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The Lahore Resolution in perspective

(March 23 2008): What did the Lahore Resolution (1940) stand for? What did it signify in essence? What did it imply in a broad sense? Since the middle 1960s, several interpretations have been foisted on it, and it is time that they were examined in perspective and in the total context, that some conclusions, even if tentative, be arrived at in the light of hard evidence available in the literature.

The general framework of the Lahore Resolution was laid down in a resolution passed by the Muslim League's Working Committee on February 4, 1946. Inter alia, it sought to spell out a broad outline in respect of India's future constitutional framework. The resolution, which for some obvious reasons was kept confidential and not released to the press at the time (nor included in the AIML's official publications), comprised the following points;

1. Mussalmans are not a minority in the ordinary sense of the word. They are a nation.

2. British system of democratic parliamentary party system of Government is not suited to the genius and condition of the people of India.

3. Those zones which are composed of majority of Mussalmans in the physical map of India should be constituted into Independent Dominions in direct relationship with Great Britain.

4. In those zones where Muslims are in minority their interests and those of other minorities must be adequately and effectively safeguarded and similar safeguards shall be provided for the Hindu and other minorities in the Muslim zone.

5. The various units in each zone shall form component parts of the Federation in that zone as autonomous units. (italics ours) Based on points 3 and 5, the operative part of the Lahore Resolution envisaged that geographically contiguous units are demarcated into regions which should be so constituted, with such territional readjustments as may be necessary, that the areas in which the Muslims are in a majority, as in the North-Western and Eastern zones of India, should be grouped to constitute Independent States in which the constituent units shall be autonomous and sovereign.

The confusion, and hence the controversy, arising out of this resolution stems from two points: (i) the Muslim majority areas "should be grouped to constitute Independent States"; and (ii) "the constituent units shall be autonomous and sovereign". And we would examine these two controversial points in the same order. Since both these points are directly related to the wording of the resolution, the initial questions to be tackled are: who drafted it, and how did it come to be drafted?

Sardar Shaukat Hayat Khan has claimed that it was drafted in his house - that is, at Sir Sikander Hayat Khan's residence. On March 11, 1941, Sir Sikander, who was Premier of the Punjab, himself told the Punjab Assembly "that the resolution which I drafted was radically amended by the Working Committee [of the All India Muslim League], and there is a wide divergence in the resolution I drafted and the one that was finally passed.

The main difference between the two resolutions is that the latter part of my resolution which related to the centre and co-ordination of the activities of the various units, was eliminated".

Commenting on Sir Sikander's version, Khalid B. Sayeed says, "it seems that the Working Committee removed the federal elements from the resolution and made the Muslim zones in the North-West and in the North-East 'Independent States', which had no federal relationship with an Indian Federation. This probably explains the origin of the term 'Independent States'."

This also seems a valid explanation in the light of what Chaudhry Khaliquzzaman records about the February 4 meeting. According to him, Sir Sikander, who had earlier published his scheme for the division of India into seven different zones, grouped together under a confederal structure, pled for his confederal scheme, and after two hours' discussion, the Working Committee, with the concurrence of Jinnah, rejected it, and decided to confine its demand to the separation of Muslim zones.

The March 3, 1943 resolution in support of Pakistan, moved by G. M. Sayed in, and adopted by, the Sindh Assembly included the phrase, "national states", which was a little squint-eyed. Inter alia, it said, "whereas the Muslims of India are a separate nation... they are justly entitled to the right as a single, separate nation, to have independent national states of their own, carved out in the zones where they are in majority in the sub-continent of India".

The concept and claim of a single, separate nation logically leads to a demand for a single, separate state, and not to national states. Clearly, the resolution fails to see the asymmetry between the claim and the demand. But, then, the Sindh Assembly resolution seems to have been drawn up on the lines of the Cripps Offer (1942), which had flaunted the provincial option as its basis.

But when Syed talked in terms of the all-India context as he did in his Welcome Address as Chairman, Reception Committee, at the Karachi (1943) League session on December 24, 1943, he described Pakistan as a "National State". This means, the second-cadre League leadership was not too clear whether what was demanded was one or two national states.

However, the key phrase in the original Lahore resolution, "should be grouped to constitute", suggests that what was envisaged was a union of the two "Independent States of the North-Western and Eastern zones".

Fazlul Haq's explanation for omitting a reference to the centre in the Resolution was as follows: "To those who proposed amendments in the Subjects Committee yesterday for providing a central government in the Resolution, my reply is, we assumed power on behalf of Muslims and other people in Bengal in 1937. We have been given an opportunity by the Almighty to serve our people after a couple of centuries and we are not going to barter away that power and opportunity to an imaginary and an unknown central authority."

