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Yellow Vests : French interior minister ready to declare state of emergency ?

Damn, I thought the French were beyond all this. Why destroy your own country?
Why does everyone look for favour from the government? Work hard and improve your life!

They DO work hard! Problem is with the levels of taxes in the country. French workers are already the most taxed in Europe,taxes are so high people think they cannot cope with any more taxation. In my opinion there should be large taxes decrease coupled with severe reductions in public spendings. (Public spendings represent 57% of the GDP,highest in Europe,more than €1,250 trillion)

There is already too much state in France,too much public servants,too high social spendings,too much welfare. (Social spendings represent 32% of the GDP or €715 billion)

There should be less public services,the state should only provide the bare minimum for health,the most needy people and fully concentrate on its true missions and provide the population safety,justice and guarantee the sovereignty and safety of the nation,the rest is superfluous. What do you think ? @Nilgiri @Cell_DbZ
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There should be less public services,the state should only provide the bare minimum for health,the most needy people and fully concentrate on its true missions and provide the population safety,justice and guarantee the sovereignty and safety of the nation,the rest is superfluous. What do you think ? @Nilgiri @Cell_DbZ
I agree, however I am happy with the current healthcare system (in my country at least) and I really wouldn't want to have a system like the Usa. I much prefer mine and I am willing to pay for that.

As for the extreme price on diesel/petrol for cars, the only thing I can call it is pure extortion. If you want to decrease emissions, this defentely isn't the way to do that.
The French take their rights very seriously, mate. Americans might make offensive jokes about them but when it comes to fighting for one's fundamental rights, Americans are sheeple while French go up in arms.

Just because they keep a low profile internationally doesn't mean they can't get things done. :)

You gotta give credit to the French for always being present to defend the social justice and their rights and putting pressure on their government so to be heard. Politicians are nearly peeing on themselves after saturday's events and this seems only to be the beginning. People are getting more radicalised. Many MPs from the governing party have already received death threats.

Politicians should be thankful for the police officers and gendarmes acting as a buffer between them and the people. Many would have already been lynched by now.
Political elites are corrupt everywhere, western countries in the past had so much wealth stolen from all over the world that their citizen were able to live comfortable life with the tax burden that was affordable for their citizen while elites got in the habit of spending big. Now their habit of big spending is getting out of control while the third world exploitation is getting scarce so they need to keep taxing more and more for their lavish expenditures, now its getting closer and closer to the tipping point.
Why does everyone look for favour from the government? Work hard and improve your life!

Favour? The govt started this by intruding (into already precarious fiscal space of people) with yet another tax. Why doesn't the govt leave people alone so people can get on with working hard and improving their lives?

No one is looking for favours here....just no more constant clawing at their livelihood by an over-reaching, greedy already too-big govt.
Favour? The govt started this by intruding (into already precarious fiscal space of people) with yet another tax. Why doesn't the govt leave people alone so people can get on with working hard and improving their lives?

No one is looking for favours here....just no more constant clawing at their livelihood by an over-reaching, greedy already too-big govt.
Yeah, I just checked out their tax rate. That's insane.
They DO work hard! Problem is with the levels of taxes in the country. French workers are already the most taxed in Europe,taxes are so high people think they cannot cope with any more taxation. In my opinion there should be large taxes decrease coupled with severe reductions in public spendings. (57% of the GDP,highest in Europe,more than €1,250 trillion)

There is already too much state in France,too much public servants,too high social spendings,too much welfare. (32% of the GDP or €715 billion)

There should be less public services,the state should only provide the bare minimum for health,the most needy people and fully concentrate on its true missions and provide the population safety,justice and guarantee the sovereignty and safety of the nation,the rest is superfluous. What do you think ? @Nilgiri @Cell_DbZ

Couldn't have said it better bro. You know I am libertarian at heart. A govt should only operate where it has clear evidence of a need for it (protect +preserve the nation, provide rule of law and courts, provide well justified and managed direct basic welfare system)....nothing more than that (because that is a slippery slope to eventual authoritarianism/autocracy).

When it comes to something like global warming (let us assume its all 100% human CO2-related for sake of argument) and taxing (with the idea to compress demand) basic inputs (because of CO2 creation).....would not the much more sustainable path be to inherently allow the creation of better knowledge of the issues (among the populace) so the demand for EV, cleaner energy is organic within the free market itself (rather than through heavy govt intervention)? There must be a good conducive debate that the society must engage in openly with as neutral, transparent data (from all perspectives) allowed as possible.

Instead the arguments are closed, "scientific community consensus" receive funding only if results are in line with higher political directive (very very dangerous trend), and thus the narrative is artificially constrained (by media in cahoots with big govt), one "side" is deemed null and void and given pejorative labels and associated fearmongering...and govt keeps doing what it wants to sustain and bulk itself up (rather than interests of all).

This is for example why the US (even under Trump pulling out of climate accords) reduces its CO2 more than any other major country (because of natural demand from the market and market forces making EV more competitive etc and also switch to Natural Gas from coal dictated by underlying costs again)....and something of the opposite seen in Germany which had higher CO2 output in recent years because of earlier forced govt intervention (through tax+subsidy to push for more wind + solar way beyond the natural speed of the market....and in the end there was a greater relapse on coal power plants to provide the missing base supply that was stripped by the process).

There is something in here for Macron to learn. But he unfortunately just labels all these protesters as "thugs" and follows "let them eat cake" attitude. French people do not take that stuff nicely (well no one would tbh, everyone has breaking point on how much elitists can dictate to them)....one should learn history.
Just google a bit about French taxation. There are 3 main taxes
1: Income tax, 0-45%, most people probably in the middle income category (27k-72k), it means the weighted tax rate is about 22% at 72000 euro.
2: Social security tax, most employees pay 20-25% of gross earning.
3. VAT, 20% of most goods and services.

The first 2 taxes means 40-50% of income would be paid to the government as tax. In addition, there are also property tax for owner and renter (which seems like council levy over here), residents tax, capital gain tax.

I can kind of understand why French working class are not happy. :woot::hitwall:
A revolution is in the making my friend ! :partay:

The struggling people outside Paris has enough and wants to be heard by the government and the Parisian elites,seeming to live in an another universe,far from the problems outside Paris. :victory:

In all honesty,I am against the use of violence during demonstrations,but I won't complain much about people spreading and bringing havoc to the Parisian liberal elites. @waz @Nilgiri

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It seems the "Yellow Vests" movement is slowly spreading to Europe. Demonstrations were held in Belgium and the Netherlands.
A revolution is in the making my friend ! :partay:

The struggling people outside Paris has enough and wants to be heard by the government and the Parisian elites,seeming to live in an another universe,far from the problems outside Paris. :victory:

In all honesty,I am against the use of violence during demonstrations,but I won't complain much about people spreading and bringing havoc to the Parisian liberal elites. @waz @Nilgiri

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It seems the "Yellow Vests" movement is slowly spreading to Europe. Demonstrations were held in Belgium and the Netherlands.

Qu'ils mangent de la brioche. Praying for a swift restoration of peace and normalcy to the city of love and liberty!

During the demonstration a G36 was stolen in a Police car. Why should I worry bro ? :agree:
View attachment 524050

Have the same model in my bug out bag for that SHTF moment!
my shtf bag.jpg

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