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Yet another nation destroyed by Western powers in the ME

I am a Moroccan, we are neutral about Libya, Haftar or Qaddafi or Sarraj doesn't change in our situation a single thing, but I am speaking from an Islamic point of view, haftar is a coward dictator supported by Qaddafis loyalists, I know for sure Turks want oil and gas but also does Sisi, he wants Libya's oil to build more prisons for muslims, I rather have Libyans share their oil with Turks than with France and Greece and Germany and Israel, I rather have Libya under Erdogan than under Sisi and MBS and MBZ, because these arab dictators are traitors to Islam and enemies of Allah swt, and killers of muslims.
if I had to chose between Erdogan and Sisi the enemy of ALLAH SWT , I would chose Erdogan of course.

it seems like you are just like those who you wanted their likes .....
if Egypt seeks Libya’s Oil , that could be happened years ago while the whole world busy with ISIS in Syria and Iraq .....

Egypt is the most country that affected by what is happening in Libya ..... Killing Egyptians in Libya and Terrorists crossing the boarders .

so you and those others with your Ideology consider your selves judges and defenders of Islam .... but you are moved only by Ideology ..... who can say about any one this is the enemy of Allah or he is a true Muslim ..... why considering a leader of a country that where prostitution is legal he is a true Muslim....?!
This is just hypocrisy.

Haftar is the only person for 9 years that had the ability to control the chaos in Libya and smashing ISIS terrorists ..... you are opposing him only because he supported the western desert citizens to regain their independence from Morocco ..... which is something naive as it happened during Qazafi era ... long time ago.

Morocco was the place where Sokhairat agreement was signed .... but Morocco don’t have that influence on the ground so it will not have a major role in the future.
I am a Moroccan, we are neutral about Libya, Haftar or Qaddafi or Sarraj doesn't change in our situation a single thing, but I am speaking from an Islamic point of view, haftar is a coward dictator supported by Qaddafis loyalists, I know for sure Turks want oil and gas but also does Sisi, he wants Libya's oil to build more prisons for muslims, I rather have Libyans share their oil with Turks than with France and Greece and Germany and Israel, I rather have Libya under Erdogan than under Sisi and MBS and MBZ, because these arab dictators are traitors to Islam and enemies of Allah swt, and killers of muslims.
if I had to chose between Erdogan and Sisi the enemy of ALLAH SWT , I would chose Erdogan of course.

brain washed .
so you and those others with your Ideology consider your selves judges and defenders of Islam ....
well, u r a typical Egyptian under a typical Egypt which is the castle of Zulm, a prison for the righteous, a political system that keeps repeating itself since +4000 bc, a Pharaoh + Haman + their armies + their magicians + and finally their people, I believe Sisi is the pharaoh, a treacherous backstabbing evil coward, an enemy of ALLAH SWT and an ally to the zionists by their own words, and also I believe that the majority of Egyptians want him and deserves him just like the Pharaoh's people at least untill the spell is off, and I believe that they are under the magical spell of his magicians (the media of dajjal), also I believe that the ummah of muslims is ruled by traitorous dictators just like Sisi, all I want is less dictators ,more justice, and I know how to do it, only by repenting, if the people repent to Allah swt, then we deserve to have political change, and we will, Sisi might stay for 30 years no problem, by he will not save his fellow dictators from collapsing, I only want for Egypt to stop supporting the Zionist plan in the ME
One reason is that the general is seen as someone who can stem the supply of arms and money to jihadist groups in the Sahel, where French troops are hunting down their leaders. President Emmanuel Macron has also burnished Haftar’s image politically, inviting the general and Sarraj to Paris in 2017 to try and broker a power-sharing deal.
If France was serious with Hafter, they wouldn't be giving a free pass to him when he travelled to Paris for medical treatment.

They had a sure chance to end all of this in a few days. I imagine Macaron had to fight even his own administration to secure French inaction over him.

They are not serious about that whatsoever.
I don't blame anyone but the Libyans themselves, they only answer to dictatorship, they can't unite under a free democratic country. we (Morocco) tried to help them unite peacefully but they wouldn't .
the weird thing, is that zionist wannabe superpower arab state UAE, this country has nothing to do but inflame civil wars in the Arab world, as if they were doing it on the behalf of the Zionist state itself and they are I believe. can someone deal with them !!

UAE is proxy and is working for other foreign powers. When certain Western powers don't want to be visible in a specific conflict in a Muslim country, that is where UAE appears. Particularly, if the Muslim country that is being attacked can't respond to them militarily.

This also provides the Western powers a perfect cover to fuel the conflict by playing both sides.
well, u r a typical Egyptian under a typical Egypt which is the castle of Zulm, a prison for the righteous, a political system that keeps repeating itself since +4000 bc, a Pharaoh + Haman + their armies + their magicians + and finally their people, I believe Sisi is the pharaoh, a treacherous backstabbing evil coward, an enemy of ALLAH SWT and an ally to the zionists by their own words, and also I believe that the majority of Egyptians want him and deserves him just like the Pharaoh's people at least untill the spell is off, and I believe that they are under the magical spell of his magicians (the media of dajjal), also I believe that the ummah of muslims is ruled by traitorous dictators just like Sisi, all I want is less dictators ,more justice, and I know how to do it, only by repenting, if the people repent to Allah swt, then we deserve to have political change, and we will, Sisi might stay for 30 years no problem, by he will not save his fellow dictators from collapsing, I only want for Egypt to stop supporting the Zionist plan in the ME

Interesting speech as a hypocrite....!

I don’t know why people from countries cooperating with Israel by supporting their military always mention other countries.