The speeches, proposing, seconding, or supporting the Lahore Resolution give little indication whether one or two units were sought to be set up. The major problem that the League leaders were preoccupied with was that of promoting and selling the idea of separation and partitioning the subcontinent into Hindu and Muslim homelands, as evidenced by the speeches made on the occasion.

However, Khaliquzzaman, while seconding the Resolution, had said, "they [the Congresites and the British] should consider the circumstances which had forced the Muslims to demand separation, and their own Government where they were in a majority". "Government", instead of governments, mean that what was envisaged was a federation of two units.

Although the Lahore Resolution was adopted in March 1940, it was not incorporated as the supreme objective of the AIML till after the Muslim League session at Madras, if only in order to meet the constitutional requirement under the AIML Rules.

The Madras session, therefore, adopted a resolution (No II) on April 15, 1941, "amending the aims and objects of the All India Muslim League and ... Section 2(a) of the Constitution of the All India Muslim League..." More important, the Madras Resolution inserted the word, "together" after the word, "grouped", rephrasing the Resolution as follows:

"The establishment of completely Independent States formed by demarcating geographically contiguous units into regions which shall be so constituted, with such territorial readjustments as may be necessary, that the areas in which the Muslims are in a numerical majority, as in the North-Western and Eastern zones of India, shall be grouped together to constitute Independent States as Muslim Free National Homelands in which the constituent units shall be autonomous and sovereign.

Moving the Resolution, Nawabzada Liaquat Ali Khan said, "We are altering our creed today and are bringing it into line with the Lahore Resolution, popularly known as Pakistan. Our experience has convinced us that one Federation for the whole of India would create chaos, is impracticable and would lead to the domination of one community over the rest of India. It would never be acceptable to the Muslims..."

In view of the above, the Madras version must hold good for the time being as the basic document on which the AIML's demand for Pakistan was based. And all through 1940-47, one monumental fact stands out. Whatever the interpretation sought to be foisted on the Lahore Resolution, Jinnah was never unequivocal about Pakistan being a single federation.

On April 1, 1940 - ie, barely a week after the adoption of the Lahore Resolution - Jinnah, while dealing with the Indian states, said, "If these States (Kashmir, Bahawalpur, Patiala, etc) willingly agree to come into the federation of the Muslim homeland, we shall be glad to come to a reasonable and honourable understanding." This position was further explicitly spelled out in Jinnah's letter to Gandhi on September 17, 1944, wherein he said that the two zones would form "units of Pakistan".

All this gives credence to Jinnah's explanation, in reply to Abdul Hashim's query, at the League Legislators' Convention (1946; see below) that "the word 'states' was a mistake and had cropped up probably as a result of a typographical error" (as reported by M. A. H. Ispahani in his Quaid-i-Azam Jinnah As I Knew Him). The speech delivered by Abul Hashim at the Convention indicates that he was fully satisfied by Jinnah's explanation.

Furthermore, the statements and speeches of the League leaders on the one hand and the comments and criticism evoked by the "Pakistan" resolution among the British and the non-Muslim circles on the other during 1940-47 also indicate a basic assumption that Pakistan would be a single state.

During the election campaign of 1945-46 as well, the speeches not only of the Quaid-i-Azam but also of other League leaders, including those from Bengal, envisaged a single Pakistan. The position was further clarified and buttressed by the resolution moved by Husain Shaheed Suhrawardy, the Premier of Bengal, and passed by League Legislators' Convention on April 9, 1946. It said, inter alia,

".... That the zones comprising Bengal and Assam in the North-East and the Punjab, North-West Frontier Province, Sindh and Balochistan in the North-West of India, namely, Pakistan zones, where the Muslims are in a dominant majority, be constituted into a sovereign independent State....".

In view of the Convention's Resolution, the controversy whether the Lahore Resolution envisaged one or two Pakistanis becomes redundant. The Lahore Resolution must be interpreted in the light of the Madras resolution, the interpretations offered by Jinnah, the League's election manifesto, the League leaders' election speeches, and the League Legislators' Convention Resolution. The last pronouncement overrides everything else, since it represented the consensus of the newly elected Muslim representatives in the central and provincial assemblies during 1945-46, with a fresh mandate to strive, and struggle for Pakistan.

Now about the constituent units being envisaged as "autonomous and sovereign" in the Lahore Resolution. One could understand these units being autonomous, but not "sovereign". This, again, should be put down to poor drafting. Or, did the drafters take the cue from the early American formulations, or from the USSR's constitution of 1936 which stipulates that

The sovereignty of the constituent republics shall be restricted only within the limits set forth in Article 14 of the constitution of the USSR. Outside of these limits, each constituent republic shall exercise state power independently. The USSR shall protect the sovereign rights of the constituent republics".

