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Ya’alon (Isreali Defence Minister) : I would prefer Islamic State to Iran in Syria


Sep 1, 2015
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Dfense Minister Moshe Ya’alon said Tuesday that Iran poses a greater threat than the Islamic State, and that if the Syrian regime were to fall, Israel would prefer that IS was in control of the territory than an Iranian proxy.

“In Syria, if the choice is between Iran and the Islamic State, I choose the Islamic State. They don’t have the capabilities that Iran has,” Ya’alon told a conference held by the Institute of National Security Studies in Tel Aviv.

“Our greatest enemy is the Iranian regime that has declared war on us,” the defense minister said of the threats facing Israel.

“Iran tried to open a terror front against us on the Golan Heights,” he said in reference to efforts by Iranian proxy Hezbollah to plan attacks on Israel.

With its nuclear deal and recent lifting of sanctions, Tehran “has escaped international isolation” and become a “central player” in Syria, he continued. Both the US and Russia are treating Iran as “part of the solution” to the Syrian civil war, Ya’alon said.

“Iran determines future of Syria and if it leads to perpetuation, Iranian hegemony in Syria will be huge challenge for Israel,” he said.

The defense minister also characterized the conflict in Syria and Iraq as the “height of the clash of civilizations.”

“Many in the West refuse to acknowledge this — won’t even say ‘radical Islam,'” Ya’alon said. “Of course not every Muslim is a terrorist, but most terrorists in the world today are Muslim. We can’t ignore that.”

Turning to the situation in Israel, Ya’alon maintained that Gaza’s ruler Hamas, which has fought Israel on three occasions in recent years, was deterred and was not seeking an escalation. “Our presence prevents Hamas or IS takeover of Palestinian areas,” he said.

The defense minister dismissed international efforts to push a peace agreement.

“The international community’s efforts will not lead to progress — these security plans would lead to attacks at Ben Gurion Airport,” he said, as he questioned the world’s apparent disproportionate focus on Israel.

“Europe is still talking about us when they have much more pressing problems like refugees.”

Without naming his cabinet colleague/rival, Ya’alon also responded caustically to criticisms earlier in the day by Jewish Home leader and Education Minister Naftali Bennett.

Bennett, at the same forum, had said Israel’s enemies were “flourishing” while Israel was hamstrung by “deadlocked” and insufficiently creative thinking over how best to ensure its security.

Ya’alon called Bennett’s criticisms “reckless and childish.” He accused Bennett, although not by name, of “endangering national security for short-term political gain.” Responsible government, Ya’alon said, was not a matter of seeking headlines “or ‘likes’ on Facebook.”

He also accused Bennett of supporting certain policies in the inner cabinet — notably during summer 2014’s Operation Protective Edse in Gaza — and then publicly campaigning for different policies. Bennett relentlessly criticized his own government during that war for not using greater force to smash Hamas.

Who doesn't want to see the success of their proxies ???
Woah.. This would be a dumb thing to say even for your average PDF member but coming from a minister... :disagree:

You don't fucking chose between Stalin and Hitler, even if you deem one to be the lesser evil no matter how solid your reasoning is. You just don't. Especially if you are the minister of a country.

Zionist propaganda machine starts again...

just check out link below it's about the number of Arabs and Palestinian had been killed by Israel since the formation.
In addition,countless wars Israel were involve from Lebanon, Egypt and Syria now they are trying to set up a caliphate so they can provide security for Israel, and innocent civilians being killed or migrated is not important for them.
Interesting an Israeli person supports isis which is not something odd.

Palestinian casualties of war - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Arab–Israeli conflict - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
91,105 total Arab deaths
Zionist propaganda machine starts again...

just check out link below it's about the number of Arabs and Palestinian had been killed by Israel since the formation.
In addition,countless wars Israel were involve from Lebanon, Egypt and Syria now they are trying to set up a caliphate so they can provide security for Israel, and innocent civilians being killed or migrated is not important for them.
Interesting an Israeli person supports isis which is not something odd.

Palestinian casualties of war - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Arab–Israeli conflict - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
91,105 total Arab deaths
so all the arab countries combined couldnt defeat them when they were least powerful.
tells u something about israel.
Zionist propaganda machine starts again...

just check out link below it's about the number of Arabs and Palestinian had been killed by Israel since the formation.
In addition,countless wars Israel were involve from Lebanon, Egypt and Syria now they are trying to set up a caliphate so they can provide security for Israel, and innocent civilians being killed or migrated is not important for them.
Interesting an Israeli person supports isis which is not something odd.

Palestinian casualties of war - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Arab–Israeli conflict - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
91,105 total Arab deaths
This number is exaggerated and the overwhelming majority are soldiers killed in wars half century ago. I am not counting Arabs killed by Iran in Iran-Iraq war.

But if we compare numbers killed in uprising. Here what we get:

- 10 K killed in Palestine since 1987 (almost 30 years).
- 250 K killed + 10 million refugees in Syria since 2011 (5 years).
You don't fucking chose between Stalin and Hitler, even if you deem one to be the lesser evil no matter how solid your reasoning is. You just don't. Especially if you are the minister of a country.
100% wrong:


"...No one has been a more consistent opponent of Communism for the last twenty-five years. I will unsay no word I have spoken about it. But all this fades away before the spectacle which is now unfolding. The past, with its crimes, its follies, its tragedies, flashes away.… The Russian danger is therefore our danger, and the danger of the United States, just as the cause of any Russian fighting for hearth and house is the cause of free men and free peoples in every quarter of the globe.”
so all the arab countries combined couldnt defeat them when they were least powerful.
tells u something about israel.
well , one well known Egyptian politician once said , we can defeat Israel , but we cant win a fight against USA.
Of course they would. Who wouldn't want their own proxies right next to them? It tells U something when they attack Muslims.
well , one well known Egyptian politician once said , we can defeat Israel , but we cant win a fight against USA.
thats the biggest cry-israel got uncle sam
well,egypt got all modern equipment like sams,atgms,tanks from soviet union which were better then any us counterpart still they got their asses kicked.
@500 no longer tta??
Of course they would. Who wouldn't want their own proxies right next to them? It tells U something when they attack Muslims.
It didn't do Pakistan much good to establish the Talibs, did it?

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