The Turks here with their massive Military, Economical and social relations with Israel always promote themselves as anti- Israel .... for those people here who don’t know the real things in ME.

and that Moroccan .. with his country that is buying Cruise Missiles form Israel ( Popeye ) now mentions another country..... what a hypocrite..!
At least we don’t kiss Elsisi Hands as you did for a little boy ( crown prince) just like people in the old ages .... or Slaves .

Elsisi is the president that Allah makes him stopping the chaos in Egypt ..... when we as 100 MILLIONS Egyptians are suffering Security, Economical and Social turmoils....at that Time you , Pakistanis , Indonesians and the whole world ( Except our brothers in the Gulf )was watching us on TV and eating popcorn and feeling pity for us ..... others are waiting the opportunity to occupy our lands and stealing our resources like Israel and Turkey.... that’s why you hate ELSISI which is the same reason why the majority of us are supporting him .
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Interesting Analysis by Everyone here. Yet no body is (Intentionally) Pointing out the Jihadist Foot Soldiers that actually butchered the Libyan Government on ground and Murdered Qaddafi. Interesting Selective observation indeed. Pointing out the financiers only and not the ones who actually destroyed Libya.
I never understand how Fellow Pakistanis simply put their heads in sands after seeing the horrors of these crackheads in the form of TTP a few years ago and how hard our forces fought them off by giving thousands of Civilian and Armed forces lives. Who did Pakistan Army Fought the Bloody War on Terror from 2005 to 2016? Who Butchered our Children women soldiers and innocents for a decade? Americans?, Indians? French? Israelis? Can anyone imagine if our Security forces had collapsed against these TTP forces (DAESH, Boko haram, Alqaeda they are all the same) What would have happened to us all?. Yes that was what happened in Libya, their forces collapsed against their Local version of TTP.
Foreign powers are always their, Its nothing to be surprised of. Your enemies will always bank on your weakness. But the real danger are not your foreign enemies. Put the blame where it is actually due so that you are safe from any future threats.
Keep looking at WEST for the death of your 10,000 plus Pakistanis and ignore the hands of terrorists in last decade and a New daesh S*** will come out of your ranks.
I don’t know why people from countries cooperating with Israel by supporting their military always mention other countries.
I belong to islam first, Morocco second.
The Turks here with their massive Military, Economical and social relations with Israel always promote themselves as anti- Israel .... for those people here who don’t know the real things in ME.
some turks, some egyptians, some Moroccans .. are hardcore Zionists, that's how it is, I am not saying Egypt as a country is Zionist but the pharaoh of Egypt is, as for Turkey it can not deny it has relations, but its fighting over gas routes with Israel, at least that shows they are not sleeping together, bc Sisi is daily on the line with the Jews .
At least we don’t kiss Elsisi Hands as you did for a little boy ( crown prince) just like people in the old ages .... or Slaves .
we kiss his majesty's hand, u kiss his boot. what's the difference ?!! our king is not perfect, but he is not an evil man who sells gas to the Jews, and puts young angelic innocent girls in prison, and claims they are terrorists armed to the teeth
Elsisi is the president that Allah makes him stopping the chaos in Egypt .....
Chaos was manifactured by Sisi who was the leader of the deep state, he did everything to mess things up before he backstabs Mursi may Allah reward him and forgives him,Sisi (by his own words) is hellfire upon u, he is the consequence of the sins of Egypt, Allah is not going to forget about the injustice, he will never forget the burning of Muslims we have all witnessed, the prayer has already been accepted, its just a matter of time before the faraj comes to Muslims in Egypt, and who knows maybe what is coming might be even bigger than just regime change, who knows how much Egyptians will have to pay, no matter what happens I trust Allah will punish the injustice and grant victory of the oppressed.
I belong to islam first, Morocco second.

some turks, some egyptians, some Moroccans .. are hardcore Zionists, that's how it is, I am not saying Egypt as a country is Zionist but the pharaoh of Egypt is, as for Turkey it can not deny it has relations, but its fighting over gas routes with Israel, at least that shows they are not sleeping together, bc Sisi is daily on the line with the Jews .

we kiss his majesty's hand, u kiss his boot. what's the difference ?!! our king is not perfect, but he is not an evil man who sells gas to the Jews, and puts young angelic innocent girls in prison, and claims they are terrorists armed to the teeth

Chaos was manifactured by Sisi who was the leader of the deep state, he did everything to mess things up before he backstabs Mursi may Allah reward him and forgives him,Sisi (by his own words) is hellfire upon u, he is the consequence of the sins of Egypt, Allah is not going to forget about the injustice, he will never forget the burning of Muslims we have all witnessed, the prayer has already been accepted, its just a matter of time before the faraj comes to Muslims in Egypt, and who knows maybe what is coming might be even bigger than just regime change, who knows how much Egyptians will have to pay, no matter what happens I trust Allah will punish the injustice and grant victory of the oppressed.

I’m not surprised by people who admits kissing a little boy’s hands as a submission and slavery to criticize other nations .....
Your king who is the head of Alquds Comity .... is buying weapons from Isreal that occupying Alquds to kill Muslims in Algeria and the western desert not to free his occupied lands ..... I believe you have to care first about your occupied lands ( Ceuta and Melilla) where the lands of Muslims delivered to Spain with no single try to liberate it ..... BE A MAN AND LEAVE THE INTERNET AND GO FIGHT THE KOFFAR WHO OCCUPYING YOUR LANDS THEN TAKE ABOUT OTHER NATIONS.

BTW also you have to leave the western deserts for it’s people .....telling your King to stop killing Muslims and burning them in the Western desert .... those poor people who’s fate to be beside a country that has imperialistic mindset just like the Turks.....just stop killing the Muslims in the western desert.
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