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Xinjiang Province: News & Discussions

Government employees can fast as much as they want after they leave the party, my opinion the students should be allowed to however rule of no religion is set for party, CPC employees are to be focused on China's development and economy and noting will hinder hat not religion meaning all religions Christianity and Buddhism as well, majority seem to have no problem with it.

Yes, Refrain going off topic.

I see no problem for officials of Muslim countries during Ramadan month, even the athletics
Officials in China's turbulent north-western region of Xinjiang are tightening restrictions on Muslim practices including mass prayers during Ramadan, according to government notices.

Government employees and Communist party members are banned from fasting, wearing veils or growing beards, said circulars posted on several official websites. Other measures - which appear to vary area to area - include forcing restaurants to maintain their usual opening hours instead of shifting them in light of dawn-to-dusk fasting.

Religious controls are usually stricter during Ramadan but experts say this year's are noticeably stronger and believe it is the first time they have been published rather than passed on orally.

A notice on the Zhaosu county website said that ideological education had to be stepped up in the face of "violent and disruptive activities by religious extremists, separatists and terrorists".

Last month saw the worst violence for a decade with a string of fatal attacks including an assault on police in Kashgar that left 16 officers dead and 16 wounded. No one has claimed responsibility but officials have blamed Uighur separatists.

Two of the towns that posted notices, Xinhe and Shaya, are near Kuqa, where 11 people died in suicide bombings and police shootings a few days later.

Around half the population of the vast region of Xinjiang is composed of Muslim Uighurs. Many resent the religious and cultural restrictions placed upon them and some seek an independent East Turkestan.

A note on the Shaya government website said propaganda and inspections should be stepped up during the period. "Fasting and participation in religious activities by party members and students is forbidden," it said.

The note called for stronger security at mosques, saying that officials should "prohibit playing recordings, videos or using loudspeakers to force people to take part in fasting. Work units or individuals are not allowed to hand out religious propaganda in public areas."

It said people were forbidden from forcing others to fast, attend religious activities or cover their face with veils. "Effective measures" should be taken to ensure people who already had beards and veils removed them, the note said, although it appears it may have been referring to officials and public sector workers.

A Zhaosu county website notice said officials should "try to reduce Ramadan's influence on society as much as possible".

It told them to "dissuade people from attending organised and planned worship in large groups in order to prevent mass incidents; prevent, guide and stop situations like closing restaurants during Ramadan, students attending religious activities, women going into mosques with veils and shops stopping selling wines and cigarettes".

"To the best of my knowledge it's the first time this has been explicitly spelled out in this way - normally these instructions are not put in writing," said Nicholas Bequelin, an expert on Xinjiang at Human Rights Watch. Measures such as the restrictions on restaurants were "definitely more intrusive than before," he said.

"What has been driving these increasingly invasive restrictions on religious and cultural behaviour is the fear that Uighurs are not loyal to the party and government," Bequelin said. "It used to be the case that some cadres in the 80s and early 90s were clearly religious. That's not possible any more because the state sees what it regards as ostentatious religiosity as an act of defiance towards the government."

China officials tighten restrictions on Muslim practices | World news | theguardian.com
China bans Muslims from fasting during Holy Ramadan

Too Funny.....China is all for 'yellow fever' luvin' men but can't allow a religious sect to practice its most sacred time of the year! What a 'Farce'! Chainks need to 'lighten up'!
Police ends Xinjiang anti-terror drills

Chinese police on Monday concluded large-scale anti-terror drills in Xinjiang.

The week-long drills were held in six major cities and prefectures including Kashgar and capital city Urumqi, focusing on practice of responses to violent attacks in public places, hijackings and explosions.

Various corps from local military headquarters, national anti-terror commandos as well as armed police forces participated in the maneuver.

China launched a year-long crackdown on terrorism in the Uygur autonomous region after a bomb attack killed 39 people in an Urumqi market in May.

The first month of the campaign saw 32 terrorist gangs busted, over 380 suspects apprehended, and 315 people sentenced by the courts.
I would like PDF members (both Chinese and others) to take the time and go through these three research papers to make yourself familiar with the issue. Its a complex issue and without in depth knowledge, it is unfair to pass judgement on this issue:

It is possible that there are propaganda in the above, I will appreciate if you could please point out anything that is not accurate in the above papers and does not match with reality on the ground.

To argue those propaganda above is really a time-consuming work.

