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Yom Kippur War 1973: The Egyptian Revenge

The Arab Muslims should create active propaganda units to spread information and to inform their fellow Muslim brothers all around the world. All your enemies employ active propaganda units, why should you be left behind?
You could not DARE to face 3rd army or 2nd army face to face.
What u are rambling there?

1) We crushed joint 2nd and 3rd army offensive on 14 Oct.
2) We captured Chinese Farms from 2nd army that allowed us to cross the Canal.
3) We repulsed 3rd army counter attack at Chinese Farms.
4) We encyrcled 3rd army.

Who was CUT OFF? Ariel "Arik" Sharon ADMITS IT CLEARLY that Zionists were CUT OFF:
Ariel Sharon - Biography: 1973 October War (Yom Kippur War)
Bren's division also fails to create a safe corridor for crossing between the two Egyptian Armies.
You "forgot" to quote few lines later. Here is the full quote:

Bren's division also fails to create a safe corridor for crossing between the two Egyptian Armies. Egyptian forces try to destroy Sharon's bridgehead the eastern embankment. After a fierce battle Sharon manages to push them back.

At night, a brigade of Sharon's division launch an attack on the Egyptian stronghold named the Chinese Farm, on the eastern side of the canal. After a bitter fight, they manage to open the road to the rafts convoy, and the rafts can finally advance towards the Backyard, the site where the breach in the sand embankment was made.

Crossing was indeed a dangerous move, but it worked. Egyptians were pushed back, their attacks against Israeli bridghead and counteratacks were crashed. 3rd Egyptian army was surrounded and only cease fire saved it from collapse.

This was 2nd Egyptian army position on 14th Oct:

And this is 2nd Egyptian army in the end of war:

The area marked in blue was captured by Israel from 2nd army (Chinese Farm battle) and this allowed to cross canal and encyrcle 3rd army:
. .
Meanwhile, the radical Christian fundamentalist and anti Islamic Briton, Edgar O'Ballance admits the following:

Golda Meir writes, in My Life, "The war was a near disaster, a nightmare that I myself
experienced and which will always be with me. ... I found myself as prime minister, in a position
of ultimate responsibility at a time when the state faced the greatest threat it had known.

The Soviets estimate that Israel lost 289 aircraft, the American estimate was 200, but whatever
the true figures were, they amounted to a lot of aircraft in a short space of time. At the time the
McDonnell plant in the United States was producing only three Phantoms a month. General Tlas
told me that, according to a notice published on all notice boards in Israeli air force camps after
the war, 160 Israeli pilots had been lost, but the Israelis will admit to only about fifty

...four or five Israeli pilots landed on Syrian airfields and gave themselves up and that he gave
one of their Phantoms to the Soviet Union. Later, sixty-three Israeli pilots captured by the
Syrians were exchanged for Arab prisoners

The much-used Israeli handout photograph of a captured SAM-6, according to the
Egyptians, was merely a wooden dummy.

By the end of the first day of the war the Israelis had lost from both missiles and ZSUs at least
thirty Skyhawks, ten Phantoms, and a proportion of their best pilots
, the cream of the hunter
squadrons. The Syrian claim for the day was forty-three Israeli aircraft, which may have been
about right. The government appealed to the Syrian people over the radio to "help our armed
forces to capture Israeli pilots alive
," as already some downed Israelis had been killed by
. The Egyptian claim for the day was twenty-seven Israeli aircraft (perhaps rather
optimistic considering their new-style, low-profile reporting), and they admitted losing fifteen of
their own. The shock to the Israeli government and GHQ was immense, and an example of the
reaction was the almost panic move of the Sinai air HQ to El Arish.

The Egyptians, for example, estimate the number of Israeli dead at 8,000 and the
wounded at over 20,000, figures that are supported by Soviet estimates.

at the Israeli Symposium on the October War held in Jerusalem in October 1975 Colonel Trevor Dupuy stated that "it was clear that Brigadier Badawri and his Third Army were not on the verge of collapse."

Most of the material that we are furnishing Israel is being drawn from Department of Defense
stocks and in some cases from the inventories of active and reserve units.

William P. Clements,
U.S. deputy secretary of defense

Herzog quotes Dayan as saying, "We tried, and it has been no go. ... In the morning they
will slaughter them on the other side." Dayan wanted to abandon the operation.

The Egyptian paratroop brigade with a small detachment of frogmen moved toward the bridge to
blow it up. Sharon claimed that in this morning attack on his bridgehead the Egyptians left ten
tanks on the field when they were beaten off. According to Herzog, it was later admitted that
Sharon had lost over 100 killed and 300 wounded in the fighting on the west bank up to that day.
At about 1700 hours the astonished Egyptian commander received an order to withdraw to his
former positions "to avoid creating a salient." He double-checked only to find, according to
Heikal, that the order came directly "from Number Ten." The artillery which had moved forward
with him was also ordered to return to its former positions

The Israelis claim that Magen reached the road near kilometre 101 (about sixtythree miles from Cairo) on the evening of the twenty-third, and that he left a small group of tanks
near that point; they admit that his division was reduced to only fifty tanks. The Egyptians do not
agree and insist Magen did not reach that road until the following day

The fact
that the Israelis broke the cease-fire and went on to encircle the Egyptian Third Array led the
Soviet Union to think the United States had deliberately outwitted it.

