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Yom Kippur War 1973: The Egyptian Revenge

It was smart how Egyptians defeated with CIA spy satellites by accurately calculating their positions and then moving the arms in a perfect time sync to avoid detection.
The October 1973 Ramadan War was an amazing military and political victory for Egypt that changed the political and military thinking of the entire region as well as introduced a major new school of thought in military matters. Egyptian military victory is still taught in multiple countries' military academies today, although Zionist propaganda as usual tries to label it a Zionist victory despite all the proof and facts on the ground which showed facts to the contrary.

The Zionists could not push either the 2nd Army or the 3rd Army one inch from the Sinai, as far as I can recall. All they could do was rely on American SR-71 Blackbird flights (which were detected by Egyptian radars) and maybe reconnaissance satellites for sneeking past the "Chinese Farms" during dark for propaganda purposes with very few soldiers and material that were smashed thoroughly, and this "breakthrough" was achieved by violating ceasefires.

Except propaganda, Zionists won nothing and that's why they left Sinai. If the usual excuse provided by them were to be true, why don't the Zionists hand over Al Quds/Jerusalem to Arabs?
The October 1973 Ramadan War was an amazing military and political victory for Egypt that changed the political and military thinking of the entire region as well as introduced a major new school of thought in military matters. Egyptian military victory is still taught in multiple countries' military academies today, although Zionist propaganda as usual tries to label it a Zionist victory despite all the proof and facts on the ground which showed facts to the contrary.

The Zionists could not push either the 2nd Army or the 3rd Army one inch from the Sinai, as far as I can recall. All they could do was rely on American SR-71 Blackbird flights (which were detected by Egyptian radars) and maybe reconnaissance satellites for sneeking past the "Chinese Farms" during dark for propaganda purposes with very few soldiers and material that were smashed thoroughly, and this "breakthrough" was achieved by violating ceasefires.
3 Israeli armor divisions "sneaked" with Egyptian notice? :lol: There were very bloody battles at Chinese Farms, which ended with IDF victory.

Except propaganda, Zionists won nothing and that's why they left Sinai. If the usual excuse provided by them were to be true, why don't the Zionists hand over Al Quds/Jerusalem to Arabs?
Because Egypt made peace with Israel.

Let me show u some quotes:

The rest, as they say, is history. Sadat, who had rejected the advice of the Soviet Union on October 12 to seek a ceasefire, and who continued to reject that advice until, too late, he accepted it on October 19, now found himself begging for Soviet help.

During the early hours of October 24, six Soviet airborne divisions were put on alert and Soviet Premier Brezhnev sent President Nixon what amounted to an ultimatum. Under pressure from the United States, Israel accepted another ceasefire from October 24. They could afford to: they had their bargaining counter. They refused to comply with United Nations Resolution 339 calling upon them to return to their October 22 lines. Of course.

25 Oct 1100 hours: A meeting of the Armed Forces Supreme Council, the first since the outbreak of war. ...The main topic was, of course, how to open the road to Third Army. But though everyone spoke with passion, nobody could come up with a realistic plan.

"My men and I are ready to die to open the road to the Third Army," Qabiyl (Brigadier of the 4th Armored division) said. "But I have to say I do not think we will succeed. And if our division is destroyed the road to Cairo will be wide open."

To stay alive the Third Army needed rather over 150 tons of supplies a day. The vast column of soft-skinned vehicles needed to carry such quantitiies would simply be an added burden on the tank crews of 4th Division as they fought their way down the road.

And after. On October 30, when the plight of Third Army was desperate, the Egyptian newspapers appeared with banner headlines: "Our forces are in complete control of the West Bank of the Canal between Deversoir and Suez Town" and: "The Third Army is Receiving Supplies in the Normal Fashion." The whole world was being told of the encirclement of Third Army except the wives, mothers, sisters and sweethearts of the men suffering out there. Of course, rumors began to circulate. It was a catastrophe too big to hide.

I had lost almost 11 pounds in six weeks. But how could I relax while the 45,000 officers and men of Third Army were cut off?

You know who wrote it? A Zionist? - No, Egyptian chief of staff in that war. Amazing victory, indeed. :lol:
3 Israeli armor divisions "sneaked" with Egyptian notice? :lol: There were very bloody battles at Chinese Farms, which ended with IDF victory.

Because Egypt made peace with Israel.

