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no its your attitude and hostility towards russians. Youre also often times hypocritical claiming some kind of random genocides we have done to turkish people, same for china, yet at the same time you oppress turkish minorities and are responsible for armenian genocide and several other genocides against the kurds. And then you deny it and do like it never happened.
1. Turks are universally well known as hospitable and sharing people. The amount of Russian tourists coming to Turkey is proof of that. if you have had some beef with a Turk in Germany, that is not enough to depict all Turks as hostile. Common sense.
2. Turkish govt treated some minorities bad in the last few decades, but those problems are slowly fading away since the 2000's. Minorities in Turkey have lots of right and they can appeal for more rights democratically, which is happening. This is a good sign. Turkey is for all of its citizens, not only one specific group.
3. genocide against Armenians by the Ottomans have never been proven by the people who need to judge it independently, we provided video material and wrote the current situation in another thread. You might wanna read it. Anyway, It can't be proven, simply because it was citizens killing each other; Ottoman Armenians (+supported by Russians) vs Ottoman Turks and Kurds. Hence the Armenians never agreeing to opening their archives to the world and setting up an independent research with Turks and 3rd parties. of course you can't make friends with Turks if you keep up this ignorant hostile attitude against us. Now, as for the Russians, it's well known and proven how you deported various people to different places, killed a portion of them and how you also forcefully converted people to christianity in the past. Don't even get me started about Soviet period where local languages had been replaced by Russian and the destroyment of local religions. As a rus, you're one of the last one to talk about minority records. Your history speaks for itself, we don't need to accuse you of anything, it already stands out. You're in the same league with the French, Spanish and English, go compete with them who was less evil.
i suppose by that ''push a distorted view of history, draw links between Turks and unrelated races,'' you probably mean the Huns?

If thats the case than how does that concern you in any way to begin with you have your history we have ours we respect yours why dont you respect ours?

I'm not talking about Huns, because it's indisputable that Huns were historically Turkic. I'm talking about trying to draw links to Koreans, or Finns or Hungarians. The links are so weak, but by drawing those links, atatwolf inserts Turkey into regional tensions that have nothing to do with it. It's very dangerous when people use distorted history to push agendas. Take for example "Macedonians", who cause problems with their neighbors because they believe they are descendants of the ancient Macedons, instead of a South Slavic tribe.

I agree that we have to respect eachother but we cant put all the blame on Atatwolf he sometimes has a point to but he should not involve into unnessecary fights anymore...

atatwolf is blameworthy. I think the point you're trying to make is that in spite of his provocations, people shouldn't blame Turkey, which I would agree to. My opinon of Turkey hasn't changed.
which counties do u like......??
whats your opinion on India....:undecided:
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I'm not talking about Huns, because it's indisputable that Huns were historically Turkic. I'm talking about trying to draw links to Koreans, or Finns or Hungarians. The links are so weak, but by drawing those links, atatwolf inserts Turkey into regional tensions that have nothing to do with it. It's very dangerous when people use distorted history to push agendas. Take for example "Macedonians", who cause problems with their neighbors because they believe they are descendants of the ancient Macedons, instead of a South Slavic tribe.

atatwolf is blameworthy. I think the point you're trying to make is that in spite of his provocations, people shouldn't blame Turkey, which I would agree to. My opinon of Turkey hasn't changed.
My opinion of the Chinese on this site has changed though. In one of the threads about Uyghurs many Chinese blamed the attacks on Turkey and also increasingly mentioned things like 'death to all Uyghurs' 'kick them out' 'send them to Turkey' after i simply tried to talk about Uyghurs' situation in China from a different perspective while i also condemned the attack by that Uyghur group, not a single time did i mention that East Turkistan must be separate. If this hostile behavior is the result of Atatwolf, it's really sad that many of the Chinese members here are really shortsighted and ignorant. One member might worsen things, but if the other group takes an hostile stance against all of us, that says more about the other group than us. Anyway, i know there are some great objective Chinese contributors here as well.
I'm not talking about Huns, because it's indisputable that Huns were historically Turkic. I'm talking about trying to draw links to Koreans, or Finns or Hungarians. The links are so weak, but by drawing those links, atatwolf inserts Turkey into regional tensions that have nothing to do with it. It's very dangerous when people use distorted history to push agendas. Take for example "Macedonians", who cause problems with their neighbors because they believe they are descendants of the ancient Macedons, instead of a South Slavic tribe.

atatwolf is blameworthy. I think the point you're trying to make is that in spite of his provocations, people shouldn't blame Turkey, which I would agree to. My opinon of Turkey hasn't changed.

I dont know about Fins but there are many Hungarians who just happen to say the same thing they even have a powerful policital party who represents the the same cause also i once met a Korean woman who also claimed there are lots of similarities between the two languages..

Anyway why does all this have to bother you if you are not even Hungarian Fin or Korean?

