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Xinjiang Province: News & Discussions

In the 20th century, they went after the Catholics mainly because of this line of thinking:

If Catholics are having 10 kids and staying in a Catholic mindset, this mindset is an enemy of the zionist warmongering state. Catholics, were to the CIA - "weapons" of peace and sanity, so they sent in blacks to break up their ethnic neighborhoods, cause racial division, and the zionists moved in on both sides to indoctrinate them to their own purposes.

This is why China has to watch out about these zionists. They have no clue what kind of enemy zionists are to mankind.

Catholics I speak too who are woke on J...wish subversion tend to blame Pope Pious for cucking church doctrine and making it a tool of neo cons in power Orthodoxy is mixed I dont trust the Russians they are in bed with the J..ws but pretend to be with anti-Zionists but the whole Ukrainian ,Georgian conflicts just baffles me
Catholics I speak too who are woke on J...wish subversion tend to blame Pope Pious for cucking church doctrine and making it a tool of neo cons in power Orthodoxy is mixed I dont trust the Russians they are in bed with the J..ws but pretend to be with anti-Zionists but the whole Ukrainian ,Georgian conflicts just baffles me
Think what you want of the Russians but Orthodox Christianity is not in bed with Zionism.
It was Western Christianity that underwent this rapprochement which led to the Judaeo-Christian Modern West and Zionism.
Think what you want of the Russians but Orthodox Christianity is not in bed with Zionism.
It was Western Christianity that underwent this rapprochement which led to the Judaeo-Christian Modern West and Zionism.

I am not saying all of of Orthodox believers are like that in fact I know many Greeks, Bulgarians and Serbs who are Orthodox and are woke on J..ws I am talking political connections between the leaders of the church and politicians in those countries who are zionist
I am not saying all of of Orthodox believers are like that in fact I know many Greeks, Bulgarians and Serbs who are Orthodox and are woke on J..ws I am talking political connections between the leaders of the church and politicians in those countries who are zionist
Maybe...the politicians but as a civilisation/culture, Orthodox Russia is not Zionist. Yes USSR was and those effects linger on....but not Russia.

Russia is not part of the Judaeo-Christian West.
And if you are like Snowden or some other person exposing the lies and criminality of the Washington regime, you get targeted:


Dr. Runi Kilde: Surgeon General of the nation of Finland, medical doctor of three specialties and best-selling author of books about secret space programs, medical industry fraud, security-service-stalking and the quantum nature of the human mind, body and experience. Dr. Kilde spent nearly half her life subjected to security-service-stalking, because of her relentless dedication to medical ethics, scientific integrity, and public transparency. Dr. Kilde made it her business to seek out and expose deep-state crimes and plots in her seminars, books, and document disclosures. Her work serves as an invaluable resource of information, and historic documentation, for those seeking to expose and end security-service-stalking.


Ramola Dharmaraj: George Washington University English Professor, award winning Author, and currently, groundbreaking Investigative Journalist and Human Rights Activist. Ramola became subjected to security-service-stalking in 2013 due to her involvement in human rights activism. Ramola produces the Everyday Concerned Citizen website, and Ramola Reports YouTube channel — with a focus on exposing security-service-stalking, geo-engineering and other deep-state crime. With thousands of followers and relentless dedication, Ramola has become the leading journalist covering the security-service-stalking epidemic. She has relentlessly produced numerous groundbreaking articles, and video interview testimonials, with victims and whistle-blowers with impeccable grace and acumen since 2014.


Karen Stewart: NSA Intelligence Analyst of 28 years with top-secret security clearance. In the mid 2000s, a fellow NSA Intelligence Analyst attempted to claim ownership of Karen’s excellent work product. After Karen attempted to resolve this workplace fraud, she became subject to a full blown security-service-stalking campaign. Karen works closely with Ramola Dharmaraj, as a researcher, and provides invaluable insights as a 28 year veteran of the NSA. She is currently engaged in pursuing litigation to resolve her stalking circumstance and her case may provide key legal precedent that may be critical in publicly exposing these stalking crimes.

The Clinton's are a crime family that hunt down and kill anyone who gets in their way. And they are a microcosm of the Washington gang that sends out gang stalkers to anyone not following the zionist script. You have the choice in Amerika to vote for zionist Democrats and zionist Republicans and watch zionist CNN or zionist Faux News. If anyone seeks freedom of speech and information outside the reservation of that, and in the states and in Europe, there is a good chance they will be targeted. There are probably more people being targeted than people are aware, The first goal is intimidation, so targeted people may think there are alot of weirdos out there who act strange.