Let me show u some quotes:

The rest, as they say, is history. Sadat, who had rejected the advice of the Soviet Union on October 12 to seek a ceasefire, and who continued to reject that advice until, too late, he accepted it on October 19, now found himself begging for Soviet help.

During the early hours of October 24, six Soviet airborne divisions were put on alert and Soviet Premier Brezhnev sent President Nixon what amounted to an ultimatum. Under pressure from the United States, Israel accepted another ceasefire from October 24. They could afford to: they had their bargaining counter. They refused to comply with United Nations Resolution 339 calling upon them to return to their October 22 lines. Of course.

25 Oct 1100 hours: A meeting of the Armed Forces Supreme Council, the first since the outbreak of war. ...The main topic was, of course, how to open the road to Third Army. But though everyone spoke with passion, nobody could come up with a realistic plan.

"My men and I are ready to die to open the road to the Third Army," Qabiyl (Brigadier of the 4th Armored division) said. "But I have to say I do not think we will succeed. And if our division is destroyed the road to Cairo will be wide open."

To stay alive the Third Army needed rather over 150 tons of supplies a day. The vast column of soft-skinned vehicles needed to carry such quantitiies would simply be an added burden on the tank crews of 4th Division as they fought their way down the road.

And after. On October 30, when the plight of Third Army was desperate, the Egyptian newspapers appeared with banner headlines: "Our forces are in complete control of the West Bank of the Canal between Deversoir and Suez Town" and: "The Third Army is Receiving Supplies in the Normal Fashion." The whole world was being told of the encirclement of Third Army except the wives, mothers, sisters and sweethearts of the men suffering out there. Of course, rumors began to circulate. It was a catastrophe too big to hide.

I had lost almost 11 pounds in six weeks. But how could I relax while the 45,000 officers and men of Third Army were cut off?

You know who wrote it? A Zionist? - No, Egyptian chief of staff in that war. Amazing victory, indeed. :lol:

Did you even read his book ? He never claimed that you guys won the war. He is basically saying that Egypt could have achieved WAY more in the war, if Sadat didn't interfere..... Now read this, i am not going to quote and Egyptian or an Israeli a source, but i will quote Major Michael C. Jordan, United States Marine Corps:

The 1973 Arab-Israeli War ended with no clear decisive outcome on the battlefield. Militarily, the war was a stalemate, though on 24 October when the cease-fire took effect, Israel had seized the initiative, crossed the Suez Canal and maneuvered elements of three divisions on the west bank between the Egyptian Third Army, located primarily on the east bank, and Cairo. The Egyptians, however, clearly were not defeated, as was readily apparent by the significant casualties their forces inflicted on Adan's division in Suez City immediately prior to the cease-fire. Both sides suffered casualties and equipment destruction and supply consumption at rates neither could support, even with resupply from the superpowers. Time worked against the Israelis much more so than against the Arab side. Thus, whether the Israelis could have destroyed the Third Army in detail, as they claim, one may only speculate.

What seems clear, however, is that the Arab grand strategy eventually proved successful in achieving most of thei Arab's strategic policy objectives. While as an immediate result of the war, Egypt recovered only a small portion of the territory seized by the Israelis in 1967, and the Syrians lost some territory, a clear shift in the political balance occurred in the Arab's, particularly Egypt's favor.

Just as the Arab alliance planned, the return to Middle East hostilities broke the political impasse, refocused world attention on the Arab question, and forced international negotiations concerning the occupied territories. These negotiations ultimately resulted in the return of the Suez Canal and land in the western Sinai to Egypt and more Golan Heights territory to Syria than it lost during the fighting. Further, the war shocked and embarrassed Israel internationally. The Arab's military successes, particularly the deception campaign resulting in strategic surprise, shattered the twin myths of Israeli invincibility and Arab incompetence. This restored Arab confidence and morale, a psychological victory for them, while conversely, Israel was downcast and very paranoid about its future
No need to use "big fonts" to write propaganda.

1) Why could you not take Ismaelia or Suez cities?
2) Why could you not push 3rd or 2nd Army one inch from Sinai?
3) Do you want to read everything Saad El Shazly wrote?
4) Should we start quoting from Zionist ministers themselves?

I think Egyptians can handle this topic better, but I can direct you to better sources of information to you than cheap propaganda that requires use of big fonts and red colour.