Ofcourse people shouldn't blame Turkey and yes we'll talk to Atatwolf to be more carefull..
1. Turks are universally well known as hospitable and sharing people. The amount of Russian tourists coming to Turkey is proof of that. if you have had some beef with a Turk in Germany, that is not enough to depict all Turks as hostile. Common sense.
2. Turkish govt treated some minorities bad in the last few decades, but those problems are slowly fading away since the 2000's. Minorities in Turkey have lots of right and they can appeal for more rights democratically, which is happening. This is a good sign. Turkey is for all of its citizens, not only one specific group.
3. genocide against Armenians by the Ottomans have never been proven by the people who need to judge it independently, we provided video material and wrote the current situation in another thread. You might wanna read it. Anyway, It can't be proven, simply because it was citizens killing each other; Ottoman Armenians (+supported by Russians) vs Ottoman Turks and Kurds. Hence the Armenians never agreeing to opening their archives to the world and setting up an independent research with Turks and 3rd parties. of course you can't make friends with Turks if you keep up this ignorant hostile attitude against us. Now, as for the Russians, it's well known and proven how you deported various people to different places, killed a portion of them and how you also forcefully converted people to christianity in the past. Don't even get me started about Soviet period where local languages had been replaced by Russian and the destroyment of local religions. As a rus, you're one of the last one to talk about minority records. Your history speaks for itself, we don't need to accuse you of anything, it already stands out. You're in the same league with the French, Spanish and English, go compete with them who was less evil.
Armenian genocide is fact, in fact this event coined this words existance
During a video interview with Raphael Lemkin, the interviewer asked him about how he came to be interested in this genocide. He replied; "I became interested in genocide because it happened so many times. It happened to the Armenians, then after the Armenians, Hitler took action."[6][7]
Second russian tourists visit turkey because they have free visa access and its cheap not because they like turkey.

Third russians suffered under mongols and their turkic allies

Destruction under the Mongol Empire quantifies death toll and infrastructure damage ensuing from the 13th century Mongol conquests. Historian Wei-chieh Tsai has written, "The Mongol conquests shook Eurasia and were of significant influence in world history."[1]

Historians regard the Mongol raids and invasions as some of the deadliest conflicts in human history up through that period. Brian Landers has offered that, "One empire in particular exceeded any that had gone before, and crossed from Asia into Europe in an orgy of violence and destruction. The Mongols brought terror to Europe on a scale not seen again until the twentieth century."[2] Diana Lary contends that the Mongol invasions induced population displacement "on a scale never seen before," particularly in Central Asia and eastern Europe. She adds, "the impending arrival of the Mongol hordes spread terror and panic."[3]

russia has every right on north asian land because they suffered millions of casualties thanks to your ancestors. And so did suffer china, its just fair that both china and russia have the right to turkic and mongolian land. If israel gets palestine because of 6 million jewish death than its just fair that russia can get north asia and china xian jiang as they suffered a much great proportion of death and chaos at that time than the holocaust.

this is how it may looked like, study the sins of your ancestors then maybe relationship can improve

atatwolf permanently damaged the image of Turks on this board. He tries hard to meddle in others' internal affairs, push a distorted view of history, draw links between Turks and unrelated races, revive dead theories of supra-Turkic nationalism from the early 20th century even when it strongly contradicts biological and genetic evidence, and make enemies with unrelated countries. If you find a lot of hostility from Chinese/Russians/Arabs/Iranians/etc, you know who's to blame.
Nobody here is the spokesman of their nations, last week i read how some Chinese was talking about how they want a genocide on Uighurs, should i think that all Chinese are the same?
My opinion of the Chinese on this site has changed though. In one of the threads about Uyghurs many Chinese blamed the attacks on Turkey and also increasingly mentioned things like 'death to all Uyghurs' 'kick them out' 'send them to Turkey' after i simply tried to talk about Uyghurs' situation in China from a different perspective while i also condemned the attack by that Uyghur group, not a single time did i mention that East Turkistan must be separate. If this hostile behavior is the result of Atatwolf, it's really sad that many of the Chinese members here are really shortsighted and ignorant. One member might worsen things, but if the other group takes an hostile stance against all of us, that says more about the other group than us. Anyway, i know there are some great objective Chinese contributors here as well.

Yes, I was disappointed by the Chinese reaction too, and I didn't post in any of those threads. The worst thing China can do is overreact, like USA did in the aftermath of 9/11, and blame/invade random countries. But fortunately, the government is taking a level-headed approach, trying to persuade people not to blame entire ethnic groups or develop prejudices.

Anyway, if your impression of Chinese was warped by that incident, then fair enough. But I can only say that this is a forum that mostly attracts nationalists (this applies for all countries), and the Chinese posters here aren't really representative of the population at large.

Nobody here is the spokesman of their nations, last week i read how some chinese was talking about how they want a genocide on Uighurs, should i think that all chinese are the same?