Nazi Germany does not have anything onto the thuggery that Washington has. It is not even close.

US regime does spying, tapping, harassing, silencing, false-flagging, conspiring, assassination, libel and slandering against their own citizens as well as internationally.

But, their apparatus is very well developed and the regime-friendly media is an accomplice.

So, most go unnoticed, or, forced to be forgotten quickly. Even Germans forgot that the US regime was spying on and stealing from their advanced industrial companies just recently :lol:.
That explains Why Italian Americans are no longer Italian in general but Greeks manage to surrvive tho

Actually I think it comes down to language. Not many third generation Italians can fluently speak Italian. Plus if say a second gen marries a non-Italian the chances are slim their kids will speak fluent Italian since..well..they aren't really Italian. This isn't just specific to Italians. Tons of people with German, French, Dutch, etc backgrounds who can't speak anything but English. Sad fact is many people who came over didn't want their kids to learn their native tongue because they didn't want them to be seen as a foreigner.

Unfortunately when in Rome..do what the Roman's do...speak Roman. In America..speak English. Will you lose your identity...probably. Religion...I suppose that's an individual choice.
US regime does spying, tapping, harassing, silencing, false-flagging, conspiring, assassination, libel and slandering against their own citizens as well as internationally.

But, their apparatus is very well developed and the regime-friendly media is an accomplice.

So, most go unnoticed, or, forced to be forgotten quickly. Even Germans forgot that the US regime was spying on and stealing from their advanced industrial companies just recently :lol:.
US regime joins Somali and likes to become the only few countries with DECREASING life expectancy
whilst their healthy life expectancy is already lower than China's.
US regime joins Somali and likes to become the only few countries with DECREASING life expectancy
whilst their healthy life expectancy is already lower than China's.

And they have the audacity to lecture others about their human rights condition.

I believe safety on the street, a good housing, and healthy life are all part and parcel of human rights.
And they have the audacity to lecture others about their human rights condition.

I believe safety on the street, a good housing, and healthy life are all part and parcel of human rights.
The US regime is now competing with Somali on which country has the quickest life expectancy decreasing rate...

A bullet train runs past a wind power plant in Urumqi, northwest China's Xinjiang Province, Nov. 16, 2014. Xinjiang has seen a surge in the electricity generation from clean energy. According to State Grid Xinjiang Electric Power Co., Ltd., wind and solar power generated 27.81 billion and 9.07 billion kilowatt hours (kwh) of electricity, respectively, in the first nine months of 2018 in the region. With abundant wind and solar resources, Xinjiang is a pioneer in using new energy in China, with installed new-energy capacity having exceeded 27 million kilowatts so far. [Photos: Xinhua]

But but I hear everyday Americans are most healthiest people on Earth. Why life expectancy lower than communist China?

Communists also give its poor citizens a better infrastructure than 'muricans.
Xinjiang troops upgrade training to prepare for counter-terrorism, border patrol missions

By Zhang Han Source:Global Times Published: 2018/11/12


Multi-type attack helicopters attached to an army aviation brigade with the PLA Xinjiang Military Command (MC) lift off for a coordinated flight training exercise in northwestern China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region on January 24, 2018. Photo: courtesy of Wu Shike

A Chinese army aviation brigade stationed in Northwest China's Xinjiang Province has upgraded its training in high-altitude and in adverse weather, a move that experts say will facilitate counter-terrorism and border patrol missions in extreme environments.

The brigade conducts 44 percent of its training at night. High-altitude and tactics training increased by 40 percent compared to last year, the Xinjiang Daily reported on Sunday.

Wei Dongxu, a Beijing-based military analyst, told the Global Times on Monday that frequent exercises in an area with extreme weather and a complicated geographic environment prepare the military unit for different combat situations at any time.

The biggest challenge for aviation units in Xinjiang is low visibility caused by sandstorms and contrasts in temperature between night and day, Wei said.

"The training guarantees the aircraft are well maintained and soldiers are ready for combat," he noted.

In addition to training under extreme weather conditions, the Army Aviation unit also improved takeoffs and landings under different conditions, like hillside slopes and narrow spaces. The stability of flights in valleys also improved, the newspaper reported.

The report said the 12-hour flight exercises have become a new norm, which Wei said "enhances the unit's ability to transfer soldiers at far distances within a short time span."

The aviation forces will quickly deploy soldiers, and will therefore be "efficient in strikes against terrorist activities," Wei said.

The region's long border and complicated topography means effective aviation forces are necessary in routine missions like border patrols, he noted.


