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Yoga programme at US school sparks religious controversy

Da fack!!!

Behead all those who insult the Chakrasana!!!

Our dead had fabulous posture, your dead were busy supersizing their fat as$es!!!

Well,what's the Big Deal.Teach them this.



Even though this $hit is oxymoronic it really suits Americans.
why not just do pilaties?
It's the same as Yoga minus the religious connotations.
They're teaching children how to meditate and how to look within for peace and for comfort.

So how exactly is that a bad thing? Meditating means to concentrate on something at the same time controlling your breathing so that your mind/body can relax and gain relief in the hectic life. It by no way means worshiping any god of any religion!! Even chanting is not necessary part of yoga!!

Btw, go figure popularity of Bikram Yoga (hot yoga) and other professional yoga classes all over the world. Bikram yoga is probably one of the fastest ways to lose your excessive weight.. Try it and I bet you will see results in a week.
If the school is using public funds to pay for a program which may promote a specific religious belief, then it's a misuse of public funds.

Opt out, if any one has problems

They are not preaching Hinduism, as in "here's how to convert". The discussion starts from yoga poses, to history, to culture, which inevitably touches on aspects of Hinduism.

Again, the teachers I have known are not trying to convert anyone. It's just that some of them are so passionate about the cultural aspect of yoga that they can't help but talk about it. And these were white Christian Westerners; not Hindu themselves.

Hiduism is not really an expansionist religion, and hindus are neither interested in cajoling/coercing others to join Hinduism.

Well, there's a spectrum of engagement from "discussing" to "promoting" to "preaching" and, evidently, some parents don't feel comfortable about where the classes lie on this spectrum. Where, and if, it breaches the law also becomes a grey area.

Don't feel comfortable, opt out. No one is shoving yoga classes down anyone's throat, right?
Quick remove all the chairs if doing a few yoga poses will make you a Hindu then sitting is in danger of making you a Zen Buddhist.

Shikantaza: The term is believed to have been first used by Dōgen's teacher Tiantong Rujing, and it literally means, "nothing but (shikan) precisely (da) sitting (za)." In other words Dōgen means by this, "doing only zazen whole-heartedly" or "single-minded sitting." Shikantaza implies "just sitting"
why not just do pilates?
It's the same as Yoga minus the religious connotations.

Its just a body conditioning routine.Yoga is so much more than that.Yoga offers physical, mental, and spiritual disciplines compared to pilates.
Good going for the parents. I know I wouldn't want my children learning that hindu stuff.

Yoga fire. Yoga flame.

They are at school to study, not stretch.
they can use namaz its something like hotchpotch yoga


i think this is vajrasana (which is the yoga done during namaaz)

Its just a body conditioning routine.Yoga is so much more than that.Yoga offers physical, mental, and spiritual disciplines compared to pilates.

And that is the problem.
US School system is not allowed to do that.
They are not allowed to really offer anything "spiritual" be it Christianity or Hinduism based.
So Pilates is the better solution, no problem of "spirituality"
And that is the problem.
US School system is not allowed to do that.
They are not allowed to really offer anything "spiritual" be it Christianity or Hinduism based.
So Pilates is the better solution, no problem of "spirituality"

Then don't practice spiritual side of yoga.Its not mandatory at all.
:lol: some people are so insecure in their beliefs.. Unfortunately such nut jobs exist in all religions. They are so insecure about their own religion that they believe that their religion can survive only if all other options of religious faith are removed. Kind of tells you how much faith they really have in their own religious beliefs.

Any religion or person who resorts to isolation or subjugation of other religions or beliefs actually indicates the fickleness of their own religion and beliefs..

If any religion is pure and one is fully sure about his belief then one should not worry. and if the religion is false then it will not stand in long run no matter how much one is worried and trying to protect it. so dont worry, just chill.
Yoga is not a religious thing . If some errant professor starts preaching Hinduism under the guise of Yoga ( unlikely) , he can be disciplined . Anyway it's up to them.

what about this saying

“There is no Yoga without Hinduism and no Hinduism without Yoga"

You don't visualize the lord of Yoga( Hindu God Shiva) when you close your eyes? It is also part of several Hindu rituals and prayers.
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