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Your Prime Minister`s wife does not trust you, gets her security from Italians

Nov 20, 2013
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Published in The New Indian Express dt.17.04.04

“Your Prime Minister`s wife does not trust you, gets her security from Italians`

This is what this investigation reveals. Sonia arranges a clandestine meeting between the RAW, Indian spy network, and Italian spies. This was when she was just a housewife and Rajiv was just the general secretary of the Congress.

When Sonia was still an Italian and had not applied yet to become an Indian citizen. Are you surprised? Go further.

Her brother-in-law, that is Sonia’s sister’s husband, Walter Winci, arranges bullet-proofing of Indira Gandhi’s car in a German factory. Are you shocked? Wait. Later the same Winci arranges the training of SPG commandos by Italian security personnel who even slap the SPG trainees. Are you embarrassed? Go further.

When Sonia travels to France with Rajiv in 1985, without the knowledge of the Indian security agency, SPG, she gets the security of Rahul and Priyanka arranged by Italian and Spanish officials. Are you ashamed? It is not over yet. In 1986 when Rahul and Priyanka go to Geneva and Italy, Sonia directly gets their security organised through the Italian foreign office.

The Swiss police official taunts the Indian RAW officer in Geneva, ‘‘Your Prime Minister’s wife does not trust you; she trusts only the Italians.’’ You feel humiliated?

Whether you feel humiliated or not, the RAW official did feel extremely humiliated. Italian officials are the ones she trusts. Italian embassy is her official embassy. Italian security is her security.

This is the Sonia who now shouts from election platforms day in and day out that she will die for her motherland. The only issue is which is her that motherland. That she does not trust India is known to the whole western world, but not India. Read this humiliating story.
(The expose is based on oral testimony of retired officials, including the RAW officials.)

There is no time for side shows. Let us go straight to the heart of the issue. The Indian spy agency RAW, formed in the year 1968, had established clandestine network with its counterparts in different countries. With the USA, UK, Israel, France, West Germany and other countries, which possessed the capability for exchange of information on terrorism, insurgency, China and similar subjects. RAW did not consider Italian spy agencies as worthy of such association, as they did not have any capability. So India did not bother about them. Rajiv Gandhi entered active politics after Sanjay’s death in 1980. He began to participate in the classified briefings of RAW even though he held no position in the government. Not just he, he wanted Arun Nehru and Arun Singh too to participate in such briefings. The agency protested saying that they had no official position. But Indira Gandhi stepped in, asked the RAW to allow them to be present. The agency agreed reluctantly, but told the Indira that their names would remain unrecorded in the briefing. This was when Rajiv was not in the government, was just general secretary of the Congress Party.

Soon, even though he had nothing to do with the Government or the RAW, Rajiv began insisting that RAW should liaise with the Italian spy agencies. Why Rajiv should have insisted on Italy? Did he study the importance of Italian assistance to India? Nothing of that sort. The reason is Obvious. Sonia. Rajiv had married her in 1968. The RAW felt that it would be waste of time and money. But Rajiv would not relent. The agency finally gave in. So after more than a decade and more the RAW was forced into accepting liaison with Italian spy agencies whom they considered not worthy of association. Want to know who acted as the go between for RAW with the Italian spy agencies and arranged the first clandestine meeting between RAW spies and Italian spies. Believe it. Sonia! Obviously she was in touch with Italian spies. An innocent and devout housewife, unconcerned about politics and state, was deep in her contact with Italian spy agencies. This was when she was still an Italian national, had not yet accepted the Indian nationality which she reluctantly did much later. Being in the Prime Ministers household, she was in touch with the spies in Italy. So even when she was just a housewife and Rajiv was not yet in the government, she was linking the Italian spies to India. An aside. One of the reasons why the RAW would not touch the Italian agencies could be the presence of Sonia in the PM’s house. If they officialised the liaison with the Italian agencies, their reach would not be limited to the RAW, but may extend to the PM’s house.

Next, when after terrorism broke out in Punjab and the security agencies advised Indira Gandhi to travel in bullet proof car, she wanted the Ambassador car made bullet-proofed. As India developed this capability only much later in 1985, a German company was chosen for the job. Want to know who brokered the contract with the German company. Walter Winci, the husband of one of Sonia’s sisters, Anushka! The RAW suspected that he got a small commission out of it. But the more critical was that a sensitive security work was given through Sonia’s brother. Look at the Italian influence Sonia had brought in even when Indira was alive.