On the twenty-fourth Magen's division, now on the Cairo-Suez road, began pushing westward
but was held at kilometre 101, and so a part of it commenced moving eastward to try to cut off
the Third Army. Suez was held by elements of the 19th Infantry Division, and in the morning
Adan asked permission to attack that city again. He was told by General Gonen that "if it is to be
a Benghazi, yes; but if it is to be a Stalingrad, no." Adan chose to attack, using a tank unit and a paratroop battalion. They openly advanced along
the wide main boulevard into the city, only to be fired upon suddenly from the buildings on
either side of the roadway. One Egyptian officer who was there told me that "within twenty
minutes twenty of the twenty-four Israeli tank commanders of the column, who were exposed in
their turrets, were killed or wounded." The Israelis had not expected such stiff resistance, but although surprised, the tanks still charged forward, mostly to take cover behind buildings.

Following in half-tracks, the paratroops also suffered casualties, but, dismounting rapidly, they
took cover. Eventually, such Israeli tanks as were able withdrew from the city, but two groups of
paratroops, cut off in the centre of the city, held out during the day. When darkness fell most of
them managed to escape to their own lines. The Israelis admit to suffering eighty casualties in
this abortive battle and to losing eleven tanks, seventeen armoured personnel carriers, and some
trucks. The Egyptians say the Israelis left sixteen tanks and fourteen trucks behind in the city

Their aircraft commenced
dropping thousands of leaflets on the Third Army, urging the soldiers to either surrender or
desert. The Israelis were now concentrating upon taking as many prisoners as possible; the
majority were administrative and logistic personnel left behind in the withdrawal of the Air
Defence Barrier and other units.

(as mentioned earlier, it was just Zionist propaganda efforts to try to claim a "face saving victory")

On the morning of the twenty-fifth there was to have been a cease-fire at 0700 hours, but at 0650
hours, as U.N. observers approached an Israeli tank battalion standing near Adabiya, south of
Suez, instead of waiting to meet them, the Israeli tanks suddenly raced forward and entered
Adabiya. The Egyptians claim this was an unfair trick. About a hundred Egyptian servicemen
collected on a rocky protrusion just south of Adabiya, where they held out against the Israelis
until the thirty-first but were not allowed by the U.N. observers to hoist their own national flag.

On the twenty-fifth the Israelis made their third attack on Suez at about 0800 hours. This time
they used one of their Soviet squadrons of some fifteen Tiran tanks supported by infantry in
civilian-impressed trucks. Although the fighting continued until about 1550 hours, the Israelis
could not break through into the centre of the city and had to withdraw with the loss of ten tanks.
The fighting in this area died down about 1700 hours when four U.N. observers came on the
scene. Later an Israeli spokesman gave the Israeli casualties for the battle for Suez as being 68
officers, 23 pilots, 373 soldiers, and one civilian killed.

The Israelis claim that on the twenty-sixth, the day that marked the end of Ramadan, they had
completely encircled the Third Army, scattered leaflets over it, and called on it to surrender. On
the other hand, the Egyptians claim that their "army, local militia, and civilians "were "besieging
[the] Israeli pocket" on the west bank. Certainly civilians were blocking roads and tracks with
vehicles and obstacles and preventing Sharon from reaching the Ismailia-Cairo road to the west
of Ismailia. On the canal side, after flooding certain areas adjacent to the sand rampart, Egyptian
rangers regained a pyramid while paratroops pushed Sharon's men backward along the sand

Here's the so-called 'entrapped' Egyptian 3rd Army taking Zionists as Prisoners (of War). Maybe, the Zionists will claim next that Zionists got captured to trick the Egyptian 3rd Army into believing that it was not surrounded. Or maybe, they will claim that they surrendered themselves to the Egyptian 3rd Army to make the Egyptians feel better.

Gen Saad El Shazly publishes this map in his book (Arabic version), which can be downloaded for free.

Nobody needs to understand Arabic to understand who was encircled and trapped.
Golda Meir writes, in My Life, "The war was a near disaster, a nightmare that I myself
experienced and which will always be with me. ... I found myself as prime minister, in a position
of ultimate responsibility at a time when the state faced the greatest threat it had known.
For Israelis losing 2,500 people is disaster, especially since this loss could be prevented if Israel was launching the preemptive strike. But Golda refused. For Arabs losing 10,000+ is nothing.

the American estimate was 200
Plz show me that so called American estimate.

It's hard to undertsand for you that unlike Arab countries Israel publishes all its dead. Israel lost 46 pilots in that war, I can give all their names.

Here's the so-called 'entrapped' Egyptian 3rd Army taking Zionists as Prisoners (of War). Maybe, the Zionists will claim next that Zionists got captured to trick the Egyptian 3rd Army into believing that it was not surrounded. Or maybe, they will claim that they surrendered themselves to the Egyptian 3rd Army to make the Egyptians feel better.

