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Yemen's Houthis say they want to end war, form unity government

lool Seems you need to read more/be more informed.
Sorry Mike2000, unlike me, you leave inside that bubble of the perfect world, at least in your eyes. I don't need more reading about the British monarchy, but it is you that need to dust up the history books and catch up with us the commoners...Maybe what you said about the monarchy now , is partly true, but their influence on GB gouvernment is as strong as it once was..

All real powers are held by the prime minister or president of these countries and they are elected by people or through people's representative in parliament
Not really true, the monarch are briefed on any government action before its implementation..

Plus all these European countries i mentioned are among the most wealthiest, developed, advanced and democratic countries in the world.
Wealth ill acquired thru colonisation, slavery , plundering and genocides.
So comparing them with a developing country ruled by a sick crippled power hungry dictator like Algeria is the joke of the century.
I am not comparing Algeria to anything. Algeria is its own country, wether Bouteflika is capable, uncapable, competent or incompetant doesn't matter that much. Sure it would have been better if he stepped aside and give a chance to a new generation to lead, but the citizen of Algeria decided otherwise and voted for a piece of mind and stability. That what they see in him! and believe me, without taking up for the asshole, Algerians VOTED FOR HIM. Algeria is a solid state, it does not depend on a single man to function. Reagan, the past US president, was mentally incapacitated in last term, that didn't stop the country functioning..And I am not trying to compare, here, the US to Algeria...

For your "democracy" card..each country has a system that work for it...US democracy is different from GB or any other country, but it works for the Americain, like yours work for you , bu t it doesn't mean it will work for everybody...Algeria too, has a system that work for her, based on the mores , culture and diversity of her people.
As I said earlier, you're hallucinating, maybe go see a psychiatrist. I have only mentioned this trolls fake account saif al assad two times only. Hilarious how desperate this is guy is. It's almost as if you're another one of his fake accounts :lol:

God you Iranians are as thick-skulled as Ceylal and Markus. Stop repeating crap like a robot. Also no I am not one of his fake accounts.
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