It is the same Walter Winci who, two years later, in 1986, insisted and received cash payment made by the Indian government. This was for arranging training by Italian security for SPG, which had been established in 1984 for the protection of the Prime Minister, Rajiv Gandhi. The cash payment was first attempted through the RAW official posted at Geneva. Walter Winci refused to come to Geneva to receive that cash and wanted the RAW official to send it to Milan in Italy. Winci ‘assured’ the RAW official that that he had ‘good contacts’ in ‘Swiss’ and ‘Italian’ customs and he would not be checked. The RAW official would not budge. The recalcitrant official was finally told to tell Winci that the operation had been cancelled. But the money was delivered to Winci through the Indian Embassy in Rome. Want to know what for the cash was to be sent. For funding the traveling expenses of the Italian security officials to come to India and train Indian SPG commandos. This is the payment B.G Deshmukh, who was then the cabinet secretary, has mentioned in his latest book. But this training ended in a fiasco. The Italian trainers treated the SPG trainees rudely, and even slapped one of them. The RAW brought this to the notice of Rajiv and told him such ill-treatment may develop a grudge in the minds of the SPG against Rajiv which might be a security risk. Panicked Rajiv forthwith called off the training by Italians arranged by Walter Winci.

After Rajiv was assassinated Sonia began openly relying on Italian and Western security for Rahul and Priyanka when they travelled to Europe. When Rajiv went to Paris in the year 1985 along with Sonia a RAW official proficient in French was asked to go to France to liaise with the French security agencies. At Leon in France, the SPG officials panicked as Rahul and Priyanka were missing. But Winci told them not to worry. He told them that they were in the safe care of Jose Valdemaro, the husband of another sister of Sonia, Nadia. Winci told them that the two had been taken to Madrid in Spain, where Valdemaro hails from, by train and the Spanish authorities were taking care of them. The Indian security officials were stunned that, not they, but the Spanish and Italian security agencies were aware of the Madrid visit of Rahul and Priyanka. It is not just that Sonia did not want to trouble the Indian security system. It was simply that he did not trust them. You want more clear evidence of her distrust of India, here it is.

In the year 1986 the RAW official stationed at Geneva was told by Jack Kunzi, the Commissioner of Police at Geneva that the VIP children had returned safely to Italy after their visit to Geneva. Who were the VIP children? The RAW official had no clue. He knew nothing about their visit. The Swiss police official who was the RAW official’s good friend told him their names. You have any doubt who they could be? They were Rahul and Priyanka. They had come to Geneva by car with Walter Winci, said the Swiss official. He also informed the RAW official that he was in the picture and the RAW official was not. He said that the Italian foreign office was the co-ordinator. It had informed the Swiss foreign office, who in turn informed the Swiss police. Jack Kunzi taunted the RAW official who was his friend, ‘your Prime Minister’s wife does not seem to trust you or your embassy. She gets the security for her children co-ordinated by Italians”. Humiliated, the RAW official makes the usual complaint to his boss. The boss files the complaint. There ends the story of humiliation of India in Switzerland and Italy. Remember this kind of information spreads like wildfire in geo-politics through global spy network. That Sonia did not trust the Indian officials, or the Indian embassies, or the Indian security is now a matter of global geo-political information. Want to know more on this, read on.

After Rajiv’s assassination, the RAW official who was in charge of security arrangements abroad for SPG protectees which included Sonia, Rahul and Priyanka, knew less about her and her children’s travel plans than western intelligence and security agencies. The Indian agencies knew nothing or very little. George, her secretary used to directly communicate to western agencies through Italian Embassy in Delhi and the Italian foreign office in Rome. The upright officer informed the RAW chief before he retired that the western agencies were better informed of Sonia’s and her children’s travel plans than the Indian agencies. He charged that this had created the unfortunate impression that Sonia did not trust the Indian agencies. The complaint went to Narasimha Rao who was the Prime Minister then. He felt unhappy that George, that is Sonia, was informing the Italian embassy, not the Indian agencies, but he could do nothing about it. You ask him now. Even now he will not tell the truth. But the RAW official would.

So she was linked to the Italian spies and was familiar with bringing about spy connections, a highly skilled and scary business, as early as the early 1980s. Yet she pretended, even now does, to be an innocent house wife. She brought in her family into the security matters of India even when Indira was alive. She forced Italian security on India even when Rajiv Gandhi was alive. She openly distrusted Indian security and diplomatic system and privately liaised with the Italian diplomatic system for her security. If she did this when Indira was alive; if she went as far when Rajiv was alive; if she did this when she was out of the congress and out of power, what will she do when put in power? Or what she will not. Yet she pretends to die for India. This is not real Sonia. The whole western world, not exactly the friends of India, knows about her. But not we, in India. We do not know the real Sonia.
I seriously doubt this was published in the New Indian Express, as the OP claims. Link please.

