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Yemen's Houthis say they want to end war, form unity government


Apr 8, 2014
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Wed Nov 16, 2016 | 4:58am EST


Houthi militants ride on the back of a patrol truck as they attend a tribal gathering held to show support to the Houthi movement in Sanaa, Yemen November 10, 2016. REUTERS/Khaled Abdullah

By Mohammed Ghobari | HODEIDAH, Yemen

Yemen's Houthi group said on Wednesday it was ready to stop fighting and join a national unity government, raising hopes of a resolution to a conflict that has killed more than 10,000 people.

The announcement appeared to confirm the details of a deal set out by U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry a day earlier that he said included plans for a ceasefire starting on Thursday.

Mohammed al-Bukhaiti, a member of the political council of the Houthi's Ansarullah group, said Saudi Arabia had also agreed to end its involvement in the war - though there was no official confirmation from Riyadh.

An Arab alliance led by Saudi Arabia intervened in the Yemen conflict in March last year in support of President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi after the Iran-aligned Houthis advanced on his interim capital in Aden and forced him into exile.

"Ansarullah's position has been and still is with stopping the war and the establishment of a national unity government that incorporates all political components," Bukhaiti told Reuters, responding to a question on Kerry's announcement.

"The new thing is in the position of Saudi (Arabia), which has agreed in principle to stop the war as one of the parties to the conflict," Bukhaiti added.

After months of bombings and other attacks, no side has emerged as the dominant force in a war that has displaced more than three million people, left parts of the population on the edge of starvation and given room for a powerful branch of al Qaeda to expand its operations.


Kerry, in what could be his last trip to the Gulf before President Barack Obama's term ends in January, said on Tuesday that officials from the Houthi group and the Saudi-led coalition meeting had agreed to a ceasefire starting on Thursday.

Underlining the complexity of the situation, Hadi's government quickly rejected the move, complaining that it had been bypassed. Copies of a U.N. peace plan seen by Reuters in October suggested he would be sidelined in any future government.

Yemeni Foreign Minister Abdel-Malek al-Mekhlafi said Kerry's announcement had not been coordinated with the government which, he said, was not interested in the plan.

"I believe the current U.S. administration is incapable of providing any guarantees to any party and what Kerry has said is no more than a media bubble at our people's expense," Mekhlafi told Qatar-based Al Jazeera television.

The frontline has changed little over the past few months despite repeated offensives by Hadi's supporters who operate under air cover from the Saudi-led alliance.

Hadi's government says the Houthis have illegally seized power in a coup backed by Iran, and demands that they quit the cities they have seized and hand over heavy weapons before any political settlement starts.

The Houthis say they seized power to end corruption and to get rid of Islamist militants they say had expanded their influence during Hadi's presidency.

(Reporting by Mohammed Ghobari, writing by Sami Aboudi; Editing by Andrew Heavens)
Obama wants achievement in his last days.so it will added to his doctrine of failures.
well not on our national security.

we are not gonna stop until houthi surrender and submit their weapons to the government.
NOW they want peace?
Why would they seek peace, while they have the upperhand! It wasn't them that came to Algeria to seek an interposition force, IT WAS THE SAUDS. Don't wipe your tears yet, KSA nightmare is nowhere to end..
Why would they seek peace, while they have the upperhand! It wasn't them that came to Algeria to seek an interposition force, IT WAS THE SAUDS. Don't wipe your tears yet, KSA nightmare is nowhere to end..

In which world did that occur? In your little empty head? Yes, they have such an upper hand that they are left with controlling 15-20% of Yemen and are begging for a peace deal! Must be some alternative upper hand. There is not any nightmare. The nightmare can be found in the Houthi strongholds as per all reports available and ground realities. KSA is as safe, prosperous, progressing as usual. Sadly, I can't say the same about our Algerian brothers and sisters who struggle enormously due to the enormous incompetence of their military regime and the wheelchair bound and dement Abdulaziz Bouteflika.



Not only your military regime came to KSA in order to beg for investments! One of your military clowns is in KSA currently or just left.

For a SUPPOSED citizen of Algeria that ESCAPED to the US and who has a president that is a mummy, the same mummy leading a largely failed state despite tons of gas and oil, you really have a big mouth that compensates for something that is probably not as big. A typical trait in your circles, I imagine.

You have had a mummy as a president for almost 20 years, lol! You got to love incompetent military regimes. No wonder that you are in love with the Al-Assad regime.:lol:
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In which world did that occur? In your l. ittle empty head? Yes, they have such an upper hand that they are left with controlling 15-20% of Yemen and are begging for a peace deal! Must be some alternative upper hand. There is not any nightmare. The nightmare can be found in the Houthi strongholds as per all reports available and ground realities. KSA is as safe, prosperous, progressing as usual. Sadly, I can't say the same about our Algerian brothers and sisters who struggle enormously due to the enormous incompetence of their military regime and the wheelchair bound and dement Abdulaziz Bouteflika.



Not only your military regime came to KSA in order to beg for investments! One of your military clowns is in KSA currently or just left.

For a SUPPOSED citizen of Algeria that ESCAPED to the US and who has a president that is a mummy, the same mummy leading a largely failed state despite tons of gas and oil, you really have a big mouth that compensates for something that is probably not as big. A typical trait in your circles, I imagine.

