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Xinjiang Province: News & Discussions

Peaceful and serene Xinjiang is no terror haven
By Liu Sai Source:Global Times Published: 2018/10/29 19:33:39

Some Western politicians and media outlets have recently been attacking anti-terrorism measures and moves to maintain stability by the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region. For political reasons, anti-China forces smeared the steps against extremism in the northwestern region. But the fact is that the situation in Xinjiang is stable. The region is developing steadily and there is amity among all ethnic groups. People in Xinjiang cherish the hard-won prosperous life, repudiating any attempts at slandering the efforts to stabilize the region.

Terror attacks used to be frequent in Xinjiang with extremism rife in the region. There were reports with different versions about the same incident, and some anti-China forces distorted the truth with the intent to spread misinformation.

The Chinese government and people have taken a tough stance against terrorism and extremism for years. Officials and people in Xinjiang paid a high price.

After years of trying to obliterate the scourge of terrorism, Xinjiang stabilized. The people there live peacefully and make a good living. There are no more reports of terrorist attacks and tranquility has returned to the lives of all ethnic groups in Xinjiang.

Xinjiang's stability not only benefits the ethnic groups in the region but also attracts visitors from around the world. A few years ago in the wake of terror attacks, Xinjiang's morning fairs, night fairs and squares were closed for people's safety. Now they have reopened.

In the morning, senior citizens can be seen in busy streets again; people dance in the squares in the afternoon, and the lively night fairs make people stay for a long time. Such scenes disappoint those who don't want to see peace return to the region.

The famous Xinjiang International Grand Bazaar in the capital Urumqi now receives more than 30,000 domestic and foreign visitors every day during the peak tourism season. The number of tourists has gone through the roof in recent years with Xinjiang becoming a favorite draw of domestic and foreign visitors. The region saw an increase of 32.4 percent in the number of tourists in 2017, receiving a total of 107 million tourists. Tourists spent over 182 billion yuan ($26 billion) in the region, 30 percent more than in 2016. It is expected the number of tourists in Xinjiang will reach 130 million by the end of 2018.

Syria's population is similar to that of Xinjiang. Because of the lasting war, millions of Syrian people have been displaced and are forced to seek asylum in other countries. Most foreigners who go to Syria today are soldiers, not visitors, bringing them gunshots rather than helping them strive for a better livelihood. Xinjiang doesn't need foreign soldiers. Chinese people have the strength and confidence to win the war on terrorism and maintain stability.

Xinjiang's stability is in the interest of the ethnic groups in the region and the country, and it is also the will of all peace-loving people in the world. The Chinese government, officials and people in Xinjiang have contributed to progress in the region with their hard work.

It's believed all countries have the same attitude toward terrorism and extremism. China has paid the price in eradicating the scourge and worked out the anti-terrorism and de-extremism approach with Chinese wisdom. Western media, which revels in double standards, tends to distort the truth about Xinjiang. But such intentions are defeated by the reality in the region.

Xinjiang's long-lasting stability is the best counterattack against distortion, and the region's prosperity will eventually quell all rumors. All of China's ethnic groups will unite to prevent terror attacks and promote well-being of locals.

We believe that Xinjiang's future will be more promising.

Exactly. U reaffirmed my point yourself.

I said secularism will enlighten them. They r free to practice their religion on a moderate basis n on a personal level, but don't bring them out in public or on an official level aka separate religion from government.

Wearing a Hijab in public is not secularity. Niqab is worse. That's sending a message to others that u r different n special, away from secular mainstream society. I can't see your hair and/or face. I can't even identify you based on physical characteristics. I don't even know whether u're really a woman or a man disguised as a woman. This is why so many countries both the West and China bans the donning of Hijab, Burqa and Niqab in public. Wanna wear them? Wear them at home, not out in public.

Same as keeping huge beards. That's sending a message to others like 'look, I'm a traditional n extremist muslim, I believe i live during my prophet's time now, not in modern times'.

Then u said no, atheism would help benefit these extremists. I focused on secularism, while u disagreed with me n said atheism would, instead.

So what was the disagreement about?
Do laymen Buddhists go to the office(not temples or religious festivals)covered in nothing but sanghi robes? Do laymen Christians go shopping at the market covered in priestly robes?. Do they do mass praying on road pavements in public? If they do, why can't they do it at home? Why show it to others?

