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Your opinion about different countries (Like, Dislike, Neutral etc.)

He answered;i dislike.
What answer are you waiting for,the reason?
He will not give you a reason.

That's not an answer and i especially asked the Russian because for over a decade favorite tourist destination from Russia are to Turkey.
That's not an answer and i especially asked the Russian because for over a decade favorite tourist destination from Russia are to Turkey.
If he lived in Russia,he would maybe think different but he is from Germany,that changes the opinion.
He lives in Germany and maybe had some bad encounters,thats why?
no its your attitude and hostility towards russians. Youre also often times hypocritical claiming some kind of random genocides we have done to turkish people, same for china, yet at the same time you oppress turkish minorities and are responsible for armenian genocide and several other genocides against the kurds. And then you deny it and do like it never happened.
If he lived in Russia,he would maybe think different but he is from Germany,that changes the opinion.

is it political or something else i suppose what you just said must be reason tho .
no its your attitude and hostility towards russians. Youre also often times hypocritical claiming some kind of random genocides we have done to turkish people, same for china, yet at the same time you oppress turkish minorities and are responsible for armenian genocide and several other genocides against the kurds. And then you deny it and do like it never happened.

How the hell are we hostile towards Russians?

They visit our country by the hundreds of thousands on all seasons.

I just came back from Istanbul Russian men women and children were all over the place also lots of them are owning/running bussinesses like clothes boutique's..

Usually a russian dont give a crap about that genocide talk.. are you sure you are ethnic Russian or something else like for example Armenian?
How the hell are we hostile towards Russians?

They visit our country by the hundreds of thousands on all seasons.

I just came back from Istanbul Russian men women and children were all over the place also lots of them are owning/running bussinesses like clothes boutique's..

Usually a russian dont give a crap about that genocide talk.. are you sure you are ethnic Russian or something else like for example Armenian?
Dude its just oppinnion of one person, just leave him if he wants to hate a whole nation only because he reads something in internet.
is it political or something else i suppose what you just said must be reason tho .
no its your attitude and hostility towards russians. Youre also often times hypocritical claiming some kind of random genocides we have done to turkish people, same for china, yet at the same time you oppress turkish minorities and are responsible for armenian genocide and several other genocides against the kurds. And then you deny it and do like it never happened.
Hostile towards Russia?
You mean Stalin?
Its not like the Soviet Union has a clean track record.
So you are against oppression?
Do you really want to go there?
Hostile towards Russia?
You mean Stalin?
Its not like the Soviet Union has a clean track record.
So you are against oppression?
Do you really want to go there?
your whole people are invaders, you originally came from east asia and whipped out kurds, armenians and greek while sitting and eating from their land

atatwolf permanently damaged the image of Turks on this board. He tries hard to meddle in others' internal affairs, push a distorted view of history, draw links between Turks and unrelated races, revive dead theories of supra-Turkic nationalism from the early 20th century even when it strongly contradicts biological and genetic evidence, and make enemies with unrelated countries. If you find a lot of hostility from Chinese/Russians/Arabs/Iranians/etc, you know who's to blame.
your whole people are invaders, you originally came from east asia and whipped out kurds, armenians and greek while sitting and eating from their land

Why are you carrying a Russian flag i figured you out already you are a false flagger Chinese.. you cant fool us kid.

atatwolf permanently damaged the image of Turks on this board. He tries hard to meddle in others' internal affairs, push a distorted view of history, draw links between Turks and unrelated races, revive dead theories of supra-Turkic nationalism from the early 20th century even when it strongly contradicts biological and genetic evidence, and make enemies with unrelated countries. If you find a lot of hostility from Chinese/Russians/Arabs/Iranians/etc, you know who's to blame.

i suppose by that ''push a distorted view of history, draw links between Turks and unrelated races,'' you probably mean the Huns?

If thats the case than how does that concern you in any way to begin with you have your history we have ours we respect yours why dont you respect ours?

Huns are Turkic if you disagree it means you want to delete us from the pages of history.

I agree that we have to respect eachother but we cant put all the blame on Atatwolf he sometimes has a point to but he should not involve into unnessecary fights anymore...
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