You have had a mummy as a president for almost 20 years, lol! You got to love incompetent military regimes. No wonder that you are in love with the Al-Assad regime.:lol:
Lool African dictators never want to leave power, even when they are crippled, sick and dying They will rather cling to power until their last breath. I can't believe their people allow this, this is like a comedy show.
Reminds me of another poor subsaharan country called Guinea Conakry whose president Lasana Conte, ruled for 24years until his death, he was so sick he couldn't stand or even walk during his last 5 years in power , yet he refused to cede power and will imprison anybody in his country who dared say he is unfair to be President.lol All these power hungry dictators from Assad to Mugabe to Kim etc They are a laughing stock especially when they cling to power while their people live in absolute poverty, yet they think they are strong big men. :lol:

Not only your military regime came to KSA in order to beg for investments! One of your military clowns is in KSA currently or just left.
Algeria didn't come to the kingdom of doom to borrow money, If that was the case she would have gone to the IMF to recoup the money she placed with them or go to the international market! Algeria has still have enough reserves for the next 4 years, and unlike the stone age kingdom, she is still paying her worker, something your shithole can't.

For a SUPPOSED citizen of Algeria that ESCAPED to the US and who has a president that is a mummy, the same mummy leading a largely failed state despite tons of gas and oil, you really have a big mouth that compensates for something that is probably not as big
a or Algerian
There is not much difference between Bouteflika and your camel face king. At least Bouteflika was elected by his citizen, contrary to yours who is just a family of senile ruling the dumbest people on earth! And if Bouteflika runs again, he will be largely elected by the Algerians. Algeria and the Algerians do not expect that Bouteflika is capable to retain bladder or utter a word or two, but he represents to the country the stability that every citizen sought for. Algeria, is solid state on a solid footing that do need a "President" to function.
The reason behind the Algerian Prime Minister visit is to get OPEC out the shithole the Saudi brainiac put it in and to convince Iran to abide by the quotas , given to her. in an other world to save the urine affides from mistreating their camels.

Algeria is the only country that can deliver on the ALGIERS meeting of OPEC members and bring Russia, a non member, to adhere to it.

Lool African dictators never want to leave power, even when they are crippled, sick and dying They will rather cling to power until their last breath. I can't believe their people allow this, this is like a comedy show.
Mike shouldn't you sweep for porch before criticizing others? GB has been ruled by the same the family since times of times, that every british citizen bend over too. By the way that's a commonality that you share with the Sauds. Algeria had over 7 presidents since the 60's, all elected by her citizenry, and Bouteflika is one of them. Algerians have chosen Bouteflika for the one ingredient that he was capable of :STABILITE: sought by All Algerians after the black deceny.
@Shapur Zol Aktaf

Pure ethnic Persians from Fars Province (Southern Iran). Their homeland.

Ordinary Persian people of Jahrom city in Fars.

Ordinary Persians of Sarvestan city (middle of Fars province)

Ordinary Persian people of Kazerun city (Northwestern Fars)

Identical to Northwestern Iranians or mixed with foreigners? I don't think so.

So can you tell me why so many Iranians (mostly diaspora and often not even Persians let alone from Southern Iran - the ancestral homeland of Persians) so obsessed about "proving" that they are "white" when that is clearly not the case with any majority regions of Iran? (not even close)? Where does this delusion come from that Arabs next door to Southern Iran, despite history proving otherwise, modern-day DNA tests and almost everything else, are somehow totally different people compared to Papuans, Mongols, Eskimos or other far away people? Is this modern-day chauvinism a legacy of the Pahlavi dynasty? In reality the average Southern Iranian (ethnic Persian) would be seen as a local until he opened his mouth and vice versa. If we look past traditional clothing. On average that is. This is undeniable.

Please explain as I find it tragicomical. You might believe otherwise but I have absolutely no problem with any ethnicity in Iran, solely your Mullah's.

BTW, I recently tried Ghormeh Sabzi. Pleasantly surprised.

@warfareknow since I helped you with your homework (programming) can you help me out here?

@f1000n can you help me out based on your experience in Netherlands? I might need this knowledge before I convert to Wilayat al-Faqih as you recommended me to do.

Dude just ignore him, after a while they just disappear.
@waz @Irfan Baloch @Manticore

It seems some people in this forum are allowed to have multiple account and others are not? I have reported this @Saif al-Arab multiple time and despite moderation team being aware of his history of fake account creation most of which have been banned, he is allowed to continue trolling.
@waz @Irfan Baloch @Manticore

It seems some people in this forum are allowed to have multiple account and others are not? I have reported this @Saif al-Arab multiple time and despite moderation team being aware of his history of fake account creation most of which have been banned, he is allowed to continue trolling.

Dude seriously let it go. Everyone has heard you say this multiple times, if you don't have anything to contribute to this conversation then please don't comment.
Dude seriously let it go. Everyone has heard you say this multiple times, if you don't have anything to contribute to this conversation then please don't comment.

First of all, who was even commenting to you?
Secondly, this is the second time I have reported this troll saif al asad's account for his fake account.

I can see how you lot are contributing to this section. Maybe you should cease commenting nonsense.
I can see how you lot are contributing to this section. Maybe you should cease commenting nonsense.

I commented because you have contributed nothing and I am sick of seeing you constantly going on his threads and making the same old accusation but thats just my 2 cents. I politely ask for you to stop then I will leave.
I commented because you have contributed nothing and I am sick of seeing you constantly going on his threads and making the same old accusation but thats just my 2 cents. I politely ask for you to stop then I will leave.
It seems you're hallucinating. As I said, this is second time I raised this troll's fake saif al assad account to the moderating team. Furthermore, how often I raise the issue of forum rules bring broken is none of your concern.
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