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Your Thoughts on the Pakistani Delegation's Washington Visit


Apr 30, 2010
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United States
United States
As we have all been reading about the continuation of strategic talks between Pakistan and the United States. These on-going steps have lead to a number of high profile meetings between the senior leadership of both our countries. We are currently witnessing confirmation of those efforts in the form of this current meeting between our Secretary of State John Kerry and Foreign Affairs advisor Sartaj Aziz. This is the first Ministerial level meeting since the revitalized Strategic Dialogue which started during Secretary Kerry’s visit to Pakistan in August of last year. Pakistan’s national Security Advisor Sartaj Aziz, and Secretary Kerry reaffirmed the importance of the U.S.-Pakistan Strategic Dialogue and reviewed the progress of the Strategic Dialogue’s working groups.

Below are some of the themes that were discussed;

Building a Foundation for Inclusive Economic Growth
Alleviating Pakistan’s Energy Crisis
Deepening Cooperation on Shared Security Challenges
Advancing Regional Peace and Stability
Strengthening educational linkages and people to people contacts

In your opinion, out of the categories that were discussed, in which area should the U.S. and Pakistan increase cooperation? Which of these categories is most important to you? Do you believe these strategic dialogues will enhance U.S.-PAK relations and help improve our cooperation?

Haroon Ahmad
DET – U.S. Central Command
I guess, nothing can go worst than Kerry Lugar Bill.
As we have all been reading about the continuation of strategic talks between Pakistan and the United States. These on-going steps have lead to a number of high profile meetings between the senior leadership of both our countries. We are currently witnessing confirmation of those efforts in the form of this current meeting between our Secretary of State John Kerry and Foreign Affairs advisor Sartaj Aziz. This is the first Ministerial level meeting since the revitalized Strategic Dialogue which started during Secretary Kerry’s visit to Pakistan in August of last year. Pakistan’s national Security Advisor Sartaj Aziz, and Secretary Kerry reaffirmed the importance of the U.S.-Pakistan Strategic Dialogue and reviewed the progress of the Strategic Dialogue’s working groups.

Below are some of the themes that were discussed;

Building a Foundation for Inclusive Economic Growth
Alleviating Pakistan’s Energy Crisis
Deepening Cooperation on Shared Security Challenges
Advancing Regional Peace and Stability
Strengthening educational linkages and people to people contacts

In your opinion, out of the categories that were discussed, in which area should the U.S. and Pakistan increase cooperation? Which of these categories is most important to you? Do you believe these strategic dialogues will enhance U.S.-PAK relations and help improve our cooperation?

Haroon Ahmad
DET – U.S. Central Command

Advancing Regional peace and stability is the only worth wile point in these talks. America should understand Pakistan PoV, if they need a graceful face saving exit from Afghanistan. It is America double games that has led a non co-operative attitude from Pakistan and Americans should clear up their mess which they have started. Iraq instability is proof how American invasion has destroyed the social fabric of entire society.

Rest of points are just beating the bush and would hardly yield any outcome on large scale.Why? Because

1. Point no.1, as per American understanding, Pakistan economic growth could only be advanced through IMF as there is no other option. Distant and near past clearly indicates this behaviour/attitude and there is always strings attached with American help e.g. IMF is already placing ridiculous demands such as forcing Pakistan to give India MFN before they release funds for "pakistani economic growth"

2. America is not serious in Pakistan energy crises. It is creating hurdles for Pakistan either in IP pipeline or either indirectly, as WB or IMF has refused to fund Bahshaa Damn. USAID which is trying to modernize the electricity infrastructure of Pakistan to cut line losses is only thing America is practically willing to do in this regard

3. America gives two hoots about Pakistan security challenges. As per ameircan "shared security challenges" defination, whatever is best for OUR AMERICAN SOLDIERS or a threat to them, Pakistan army should take care of such threats only. We don't care about rest of Pakistani concerns.

4. Increasing people to people contact? You already done that by making an effort to "hire" intelligentsia of Pakistani society so they can change perception of yours in common populace. Never worked and never going to work.Practically America neither have patience nor had a compassion to do such thing. Only half hearted, pompous measures been done or would be done which would not influence any 100 million Pakistani opinion about Americans
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I hope at least, Pakistan would get immediate delivery of attack helis to kill TTP.
Pakistan need no more!
As we have all been reading about the continuation of strategic talks between Pakistan and the United States. These on-going steps have lead to a number of high profile meetings between the senior leadership of both our countries. We are currently witnessing confirmation of those efforts in the form of this current meeting between our Secretary of State John Kerry and Foreign Affairs advisor Sartaj Aziz. This is the first Ministerial level meeting since the revitalized Strategic Dialogue which started during Secretary Kerry’s visit to Pakistan in August of last year. Pakistan’s national Security Advisor Sartaj Aziz, and Secretary Kerry reaffirmed the importance of the U.S.-Pakistan Strategic Dialogue and reviewed the progress of the Strategic Dialogue’s working groups.

Below are some of the themes that were discussed;

Building a Foundation for Inclusive Economic Growth
Alleviating Pakistan’s Energy Crisis
Deepening Cooperation on Shared Security Challenges
Advancing Regional Peace and Stability
Strengthening educational linkages and people to people contacts

In your opinion, out of the categories that were discussed, in which area should the U.S. and Pakistan increase cooperation? Which of these categories is most important to you? Do you believe these strategic dialogues will enhance U.S.-PAK relations and help improve our cooperation?

