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Young Iranians Stay Home in Fear of Acid Attacks

We all can show each other down with numerous short comings in our respective countries but to score points on the expense of vulnerability of women is really low.
You become Basij by going on Internet forums and spread mass doses of propaganda, take screenshots of what you did and then bring them to your local Basij office where you will be handsomely rewarded. And its not me who said that, it was an Iranian girl I met in my time in the US.
You cant be serious. :o:

Anyway there is no need to start another pointless discussion. This is not the thread for it. There are retards in both KSA and Iran and there is no denying that. You can believe what you want to believe but I actually feel sorry for those women. Who knows they might be Iranian Arabs? But as I said I don't care where they are from. If I saw a "man" behave like this against a complete stranger (women) I would smash his skull in public. Unfortunately you can't take the law in your own hands in such cases. At least not here in Western Europe. Anyway anyone that raises a hand against a defenseless woman deserves nothing but a serious *** beating. Or any defenseless person. I get furious when I see such behavior especially from groups of gangs that attack 1 person when they are 5-6. I have been in my share of fights due to that when I was a bit younger.
thanks for correcting your behavior and thanks for expressing your opinion about the bastard that could be born anywhere else.
Of course they never hurt anyone and are not even armed. Before they were armed with a bamboo stick. That's all. They are mostly found in Najd. Basijs on the other hand are those people you see who are killing people left and right and throwing acid at people as we can see in this thread.

As you can see ordinary women are dealing with them without a problem. Post 14.

Anyway I consider them unnecessary but they are definitely less retarded then the Basij lot despite this;

Basij don't interfere with people lives unlike al hai'ah who judge people if they don't pray or if the women drive cars
I thought acid attack was more common to the sub continent. I hope low lives who terrorize girls with such attacks are punished in the most brutal way possible.
LOL, no way. they are the regime supporters, and have done those attacks with the direct order of the regime.
Definitely basiji, and mullah supporters.

Basij does what it has to do to keep the Islamic Republic safe from such zionwahabis


I am not a fan of them as I have said but they do not kill anyone. They are not even armed. You know this. They cannot do anything. They just advice people nowadays. Even women are never afraid of them and just defend themselves if they make some comments about the clothes etc.

Basically those are just lower classes and sometimes even former petty criminals who are not very bright. Some I feel bad for as they want to change and just want a job and some also have good intentions. There was this case with that British White man whose Saudi Arabian wife protested when they started bothering her husband. Anyway most of them are based in and around Riyadh. I hope that they remove them although they are largely harmless. I don't know whose idea this was anyway.

Anyway we should stick to topic and I have deleted 1 of my off-topic posts. I hope they catch the criminals and punish them severely for this behavior.
Yes I know that's what I am talking about
You cant be serious. :o:
Negative,its false.come on dude, its impossible to encourage young boys to post propaganda without making too much noise.after all its an public recall.so, could you find any source or proof about it?many may join social networks and do their propaganda.but its definitely their own choice.
Negative,its false.come on dude, its impossible to encourage young boys to post propaganda without making too much noise.after all its an public recall.so, could you find any source or proof about it?many may join social networks and do their propaganda.but its definitely their own choice.
The sole existence of a moral police is disturbing anyways but throwing acid on girls face only because some perverts get horny by looking at their hair is just out of this world.
You need to stay on topic, too.thanks

The sole existence of a moral police is disturbing anyways but throwing acid on girls face only because some perverts get horny by looking at their hair is just out of this world.
As al-hassani told, retards live everywhere.there are thousands of Turkish members in ISIL and ISIL's acts are just out of this world;).

However Basij is not to blame this time.becasue as I said, some of the victims had full hejab.
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As al-hassani told, retards live everywhere.there are thousands of Turkish members in ISIL and ISIL's acts are just out of this world;).
They would never dare to do something like this in Turkey, and if they would get arrested for a very long time.
They would never dare to do something like this in Turkey, and if they would get arrested for a very long time.
Unrests in SE of your country prove the opposite.please dont act like you care about our people anyway.
Unrests in SE of your country prove the opposite.please dont act like you care about our people anyway.
Unrest in SE Turkey doesnt have anything to do with the topic but its the typical distraction which we are used to from you guys, not surprising at all.

Look what your compatriot wrote about people like you, this would give me a reason to sit down and think about what the hell is going wrong in my country and why do i even defend these things, but i dont expect the same from you to be honest.

It makes me sad and frustrated seeing Iran in it's today misery and adversity but seeing a bunch of uneducated, brainwashed uncivilized, propaganda subjected, Iranians here ranting and chanting about how they have conquered all the milky way makes me even more sad and disappointed.
Economy is all about facts and figures hence the propaganda machine has done every thing to prevent these ragtags from focusing on economy, and unlike economy, military power and might is the ideal play ground for this propaganda machine to spread it's lies and nonsense and to plant the seeds of delusion and hallucination of superiority and prosperity.
I have come to this point that no body on earth can cure these guys.

Source: Iranian Chill Thread | Page 1164
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