I dont understand whats that pic suppose to prove. Egypt captured 242 IDF soldiers, most of them in surprise attack in first days of war. IDF captured 8,372 Egyptian soldiers.

Gen Saad El Shazly publishes this map in his book (Arabic version), which can be downloaded for free.

Nobody needs to understand Arabic to understand who was encircled and trapped.
This map clearly shows that 3rd Army is trapped.

And if its not clear from the map, here Shazly's words:

The rest, as they say, is history. Sadat, who had rejected the advice of the Soviet Union on October 12 to seek a ceasefire, and who continued to reject that advice until, too late, he accepted it on October 19, now found himself begging for Soviet help.

25 Oct 1100 hours: A meeting of the Armed Forces Supreme Council, the first since the outbreak of war. ...The main topic was, of course, how to open the road to Third Army. But though everyone spoke with passion, nobody could come up with a realistic plan.

To stay alive the Third Army needed rather over 150 tons of supplies a day. The vast column of soft-skinned vehicles needed to carry such quantitiies would simply be an added burden on the tank crews of 4th Division as they fought their way down the road.

And after. On October 30, when the plight of Third Army was desperate, the Egyptian newspapers appeared with banner headlines: "Our forces are in complete control of the West Bank of the Canal between Deversoir and Suez Town" and: "The Third Army is Receiving Supplies in the Normal Fashion." The whole world was being told of the encirclement of Third Army except the wives, mothers, sisters and sweethearts of the men suffering out there. Of course, rumors began to circulate. It was a catastrophe too big to hide.

I had lost almost 11 pounds in six weeks. But how could I relax while the 45,000 officers and men of Third Army were cut off?
What a revenge... i m not a nationalist but i dont think that arab brothers are suitable for army =) i cant remember even a single war they won in last millenium...

Do not be so arrogant brother if they couldn't win any war you wouldn't have been a Muslim(if you are one, you might also be a Jewish Turk) today.
For a reference look up Khalid Ibn Al walid and the likes in Muslim warfare History, starting with the Prophet SAAS himself and ALI his cousin.
You will easily be able to tell when Arabs "win" a war against Isreal, Isreal will cease to exist (as per the stated aims of Muslims). Isreal is still there, ergo they have not lost.
The synthesis of the Ramadan War 1973:

Egypt: To cross the Canal and destroy the fortification of the Bar Lev line.

In response
Israel had to destroy Egypt's Second and Third Army.

So Egypt won the war by any logic, since they have attained their strategic objective of crossing the Suez canal -under the treat of setting the canal on fire by the Israelis-, destroying the most heavily protected fortification in history, the Barlev line and ultimately recover the Sinai peninsula.

Israel failed to destroy or capture any Egyptian army, be it the second or the third.

On the Syrian front, it was an even war, nor the Syrians could recapture the Golan heights neither the Israelis could defeat the Syrian army.

So where anyone can see any "winning" of Israel.
destroying the most heavily protected fortification in history, the Barlev line

The Israeli army was not moblized. The entire 150 km line was protected by 450 soldiers. 100,000 Egyptian soldiers attacked 450 Israeli.

The Israeli army was not moblized. The entire 150 km line was protected by 450 soldiers. 100,000 Egyptian soldiers attacked 450 Israeli.
did you count the counter attack forces ? or the second attack which attacked the chineese farm ?
man stop this , egypt did beat israel in the yom kippur war as they got back alot of the disaster in 1967 and they did win but syria got a real big disaster , some people can mix up to fronts
man stop this , egypt did beat israel in the yom kippur war as they got back alot of the disaster in 1967 and they did win but syria got a real big disaster , some people can mix up to fronts
Yes but Russians, Americans and every other nation, outside of the Arab world and the lunatic Islamists, know that Israel won. Even Turkish documentations say so. It is pathetic that so many people live in a delusional reality of their own.

1973 Arap-

Sonuç İsrail'in taktiksel zaferi

İsrail: 800[1] tank, 115[1] uçak, 2.523[1] asker Mısır-Suriye: 2.000[1] tank, 450[1] uçak, 16.000[1] asker
. .
Counter attack forces are counter attack forces. The line itself was a joke.
a joke ? your defence minster said before the war that egypt needs the entire combat engineers from the sovit union and the us to pass it
look it says this

Sonuç İsrail'in taktiksel zaferi
İsrail ve Mısır'ın politik ve stratejik zaferi
Arap devletlerinin petrol ambargosu

so it says Result = israil tactical victory

israel and egypt political and strategic victory

and arab embargo thats what it says

Yes but Russians, Americans and every other nation, outside of the Arab world and the lunatic Islamists, know that Israel won. Even Turkish documentations say so. It is pathetic that so many people live in a delusional reality of their own.

1973 Arap-

Sonuç İsrail'in taktiksel zaferi

İsrail: 800[1] tank, 115[1] uçak, 2.523[1] asker Mısır-Suriye: 2.000[1] tank, 450[1] uçak, 16.000[1] asker
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