The only place that has published this, is a website called 'gandhiheritage'.
I seriously doubt this was published in the New Indian Express, as the OP claims. Link please.

The only place that has published this, is a website called 'gandhiheritage'.

I have given the name of the publication and the date on which it was published. You have yourself shown gandhiheritage has posted it, and it is written by a well know patriot and journalist S Gurumurthy.

Still why do you doubt it ? Don't you think if it was false, congress would have Sued the Indian Express of that web site ? Or filed defamation charges against it ?

BTW you need 30 posts to post links. As you today, I am unable to post links.
I have given the name of the publication and the date on which it was published. You have yourself shown gandhiheritage has posted it, and it is written by a well know patriot and journalist S Gurumurthy.

Still why do you doubt it ? Don't you think if it was false, congress would have Sued the Indian Express of that web site ? Or filed defamation charges against it ?

BTW you need 30 posts to post links. As you today, I am unable to post links.

Are you saying that you have a link, but cannot post? If so, just give the last half of the link, and I'll put up the rest of it, since I know the link to the NIE website.

Congress would definitely have sued the new indian express if this was actually printed; hence my doubt that it was.

But suing that website - no, congress cannot sue everybody on the internet. Many PDFites would be in jail, if things worked that way.

But a national newspaper - that's a different issue.

So, do you have any link besides the gandhiheritage one, which is expressly set up as an anti sonia/ anti congress website?

Preferably a new indian express link?
Rediff On The NeT: Kanchan Gupta on Sonia's eligibility for prime minister

Where was Sonia when India was at war? And after Mrs Gandhi lost in 1977?

It was interesting to read Professor Ashutosh Varshney's thoughts on the question whether Sonia Gandhi nee Maino is Indian. And it was amusing to note how ill-informed he is about citizenship laws, as well as electoral laws, of not only India but also the United States of America. Above all, it was surprising that an associate professor at Columbia University should double up as a propagandist, that too of such low calibre.

Whether or not Sonia Gandhi nee Maino should be entrusted with the responsibility of heading the government of India has nothing to do with "secular nationalism" or "Hindu nationalism." It has nothing to do with Veer Savarkar's definition of a Hindu, which Professor Varshney has quoted. It has nothing to do with India's alleged pluralist, multi-ethnic identity. It has nothing to do with the fact that she owes allegiance to the Vatican -- an allegiance that transcends her claimed allegiance to India. It has nothing to do with the patriotism of indigenous Indians (especially Sikhs and Bengali Hindus) which Professor Varshney has questioned.

It has everything to do with the fact that Sonia Gandhi nee Maino was born an Italian and that there exists no public knowledge, leave alone evidence, of the fact that she has voluntarily repudiated her Italian citizenship. I shall come to this point later. First, the point about the ethics of entrusting her with the responsibility of heading the Government of India.

Addressing a rally during the general election of 1998, Sonia Gandhi nee Maino had said, "I am an Indian till my last breath." A noble thought, indeed. But the mere expression of that thought does not erase uncomfortable facts which must now necessarily be resurrected because she is no longer a private person beyond public scrutiny. The uncomfortable questions that arise from these facts need to be dealt with by the President of the Republic of India before he decides whether or not she can be entrusted with India's most coveted public office.

Sonia Gandhi nee Maino felt the need to proclaim that she is an Indian till her last breath only after she entered the political arena and needed to establish her credentials with the unwashed, but fiercely patriotic, masses of middle India. What she did not tell them was that she had retained her Italian passport and Italian citizenship, not feeling the need to accept Indian citizenship, till 1984.

Rajiv Gandhi married Sonia Maino in 1968. Under India's citizenship laws (not framed by Hindu communalists but Congress secularists in the 1950s), she was entitled to seek Indian citizenship five years after her marriage, that is in 1974. But she chose not to register as an Indian citizen for the next 10 years. That could not have been a casual oversight. Indeed, two incidents during these 10 years suggest that it was a considered decision not to repudiate her Italian citizenship.

