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Xinjiang Province: News & Discussions

I guess these are usual reactions of a world hegemon that is so used to defy international law and customs, and interpret them as they fit to its own interests, but now is facing certain repercussions and resistance to its free rein.

They can handle disobey like they did with Saddam, Gaddafi or any democratically elected governments of Latin America etc. But, they know find out they can handle equal or superior powers like Russia and China.

Hence the long established facade of Western freedom, media independence, respect for international law and regulations is falling down.

A reactionary turns fascist when it faces resistance and blowback. That's a universal rule from the 1940s Europe to the 1960s Latin America.

This is not about peoples, I believe. This is about regimes. Peoples are often and in majority the victims of hegemonic policies. So, it is perhaps better to confine our debate to the regimes and their public figureheads, rather than peoples and their customs.


As for Russian air strikes in Syria, they are doing an excellent job.

Russian airstrikes destroy 472 terrorist targets in Syria in 48 hours, 1,000 oil tankers in 5 days — RT News

Russia targets terrorists with no quotation marks.

US has so far been soft on ISIS (contain it rather than destroy) and extremely friendly to non-ISIS terrorists, as the WSJ article I quoted above demonstrates.

The Western media is one big mouth that tries to save the moderate terrorists from the wrath of Putin. Hence they put up maps like this:

This is not entirely incorrect. Russia targets ISIS where it is the most vulnerable and the target is valuable.

For example, Russia destroyed about 1000 oil tankers carrying ISIS oil to Turkey and other areas. US did not target them. US targeted refineries which are the properties of the Syrian government.

ISIS often repaired the minimal damage and continued operations. Hence the oil money continued to flow. This is the story of the past one-two years.

Russia intensifies attacks on the West of Euphrates. This border area are held by US-Turkey-Qatar supporter cocktail of terrorists, mostly foreign. This area is the lifeline of ISIS. Because East of Euphrates is already under Kurdish control.

Russia knows, cut the ISIS supply lines from the border areas, and then slowly slaughter them inside Syria through merciless militia of Hezbollah and other fighters.

Again, Russia targets terrorists regardless of their color.

US targets "terrorists," having classified them according to their moderation, that is, the length of their beard, deng deng.

The above map, thus, reflects the thinking of the US regime and its allies. The US media mouthpieces parrot the state line.

US is a truly disgusting country that has been supporting terrorists for geopolitical gains.

American regime are scum.
Baby toy! See this one:


yep, they had to give it back
Volusia sheriff fumes over giving up armored carrier | News-JournalOnline.com
Twenty-eight Terrorists Killed in 56-day Hunt in Xinjiang
2015-11-20 11:43:50 Xinhua Web Editor: Qian Shanming

Xinjiang police have succeeded in disbanding a terrorist group after 56 days of fighting and fleeing during a manhunt in the far West Chinese region.

On Sept. 18, a group of armed men attacked a coal mine in Baicheng county of Aksu prefecture, killing 11 civilians, three policemen and two para-police members and injuring 18 others, according to a statement from the publicity department of Xinjiang.

They later escaped into the mountains. Police then began a daily manhunt that involved more than 10,000 citizens and police searching an area of 1,300 square kilometers.

By Nov. 12, 28 members of the group had been killed during back and forth gun fights with police. One surrendered.

The terrorist group was directly guided by an overseas extremists group and led by two local Xinjiang males named Musa Tohniyaz and Mamat Aysa, the statement said, adding the name of the organization cannot be disclosed as investigations are still underway.

"In 2008, members of the group began watching videos containing messages of religious extremism, gradually reinforcing their extreme beliefs," the statement said.

Before they committed the killing, the group contacted overseas extremist organizations six times. They contacted them again for guidance while on the run from police.

"The overseas extremists gave orders and demanded they pledge allegiance," the statement said.

China Defense Blog: Photos of the day: PAP's anti-terror operation in Xinjing
Not bad, the 8th post and the inevitable reference to India.