(Interestingly though, Ukraine and Bylo-Russia invoked the sovereignty clause, (duly backed by the Soviet Union, to claim admission to the UN in the middle 1950s, although they were, both before and after 1956, were constituent units of the USSR till its dissolution in 1991).

It would also be interesting to note here what two authorities on constitutional developments in India had to say about these constituent units being sovereign. Dr Ambedkar, who did the first serious study on Pakistan (Thoughts on Pakistan, 1941), argues thus:

"It [Lahore Resolution] speaks of grouping the zones into "independent States" in which the constituent units shall be autonomous and sovereign. The use of the term "constituent units' indicates that what is contemplated is a Federation. If that is so then the use of the word "sovereign" as an attribute of the units is out of place. Federation of units and sovereignty of units are contradictions."

And Professor Reginald Coupland, the Oxford don, who did a monumental study (entitled, The Constitutional Problem in India, 1944), is also not exactly "clear" about the meaning of the Lahore Resolution's operative part. To him, it could scarcely mean that the constituent units of the independent States were to be really 'sovereign' but it did mean that the States were to be really independent..."

One explanation is that since about 1930 the Muslims were demanding a provincial option to ensure absolute power to Muslims in their majority provinces, they would have liked to see the provinces as independent (and sovereign?) units, entering, if necessary, into confederal relations with other units to form a confederation for the whole of India. Not only this proposal was commended by Liaquat Ali Khan to Sir Stafford Cripps as one of the three options in December 1939, but it also became, more or less, the inspiration behind the Cabinet Mission Plan of May 19, 1946. And this dominant thinking, for good or for ill, had crept into the wording of the Lahore Resolution.

In any case, the drafters did not seem to have paid sufficient attention to the implications of the words and phrases they were using, concerned at the time as they were concerned, if not obsessed, solely with the idea of opposing the imposition of one central government for the entire subcontinent. Also clinchingly is the omission of the clause that "the constituent units shall be autonomous and sovereign" in the League Legislators' Convention resolution of 1946.

The foregoing discussion boils down to this. By no means could the constituent units be sovereign for the overriding reason that they were to be "constituent units". But autonomous they could be by all means. In actual fact as well, the provinces in Pakistan have had greater autonomy than in The states/provinces in most countries in the Third world.

The thrust in the Indian Constitution and the Indian Republic, for instance, has been towards the centre. Thus, residuary powers under the Indian constitution have been vested in the centre; in Pakistan they were assigned to the Provinces under both the 1956 and 1973 constitutions.

Interestingly, the 1973 constitution was drafted, for the most, by the representatives of the three minor provinces (Sindh, NWFP and Balochistan), with the Punjab having had little say in the constitution committee, claims Senator S. M. Zafar, a constitutional expert, former Law Minister and one of the committee members (this he did in his address to the Islamabad Policy Research Institute's National Seminar on "Pakistan and Changing Scenario: Regional and Global", at Islamabad on March 27, 2007). Not only was the Concurrent List almost solely suggested and approved by the minor provinces representatives, but Balochistan even refused to get Railways included in the Provincial List, arguing that the province couldn't manage and afford financially to run the Railways across such vast swathes of territory which comprise Balochistan - a huge chunk of some sixty-two percent of Pakistan's total land mass. In any case, Zulfikar Ali Bhutto had reportedly promised the NAP leadership at the time, though not in writing, that the concurrent List would be scrapped after ten years. But Bhutto didn't last for ten years, and the "promise" got consigned to oblivion.

However, over the yeas a consensus has fortuitously developed that a substantial part of the 47 item Concurrent List be abolished. That would obviously meet the nationalists' demand at least halfway, and the on going bickering controversy over the quantum of provincial autonomy is bound to get its acerbity substantially diluted - hopefully.

Professor Sharif al Mujahid, HEC Distinguished National Professor, is co-editor of UNESCO's History of Humanity, Vol. VI, and edited In quest of Jinnah (2007).

