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Year and method of last executions in Europe

There was a poll conducted shortly after the january 2015 attacks in France seeing 52% (+7% compared to 2014) wanting back the death penalty. Interestingly support among leftist voters increased by 15%. (to 36%)
Today support would be most likely higher,given recent events.

I am pretty sure if there was a referendum majority would back it.

Guillotine was a French invention and it is about time it is brought back; some crimes are just unforgivable. Terrorism is one of them.
I found a collection of polls, results in western contries is rather close, like in Britain 45% is in favour for reintroducing death penalty.
Which is exactly what I suspected ~ a slim majority at 55%. The other thing to note is most of the ruling elite, the intelligentsia, most of the media including celebs are almost all against death penalty and would use their influence to possibly swing the 55% to a higher figure.

I am pretty sure if there was a referendum majority would back it.
You must always keep in mind public opinion is very fickle. It can spike post terrorist events etc.
I am surprised that you guys guillotined somebody as recent as 1977. Frankly the act of killing a human being is savage in it's very nature ~ irrespective of what the subject has done. The act of doing so relegates society to the same level as the criminal. The very urge to kill is primeval. If somebody hurt my girls I would be prepared to kill them in a instant. But that would not make it right. It would be my primeval instinct unleashed.

A society should represent the highest aspirations of the human conditon and not it's base primaval instincts. In other words arguably any country that has death penalty is by definition not worth placing on the pedestal we call civilization.

I don't expect airheads to understand any of this of course ...


Beyond religion, morality is inherently subjective. So your point is rather moot.
Beyond religion, morality is inherently subjective. So your point is rather moot.
Incorrect. Religion itself is not objective fact. Therefore to follow on from what you said morality is entirely subjective, drawing from scripture or not. And that point is not moot.

And don't go bananas please. I am merely sounding out free thinking ....
Religion itself is not objective fact.

I'd argue that it is, but you'll never agree and since religious discussions are banned I can't try to convince you. So for the remainder of the discussion, let's talk from the POV of someone that assumes religion isn't true.

Therefore to follow on from what you said morality is entirely subjective

Agreed, if there is no true religion, then there is no objective morality.

And don't go bananas please. I am merely sounding out free thinking ....

The fact that you think I'll go bananas is what pisses me off. Just because I believe in religion doesn't make you smarter than me.
Agreed, if there is no true religion, then there is no objective morality.
My point was religion is not objective fact. It is premised on faith. Therefore for purposes of this discussion it is subjective. Just because you claim it as fact does not make it so. You have no way of proving it. You believe it to be so or have 'faith'.

You can argue with a athiest and say his morality is subjective because he wil say exactly the same about yours that is based or rooted in sacripture ~ he will argue that you choose to objectify it as fact. Both yours and his moralsties are subjective, only that yours is underpinned by and invested with faith by you.

And my point about 'bananas' was because on PDF people flip at such discussions.
Bring it back, unleash what should come to them.
I’d like to carry out some.
My point was religion is not objective fact. It is premised on faith.

Not necessarily. For the average sheep, yes it is. But for those of us who actually try to think for ourselves, we base our opinions on valid logical reasoning.

You have no way of proving it.

I feel as if I can prove it pretty easily. This material is a good start:




You can argue with a athiest and say his morality is subjective because he wil say exactly the same about yours that is based or rooted in sacripture ~ he will argue that you choose to objectify it as fact.

He can argue that if he pleases, but it doesn't resolve the fact that as per his worldview, there is no such thing as morality.
You. Your a mod that I would not like to piss off .......

Bruv plenty of people have pissed me off in my life, I dealt with each and every one. But the thing is now I simply don’t give a toss about what people say. It’s my opinion and everyone else can agree, disagree or fly.
Now I’ll also bring my Kukri as well, no need for anything else.
Not necessarily. For the average sheep, yes it is. But for those of us who actually try to think for ourselves, we base our opinions on valid logical reasoning.
Please. I am not a snotty faced teenager. This is a subject I have thought about for decades. I am Muslim first because I was born into a Muslim household. Second because I have faith. I suspect it is same for rest of the 99% Muslims. Beyond that there is no, I mean no logic. The links you pasted hold no currency whatsoever. Let's leave it at that.

I certainly did not reason into my faith when I was born. Had I been born into a Sikh, Christian or Jewish family I would be peddling them with as much robustness ...

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