indulge in terrorism and do not act petty by refusing to vacate occupied temples, or identify themselves with invaders who raped India and thereby seeking to keep the memory fresh, or insist on killing cows just to spite the Hindus.

Finally to the unasked question do we hate pakistan because you are muslims, the answer is we hate pakistan because you send terrorists and try and destroy our way of life. Not because you are muslims.

If anything we see you as victims of invasion, the brunt of which was borne by your ancestors. Victims of Rape who was so traumatised that their children began to admire Rapists. Kind of Stockholm syndrome.

Read my reply by putting your ego aside.
The muslims did massacre endlessly,so many of my forefathers dead and only because they would not convert.

I tried very hard not to respond to your post...

Yes so many of your forefathers killed and you're still there. They all must have produced a child before dying to continue this line haha. :lol: I also tried very hard not to respond to your post. :P
I dont think personally any Indian hates all pakistanis,i know of many friendships indians have with pakistanis and others in foriegn countries.

The trouble between India & Pakistan today is only part religious and not completely that.

I dont think any Hindu has great love for Turkey/Saudia/Iran and at the same time great hatred for his muslim neighbour,if at all anything it is the opposite.

Man come on,muslims see temples as shirk/idol worshippers heaven/butkhana etc etc,and no reasons political/personal/religious/economic can justify demoltions of our temples and also amazing sculptures and works of art,

I sincerely request you to stay out of this thread as you are not the correct person to be answering the question of the OP.
I am busy right now and will get back to some posts but @Maira La @Anuj Tagra take 15 minute and watch it till the end
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I am busy right now and will get back to some posts but @Maira La @Anuj Tagra take 15 minute and watch it till the end

I know most of these hoax stories already,This guy Ram Puniyani deducive theories are also just that theories,

1.Mahmud Ghazni did not destroy the Bamiyan or the 10,000 temples.

Nobody knows which route Mahmud of Ghazni took but all we know is that he came for the temple gold at Somnath,if he treated this place as a place of god,then he would have never descreted it and left the idol as it,moreover the tale prolongs as he took the remains of the idol of lord Shiva and constructed steps on his place in ghazni.

2.Aurangazeb destroyed a masjid in Golconda,except this malnourished spineless minion Ram Puniyani,nobody else have mentioend or confirmed this theory.If this was true,our seculars will be shouting this fact everyday in dsicussions.

3.Kashi Vishwanath temple demolished because of the rani of kutch,thats an unbelievable hoax story which nobody has ever heard of anywhere.Looks like something invented out of thin air by willfully imaginative people,bacha bacha jaanta hain kashi aur mathura mein mandir kisne thoda.

Let me tell you,Hindus have been living in Kashi & Mathura since milleniums and they all know from eneration onto generation,who destroyed the mosque.

Please dont believe people like Ram Puniyani and his fake theories please.
LOL. Ram Puniyani :lol:

Why not show video of Zaid hamid ? :cheesy: he has more credibility. Who next ? Mani Shankar Aiyer ? :P
You know nothing about European history. Mongols, Europeans and East Asians have fought some of the most horrifying wars in human history, along with industrial scale genocides. Read what the Romans did to Carthage.

You are here today because Muslims did not do the same to you. Nor did Muslims treat you the way Mongols treated the Muslims (read about Baghdad, Nishapur, Samarkand).

Read what the Europeans did to indigenous American civilizations. Or what Europe did to the Jews, starting with the Romans. Or how the Chinese annihilated the Dzungars.

Or how the Japanese treated foreigners (Chinese) on their first invasion of overseas territories.

Or how the Vedic people enslaved all local indigenous people as low caste untouchables.

So how is it that Muslims are singled out to be the "bad guys" of history? Even though independent India killed more Sikhs than Aurangazeb did to crush opposition? It's politics. You needed a historical enemy for national unity. :coffee:


@Atanz Since you're such a history freak :D, would you be interested in creating a thread listing all Muslim/Central Asian/Middle Eastern/Persian influence in Indian culture, food, attire, civil administration, architecture, language? Or maybe pass the message to someone else who might be interested?

All of those were political and economic, ot like your invaders. Oh you thik the Indian kings were so weak that they would have no abiity to counter the invaders at all? the thrashing you got form the likes of Shivaji and Ranjeet SIngh continue to resonate to this day. And I can assure you that the invaders didn't do much different than the japs when they had the chance to. Because you're basically a moron you don't understand that the people who came as invaders from stricken infertile and hostile lands of Afghanistan and so on were so few in number to the populace that in order to maintain some sort of semblance of control they had to keep themselves away from massacres. But in the end, all of those kingdoms- the Dlehi Sultanates to the Mughals were essentially degenerate principalities. Not one holds a candle to the systematic order that Chandragupta Maurya had brought in. And what contribution? Sherwani and Pulao vs our superior system of mathematics literature and language? Not one Islamic work of art comes close to what Kaldasa accomplished (which impacted Goethe's art singnificantly) or the epics Mahabharata or Ramayan.

Auragzeb was a bigot. He just inherited the Hindu commanders, wasn't going to start a war with everyone. Clear when one reads about Aurangzeb son Akbar who revolted & was encouraged to do so by the Rajputs who told him that he could be similar to his great grandfather rather than the bigot his father was.

There is no particular reason for us to single out Aurangzeb when other Mughals don't get the same treatment. His brother Dara Shikoh, who was killed by Aurangazeb is widely regarded as being completely different in character. Aurangzeb stands out because he was a bigot, that is what adds a religious dimension to what were, as you pointed out, battles between kings.

Absolutely, Zinda Pir would have done away with all Hindus f he could. And his puritanism accomplished the one thing people thought would never happen- the beginning of the end of the Mughal era.

Tamils welcome Muslim invasion, its was payback time for Aryans destruction of native Tamils - Muslims took the revenge on behalf of Tamils, millions converted and finally forced to speak a foreign language - Hindi

you just pulled this $hit out of your @$$ didn't you.....completely out of your @$$....
Dara Shikoh is indeed worthy of respect- he was the standout man of the age. He translated the voluminous Upanishads which influenced 19th century philosophers like Schopenhauer. Unfortunately, he was humiliated and killed by his asshole of a brother.
Tamils welcome Muslim invasion, its was payback time for Aryans destruction of native Tamils - Muslims took the revenge on behalf of Tamils, millions converted and finally forced to speak a foreign language - Hindi

Lol!!.. :D haha from where do you take these things out?
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