Business Recorder [Pakistan's First Financial Daily]
Real democracy begins in country: Musharraf

ISLAMABAD: President Pervez Musharraf Sunday said that the period of the real democracy has started in the country. Addressing an august parade ceremony held here at Jinnah Sports Complex in connection with Pakistan Day, he congratulated the whole Pakistani nation at the 68th Pakistan Day. President Musharraf paid rich tribute to Caretaker Premier Mohammedmian Soomro, the Election Commission and the law enforcement agencies on holding the free, fair and transparent elections. President Musharraf said the state of Pakistan was achieved within seven years of tabling the Pakistan Resolution. He said he is fully prepared to work with the newly elected government and the elected government would have his complete support. President Pervez Musharraf hoped that the next government would make all out efforts to sustain the peaceful atmosphere in the country and fight against terrorism and extremism. Pakistan has no aggressive designs against anyone, Pervez Musharraf said stressing the defence, security and integrity can be achieved only through power not weakness. President Musharraf said he has put the country ``on the track of development and progress.'' Pakistan armed forces are the best in the whole world, therefore, nation should be proud of it, he observed adding, ‘Taking salute of the parade today is an honour to him and he extends rich tribute to the forces for presenting a great parade.’

Courtesy Geo
Chinese, Turkish, Indian Presidents’ felicitations on Pakistan Day

ISLAMABAD: Chinese, Turkish and Indian Presidents in their messages sent to President Pervez Musharraf felicitated him and the people of Pakistan on the eve of Pakistan Day. China vowed taking strategic cooperation with Pakistan to new heights, said the foreign office here. Chinese President Hu Jintao in his message has expressed his and on behalf of the people of China good wishes to President Pervez Musharraf and the people of Pakistan. He hoped that the people under the leadership of President Musharraf would succeed in meeting the internal and external challenges confronting Pakistan. Chinese President congratulating President Musharraf on his success vowed China taking strategic cooperation with Pakistan to new heights. Indian President, Pratibha Patil in her Pakistan Day felicitation message to President Pervez Musharraf and the people of Pakistan expressed this hope that the joint efforts of the two countries for improving relations would meet with success, as the people of both the countries have strong desire for peace and amity. Turkish President Abdullah Gul in his felicitation message said that Ankara was determined for further strengthening of the historical friendship ties with Pakistan. He hoped that Pak-Turk friendship would continue passing on to the next generations and the Pakistan Day would prove to be an opportunity for further strengthening the national integrity and solidarity of Pakistan.

Courtesy Geo
68th Pakistan Day being observed today

ISLAMABAD: Nation is celebrating the 68th Pakistan Day with full traditional zeal and fervor today (Sunday). The day dawned with a 31-Gun Salute in the Federal Capital and 21-Gun Salute in Provincial Capitals. Special Prayers were offered in all mosques for solidarity and prosperity of Pakistan. Main feature of the day is the Armed Forces Parade, which is being held at Jinnah Sports Complex, here. President Pervez Musharraf took the salute, reviewed the parade and delivered his brief address. Caretaker Prime Minister Muhammad Mian Soomro, Defence Minister, Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff Committee General Tariq Majeed, Chief of Army Staff General Ashfaq Kayani, Chief of Naval Staff Admiral M Afzal Tahir, Begum Sehba Musharraf and other armed and civilian high officials attended the parade. Smartly turned out contingents drawn from the three Services presented the Guard of Honor. It was followed by a scintillating fly-past of the PAF Combat Aircraft. JF-17 Thunder Fighter Aircraft, the manifestation of Pak-China friendship, is also participating in the fly-past. After the President's address, the Parade Commander, Brigadier Ehsan Ul Haq, drove past the saluting dais leading contingents of the three armed services bearing National Standards. Battalions of the Punjab, Baloch, Azad Kashmir and Sindh Regiments, contingents of Pakistan Navy, PAF, Armed Forces Nursing Services, Punjab Rangers, Police and Special Service Group marched past the saluting dais. Contingents of the President's Body Guard, Armored Corps comprising Tanks "Al-Zarrar", "Al-Khalid" and T-80 UD, Mechanized Infantry, Heavy Anti Tank Regiment, Self Propelled Artillery, Army Air Defence, Engineers, Corps of Signals, and Army Strategic Force Command including Hatf-II (Abdali), Hatf-III (Ghaznavi), Hatf-IV (Shaheen-1), Hatf-V (Ghauri), Hatf-VI (Shaheen-6), Babar Cruise Missile and Ra’ad Missile are on the display today. Aerobatics by PAF "Sherdil Team" comprising 29 aircrafts was another attraction of the parade.

Courtesy Geo
Pakistan Day being celebrated today

By Our Reporter

ISLAMABAD, March 22: Pakistan Day will be celebrated with enthusiasm across the country on Sunday with a renewed pledge to turn Pakistan into a progressive Islamic welfare state.

The day will dawn with special prayers in mosques for the prosperity of the country and liberation of Kashmir and other occupied territories of the Muslims.

A Pakistan Day parade at the Jinnah Convention Centre Islamabad will be the highlight of the day. President Pervez Musharraf will be the chief guest on the occasion.