Bro, Xinjiang do have some problems and most of them are the same to the other provinces of China. Nothing is perfect. The problem is to be a problem is that the west make it political. In their eyes, communism is a sin. Could you expect any positive views about China? No, never.

What China do today always be examined under the magnifying glasses and criticize China is a easy business in many fields. Hope you have seen many cases about China in the international communities. Chinese people are all well aware about this. So you need some Chinese sites to balance your opinions if possible.

The Chinese behavior patterns always be do much and talk less. This kind of attack exists decades hence will still be there for many decades. You should know it. Anyway, Chinese people are not the frogs seat in the deep well(narrow minded) , as a friend of China, you are welcomed to discuss anything with us.
To argue those propaganda above is really a time-consuming work.

Bro, Xinjiang do have some problems and most of them are the same to the other provinces of China. Nothing is perfect. The problem is to be a problem is that the west make it political. In their eyes, communism is a sin. Could you expect any positive views about China? No, never.

What China do today always be examined under the magnifying glasses and criticize China is a easy business in many fields. Hope you have seen many cases about China in the international communities. Chinese people are all well aware about this. So you need some Chinese sites to balance your opinions if possible.

The Chinese behavior patterns always be do much and talk less. This kind of attack exists decades hence will still be there for many decades. You should know it. Anyway, Chinese people are not the frogs seat in the deep well(narrow minded) , as a friend of China, you are welcomed to discuss anything with us.

Bro, thanks for your confidence in me as a friend of China and Chinese people. I also have confidence in Chinese people and govt. to solve their own internal problems.

What you said is correct, that the West is trying to put Xinjiang under microscope and highlight your weakness. And Muslim world is a very underdeveloped part of the world and very easily swayed by emotion without looking at the whole picture or taking the long view. There are far more serious situations in the world, for example what is taking place in Gaza now, and we all know what role the West plays there. The unnecessary situation in Iraq and as a by product of that Syria, we all know who did what. This entire "Islamic terrorism" problem is because the West decided to breakup Ottoman empire and oil resources were placed with people who decided to promote their fringe ideas, and then finally the West also decided to utilize this fringe view to indoctrinate extremist foot soldiers to defeat Soviet Union in Afghanistan. The gene of extremism was pulled out of the bottle by West's hand and there is no putting it back, unless the Muslim world can find a better more constructive friend and partner to solve its myriad problems that came out from centuries of attacks by the some world powers. So the West is in no position to take the moral high ground and lecture others, considering the long track record.

Every year you have new graduates coming out from university. New generations with more open minds and creativity are joining the govt. Essentially this is a social science problem. I am sure eventually they will find solutions to these problems. The key I believe would be to turn the problem part of the population into assets, as I briefly mentioned earlier.

China has succeeded in many areas and soon, in a few decades, I am sure will reach the level of the West in most areas of technological development. So it seems highly unlikely that China will lag behind in solving social problems for their own minority population, with all the resources and skills you have available.
This is from the weibo(Chinese version of twitter) of a muslim girl in Yunnan, China.

Time: 2014 June 30, 4 a.m.
Place: Yunnan university mess hall.
Event: Break fast(? or should be breakfast? anyway, direct translation "eat fast rice") with fellow muslim brother and sister of Yunnan university.



Google Translate:
I was in Yunnan University fasting # Praise be to Allah! This is to give us the grace of Allah! Big thanks to Yunnan University the understanding and support for Muslims, 4:00, thanks to the teachers dorm door for everyone to get up early, thanks to the canteen uncle shuttle service, thank aunts prepare meals and tea for us. Praise be to Allah, before graduation I received a best gift. I love Yunnan University!
This is from the weibo(Chinese version of twitter) of a muslim girl in Yunnan, China.

Time: 2014 June 30, 4 a.m.
Place: Yunnan university mess hall.
Event: Break fast(? or should be breakfast? anyway, direct translation "eat fast rice") with fellow muslim brother and sister of Yunnan university.



Google Translate:
I was in Yunnan University fasting # Praise be to Allah! This is to give us the grace of Allah! Big thanks to Yunnan University the understanding and support for Muslims, 4:00, thanks to the teachers dorm door for everyone to get up early, thanks to the canteen uncle shuttle service, thank aunts prepare meals and tea for us. Praise be to Allah, before graduation I received a best gift. I love Yunnan University!

I can't see the pictures clear..... is it day time or night time ? In Fasting you don't eat in day time. You can only eat from sunset to sunrise...

