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Y-20 heavy transport aircraft News & Discussions

we can be in position one million and that won't change the fact when it's all said and done, we along with the US will have the most capable air lift capability out there, due to the number we are willing to build. Far surpassing those that can before.

The time to brag is after the accomplishment, not before...
C-5M is an upgrade program. Production of C-5 ended in 1989.

C-5M is the totally new design based on airframes with remain long service life. Nearly everything ( cost 90 million each ) is new and better than C-5A ,
The C-5M Super Galaxy has a 58% faster climb rate, a 30% shorter takeoff roll, and a 30% higher cruise than the current C-5 (A, B, and C models). This allows the C-5M to carry significantly more cargo from more airfields, over greater distances, and with reduced dependency on aerial refueling.

C-5M is for operation until 2040, equal the service life some of first C-17 ( retired after 25 years of service )

so we can consider that's a new product, as with C-130J compare to original C-130.

The line continue to roll out ( 40-50 ) of the significant better C5M with 25-30 years of service life. Can we call it as the line ended ?
( I found no difference between a rollout C-5M and a Y-20. I wonder why China need so many Y-20, as said 400-1000 )
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The time to brag is after the accomplishment, not before...
It is after, it's already inducted. It would be before if it's still testing.

You know what's a brag, calling us 9th. A completely irrelevant fact btw, and also inaccurate (read the sentence very carefully, again and again until you see your mistake).
It is after, it's already inducted. It would be before if it's still testing.

You know what's a brag, calling us 9th. A completely irrelevant fact btw, and also inaccurate (read the sentence very carefully, again and again until you see your mistake).

So You claim that you have bigger transport capacity than Russia and the rest right now?
It is the claim that China is number #3 which is irrelevant and wrong.
So You claim that you have bigger transport capacity than Russia and the rest right now?
It is the claim that China is number #3 which is irrelevant and wrong.

for someone so hell bent on a few choice words, you sure have a hard time understanding your own statement. Read the quote again, and see what makes China #3. I thought Scandinavian education is suppose to be good.
C-5M is the totally new design based on airframes with remain long service life. Nearly everything ( cost 90 million each ) is new and better than C-5A ,

C-5M is for operation until 2040, equal the service life some of first C-17 ( retired after 25 years of service )

so we can consider that's a new product, as with C-130J compare to original C-130.

The line continue to roll out ( 40-50 ) of the significant better C5M with 25-30 years of service life. Can we call it as the line ended ?
The program is not producing any new air-frames. That is how production should be classified. It may re-engine, rebuild the aircraft, but that's not production.
The program is not producing any new air-frames. That is how production should be classified. It may re-engine, rebuild the aircraft, but that's not production.

It's ok to call this or that.
At least, with the significant quantity of new rolling out aircrafts ( huge work as well ) and still not come to an end, we should consider that C-5 program still alive.

LRIP started in August 2009 with Lockheed reaching full production in May 2011. 22 C-5M Super Galaxies have been completed as of August 2014. The RERP upgrade program is to be completed in early 2018.

Actually, statement of Y-20 would start to power PLA by great heavylift ability ( which is absent in the past ) is much more meaningful than statement that Y-20 is the largest design in production for heavylift.

To be frank, we should focus on the current and future capability of aerial ( and /or heavylift ) transport.
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for someone so hell bent on a few choice words, you sure have a hard time understanding your own statement. Read the quote again, and see what makes China #3. I thought Scandinavian education is suppose to be good.

The statement :

"The Y-20—which has the official codename "Kunpeng" after a mythical Chinese bird, though it is nicknamed "Chubby Girl" for its appearance—makes China the third nation after Russia and the United States to design and develop its own heavy military transport aircraft."

is not so hard to understand, and it is easy to prove wrong, which I did...
You shall Google more of C-5 Galaxy before thinking the bigger and heavier payload is better. This C-5 is so huge that it cannot serve front line airstrip and need smaller and more robust transport plane like C-17 and Y-20 type of transport plane to do the job. It need nice and smooth long airway to land. In wartime, such demand is a luxury.

Tell me, the take off / landing distance of Y-20 ?
As I read C5 designed for frontline operation which allow landing on dirt runway with length not more than 4000ft.
Y-20 doesn't have the STOL capability of C-17 or A400M, thereby greatly limiting the number of spots where it could land. This changes the entire logistics strategy and hampers China's ability to wage a US-style war far away from its border.

Why you don't watch yourself a take off of C-5 ?

thrust reverser work on a C-5

on a C-17

C-17's cascades reverser redirects the thrust 360 degree around the engine, while D-30's thrust reverser is a less-efficient bucket type that redirects thrust left and right. This is why all the modern commercial jet engines have a 360 degree cascade thrust reversers.
D-30's ancient, less efficient thrust reverser.
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Tell me, the take off / landing distance of Y-20 ?
As I read C5 designed for frontline operation which allow landing on dirt runway with length not more than 4000ft.