Agencies add: Other events include Qirat, debate and essay competitions, and rallies by Girl Guides, Boy Scouts and screening of documentary films regarding the Pakistan Movement for schoolchildren and the general public in cinema houses.

Meanwhile, several world leaders have extended greetings to President Musharraf.

Queen Elizabeth II of Britain, President George Bush of the United States, Indian President Pratibha Devisingh Patil and Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands in their messages conveyed their best wishes to the people of Pakistan.

Queen Elizabeth also extended her “best wishes for the happiness and prosperity of the government and people of Pakistan in the coming year”.

President Bush said: “The people of the United States and the people of Pakistan have a long history of cooperation for common goals.”

He said: “We look forward to continuing to work cooperatively with Pakistan to advance democracy and to combat the common scourge of terrorism.”

The Indian president said: “I am glad to note that our mutual efforts to strengthen bilateral relations through a substantive process of dialogue and people-to-people exchanges are bearing fruit.”

“I am confident of the success of our continued efforts as our people have shown their strong desire for peace and harmony between our two countries,” she said.

Queen Beatrix conveyed her best wishes for the wellbeing of the people of Pakistan.

Pakistan Day being celebrated today -DAWN - Top Stories; March 23, 2008
Pakistan Day celebrated in Washington

WASHINGTON, March 23 (APP): The Pakistani community marked the 68th Pakistan Day here Sunday at an impressive flag-hoisting ceremony held at the premises of the embassy.

Charge de Affairs Muhammad Aslam Khan raised the national flag at the ceremony, attended by members of the Pakistani American community and staff of the embassy.

He read out message of President Pervez Musharraf and Caretaker Prime Minister Muhammadmian Soomro in which they highlighted the importance of the historic day and called upon the nation to strive for Pakistan’s progress by following the principles of unity, faith and discipline.

The proceedings commenced with recitation of verses from the Holy Quran and concluded with special prayers for progress, prosperity and solidarity of the country.

The deputy chief of the mission offered his greetings to the people on the occasion. The members of expatriate community and children gathered on the occasion also attended a reception. They also followed with keen interest the works of renowned artist Jimmy Engineer, being displayed at the embassy as part of a series of events planned to mark the 68th Pakistan Day.

In his works, the artist portrays Pakistan’s history, particularly the freedom movement and various aspects of its rich culture. The embassy will also host a reception on Monday that will be attended by a large number of Pakistani Americans and US officials.

Associated Press Of Pakistan - Pakistan Day celebrated in Washington
Pakistan Day celebrated in UK

LONDON, March 23 (APP)-An impressive flag hoisting ceremony to mark the 68th national day of Pakistan was held at the premises of Pakistan High Commission here on Sunday.

Pakistan High Commissioner to the United Kingdom Dr.Maleeha Lodhi raised the flag in presence of a large number of members of the Pakistani community and the staff of the High Commission on a cold and wet morning preceded earlier by a light snowfall.

The proceedings began with the recitation of the Holy Quran. The High Commissioner after hoisting the national colour read the messages of President Pervez Musharraf and the interim Prime Minister Mianmohammad Soomro.

‘Dua’ was also offered by the participants for the prosperity, progress and solidarity of the country.

Dr.Lodhi on the occasion presented shields to the members of the electronic media of the London-based Pakistan TV Channels as well as to Mr.Zahoor Niazi, Editor, Daily Jang, and free lance journalist Shahid Nadeem Ahmad for their contributions in the field of journalism.

Children of the Embassy Staff under the orchestration of First Secretary Shakeel Asghar rendered national songs. The High Commissioner also cut a cake on the occasion.

Veteran Kashmiri leader Maulana Muhammad Yaqoob Chisti together with the participants raised patriotic slogans. Later Dr.Maleeha Lodhi inaugurated exhibition of paintings by Dr.Misbah Rashid.

Associated Press Of Pakistan - Pakistan Day celebrated in UK
Pakistan Day celebrated in New York

NEW YORK, Mar 23 (APP): Pakistan’s green crescent-and-star was unfurled at the Pakistan house Friday to mark the Pakistan Day as New York basked under bright sunshine.

With the national anthem playing, the Acting Pakistan Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Farukh Amil, raised the national flag to the mast before a gathering of officers and staff of the Pakistan Mission to the U.N. and the Consulate General in New York.

The proceedings began with the recitation of the Holy Quran. Saqib Rauf, Pakistan’s vice consul in New York, read out the messages of President Pervez Musharraf and Caretaker Prime Minister Muhammad Mian Soomro.

In brief remarks on the occasion, Ambassador Amil stressed on the need to make Pakistan “a shining example of a tolerant and progressive nation.”

