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Not quite. They've become pretty self sufficient in terms of flight training and producing quality pilots of their own. The Pakistanis and other expats who went there basically worked to get out of the job.

Training is valuable at any level. Like PAF would be nothing without USAF, RAF and more recently TuAF. And the same goes for them vice-versa that picked up various training experiences.
Arab mind is a total different mind set.
spend some time with them (in a professional environment)
I have, and that too in a Viper squadron. They have a lot of sharp guys (and lately gals), amongst them. Never underestimate what they or anyone are capable of.

Same goes for Pakistanis. American IPs were not impressed with Pakistani students who were coming to fly T-38s as students. With time they got better.....
I have, and that too in a Viper squadron. They have a lot of sharp guys (and lately gals), amongst them. Never underestimate what they or anyone are capable of.

Same goes for Pakistanis. American IPs were not impressed with Pakistani students who were coming to fly T-38s as students. With time they got better.....
Unfortunately, our folk are still working on the initial reviews of their uncles from the 80’s instead of seeing the Arab millennials and Gen Z; who are both extremely smart and fairly humble as well.

One trip to Saudi Arabia today will erase all these urban myth misconceptions.
I have, and that too in a Viper squadron. They have a lot of sharp guys (and lately gals), amongst them. Never underestimate what they or anyone are capable of.

Same goes for Pakistanis. American IPs were not impressed with Pakistani students who were coming to fly T-38s as students. With time they got better.....
Good to know. When you come to Toronto some time let me know we can have a Coffee, seems like you will be an interesting guy to make conversation with.

Majority of Pakistanis are as ignorant as a toad in a gutter and look at others as though they are some low race. In reality, however, the poorest of African countries have cleaner cities and better traffic than most Pakistani cities. This is why we never learn and never improve. The young generation, that has not seen the Pakistan of yesteryears can never do the comparison and realize how far down have we slipped as a society.

Unfortunately, our folk are still working on the initial reviews of their uncles from the 80’s instead of seeing the Arab millennials and Gen Z; who are both extremely smart and fairly humble as well.

One trip to Saudi Arabia today will erase all these urban myth misconceptions.
WVR combat F-22 is sitting duck against F-16 but in BVR scenario and stealth there is no chance for F-16 or any other fourth gen jet.

Not sure about that - I was just seeing some fights against the Su-57. The thing is a beast in WVR. Just toys with the rest of the aircraft like a tiger toys with its prey.
FYI to clarify, I mean the Su-57 treated other aircraft (4th gen) like toys. Haven't seen the F-22 in combat but perhaps they are similar to the Su-57.
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