Let us then go back to those 10 years. During the India-Pakistan war of 1971 (coinciding with the liberation struggle of Bangladesh), under emergency provisions, the leave applications of all Indian Airlines pilots were cancelled so that they could be used for providing logistical support. The only exception was Rajiv Gandhi, a full-time pilot with Indian Airlines. Sonia Gandhi nee Maino, who now claims that she is an Indian till her last breath, flew off to Italy with Rajiv Gandhi and their two children.

While indigenous Indians serving as pilots with Indian Airlines stood by to serve their motherland, Sonia Gandhi nee Maino and family remained in the more congenial surroundings of Italy during the entire duration of the war, returning only after General Niazi had signed the surrender papers.

The other incident, once again resurrected from those 10 years. After news came in that the Congress and Indira Gandhi had been defeated in 1977, Sonia Gandhi nee Maino packed an overnighter and, with husband and children in tow, took refuge in the Italian embassy in New Delhi's Chanakyapuri. It took the combined efforts of Indira Gandhi, Sanjay Gandhi and the other 'bahu' of the household, Maneka Gandhi nee Anand, to convince her to return to the Gandhi home.

Therefore, the record shows that Sonia Gandhi nee Maino who now aspires to be the prime minister of India chose not to be an Indian till it was pointed out that it would be awkward for Rajiv Gandhi, as prime minister, to have an Italian spouse. In other words, she has been a citizen of India for a mere 15 years -- the exact date of her conversion from Italian to Indian has never been disclosed to the people of India whom she now wants to rule. The record also shows that she fled from India in wartime. The record also shows that she was perfectly eager to desert her mother-in-law, indeed the 'dynasty' that she now flaunts as her asset, in her hour of need.

Now, the point about her citizenship and whether or not that entitles her to the prime minister of India's office. Seen from a narrow, legal perspective, there is nothing that prevents Sonia Gandhi nee Maino from assuming charge as prime minister of India. The Constitution of India, unlike the constitutions of many Western and Asian countries, puts no such bar on her. Unlike the USA, Finland, Germany, Thailand or Singapore, India does not insist that the aspirant for the top job should be a natural born citizen.

For a moment, let us assume that instead of Rajiv Gandhi, Sonia Maino had married an American. She could not have aspired for, forget her staking claim to, the American presidency. Article II, Section 1(5) of the American constitution would have debarred her from that office. It says, 'No person, except a natural born citizen, or a citizen of the USA at the time of the adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the office of President…'

No such provision exists in the Constitution of India -- not because it was framed by "secular nationalists" but because no member of the Constituent Assembly could have ever imagined that 50 years after Independence, a foreigner would be in the race for the prime minister's job. If they had, they would have surely incorporated necessary safeguards. Since they did not do so, Sonia Gandhi nee Maino is perfectly eligible to apply for, and secure, the prime minister of India's job.

But, should the President of India merely go by the law book and not take note of implications that could come to affect the very functioning of the prime minister's office?

Under the Indian Citizenship Act, there are three categories of Indian citizens -- citizens by birth, citizens by registration and citizens by naturalisation. I am an Indian citizen, so is Sonia Gandhi nee Maino. But I am an Indian citizen by birth, which means nobody can deprive me of my citizenship. On the other hand, Sonia Gandhi nee Maino is a citizen by registration, which means that under Indian laws, her citizenship, like that of those who are citizens by naturalisation, can be taken away and she can be deported.

Sonia Gandhi nee Maino might well claim that she is an Indian till her last breath, but that does not mitigate the conditions and restrictions governing her Indian citizenship. Her citizenship by registration can be taken away under Section 10 of the Citizenship Act if the Government of India is satisfied that (a) the registration was obtained by means of fraud or concealment of material facts; (b) the registered citizen is disloyal or disaffected towards the Constitution of India; and, (c) the registered citizen raded or communicated with an enemy during war.

What if, after assuming office, Sonia Gandhi nee Maino is held guilty of any or all these charges by a court? Would it not tarnish the office she aspires for? And would she be comfortable in office, constantly concerned about the durability of her citizenship?

There are other related issues that must impinge on the President of India's mind when he sits down to work out who is best placed to take charge as the next prime minister. One of them is the fact that under Italian law, Sonia Gandhi nee Maino continues to be an Italian citizen. That is, provided she has not voluntarily repudiated her citizenship by birth in writing. There is no public evidence to demonstrate that she has done so; therefore, it must be assumed that she enjoys dual citizenship under Italian law (Indian law does not permit it) and that she continues to have access to an Italian passport. It may sound frivolous, but she is as much eligible to become the prime minister of Italy as she is to become the prime minister of India.