“We should pledge to spare no efforts to present the true picture of Islam to the world at large by adopting the message of peace and peaceful co-existence for humankind and making Pakistan a shining example of a tolerant and progressive nation.”

Associated Press Of Pakistan - Pakistan Day celebrated in New York
Pakistan Day celebrated

NEW DELHI, Mar 23 (APP): Flag hoisting, playing of national anthem, speech contest and tableau show marked the Pakistan day celebrations at Pakistan High Commission here on Sunday.

Shahid Malik, Pakistan High Commissioner to India hoisted the national flag with the playing of national anthem. The messages of the President and the Prime Minister were read out on the occasion. A speech contest was held in which students of Pakistan High Commission school participated. The students highlighted the ignificance of the day. Tableau show was also presented on the occasion. The students also presented national songs.

Later, the High Commissioner distributed prizes among the speech contestants. Sweets were also distributed among the children.

The officers and staff of the High Commission along with their family’s participated in the function.

Associated Press Of Pakistan - Pakistan Day celebrated
Pakistan Day observed

TEHRAN, March 23 (APP) Pakistan National Day was celebrated by the Pakistani community here Sunday an a impressive ceremony was held at the Pakistan International School to mark the occasion.

The function commenced with the hoisting of flag by Ambassador Shafkat Saeed to the accompaniment of national anthem.

The Ambassador read out the messages of President Pervez Musharraf and Caretaker Prime Minister Muhammadmian Soomro. Addressing the Pakistani community, the Ambassador highlighted the significance of the day and paid homage to the founder of Pakistan Quaid-i-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah and said it was due to his vision and political sagacity that the Muslims of sub-continent were able to achieve a separate homeland within a short span of 7 years after the passage of the historic Pakistan resolution on March 23, 1940. He said it was unprecedented in the history of the nations. Referring to the February 18 elections, he said they have created a new ray of hope for the people of Pakistan. He expressed optimism that the new government with the support of the people would overcome the problems and challenges faced by Pakistan and would bring economic progress and prosperity to the country.

Pointing to Pakistan-Iran relations, the Ambassador said that bilateral and economic relations between the two countries were deepening and they would be further enhanced in the years ahead. On the gas pipeline project, the Ambassador said Pakistan and Iran had already concluded the Gas Sale and Purchase Agreement (GSPA) which is expected to be signed after the establishment of new government in Pakistan.

Earlier, a student of Pakistan International School in her speech paid rich tributes to the father of the nation Quaid-i-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah and the leaders of freedom struggle. A group of children presented Mili Naghmas.

The function was attended by a large number of Pakistani community, officials of the Mission, ECO Secretariat and students and teachers of the Pakistan International School, Tehran.

On this occasion, the Iranian television (IRIB) telecast Ambassador Shafkat Saeed’s message interspersed with visuals from a documentary highlighting cultural heritage and tourism of Pakistan. In his message, the Ambassador referring to Pakistan-Iran bilateral relations, said that relations between Pakistan and Iran are based on shared faith, religion, cultural, history and common heritage. Both countries share common perception on many regional and international issues. He said that the Gas pipeline project will further expand economic ties between the two countries.

Iranian English newspapers Iran News, Kayhan International, Tehran Times, Iran Daily and leading Persian dailies Jamhoori Islami and Mardomsalari prominently published an article on Pakistan National Day along with photographs of Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah and Minar-e-Pakistan. The article focused on the significance of Pakistan Day and Pakistan-Iran bilateral relations.

Associated Press Of Pakistan - Pakistan Day observed
President confers civil, military awards on 157 outstanding individuals

ISLAMABAD, March 23 (APP): President Pervez Musharraf Sunday conferred civil and military awards on outstanding individuals at an investiture ceremony here at the Aiwan-e-Sadr. The ceremony marking the Pakistan Day celebrations was attended by caretaker Prime Minister Mohammadmian Soomro, members of his cabinet, services chiefs, ambassadors and notables.

The awards are given in recognition of the meritorious services rendered by men and women in in their respective fields, or for exemplary acts of gallantry.

The awards were announced for 157 persons including 24 women and 14 foreigners on August 14 last year.

The President conferred the awards on sixty-two (62) individuals at the Aiwan-e-Sadr.

Of these 28 were awarded in various categories for “acts of bravery, heroism, courage and rendering of dedicated services with selfless devotion in human rights and public service.”

Four of these awards were received by young sons of slain officers and one by a young daughter, while the rest were received by the widows of those who fell victim to terrorists.

SITARA-I-BASALAT (21): The Sitara-e-Basalat is in recognition of the exemplary leadership, excellent planning and their dauntless operations, that raised the stature of the armed forces not only within the country and abroad.