' Pakistani brothers' will have nothing to say to an ' all weather' friend till the weather changes & the weather is changing the world over.

A look at the map in the OP will show how vulnerable China is going to be once the CPEC opens up. They will get a lot more than just goods from Gwadar.

I see you Hindus are still whining about CPEC. Trying scaremongering now; cowards that you are. BOO! INDIAN!

What harms CHINA, HARMS US! We will NEVER ALLOW any terrorists to pass through and harm them. CHINA is OUR ALL WEATHER FRIEND! I'm telling you from Islamic scholars who speak HIGHLY of CHINA. We will never ALLOW PAID OR UNPAID DOGS of INDIA TO COME BETWEEN our CHINESE FRIENDS!

My point of posting was to tell our Chinese brothers who have MADE PAKISTAN STRONG is, please brothers the Chinese province will be peaceful if you allow the Muslims to practice their faith.

He may have been misinformed. The so called "ban" is not meant for Muslin general public, it was meant for Communist Party Members. Once a person becomes CPC member, he has to give up his religious freedom, and it is a privileged to be a CPC member. Officially, communism is THE faith for all CPC members, I hope our Pakistan friends can understand this point.

Thank you for clearing this up and, no I was not aware of this.

He is too ashamed to reply. American is a bunch of liars. From Iraq WMD, to Gaddaffi threat and now to Syria,Russia bomb hospital and children only but no ISIS, how much death and destruction has US created?

US is the root of World Evil.

It is shocking to see for real, not hear say or alleged ''misinterpretations'', how they blatantly lie. They have no shame! How can anyone trust these people and do business with them? Maybe another WMD scenario, or their terrorists are due to ''liberate'' (destroy) another country, or bring in ''democracy'' (puppet nation).
Double standard on terrorism is symptomatic of West's view

On Nov 18, the French magazine Le Nouvel Observateur (The New Observer) published an article on its website authored by staff writer Ursula Gauthier, which blamed the Chinese government's policies in the Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region for terrorist attacks in China. That's a typical example of the West's double standard, which is hindering global efforts to fight terrorism, says an editorial in the Chinese edition of Global Times:

Gauthier's article claims that Muslim names are forbidden in Xinjiang and ethnic Uygur government staff must eat in public during Ramadan.

However, Such claims are refuted by Uygurs as nothing but lies.

After the terrorist attack in Paris on Nov 13 that claimed at least 132 lives, the Chinese government condemned terrorism and expressed its sympathy for the French people. Many Chinese people also expressed their condolences to the victims.

Guathier has noticed these because she includes them in her article, but she does not show any sympathy for the victims of the terrorist attacks in China.

It is shocking that she holds such deeply rooted prejudice against China. For her, it seems that every person should serve her politics.

She forgets that people all over the world have the same right to protect themselves from being killed for no reason. For her, it is evil to kill civilians in France, while it is "understandable" to kill civilians in China. She uses a different yardstick when terrorists kill innocent civilians in China.

In her view, only civilians killed by terrorists in the West deserve sympathy, but not the Chinese civilians who suffer the same fate. How ridiculous and absurd such an attitude is.

Being politically radical has so blinded some Western journalists such as Gauthier that they lose their common sense. They only know Western standards of "human rights". For that political purpose they dare to challenge the basic human norm that the killing of innocent civilians is a crime.

That hurts Chinese people. At a time when Chinese media and Chinese people had condemned the Paris attack and extended their support to the French people, it is offensive for the French magazine to publish such an article.

It is time the French media rethink such an ridiculous and unreasonable attitude. The Chinese people are friendly to the French people, who should have no reason to return evil for good. They should join hands in fighting terrorism.

Double standard on terrorism is symptomatic of West's view - People's Daily Online

US is a truly disgusting country that has been supporting terrorists for geopolitical gains.

American regime are scum.

Huh! Isn't that rich coming from China?

