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Xinjiang Province: News & Discussions

So if you are a Muslim in China, you are taught in the Chinese language, can get a free home and learn Chinese dances.
No, only poor families with the income below certain standard based on where you live, ethnicity is not a factor being considered.

China has similar programs in every province but because Xinjiang is very earthquake prone, so quake resistance is the priority for those houses.

After a major earthquake hit Tashkurgan, Xinjiang. Old houses all collapsed while the government built earthquake proof houses all stand, not even one was damaged. Luckily the families now live in the government built new houses and no one got hurt.
all the Chinese Muslims should leave and migrate to india, the land of "freedom", milk, honey and modi...

Freedom to be the slaves of the formaldehyde faces. Slavery to the zionists is what you are offered in the West and what is being offered to India via trump, while Chinese look after the well being of the Chinese people.

The comments on the youtube section are good, as a Muslim points out: "the marry and reproduce (part) is all wrong." Another points out the zionists as the race of aliens trying to enslave mankind: "Oy vey, we need to shut down this movie."

The awake citizens of the West know the zionists are the slavers. While the zionists have their agents like Alex Jones to say that Muslims control the West via Saudi Arabia, and Alex spreads hatred of the Chinese. Alex Jones, the zionist, never names jews.

The place in the world where the people are taken care of and cared about is in China, not the West, the West where there is no freedom of speech.
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Xinjiang companies sign multimillion-dollar deals

By Huang Lanlan in Shanghai Source:Global Times Published: 2018/11/8

Several companies based in Northwest China's Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region signed multimillion-dollar-contracts at the China International Import Expo (CIIE), and business representatives see the Belt and Road initiative (BRI) injecting new impetus into local economic growth, which contributes to local social stability.

The Xinjiang-based clean energy company TBEA signed deals worth nearly 1 billion yuan ($144.3 million) with Swiss engineering group ABB, German discrete semiconductor and passive element producer Vishay, German power transformer producer MR and Japan's Mitsubishi Group at the expo.

Being positioned as a key area of China's opening-up to the west region, as well as a "core area" on routes of the BRI, Xinjiang is benefiting from increasing Sino-foreign cooperation between enterprises that the BRI has attracted, local business representatives said.

Zhang Xin, president of TBEA, told the Global Times the company insists on allocating resources globally.

It selects and purchases raw materials and components from all over the world, and the CIIE provides a platform to buy products and technologies with higher quality and lower costs, Zhang said.

One component of the power transformer that TBEA produces for the BRI-related energy infrastructure projects, named tap-changer, is offered by the global transformer control solution provider German's MR.

"We've collaborated with Chinese enterprises including TBEA for many years, and we are looking forward to further participating in the BRI projects with our Chinese partners," MR Managing Director Michael Rohde told the Global Times on Thursday.

Thanks to the BRI, Xinjiang has a very promising future, Zhang told the Global Times.

"Companies in Xinjiang not only bring in more investments and advanced technologies but also further go global with our foreign partners," he said.

"All these factors have contributed to the stable economy and social stability of today's Xinjiang," he added.

Xinjiang's GDP exceeded 1 trillion yuan ($144.2 billion) for the first time in 2017, when it grew 7.6 percent year-on-year, the Xinhua News Agency reported in February.

China's overall GDP grew 6.9 percent year-on-year in 2017, according to the National Bureau of Statistics.


all the Chinese Muslims should leave and migrate to india, the land of "freedom", milk, honey and modi...

^^^ now THIS is what you call "progress"!:enjoy:

Freedom to be the slaves of the formaldehyde faces. Slavery to the zionists is what you are offered in the West and what is being offered to India via trump, while Chinese look after the well being of the Chinese people.

The comments on the youtube section are good, as a Muslim points out: "the marry and reproduce (part) is all wrong." Another points out the zionists as the race of aliens trying to enslave mankind: "Oy vey, we need to shut down this movie."

The awake citizens of the West know the zionists are the slavers. While the zionists have their agents like Alex Jones to say that Muslims control the West via Saudi Arabia, and Alex spreads hatred of the Chinese. Alex Jones, the zionist, never names jews.

The place in the world where the people are taken care of and cared about is in China, not the West, the West where there is no freedom of speech.
He who controls money control tje world. They don't care if the American sheeple wake up because they (avg americans) can't do anything about it.
China central gov and Xinjiang gov are raping Xinjiang people's rights by offering them free and more confotable houses!

China central gov and Xinjiang gov are raping Xinjiang people's rights by offering them free and more confotable houses!
China central gov and Xinjiang gov are raping Xinjiang people's rights by offering them free and more confotable houses!

China central gov and Xinjiang gov are raping Xinjiang people's rights by offering them free and more confotable houses!
No, their news were " China drives Uighurs out of their ancestrol homes". I was not kidding, I saw those reports mnay times. They don't want to see any development in Xinjiang and they wish those people forever being stuck in those earthquake trap mud houses with no electricity, running water and heating.
No, their news were " China drives Uighurs out of their ancestrol homes". I was not kidding, I saw those reports mnay times. They don't want to see any development in Xinjiang and they wish those people forever being stuck in those earthquake trap mud houses with no electricity, running water and heating.