Lt Gen Shujaat Zameer Dar, Maj Gen Tahir Mehmood, Maj Gen Muhammad Farooq, Maj Gen Muhammad Haroon Aslam, Brig Muhammad Mumtaz, Capt Zahid Akram, Lt Col Muhammad Siddiq, Lt Col Amir Hameed (Shaheed), Lt Col Muhammad Rizwan Lashari, Maj Naeemullah Khattak, Maj Basharat Ahmad Noor, Maj Pervaiz Siddiq (Shaheed), Maj Khalid Aziz (Shaheed), Maj Tahir Mehmood, Maj Adil Ubaid, Maj Tauqeer Anwar Khan, Capt Salman Farooq Lodhi (Shaheed), Capt Zameer Abbas (Shaheed), Naib Subedar Muhammad Ilyas (Shaheed), Naib Subedar Ghulam Rabbi (Shaheed) and Lance Naik Sikandar Hayat (Shaheed).

HILAL-I-SHUJA’AT (03): Late Malik Mohammad Saad Khan, Late Inspector Hassan Khan, Lt. Col. Haroon Islam(Shaheed)

HILAL-I-IMTIAZ (06): Prof. Dr. Muhammad Iqbal

Choudhary, Justice Amir ul Mulk Mengal, Lt. Gen. Syed

Shujaat Hussain, Begum Bilquis Edhi, Prof. Dr. Jawad

Sajid Khan Begum Kulsum Saifullah Khan,

SITARA-I-SHUJA’AT (07): Late Khan Razik Khan, Sher

Akbar, District Police Officer, Late Tariq Mahmood,

Late Muhammad Salim, Sharfuddin Memon, Late Abid Ali,

Muhammad Umar Morio

SITARA-I-IMTIAZ (03): Prof. Dr. Mohammad Miyanoor Wala

Amin, Late Dr. Aftab Ahmed, Shun Imaizumi

TAMGHA-I-SHUJAA’T (18): Late Mohammad Jamshed Jadoon,

Late Abdul Aleem, Mrs. Nasreen Nasir, Late Bostan Gul,

Qurban Ali, Late Muhammad Abdullah Gondal,

Late Imtiaz-ul-Haq, Late Muhammad Naeem, Late Ahmed

Noor, Late Naseer Ahmed, Late Fareed Khan, Late Jawaid

Ahmed, Late Yasir Iqbal, Mubarrak Hussain, Late. Nazar

Muhammad, Late Faiz-ur-Rehman, Late Muhammad Sadiq,

Late. Sub. (retd) Said Ur Rehman,

TAMGHA-I-IMTIAZ (03): Mrs. Shirin Walji, Hafiz Tahir

Khalil, Shakil Shaikh

TAMGHA-I-KHIDMAT (01): Igor Nikolaevich Morozov
President’s Awards for Pride of Performance are conferred for outstanding achievements in the fields of Art, Literature, Science, Sports and Nursing. This year 39 individuals have been awarded the Pride of Performance.

In Academics these are awarded for research, achievement or performance in Medicine, Science, Engineering, Technology, Philosophy, History, Literature or the Arts, and invention of national importance.

The receipents of the Pride of Performance include; Jamaluddin Ahmed, Dr Liaqat Ali Khan, Ghulam Mohy-ud-din, Sohail Ahmed, Syed Zia Hasnain Shah, Ziafat Hussain, Dr Mohammad Shahzad, S Tauqeer ul Islam, Mohammad Arshad, Dr Farhan Saif, Dr Syed Abdul Mujeeb, Prof Dr Mohammad Saeed Khokhar, Begum Anis Fatima Majid Khan, Allah Bux, Akhtar Muneer, Gopad Das, Ustad Mehr Ali Khan, Ustad Sher Ali Khan, Naheed Raza, Miss Gulbahar Bano, Mujahid Hussain, Rashid Malik (late), Mrs Sultana Siddique, Abdul Karim Baloch, Nisar Malik, Abdul Qadir Junejo, Hanif Raza, Nasreen H Askari, Shafqat Amanat Ali Khan, Mansoor Ahmed Rahi, Ustad Mubarak Ali Khan, Mrs Noorul Huda Shah, Dr Saleem Akhtar, Dr Noor Nabi Tanveer Abbasi (late), Prof Dr Mohammad Taha Khan, Lt Cmndr Zahid Rauf, Miss Nida Waseem, Zubair Ahmed and Shahid Rahman.

Pakistani citizens are eligible for awards in the Order of Shuja’at, Imtiaz and President’s Awards for Pride of Performance while foreign nationals can be given civil awards in any Order for eminence and outstanding services to Pakistan in a significant field of activity.