Haroon Ahmad
DET – U.S. Central Command

1. Alleviating Pakistan’s Energy Crisis
2. Deepening Cooperation on Shared Security Challenges

These two are the MOST important and in that priority.

#1. Pakistan will prosper or collapse (God forbid) for this single most reason.

#2. The two militaries must start their cooperation in joint training for officers right away.

This is my quick response.

Time permitting I'll add more
1. Alleviating Pakistan’s Energy Crisis
2. Deepening Cooperation on Shared Security Challenges

These two are the MOST important and in that priority.

#1. Pakistan will prosper or collapse (God forbid) for this single most reason.

#2. The two militaries must start their cooperation in joint training for officers right away.

This is my quick response.

Time permitting I'll add more

Fauji Bhai, I guess, it's better if you keep in mind American behaviour of last 10-15 years. If they weren't serious in those time, than what what makes you think they would do 1 and 2 in future with us?
Fauji Bhai, I guess, it's better if you keep in mind American behaviour of last 10-15 years. If they weren't serious in those time, than what what makes you think they would do 1 and 2 in future with us?

Americans behavior in last 10-15 years was mirrored by the behavior of Pakistani educated elite during the last 10-15 years.

They too can ask very same question that you asked.

It takes two to tango.

So no need to get into petty bickering

The two countries have a many many chances that they must work on for the better future of the two great countries

Without defeating terrorists, operating at adjoining Afghanistan and Iran borders, no development is possible.
US should transfer squadron of transport hellis and squadron of attack helis, in exchange of transit passage.
If not than these talks are only to mock people of Pakistan.
In response to the individual who stated that the U.S. is not serious about aiding Pakistan in dealing with its energy crisis:

As you all know, USAID is carrying out large-scale energy projects that have already added 1,000 megawatts to the power grid – enough power to supply electricity to more than two million households (more than 16 million people). An additional 200 megawatts are going added soon.

Some of the energy projects:

U.S. Government Project in Jamshoro Generates Power for 4.3 Million Pakistanis

U.S. Government Project in Jamshoro Generates Power for 4.3 Million Pakistanis | U.S. Agency for International Development

Gomal Zam Dam: https://scms.usaid.gov/sites/default/files/documents/1871/Gomal Zam Dam.pdf
Guddu Power Station: https://scms.usaid.gov/sites/default/files/documents/1871/Guddu Power station.pdf
Jamshoro Power Station: https://scms.usaid.gov/sites/default/files/documents/1871/Jamshoro Powers Station.pdf

and much more, which you can read here: Pakistan | U.S. Agency for International Development

Haroon Ahmad
DET - U.S. Central Command
United States Central Command - Urdu - MacDill Air Force Base, FL - Government Organization | Facebook
In response to the individual who stated that the U.S. is not serious about aiding Pakistan in dealing with its energy crisis:

As you all know, USAID is carrying out large-scale energy projects that have already added 1,000 megawatts to the power grid – enough power to supply electricity to more than two million households (more than 16 million people). An additional 200 megawatts are going added soon.

Some of the energy projects:

U.S. Government Project in Jamshoro Generates Power for 4.3 Million Pakistanis

U.S. Government Project in Jamshoro Generates Power for 4.3 Million Pakistanis | U.S. Agency for International Development

Gomal Zam Dam: https://scms.usaid.gov/sites/default/files/documents/1871/Gomal Zam Dam.pdf
Guddu Power Station: https://scms.usaid.gov/sites/default/files/documents/1871/Guddu Power station.pdf
Jamshoro Power Station: https://scms.usaid.gov/sites/default/files/documents/1871/Jamshoro Powers Station.pdf

and much more, which you can read here: Pakistan | U.S. Agency for International Development

Haroon Ahmad
DET - U.S. Central Command
United States Central Command - Urdu - MacDill Air Force Base, FL - Government Organization | Facebook

Well said.

US assistance in Pakistani power sector and for water management has been unparalleled throughout our country's history.

unfortunately there are plenty of marxist and leftist in Pakistan who never liked anything American

just like their marxist and leftist brethren all over the world.
Thanks U. S. A for cooperation in many fields. We should work together in future and for peace in the region.
increasing trade would certainly help lead things in the right direction as would investment in the power sector; though in all honesty Pakistan has software issues more than hardware issues. It's the governance and the political culture that has to change and the Americans cant help with that

i dont see our military doing any more large ticket purchases from USA anytime soon, but i can imagine US providing some IED detection equipment and/or vehicles either through FMS or CSF program; as it will cost America more to ship a lot of that stuff back to the US mainland.

to make the biggest difference - people to people contact helps a lot but in what context; Americans wont be walking the streets of Pakistan anytime soon unless there's security; and there cant be 100% security at all times b/c of the regional dynamics and what's going on in Afghanistan; and you cant have peace in Afghanistan unless all the stakeholders see eye to eye and nobody is stepping on the others' foot

so basically - all the items listed above are in one way or another inter-linked and they are ALL important.

according to Pakistani and US officials the bilateral relations are on an upswing - so we as observers will just have to see what materializes

hmmm will there be another point of " DO MORE " ? :coffee:

they've given up on Karzai Admin.....havent heard the do more mantra much as of late
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