A construction worker carries equipment on a cliff at a road section in the Tajik Autonomous County of Taxkorgan, northwest China's Xinjiang Province, Nov. 12, 2018. The job of this team of construction workers is to install protective facilities on the cliff of risky road sections in the mountainous areas in Xinjiang, protecting pedestrians and vehicles from fallen stones. (Xinhua/Hu Huhu)

Construction worker Liu Quan works on a cliff at a road section in the Tajik Autonomous County of Taxkorgan, northwest China's Xinjiang Province, Nov. 12, 2018. The job of this team of construction workers is to install protective facilities on the cliff of risky road sections in the mountainous areas in Xinjiang, protecting pedestrians and vehicles from fallen stones. (Xinhua/Hu Huhu)

Construction worker Wu Fei installs protective nets on a cliff at a road section in the Tajik Autonomous County of Taxkorgan, northwest China's Xinjiang Province, Nov. 12, 2018. The job of this team of construction workers is to install protective facilities on the cliff of risky road sections in the mountainous areas in Xinjiang, protecting pedestrians and vehicles from fallen stones. (Xinhua/Hu Huhu)

A construction worker works on a cliff at a road section in the Tajik Autonomous County of Taxkorgan, northwest China's Xinjiang Province, Nov. 12, 2018. The job of this team of construction workers is to install protective facilities on the cliff of risky road sections in the mountainous areas in Xinjiang, protecting pedestrians and vehicles from fallen stones. (Xinhua/Hu Huhu)

Construction worker Wang Huaguo transfers protective nets on a cliff at a road section in the Tajik Autonomous County of Taxkorgan, northwest China's Xinjiang Province, Nov. 12, 2018. The job of this team of construction workers is to install protective facilities on the cliff of risky road sections in the mountainous areas in Xinjiang, protecting pedestrians and vehicles from fallen stones. (Xinhua/Hu Huhu)


A construction worker installs protective nets on a cliff at a road section in the Tajik Autonomous County of Taxkorgan, northwest China's Xinjiang Province, Nov. 12, 2018. The job of this team of construction workers is to install protective facilities on the cliff of risky road sections in the mountainous areas in Xinjiang, protecting pedestrians and vehicles from fallen stones. (Xinhua/Hu Huhu)



Poor people are being genocided by hanging on the cliff.

A construction worker carries equipment on a cliff at a road section in the Tajik Autonomous County of Taxkorgan, northwest China's Xinjiang Province, Nov. 12, 2018. The job of this team of construction workers is to install protective facilities on the cliff of risky road sections in the mountainous areas in Xinjiang, protecting pedestrians and vehicles from fallen stones. (Xinhua/Hu Huhu)

Construction worker Liu Quan works on a cliff at a road section in the Tajik Autonomous County of Taxkorgan, northwest China's Xinjiang Province, Nov. 12, 2018. The job of this team of construction workers is to install protective facilities on the cliff of risky road sections in the mountainous areas in Xinjiang, protecting pedestrians and vehicles from fallen stones. (Xinhua/Hu Huhu)

Construction worker Wu Fei installs protective nets on a cliff at a road section in the Tajik Autonomous County of Taxkorgan, northwest China's Xinjiang Province, Nov. 12, 2018. The job of this team of construction workers is to install protective facilities on the cliff of risky road sections in the mountainous areas in Xinjiang, protecting pedestrians and vehicles from fallen stones. (Xinhua/Hu Huhu)

A construction worker works on a cliff at a road section in the Tajik Autonomous County of Taxkorgan, northwest China's Xinjiang Province, Nov. 12, 2018. The job of this team of construction workers is to install protective facilities on the cliff of risky road sections in the mountainous areas in Xinjiang, protecting pedestrians and vehicles from fallen stones. (Xinhua/Hu Huhu)

Construction worker Wang Huaguo transfers protective nets on a cliff at a road section in the Tajik Autonomous County of Taxkorgan, northwest China's Xinjiang Province, Nov. 12, 2018. The job of this team of construction workers is to install protective facilities on the cliff of risky road sections in the mountainous areas in Xinjiang, protecting pedestrians and vehicles from fallen stones. (Xinhua/Hu Huhu)


A construction worker installs protective nets on a cliff at a road section in the Tajik Autonomous County of Taxkorgan, northwest China's Xinjiang Province, Nov. 12, 2018. The job of this team of construction workers is to install protective facilities on the cliff of risky road sections in the mountainous areas in Xinjiang, protecting pedestrians and vehicles from fallen stones. (Xinhua/Hu Huhu)



Poor people are being genocided by hanging on the cliff.

great work by chinese .
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