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Year and method of last executions in Europe


Feb 25, 2014
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@Hamartia Antidote @Nilgiri @waz @Indus Pakistan @Path-Finder @Cell_DbZ @vostok
Somebody got the guillotine in France in 1977?

Since the revolution til 1977,the guillotine was the main method of execution.

The last man guillotined in France was a Tunisian,Hamida Djandoubi for kidnapping,torturing and murdering a woman.


The last French citizen being guillotined was Jérôme Carrein few months before Djandoubi. Sentenced to death for murdering a 8 year old girl.


Before the revolution,noblemen had the "privilege" to be executed by beheading with a sword while the "others" had to go through different methods which were much harsher and slow. Ironically,the guillotine was created as a more humane and equal method of execution for everyone.
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I am surprised that you guys guillotined somebody as recent as 1977. Frankly the act of killing a human being is savage in it's very nature ~ irrespective of what the subject has done. The act of doing so relegates society to the same level as the criminal. The very urge to kill is primeval. If somebody hurt my girls I would be prepared to kill them in a instant. But that would not make it right. It would be my primeval instinct unleashed.

A society should represent the highest aspirations of the human conditon and not it's base primaval instincts. In other words arguably any country that has death penalty is by definition not worth placing on the pedestal we call civilization.

I don't expect airheads to understand any of this of course ...

Actually there was 1 execution in Belorussia already in 2019.
This chart has been made in 2017, as there have been 4 executions in Belarus in 2018 alone.

Quite interesting is that there has been a referendum about this issue in Belarus in 1996 and 80% was in favor for keeping capital punishment.

@Vergennes I'm sure that if there would be a referendum in western countries, that the results would be surprising
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A society should represent the highest aspirations of the human conditon and not it's base primaval instincts. In other words arguably any country that has death penalty is by definition not worth placing on the pedestal we call civilization.

I don't expect airheads to understand any of this of course ...
Well, I agree, but is locking someone up for the rest of his live humane? You still would need to spend money in upkeeping said criminal, money that could have been given to someone who needs it more.

The debate of capital punishment is very difficult, because both sides make good points.
Well, I agree, but is locking someone up for the rest of his live humane?
Indeed. However, a case could be made to keep a person locked up to protect society. Meaning a murderer locked up is not going to have the opportunity to kill again. That could justify the 'inhumanity' of it. Of course this would be based merits of each case as in UK.

You still would need to spend money in upkeeping said criminal, money that could have been given to someone who needs it more.
Who said civilization comes on the cheap?

The debate of capital punishment is very difficult, because both sides make good points.
Agreed. For the record when I was younger I was for 'hang em all'. Maturity and a more refined look at life changed my thinking.

I'm sure that if there would be a referendum in western countries
I suspect in UK a thin majorty would be against death penalty.
Why are Eastern Europeans and Russians less cucked than Westerners when it comes to the death penelty
France, Germany, Belgium: We have class, we guillotine you.

Turkey, Poland, Portugal: We are poor, we hang you.

Spain, Italy, Russia: We are lazy, we shoot you.

Indeed. However, a case could be made to keep a person locked up to protect society. Meaning a murderer locked up is not going to have the opportunity to kill again. That could justify the 'inhumanity' of it.
Well, but could't you say the same thing about executing someone? There's always that very, very small chance of a monster escaping and doing more evil. When dead, you can't kill, in comparison.

In return, if wrongfully convicted, there's no return from the death either.

I suspect in UK a thin majorty would be against death penalty.
I found a collection of polls, results in western contries is rather close, like in Britain 45% is in favour for reintroducing death penalty.
I found a collection of polls, results in western contries is rather close, like in Britain 45% is in favour for reintroducing death penalty.

There was a poll conducted shortly after the january 2015 attacks in France seeing 52% (+7% compared to 2014) wanting back the death penalty. Interestingly support among leftist voters increased by 15%. (to 36%)
Today support would be most likely higher,given recent events.

I am pretty sure if there was a referendum majority would back it.
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