The Zionist propaganda machinery has fed so much unadulterated tripe to its gullible public that they can not fathom the concept that they were thoroughly trounced in warfare, on the ground. That's why they come up with silly excuses and propaganda operations. Should I quote what the Jewish Kissinger (American minister of foreign affairs/secretary of foreign affairs) said to Sadat if he were to liquidate all "Israeli" forces West of the Suez Canal?

It is widely available information, so I would save the Zionist members here more blushes.
No wonder the Arab leaders called this "war": Operation Spark (etincelle).
I personally think that without American intervention, or if it is neutralised, Israel can be overwhelmed by the Arabs in less than 24 ours.
Since an image is better than a thousand words:

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That is why "Israel" keeps the "Samson option" open, now Germany has gifted it with six dolphin submarines for "second strike" capability, and American publicly stated position is to maintain "Israeli" air superiority over all regional countries by any means at all times (which is what 400-450 freely gifted American planes+many more would come in time of actual war with a strong coalition actually manages to do).

No doubt that conventionally Arab countries are far superior to "Israel" but that is where the "superiority" ends because there has not been any Arab unity of any use since many centuries perhaps. Even during 1973 Jordanian king supposedly flew to "Israel" to tell them about the upcoming war, and having multiple centres of command (one for Egypt, one for Syria, etc) and other Arab countries helping in with one or two squadrons of aircraft at most does not change the balance much in times of war.

The Arab world has much potential indeed, but it needs to be realized, with a visionary leadership, with the correct ideology, with united effort to build and outdo the suppliers of "Israel". Besides, I fail to understand why a Jordanian member here (also many Jordanians and other Western allied Arab country nationals) do not have as much problem with "Israel" as with Iran, nor do they have any problems with America despite all its enormous crimes against Arabs and Muslims.

For the Arab Muslims, the ranking for the greatest enemies should be:
1)America/West ("Israel" is nothing in itself, and America/West is totally against Islam as it has proven in the last decade openly, so why do Arab public, not talking about sell out leaders but the public, think those kafir Westerners who dont know their parentage are the Muslim Arabs' allies?)
2)Iranian regime
3)others are less significant like Ethiopia for Egypt etc.
No wonder the Arab leaders called this "war": Operation Spark (etincelle).
I personally think that without American intervention, or if it is neutralised, Israel can be overwhelmed by the Arabs in less than 24 ours.
Given Israel population, economy, and the its enemies. Israel can NOT fight a long war, the country would collapse, same applies to the economy. America interfered to stop the war, and they did. The whole Egyptian plan by the Great General Shazly was to stay in the postions that Egypt occupied at the begining of the war for months, up to 6 months. Just in a defensive postion. Israel would have collapsed if that was the case. Imagine a country of 3 millios, with most of the population in the army, no factories working, no farming, no production what so ever ect. for 6 months.
No need to use "big fonts" to write propaganda.
Its quote of Egyptian chief of staff. :lol:

1) Why could you not take Ismaelia or Suez cities?
We were outnumbered 1/2, so we surrounded Egyptians.

2) Why could you not push 3rd or 2nd Army one inch from Sinai?
Stop repeating nonsense. We did push 2nd army away from crossing and surrounded 3rd.

3) Do you want to read everything Saad El Shazly wrote?
4) Should we start quoting from Zionist ministers themselves?
Ahlan wasahlan. :lol:

Here the facts you cant deny:

1) 3rd Egyptian army was surounded.
2) Egyptian army could not resque it.
3) Saddat was begging for cease fire.
4) Egyptian loses were several times bigger than Israeli.

Great victory indeed.

No wonder the Arab leaders called this "war": Operation Spark (etincelle).
I personally think that without American intervention, or if it is neutralised, Israel can be overwhelmed by the Arabs in less than 24 ours.
More fairy tales. US sent help to Israel only on 14 Oct, when Israeli forces returned Golan and were deep in Syrian territory. In Sinai large Egyptian offensive was crushed. USSR aid to Arabs started on 10 Oct and was bigger.
. .
I do not have time to respond to Zionist nonsense, hopefully, there are some Egyptian/Arab members here who can inform the general public of the truth. They claimed that American airlift to "Israel" was less than Soviet "airlift" to Arabs. There is no point writing more nonsense.
Nobody denied that initially Egypt was in an advantageous position. An Egyptian spy played for an Israeli double agent in a very good way which allowed Egypt to go for pre-emptive strike. Israel would have been occupied by Egypt if not for American help.

