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Xinjiang Province: News & Discussions

Genocide, lol.. , Foreigners from neigboring countries come to Xinjiang to seek a better chance to live and a healthy life.

More foreigners seeking medical care in Xinjiang
By Cui Jia | China Daily

A nurse from the Hospital of Xinjiang Traditional Uyghur Medicine, attends to a mother from Uzbekistan, along with her daughter, who was born in the facility in Urumqi, capital of the Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region.[Photo/Xinhua]

Region plans to expand services for people along Silk Road routes

More patients from Central Asian nations sought medical care in the Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region last year because of its high quality healthcare and its proximity, according to a senior official.

Foreign patients accessed medical services at hospitals in Urumqi, the regional capital, either in person or via an online diagnosis and consultation platform 8,600 times, an increase of more than 20 percent over 2015, said Liu Chengyuan, deputy mayor of Urumqi.

"We expect to see more foreign patients this year because coming to Urumqi for surgeries and health checks has become a popular trend," he said. "People have been drawn to Xinjiang to seek help from neurosurgeons and orthopedic surgeons. They are also interested in traditional Chinese and Uygur medicine."

As a core area of the Belt and Road Initiative, Xinjiang plans to become an international medical care center to serve foreign patients, especially those from neighboring countries.

The region borders a number of countries, including Russia, Kazakhstan and Tajikistan. It is home to 14 diverse peoples, including Uygur, Kazakh and Tajik ethnic groups-people who speak the same language and have customs similar to neighboring countries.

"The region has natural and cultural advantages of providing medical care to people from countries involved in the initiative," said Peng Yong, deputy director of the Xinjiang Health and Family Planning Commission.

Five major hospitals in Urumqi have provided 500 beds for international patients and are equipped with nurses who can speak Russian and Kazakh. Foreign patients can also receive fast-track services in those hospitals, Peng said, adding that more than 30 hospitals around Xinjiang also plan to launch services for foreigners.

In addition to the public, senior figures from Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan have visited the region 25 times to receive health checks since 2015, Peng added.

The region's online diagnosis and consultation platform includes 11 top hospitals in China, 17 in Kyrgyzstan, two in Georgia and five in Kazakhstan. Fifteen hospitals in Tajikistan also plan to join the platform, Peng said.

Liu said the platform will eventually include 100 hospitals to provide timely help to foreign patients.

"Medical care is a basic and common need. Providing lifesaving medical care to foreign patients can create mutual trust," Peng said.

Just similar to Mongolians coming across the border to Inner Mongolia Province to get health treatment.

Xinjiang is truly becoming the heart of Asia.
Just similar to Mongolians coming across the border to Inner Mongolia Province to get health treatment.

Xinjiang is truly becoming the heart of Asia.
Best hospitals in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou... have to send teams of best doctors to work in Xinjiang working from several months to a year every year following China's government policy. They are the best of the best doctors in China and their role is to treat local patients as well as train local medical personel.

Xinjiang is the runaway leader in Central Asia in health care social welfare.







More genocide.


Desert poplars turn gold in Xinjiang, China




The desert poplars in the Tarim Populus Euphratica National Forest Park recently turned gold, bringing vigor and vitality to the arid desert.

The Populus euphratica, commonly known as desert poplar or Euphrates poplar, is a magical species that can survive in extremely dry and cold areas. In China, the desert poplar are considered to be able to “live for a thousand years, then stand for a thousand years after death, then stay imperishable for another thousand years.”

The Tarim Populus Euphratica National Forest Park is located on the Tarim River on the northeast border of the Taklamakan Desert. It is the oldest, largest and most complete reserve for desert poplars in the world.

according to Jee news a puddle of America "China build concentration camps for 80000 Muslims"

Baboons on PDF ejaculating and thumping chest in joy!

We must bomb Xinjiang like Afghanistan-chest pumpers on PDF
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