A last point. The constitution of the USA demands that an applicant for American citizenship must be proficient in English, loyal to the USA and have basic knowledge of the constitution, the country's history and system of government.

If only the Constitution of India had similar guidelines, the indigenous people of India would have been spared the ignominy of being ruled by a person of foreign origin. For, Sonia Gandhi nee Maino is proficient in no Indian language, including English; her loyalty to India is all of 15 years old; her knowledge of the Constitution of India is non-existent; she would fail the most elementary history test; and, beyond the fact that she wants to be the prime minister of India, it is doubtful whether she has an inkling about the Government of India.

After a new prime minister is sworn in, the Press Information Bureau publishes a pamphlet providing the biographical details of the incumbent. Till now, nobody has ever looked at the pamphlet because all the individuals who have held the prime minister's office, have led a public life -- their minutest biographical details have been public knowledge for decades if not more.

If Sonia Gandhi nee Maino is sworn in as prime minister of India, for the first time the PIB's pamphlet will be eagerly read. After all, India does not even know in which city was she born, what are the names of her parents, what school she went to, what language she is most comfortable with, how many elections she has won and lost, where all has she represented India, what is her favourite dish, who is her favourite Bollywood playback singer, who is her favourite poet, etc. The usual trivia that makes up a sarkari prime ministerial bio-data.
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Is Sonia Gandhi a Real Indian Saint Accused as an Italian Carpet Bagger?

Few women in history had to undergo a life as dramatic as that of Sonia Gandhi, the Italian-born chairperson of the United Progressive Alliance, which had been governing India for the last seven years.

In fact, the personal and emotional turmoil Sonia was forced to face on account of her own personal choices are harsher than those experienced by many of India's great saints.

Today, Sonia Gandhi, like her countryman Caesar, had to make the ultimate sacrifice by taking a double stab for the sake of India, a country of saints, which must earn her sainthood.

In a single speech, Sonia had to acknowledge the cause of the Tamils, some of whom murdered her husband for their cause, and denounce Italy, her country of birth, which is in a dispute with India, a country she has adopted.

Italian waitress

Many in India believe, based on the Western media which has proclaimed her the fourth richest politician and powerful woman in the world, that Sonia is a corrupt foreign intruder, out to destroy India. Her detractors, however, cannot explain what she and her family are doing in the heat and dust of Delhi, leading a frugal lifestyle, rather than basking on a sunny Mediterranean Island if she owns billions.

Not a lot is known about the circumstances in which Sonia met Rajiv, the scion of the Gandhi family and agreed to marry him despite great cultural and social differences. For a young Italian bride, hardly aware of the prejudice and taboo of archaic India, the very thought should have given nightmares.

Yet, to the credit of the young Rajiv, who made good on his promise and took her home, it turned out to be a story of great romance, sacrifice, tolerance and a great Indian tradition of welcome and acceptance of foreigners as their own.

No one called Sonia an Italian waitress at that time. If anything, it is a measure of how much the Indian society has reneged into narrow-minded nationalism and its insecurity that, fanned by parochial politics and ill education, Sonia is often referred to as an Italian waitress, especially on the social media.

In a country where hardly any work is respected and students, pampered by parents, never have to work to pay for their own education, it is relatively unknown that if you visit Cambridge, the waitress who serves you could be a student of the great university, though Sonia was just a language student.

If you are the leader of the ruling alliance, it is doubtful which Indian will stand being abused like that.

Oh my God! My mother-in-law is shot and dying in my lap!

Not many women had to cry that out to themselves, except during the wars.

When you are close to the pinnacle of power and personal security is something one takes for granted, the enormous shock of something like the assassination of Mrs. Gandhi is not something many Indian women would have taken.

Instead of fainting herself, Sonia had the courage and presence of mind to carry and rush her to the hospital, revealing the innate strength of her personality to face toughest of situations in life.

However, no can correctly fathom the personal trauma the family had to undergo, though the anger of the collective nation against the Sikh community, whose members committed the assassination, and the angst of the world on that day will never be erased from living memory.

Yet, when the time and need arose years later, Sonia showed no compunctions in renunciation of the power of the prime minister and in hoisting a very deserving Dr. Man Mohan Singh, a Sikh, to that position without batting an eye lid.

There aren't many saints who can be credited with much more personal sacrifice.

It is your husband, madam, in the bag!

Lightening strikes once in many peoples lives.