They want to see Xinjiang to become like Detroit or Los Angeles: Unsafe or dirty. :lol:
I thought they banned headscarfs thats what VOA told me
China central gov and Xinjiang gov are raping Xinjiang people's rights by offering them free and more confotable houses!
which means China xinjiang gov drives Uighurs out of their ancestrol homes by western medias!

Unfortunately everything China does under the sun is evil, including building free house for poor.


The Chinese government is subjecting millions of Tibetans to a policy of mass rehousing and relocation that radically changes their way of life, and about which they have no say, Human Rights Watch said in a new report published today.

“The fiction that Tibetans enjoy any kind of autonomy under Chinese rule is laid bare by mass rehousing and relocation policies in which they have no say,” Richardson said. “Forging ahead with mass relocation and rehousing programs in a broadly repressive environment will only fuel tensions and widen the rift between Tibetans and the Chinese state.”
China drives Uighurs and tibetains out of their ancestrol homes in western medias.
Like Huawei innovate in Chipsets, which means China steal US core techs while Huawei Kirin 980 leading the chipset world in 6 main fields.

He who controls money control tje world. They don't care if the American sheeple wake up because they (avg americans) can't do anything about it.

And if you are like Snowden or some other person exposing the lies and criminality of the Washington regime, you get targeted:


Dr. Runi Kilde: Surgeon General of the nation of Finland, medical doctor of three specialties and best-selling author of books about secret space programs, medical industry fraud, security-service-stalking and the quantum nature of the human mind, body and experience. Dr. Kilde spent nearly half her life subjected to security-service-stalking, because of her relentless dedication to medical ethics, scientific integrity, and public transparency. Dr. Kilde made it her business to seek out and expose deep-state crimes and plots in her seminars, books, and document disclosures. Her work serves as an invaluable resource of information, and historic documentation, for those seeking to expose and end security-service-stalking.


Ramola Dharmaraj: George Washington University English Professor, award winning Author, and currently, groundbreaking Investigative Journalist and Human Rights Activist. Ramola became subjected to security-service-stalking in 2013 due to her involvement in human rights activism. Ramola produces the Everyday Concerned Citizen website, and Ramola Reports YouTube channel — with a focus on exposing security-service-stalking, geo-engineering and other deep-state crime. With thousands of followers and relentless dedication, Ramola has become the leading journalist covering the security-service-stalking epidemic. She has relentlessly produced numerous groundbreaking articles, and video interview testimonials, with victims and whistle-blowers with impeccable grace and acumen since 2014.


Karen Stewart: NSA Intelligence Analyst of 28 years with top-secret security clearance. In the mid 2000s, a fellow NSA Intelligence Analyst attempted to claim ownership of Karen’s excellent work product. After Karen attempted to resolve this workplace fraud, she became subject to a full blown security-service-stalking campaign. Karen works closely with Ramola Dharmaraj, as a researcher, and provides invaluable insights as a 28 year veteran of the NSA. She is currently engaged in pursuing litigation to resolve her stalking circumstance and her case may provide key legal precedent that may be critical in publicly exposing these stalking crimes.

The Clinton's are a crime family that hunt down and kill anyone who gets in their way. And they are a microcosm of the Washington gang that sends out gang stalkers to anyone not following the zionist script. You have the choice in Amerika to vote for zionist Democrats and zionist Republicans and watch zionist CNN or zionist Faux News. If anyone seeks freedom of speech and information outside the reservation of that, and in the states and in Europe, there is a good chance they will be targeted. There are probably more people being targeted than people are aware, The first goal is intimidation, so targeted people may think there are alot of weirdos out there who act strange.

Nazi Germany does not have anything onto the thuggery that Washington has. It is not even close.
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Detroit is scary. Border guard warned me to head in the morning as it was dangerous at night.

How it happened...

the CIA had a program to send blacks into cities to break up the ethnic neighborhoods, because the various ethnic groups in the cities identified more with their religion and ethnicity than being a mindless anti-communist drone Washington wanted them to be.
How it happened...

the CIA had a program to send blacks into cities to break up the ethnic neighborhoods, because the various ethnic groups in the cities identified more with their religion and ethnicity than being a mindless anti-communist drone Washington wanted them to be.

That explains Why Italian Americans are no longer Italian in general but Greeks manage to surrvive tho
That explains Why Italian Americans are no longer Italian in general but Greeks manage to surrvive tho

In the 20th century, they went after the Catholics mainly because of this line of thinking:

If Catholics are having 10 kids and staying in a Catholic mindset, this mindset is an enemy of the zionist warmongering state. Catholics, were to the CIA - "weapons" of peace and sanity, so they sent in blacks to break up their ethnic neighborhoods, cause racial division, and the zionists moved in on both sides to indoctrinate them to their own purposes.

This is why China has to watch out about these zionists. They have no clue what kind of enemy zionists are to mankind.
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