No, because these are a blatant display of extremism, not secularism. Its a making statement like 'look, we the believers do what we please, god willing, while, u the infidels- are not us. I am flying up to heaven while u will be heading straight for hell. In other words, we are different'.

These are all self-segregating acts of extremism.
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Good job China, america and other white countries including their asian slaves have been spreading anti-China propaganda regarding this issue on every social platform for so many months now but they still fail to destabilize China. I'm glad that China is being vocal now, so happy that the evil intentions of the anti-Chinese continue to fail.
Terror haven are places like america where mass shooting is a common occurence along with racist attacks.
Do laymen Buddhists go to the office(not temples or religious festivals)covered in nothing but sanghi robes? Do laymen Christians go shopping at the market covered in priestly robes?. Do they do mass praying on road pavements in public? If they do, why can't they do it at home? Why show it to others?

No, because these are a blatant display of extremism, not secularism. Its a making statement like 'look, we the believers do what please while u the infidels are not us. In other words, we are different'.

These are all self-segregating acts of extremism.
An example of extremists using religious garments as disguises


Mas Selamat Kastari (born 23 January 1961), an Indonesian-born Singaporean, was for more than a year Singapore's most-wanted fugitive after escaping from detention on 27 February 2008. The search for him has been described as the largest manhunt ever launched in Singapore.[2] He was eventually recaptured in Skudai, Malaysia, on 1 April 2009, over a year after his escape, and has since been returned to Singapore.[3][4] His escape was found to be one of the events in Singapore's history that Singaporeans were most aware of, with 95% being aware of it.[5]

The Onraet Road facility has armed guards, high wire fences and CCTV cameras. Reactions to the escape were filled with surprise and disbelief in what Western observers describe as a country where "security breaches are virtually unheard of".[20][21] It brought serious embarrassment to the Singapore government,[22][23] and many questions raised by the public and the press.[22][23


On Mar 1, 2008, before Mas Selamat left the flat, Nur Aini applied make-up on the Jemaah Islamiah leader and secured a tudung (or headscarf) over his head so that he could disguise himself as a woman.

= this extremist left Singapore, a world famous nation so well-known for its safety and social security whereby women can walk freely on the streets past midnight without fear, left Singapore disguised as a woman in a religious headgear

udung is the Malay word for the Hijab:


I can never know if the woman above is really a woman or a man. I can't see her hair n her grossly huge garb is obscuring her physical shape

If such attires are acceptable in modern times, why do so many countries ban it?

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Secularism is not same as Atheism.

Atheism = Non belief in god

Secularism = Indifferent towards religion i.e separating government from religion.
U pretending to like my posts but not replying proves u r just here to stir things up by insinuating china is imposing its atheism onto its minority in Xinjiang when what China is doing is to show how secularism would help them instead.

Religious moderation, not extremism. Not enforced irreligion onto its religious minority.

Glad i shut u up.
No Comments from Pakistani Members?

Many Pakistanis want clamp down on Mullah gangsterism, with scripted khutba etc and Pakistan is moving in that direction.

Maintaining peace and uprooting terrorism is the responsibility of the state.

China is letting Muslims practice the faith freely, plenty of recent documentaries and vlogs show that.

China is not killing Muslims over cows.
U pretending to like my posts but not replying proves u r just here to stir things up by insinuating china is imposing its atheism onto its minority in Xinjiang when what China is doing is to show how secularism would help them instead.

Religious moderation, not extremism. Not enforced irreligion onto its religious minority.

Glad i shut u up.

Exactly. U reaffirmed my point yourself.

I said secularism will enlighten them. They r free to practice their religion on a moderate basis n on a personal level, but don't bring them out in public or on an official level aka separate religion from government.

Wearing a Hijab in public is not secularity. Niqab is worse. That's sending a message to others that u r different n special, away from secular mainstream society. I can't see your hair and/or face. I can't even identify you based on physical characteristics. I don't even know whether u're really a woman or a man disguised as a woman. This is why so many countries both the West and China bans the donning of the Hijab, Burqa and Niqab in public. Wanna wear them? Wear them at home or religious festivals, not out in public in everyday life.