Edit: Okay i see it was 4:00 am... no problem then.
Pakistan and other islamic countries should lodge a protest and raise it on diplomatic level if this news is correct.
fasting is a fard(obligation) and it has to be performed by all means.
just like salah(obligation) has to be performed even in war.
read the incident of karbala

China by doing this will only isolate itself from muslim world.
muslim history of xinjiang goes back to centuries.
they are not inferior or slaves of han chinese.

treat them with respect .

do not blame Pakistan if your citizens cause of state oppression start protesting.

commands of ALLAH come first.

then comes the worldly dealings and business and friendships which are regulated by the do's and dont's provided by the shariah.
Last edited:
Beijing bans Xinjiang officials and schools from participating in Ramadan

Beijing bans Xinjiang officials and schools from participating in Ramadan | South China Morning Post


A woman distributes food on a table as she waits to break fast with other devotees on the first day of Ramadan at the Niujie Mosque in Beijing. Photo: Reuters

Beijing has banned civil servants, students and teachers in the mainly Muslim Xinjiang region from taking part in Ramadan fasting, government websites said.

This has prompted condemnation from an exile group today.

The ruling Communist party is officially atheist, and for years has restricted fasting in Xinjiang, home to the mostly Muslim Uygur minority.

Xinjiang sees regular and often deadly clashes between Uygurs and state security forces, and Beijing has blamed recent deadly attacks elsewhere in the country on militants seeking independence for the resource-rich region.

Rights groups blame tensions on religious and cultural restrictions placed on Uygurs and other Muslim minorities in the vast area, which abuts Central Asia.

Several government departments posted notices on their websites in recent days banning fasting during Ramadan, which began this weekend. During the holy month, the faithful fast from dawn to dusk and strive to be more pious.

The commercial affairs bureau of Turfan city said on its website on Monday that "civil servants and students cannot take part in fasting and other religious activities".

The state-run Bozhou Radio and TV University said on its website that it would "enforce the ban on party members, teachers, and young people from taking part in Ramadan activities".

"We remind everyone that they are not permitted to observe a Ramadan fast," it added.

A weather bureau in Qaraqash county in western Xinjiang said on its website that "in accordance with instructions from higher authorities", it "calls on all current and retired staff not to fast during Ramadan".

A state office which manages the Tarim River basin posted pictures of its staff wearing traditional Uyghur "doppa" caps tucking into a group meal on Saturday.

"Although the meal coincided with the Muslim festival of Ramadan, the cadres who took part expressed a positive attitude and will lead the non-fasting," it said.

Beijing has in the past said that restrictions on fasting are meant to ensure the health of government employees.

Dilxadi Rexiti, a spokesman for the exiled World Uygur Congress, cited local sources as saying that authorities encouraged Uygurs to eat free meals on Monday, and inspected homes to check if the fast was being observed.

"China taking these kind of coercive measures, restricting the faith of Uygurs, will create more conflict," he said.

"We call on China to ensure religious freedom for Uygurs and stop political repression of Ramadan."
In fact, there is never a religion clash, there is only interest conflict. Religion is just an excuse.
We have commitment in this period. Mislim eat near 03:00 they turn the bell ring to min volume and we have no problem with this.
I have seen some students count the fasting days.
BEIJING: China has ordered schools and government offices in the northwest Xinjiang region to ban fasting during the ongoing holy month of Ramzan.

The ban orders are being issued through websites of schools and government agencies in the region as well. "Civil servants and students cannot take part in fasting and other religious activities," said Turfan city's commercial affairs bureau on its website.

The local government in Xinjiang had earlier asked its employees to refrain from observing Ramzan saying fasting can hurt their health.

"We remind everyone that they are not permitted to observe Ramadan fast," the state-run Bozhou Radio and TV University said on its website. "We would enforce the ban on party members, teachers, and young people from taking part in Ramzan activities."

The Chinese Communist Party and the local government in Xinjiang discourage large prayer meetings and gatherings due to fears of separatism.

The fasting ban orders are believed to have come from Beijing's Public Security Bureau. A weather bureau in Qaraqash County in western Xinjiang cited "instructions from higher authorities" while asking "all current and retired staff not to fast during Ramzan".

"China taking these kinds of coercive measures, restricting the faith of Uighurs, will create more conflict," exiled World Uyghur Congress spokesman Dilxat Raxit said in a statement. "We call on China to ensure religious freedom for Uighurs and stop political repression of Ramzan.

China bans Ramzan fasting in Xinjiang - The Times of India

disgusting :tdown::disagree::angry:
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