I don't think anyone here is a spokesperson for their country (it would be a crazy proposition), and that's why I said my impression of Turkey hasn't changed. But elturco asked why the OP didn't like Turkey, and I felt it would be helpful to explain where all the animosity to Turks on this forum, justified or not, comes from.
Actually China is the only country I hate, the others in my dislike list I just dislike. It has to do with Uighur ocupation since last century and Tibetians. I also don't like Chinese culture, music, eating habits, how they look at Japanese and their politeness in your face but looking down on everybody and assuming you should adopt their customs even when you are not in their country. I and a couple of colegues had business meeting in Europe and they assumed we should do their lame bow. I didn't. LOL.

Since when do children conduct business meetings?

Gotta love stupid trolls who can be easily humiliated when they know nothing about the country they profess to admire. Bowing is part of Japanese culture, which they copied from China. Japanese always bow at business meetings.

Bowing In Japan (Japanese Customs)

Japanese use Chinese characters, use a massive amount of Chinese loanwords, and copied Chinese administration government, culture, philosophy, Confucianism, the official written language of pre-modern Japan was in Chinese, and Japanese civilization, culture, people and the Japanese state itself is the result of the adoption of Chinese civilization by the Yayoi people of southern Japan. Japan views ancient China like westerners view ancient Greece as the foundation of their civilization. Japan was created when Chinese culture spread to Japan via the Korean peninsula. If China doesn't exist, Japan does not either.

In short, like people ripping off and copying culture, religion, language, and civilization from Arabs and Persians.
I don't think anyone here is a spokesperson for their country (it would be a crazy proposition), and that's why I said my impression of Turkey hasn't changed. But elturco asked why the OP didn't like Turkey, and I felt it would be helpful to explain where all the animosity to Turks on this forum, justified or not, comes from.
I understand what you mean, but still, me on my part wouldnt judge a whole Nation because of silly coments on the Internet but i know that not everybody is smart enough to think like that.
Dislike: Moldova,Russia,Hungary,Italy,UK,The Netherlands,Germany,South Africa,Zimbabwe,Ukraine

Like: Serbia,France,Australia,New Zeeland,Poland

Neutral: All of the rest.
Armenian genocide is fact, in fact this event coined this words existance

Second russian tourists visit turkey because they have free visa access and its cheap not because they like turkey.

Third russians suffered under mongols and their turkic allies

russia has every right on north asian land because they suffered millions of casualties thanks to your ancestors. And so did suffer china, its just fair that both china and russia have the right to turkic and mongolian land. If israel gets palestine because of 6 million jewish death than its just fair that russia can get north asia and china xian jiang as they suffered a much great proportion of death and chaos at that time than the holocaust
this is how it may looked like, study the sins of your ancestors then maybe relationship can improve

1. It aint a fact, or are we gonna change accusations into facts when it suits your interest? That way i can label any anti-Russian accusation as a fact as well. Dirty but effective game.
2. Russians may not like Turkey, same like how Turks in general don't like Russians, but those tourists probably neither like or dislike Turkey, otherwise they wouldnt set a foot in Turkey. Plus, ironically you should look up how many Armenians, albeit many are illegals, have come to live in Turkey through the last few decades. You would be surprised that so many Armenians have come to Turkey out of free will despite the so called 'genocide'. Something is fishy about this.
3. Turks in general don't want war just to get land from anyone nation where Turkics live. Instead many Turks just want that those Turkics can freely live without restrictions and assimilation policies (which still happen) and also make union with central Asian nations. Of course there are hardcore pan-Turks who also would like to invade Russia, China, Iran, Iraq, Syria, Balkans etc. to get the Turkic people there, but that's not realistic and counter-productive for peace with those countries. Your fear is exaggerated, but somewhat also understandable. Rest of your message is useless and childish, as usual.

Yes, I was disappointed by the Chinese reaction too, and I didn't post in any of those threads. The worst thing China can do is overreact, like USA did in the aftermath of 9/11, and blame/invade random countries. But fortunately, the government is taking a level-headed approach, trying to persuade people not to blame entire ethnic groups or develop prejudices.

Anyway, if your impression of Chinese was warped by that incident, then fair enough. But I can only say that this is a forum that mostly attracts nationalists (this applies for all countries), and the Chinese posters here aren't really representative of the population at large.

I don't think anyone here is a spokesperson for their country (it would be a crazy proposition), and that's why I said my impression of Turkey hasn't changed. But elturco asked why the OP didn't like Turkey, and I felt it would be helpful to explain where all the animosity to Turks on this forum, justified or not, comes from.
My view on Chinese in general didn't change, just the few on this site whose usernames i remember :) ordinary Chinese, Uyghurs, Russians, Turks just want to get through the day, no need to paint a nation black due one or two rotten apples, especially on a forum
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