The announcement of civil awards is generally made on Independence Day, and their investiture takes place on the following Pakistan Day - 23rd of March.

Associated Press Of Pakistan - President confers civil, military awards on 157 outstanding individuals
Pakistan Day Parade held in befitting manner

ISLAMABAD, Mar 23 (APP): A spectacular and thrilling free-fall by paratroopers of the three services besides the display of indigenous missile system as well as eye-catching fly past were the main attractions of the joint inter-services parade on Pakistan Day on Sunday.

The perfect precision with which the ‘Shahbaz Team’ of Pakistan Army, Sea-I of Pakistan Navy and Shepherd of Pakistan Air Force paratroopers landed before the saluting dais was a moment to watch and praise. The paratroopers made a free-fall from helicopters at a height of 10,000 feet and opened the parachutes at 9,000 feet ad after making ferry drives with bizzare colours and holding national and services standards made their way to land at the pre-determined places to the welcome astonishment and clapping of the onlookers.

General Officer Commanding Maj. Gen. Tahir Mahmood led the paratroopers. The paratroopers held high, displayed and wrapped the national flag before the saluting dais and saluted President Pervez Musharraf and Caretaker Prime Minister Mohammadmian Soomro, who came forward to pat on their back and shake hands with the proud and brave Pakistanis.

After the President’s address the Parade Commander, Brig. Ihsan Ul Haq, drove past the saluting dais leading the contingent of the three services bearing the National Standards.

Battalions of the Punjab, Baloch, Sindh Regiments, Special Services Group, Pakistan Navy, Pakistan Air force and Civil Armed Forces, Armed Forces Nursing, Pakistan Ranger Punjab, Islamabad Capital Territory Police, President Body Guards contingent comprised the marching columns, which marched past the saluting dais to the thunderous applause of the spectators.

The helicopters of Army Aviation led the March-past of the mechanized columns.These included Lama, Cobra gun-ships, Ccurecuil, Bell-412 and MI-17s. The mechanized columns driving past the saluting dais comprised machines of Armoured Corps, Armoured Infantry, Heavy Tank Al-Khalid, Al-Zarar, Artillery,Air Defence and Engineers.

The Contingent of Strategic Forces which included the endogenously-produced Hataf, Shaheen-I,II, Abdali,Ghaznavi-I, Ghouri,Babur and Raad Air Launch Cruise Missile missiles attracted special and enthusiastic attention of the crowd manifesting their full faith in the stout defence of the motherland.

Among the floats participating in the Parade were those of Ministries of Science and Technology and all the four provinces,Kashmir and Northern Areas drew attention and prolonged applause from the dignitaries as well as other participants.

President Pervez Musharraf, Prime Minister Mohammadmian Soomro, along with chiefs of the three services COAS Gen Ashfaq Pervez Kayani, Chief of Naval Staff Admiral Tahir Afzal and Air Chief Marshal Tanvir Mahmood, standing at the saluting dais, watched with a particular interest and admiration the demonstration of free-fall display, and the display of missile systems and the floats of all the four provinces as well as Kashmir.

The participants of the parade at the Jinnah Sports Complex, which included federal elite, diplomats and high civil and military officials besides a large number of members of the public, enjoyed very move and display with utmost attention and interest.

The Pakistanis watched the Pakistan Day ceremony on television sets here and abroad on PTV World and private channels, which telecast the event live.

The thrilling fly past was led by Chief of the Air Staff Air Chief Marshal TanvirMahmood, who flew Past an F-16. These followed box formations of four by Mirages, A-5s, F-7s, JF-17 Thunder Fighter Aircraft, the manifestation of Pak-China friendship. The squadron of Sherdil enthralled the spectators by their acrobats.

The floats of Punjab, Sindh, Balochistan and NWFP as well as Kashmir drew prolonged applause from the participants as these passed by.

The artists on the floats were singing local songs with local instruments.These were preceded by presentation of a splendid march past by different contingents of the three armed services. These were followed by display of armoured vehicles and mechanized columns.

The whole ceremony wore a festive and colourful looks, with participants watching trilling performance by the three services, speaking volumes about their bravery and high professionalism.

All these events received a standing ovation and a big hand from the participants of the parade in the Jinnah Sports Complex.

Earlier, on arrival, the President was received by Caretaker Prime Minister Mohammadmian Soomro and chiefs of the three services.

Associated Press Of Pakistan - Pakistan Day Parade held in befitting manner
^ MUJ thats enough news posts this is a Members forum its your right to post what ever you want but this is forum is mostly for Gup Shup.
I think 23rd March we should remember what this country is for and was fought for and it was for the People.
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