However, by American help or otherwise, tide was turned at the end and Israel recaptured Sinai as well as some territories on the west side of Suez. Prior to the ceasefire, Israel had captured some territories in west side of Suez, Egypt had also captured some territories on the Sinai peninsula. In the end, it could be said that it was status quo anti bellum. (with Sinai belonging to Israel). However, considering the fact that Egypt's man and material loss was several times higher than Israel's and Israel captured the Suez canal, the military victory was for Israel, not Egypt.

That is why "Israel" keeps the "Samson option" open, now Germany has gifted it with six dolphin submarines for "second strike" capability, and American publicly stated position is to maintain "Israeli" air superiority over all regional countries by any means at all times (which is what 400-450 freely gifted American planes+many more would come in time of actual war with a strong coalition actually manages to do).

No doubt that conventionally Arab countries are far superior to "Israel" but that is where the "superiority" ends because there has not been any Arab unity of any use since many centuries perhaps. Even during 1973 Jordanian king supposedly flew to "Israel" to tell them about the upcoming war, and having multiple centres of command (one for Egypt, one for Syria, etc) and other Arab countries helping in with one or two squadrons of aircraft at most does not change the balance much in times of war.

The Arab world has much potential indeed, but it needs to be realized, with a visionary leadership, with the correct ideology, with united effort to build and outdo the suppliers of "Israel". Besides, I fail to understand why a Jordanian member here (also many Jordanians and other Western allied Arab country nationals) do not have as much problem with "Israel" as with Iran, nor do they have any problems with America despite all its enormous crimes against Arabs and Muslims.

For the Arab Muslims, the ranking for the greatest enemies should be:
1)America/West ("Israel" is nothing in itself, and America/West is totally against Islam as it has proven in the last decade openly, so why do Arab public, not talking about sell out leaders but the public, think those kafir Westerners who dont know their parentage are the Muslim Arabs' allies?)
2)Iranian regime
3)others are less significant like Ethiopia for Egypt etc.

At present, I'm afraid the status quo is highly in Israel's favour. Israel's highly advanced nuclear and biological program means it can wipe out all Arab countries if it wishes to, in a matter of hours. Dolphin submarines gives Israel a second-strike capability as well. Had it not been for the fear of the "islamic bomb", Greater Israel would have already been established. The process of taking out Pakistan's nukes is underway, and when it is completed, we will see the dramatic territorial expansion of Israel from Egypt to Iraq, with KSA, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria reduced in size or wiped out.

Compared to Egypt, Israel's air force is vastly superior. The major handicap of Egypt is that it has no BvR capability on its F 16s. These F 16s would be taken out by Israel by BvR and Egyptian F 16s won't even have the ability to lock on outside range.

The recent NATO attack on Libya means Egypt would be attacked from TWO fronts now, from the east by Israel and from the West by NATO (from Libya), in addition to naval blockade in the Mediterranean. Unfortunately, there is very little chance of Egypt surviving when Israel decides to initiate the great war.
However, by American help or otherwise, tide was turned at the end and Israel recaptured Sinai as well as some territories on the west side of Suez. Prior to the ceasefire, Israel had captured some territories in west side of Suez, Egypt had also captured some territories on the Sinai peninsula. In the end, it could be said that it was status quo anti bellum. (with Sinai belonging to Israel). However, considering the fact that Egypt's man and material loss was several times higher than Israel's and Israel captured the Suez canal, the military victory was for Israel, not Egypt.
Egypt recaptured 194 KM accross the Suez Canal, 12-15 deep inside Sinai after 4 days of fighting. Egypt intial plan was completed after 4 days, until the end of the war they never gave back the land they retook from Israel. Also, israel could not capture any cities West of the Canal, and they got crushed at Suez and on their way to Isamelia. They did surround the Third army, but the Third army didn't surrender, or stop fighting. Also, these Israeli forces that surrounded the Third army was surrounded by Egyptian forces also. Their was no way they could have went forward toward any city in Egypt, not enough force. Plus at this time all the Arab help was starting to come to Egypt. Egypt didn't withdraw one man from the East side of the Canal toward the West side, and that was Sadat idea. Shazly wanted to take some forces from the East, and send it to the West to crush the Israeli forces instead of ending the war. That is what they disagreed on, and the reason Shazly thinks Egypt could have achieved more.
Accounts vary, but according to official and widely endorsed account, Sinai was re-conquered by Israel during the time of ceasefire.

Little known is the fact that Israel contemplated the use of nuclear weapons at the worst point of the war in 1973.
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