But in the case of Sonia it struck twice, with the assassination of her Husband Rajiv Gandhi by the Tamil militants of neighbouring Sri Lanka. (One might say it struck thrice with the accidental death of Sanjay Gandhi, her brother-in-law and brother of Rajiv).

Not many women had to welcome husbands literally in parts, in a body bag. Not many people can even take a guess of what might have gone through the mind of Sonia Gandhi on that fateful day, especially about the Tamil terrorists who sent her husband in smithereens.

Still, over the years, Sonia and her children have publicly come to terms with the Tamil Elam issue and, Sonia's daughter Priyanka has even visited the culprits in prison, in a sign of conciliation and forgiveness.

It is a real tragedy that despite all that, Sonia Gandhi, as the chair person of the ruling alliance has to undergo the political brinkmanship of an alliance partner, who has decided to leave in support of the very Tamil issue which took her husband's life.

The fact that Sonia Gandhi had to take the brunt of the politica lmanipulation of a party who was the sole source of corruption charges which put her own Congress party in great difficulties and stalled her programmes for the poor of the country is a real personal tragedy, only compounded by the fact that they stand for her husband's assassins.

What can you call this lady who perhaps is bearing a cross heavier than the one Jesus himself carried?

You too Brutus?

If all that is not enough, Sonia has finally put an end to the "You are Italian" cry of hysteria of the Indian masses, heightened by the recent diplomatic stand off between India and Italy, by publicly warning Italy not to take India for granted.

The fact that, Italy actually has case in its favour against India, from the fact that itsmarines were just doing a job protecting from Somali pirates, in international waters, makes Sonia's sacrifice even more adorable.

No woman of any country ever had to take such a stance against her country of birth for the sake of the country of her dead spouse.

History will no doubt one day record that as the perfect love of a leader for her people, worthy of sainthood, though the current generation of Indians can't see because they refuse to see.

Sreedhar Pillai: Is Sonia Gandhi a Real Indian Saint Accused as an Italian Carpet Bagger?
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Are you saying that you have a link, but cannot post? If so, just give the last half of the link, and I'll put up the rest of it, since I know the link to the NIE website.

Congress would definitely have sued the new indian express if this was actually printed; hence my doubt that it was.

But suing that website - no, congress cannot sue everybody on the internet. Many PDFites would be in jail, if things worked that way.

But a national newspaper - that's a different issue.

So, do you have any link besides the gandhiheritage one, which is expressly set up as an anti sonia/ anti congress website?

Preferably a new indian express link?

Express India - Archives

This article is genuine because I remember reading it in the Indian Express long back. However it can be confirmed by Indian Express archives.

Better still, the Journalist of the article S Gurumurthy is still living and available with us. Let me assure you that the congress has neither sued the Indian Express or Mr.s Gurumurthy over this article.

The article has Names, locations and dates giving all details that brings authenticity to the article. It can even be collaborated by the book of an ex IAS mentioned in the article.

Even if Gandhiheritage is a anti sonia/congress website, how does it matter ? Does the truth become any less true when it is published in anti congress websites ? or newspapers ?
You know its possible she could be pawn of a long term intel game to insert an asset into the highest reaches of the worlds 2nd most populous nation? IMO judging from events like the IAF fighter deal and others we don't know,that operation has succeeded wildly. However I do think Namo will send this long running plant down the toilet.
Express India - Archives

This article is genuine because I remember reading it in the Indian Express long back. However it can be confirmed by Indian Express archives.

Better still, the Journalist of the article S Gurumurthy is still living and available with us. Let me assure you that the congress has neither sued the Indian Express or Mr.s Gurumurthy over this article.

The article has Names, locations and dates giving all details that brings authenticity to the article. It can even be collaborated by the book of an ex IAS mentioned in the article.

Even if Gandhiheritage is a anti sonia/congress website, how does it matter ? Does the truth become any less true when it is published in anti congress websites ? or newspapers ?

That's a diffferent newspaper. The Indian express. The new Indian express is different, and its archives cannot be accessed from the linnk you gave. That is why I asked if you really have a link that you can see on your comp, but cannot post.

As for your last question - my point was that as of now, that is the only website carrying the article. But the article and your post says that it was carried by the new Indian express. If that claim is false, then the rest of the article will obviously lack credibility.
So? even if Italian security was opted for better whats wrong in it?

after all Rajiv and Indira were killed by Indians not Italian security guards
She is still better than Vajapayee if judge him by what subramanyan swami said.
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