Same as keeping huge beards. That's sending a message to others like 'look, I'm a traditionalist, I believe i live during my prophet's time now, not in modern times'.

But then u said no, atheism would help benefit these extremists. I focused on secularism, while u disagreed with me n said atheism would.

So what was the disagreement about?
hijab is ok, because i see lot of msulim girl wearing Hijab when i visited Sanya. but Burqa should be strictly prohibited.

Many Pakistanis want clamp down on Mullah gangsterism, with scripted khutba etc and Pakistan is moving in that direction.

Maintaining peace and uprooting terrorism is the responsibility of the state.

China is letting Muslims practice the faith freely, plenty of recent documentaries and vlogs show that.

China is not killing Muslims over cows.
of course my friend, Muslim in China is much more well treated than.those in India.

in my point of view, Hijab is quite elegant. Burqa is weird.
hijab is ok, because i see lot of msulim girl wearing Hijab when i visited Sanya. but Burqa should be strictly prohibited.

of course my friend, Muslim in China is much more well treated than.those in India.

Hijab was not ok for many people because subconsciously people know Muslims are exerting themselves and bending others to accommodate them.

For similar China has an anti Halal campaign for similar reason.
Development and its associated secularism are the anti-venom of religious extremism. That's the reason religious extremists preach for a life-style that belongs to middle ages. Because they know they cannot beat modernity, science and secular lifestyle if they allow their followers adopt them.

China injects anti-venom to the very heart of the poisoned body.


Xinjiang draws inspiration from coastal FTZ practices

By Chu Daye Source:Global Times Published: 2018/10/29


A passenger walks by a supermarket in the Alashankou bonded zone, Northwest China's Xinjiang Province. File photo: VCG

Northwest China's Xinjiang Province could copy the successful practices of free trade zones (FTZs) in coastal regions to better perform its role as a gateway of opening-up in Northwest China, an expert said on Monday.

Over the weekend, local news site xjdaily.com reported that the region has achieved noticeable results in its efforts to replicate and utilize proven formulas of FTZs in coastal regions.

The Alashankou bonded zone simplified a declaration process for companies inside the zone on import and export papers and Urumqi Customs optimized its clearance process in 2017, trimming the time needed for imports and exports by 44.4 percent and 31.5 percent, respectively.

The results show the region aims to copy the experience of coastal regions in order to play a bigger role in the China-proposed Belt and Road initiative. There are preparations being made for Xinjiang to apply to open an FTZ, experts said.

"By 2020, such learning should produce significant results as such experience is promoted across the region," it said in a guideline released in September.

Alashankou, Xinjiang's first integrated bonded zone, has copied and promoted 15 practices after sending study groups to the Shanghai FTZ.

Three improvements were involved in customs supervision such as making declarations in a collective fashion, and 12 were related to the quarantine process such as paperless documentation, according to a statement sent to the Global Times by the management office of the Alashankou bonded zone.

Of the 478 companies in the zone, more than 80 were newly registered in 2018, according to the statement.

The zone aims to expand its footprint in areas including imports, cross-border e-commerce and cargo train services, the statement said.

"The copying of valuable experience from coastal regions by Xinjiang, a starting point for China to reach out to Central Asia, West Asia and Europe, will help the area to transform its geographic advantage into economic strength," said Yan Zhou, deputy chief representative for East and Southeast Asia of IRU, a world road transport organization.

"The efforts will help Xinjiang to meet international trade and economic standards, and one example is the port of Khorgos being listed as one of the pilot inland ports under the TIR convention [an international road traffic facilitation treaty]," Zhou told the Global Times on Monday.

Sun Yuanxin, deputy director of the Research Institute for the Shanghai FTZ at the Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, said the FTZs in coastal areas already actively seek out foreign investment and follow the negative list approach in terms of investment scope, trade facilitation and the business environment.

A region such as Xinjiang "could combine the successful practices it learned from other FTZs with some of the preferential policies only enjoyed by several provinces in central and west China," Sun said,

Sun noted that companies investing in these provinces pay a lower business income tax.

Hijab was not ok for many people because subconsciously people know Muslims are exerting themselves and bending others to accommodate them.

For similar China has an anti Halal campaign for similar reason.
anti hijab and anti Halal is not right. Muslim girl shall have the right to wear Hijab if it.make.them psychologically feel safe.
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