Why you don't watch yourself a take off of C-5 ?

thrust reverser work on a C-5

on a C-17

C-17's cascades reverser redirects the thrust 360 degree around the engine, while D-30's thrust reverser is a less-efficient bucket type that redirects thrust left and right. This is why all the modern commercial jet engines have a 360 degree cascade thrust reversers.
D-30's ancient, less efficient thrust reverser.

You seriously dont know what I am talking about?

Find me a video clip of C-5 landing on similar strip like this C-17. I eat back my words.

In wartime and frontline, you expect beautiful airway and smooth surface for your transport to land? Do you?

Y-20 is equipped with equal capabilties like C-17. If I can produced video clip of Y-20 doing such stunt of landing on dirt runaway in 6months time. You cease your account and stop posting. If I lose, I cease mine. Want to bet? Quoting some stupid website that dont know a thing about Y-20 doesnt make you a hero or smart.
It's being introduced into service, which means all tests have been passed. That includes flying with maximum payload.

But this surely only for the "limited" MTO with the D-30KP or WS-20, since it is commonly accepted that the Y-20 will reach its projected full load of 66 t only with the final WS-20.
The statement :

"The Y-20—which has the official codename "Kunpeng" after a mythical Chinese bird, though it is nicknamed "Chubby Girl" for its appearance—makes China the third nation after Russia and the United States to design and develop its own heavy military transport aircraft."

is not so hard to understand, and it is easy to prove wrong, which I did...

Third nation to design and develop its OWN heavy military transport aircraft. During both those phases, the European one is joint, while Ukraine had significant help from the Russians. The most obvious indication other than statements is the fact Ukraine can no longer make or even maintain these aircraft now that Russians are not that friendly.

China independently designed and developed this plane, which makes China the the third one to go about it alone.
Third nation to design and develop its OWN heavy military transport aircraft. During both those phases, the European one is joint, while Ukraine had significant help from the Russians. The most obvious indication other than statements is the fact Ukraine can no longer make or even maintain these aircraft now that Russians are not that friendly.

China independently designed and developed this plane, which makes China the the third one to go about it alone.
Nope the Me 363 Gigant was way before that, and Britain, Italy, Japan
has all developed heavy military transport way before this one.
Possibly also Canada.

As far as I understand, the engines of the Y-20 are Russian, and while China is developing an engine that might replace it, other comments about Chinese jet engine technology here on PDF, are less than positive.
Until You can show production with Chinese Engine, you are not on Your own list.

By the way, are You aware that Tokyo has the worlds tallest Tokyo tower?
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I think someone loves titles, let them be proud of that.
The Mod Deino told us that, Chinese Y-20 doesn't reach the max payload ( but limited payload ) with Russian D-30KP engines. So Y-20 still not reach its own performance. It's too early to claim Y-20 has better payload than IL-76/IL-78 at this moment. Similar to claim J-20 reach its designed configuration.

I didn't say that Y-20 is worse or better than C-17, but D-30 engines have poorer thrust / thrust reverser performance, so it's quite clear that Y-20 would need longer runway to take off and landing, and there isn't clear evidence that it operates at max payload, so who could state how long the runway Y-20 need.

external blown flaps on C-17 for STOL , which is absent in Y-20


Nope the Me 363 Gigant was way before that, and Britain, Italy, Japan
has all developed heavy military transport way before this one.
Possibly also Canada.

As far as I understand, the engines of the Y-20 are Russian, and while China is developing an engine that might replace it, other comments about Chinese jet engine technology here on PDF, are less than positive.
Until You can show production with Chinese Engine, you are not on Your own list.

By the way, are You aware that Tokyo has the worlds tallest Tokyo tower?

I am waiting for Sweden to develop a Y-20 similar size transport plane. Year 2099? Loser :lol:

No, they are winners. Have to put bundles of money to make ourselves giant military transport aircrafts isn't the best way to have some aerial transport capability.
Different from others, China has to build themselves or with support of Russia to have that capability.

Beside the manufacturing capability, there's a few countries have enough demand for military heavy lift aircraft to solely develop themselves a model. They can buy or share if they have demand, like some shared NATO C-17s, C-130.

US ended its production of C-17 with the reason NO ORDER from any branch of US Army, Airforce, Marines ... and foreign countries. There're some brand new C-17s in stock, available to sell too. Even Vietnam could ask for the sale.

Military transport isn't cost / effective like civil cargo airplanes, some countries choose to use dual use aircrafts.

No offense. China is still in early phase of making jet transport aircraft, even behind Japan.
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