China directly supports UN Designated terror outfits based in Pakistan by cockblocking any resolutions condemning them on the flimsiest of grounds but then has the gumption to question others' sincerity when it comes to fighting terror?

More people died in Mumbai in 2008 than in France and the culprits are roaming freely in Pakistan spewing venom against India in public rallies - all thanks to CHINA!
Huh! Isn't that rich coming from China?

China directly supports UN Designated terror outfits based in Pakistan by cockblocking any resolutions condemning them on the flimsiest of grounds but then has the gumption to question others' sincerity when it comes to fighting terror?

More people died in Mumbai in 2008 than in France and the culprits are roaming freely in Pakistan spewing venom against India in public rallies - all thanks to CHINA!

The resolution had nothing to do with fighting terror, its to do with political rivalry with Pakistan.

If it was legitimately about fighting terror, China would gladly support it, but China knew the resolution was Indian propaganda against Pakistan.
US is a truly disgusting country that has been supporting terrorists for geopolitical gains.

American regime are scum.

They (the US regime) never understand until the scorpion they play with turns back and bite the sympathetic hand. The proper response to these is to get stronger and set out our alternative paradigm.

Twenty-eight Terrorists Killed in 56-day Hunt in Xinjiang
2015-11-20 11:43:50 Xinhua Web Editor: Qian Shanming

Xinjiang police have succeeded in disbanding a terrorist group after 56 days of fighting and fleeing during a manhunt in the far West Chinese region.

On Sept. 18, a group of armed men attacked a coal mine in Baicheng county of Aksu prefecture, killing 11 civilians, three policemen and two para-police members and injuring 18 others, according to a statement from the publicity department of Xinjiang.

They later escaped into the mountains. Police then began a daily manhunt that involved more than 10,000 citizens and police searching an area of 1,300 square kilometers.

By Nov. 12, 28 members of the group had been killed during back and forth gun fights with police. One surrendered.

The terrorist group was directly guided by an overseas extremists group and led by two local Xinjiang males named Musa Tohniyaz and Mamat Aysa, the statement said, adding the name of the organization cannot be disclosed as investigations are still underway.

"In 2008, members of the group began watching videos containing messages of religious extremism, gradually reinforcing their extreme beliefs," the statement said.

Before they committed the killing, the group contacted overseas extremist organizations six times. They contacted them again for guidance while on the run from police.

"The overseas extremists gave orders and demanded they pledge allegiance," the statement said.

China Defense Blog: Photos of the day: PAP's anti-terror operation in Xinjing

Good job, boys!

Exterminate the rats!
The resolution had nothing to do with fighting terror, its to do with political rivalry with Pakistan.

If it was legitimately about fighting terror, China would gladly support it, but China knew the resolution was Indian propaganda against Pakistan.

So you are accusing UN of lying through the teeth when it designated the terror outfit in its list? Or are you one of those scumbags who claim the Mumbai terror to be an inside job?

You accuse others of supporting terrorism but when it comes to your own actions, you mask it with political rivalry? Do you even realize how hypocritical you sound?

Like I said earlier, you guys have the blood of 170 odd innocent people on your hands! How do you guys even look yourselves in the mirror after single-handedly VETOing the resolutions that could have brought some closure to the families of the victims of that massacre in Mumbai and many others elsewhere?
I guess the same ''foreign terrorists'' they were forcefully stopping from fasting in the month of ramadhan and breaking their fasts with water. In fact they banned fasting even India has never done this. Forcefully cutting beards and stopping women from wearing veils. Speaks volumes!

China bans Ramadan fasting in mainly Muslim region - Al Jazeera English

Where are the Pakistani brothers??? If this was done by Indians we would have had a horde of people. Shame on you!

These are in the Uyghur region only.

No surprise, robotic and disgusting nation.
Even before of B.C they are doing massacre all time.

You mean Ottoman?

These rats butchered more than 20 miners and murdered 5 police. They deserve a burnout.
I do know that Japan imperial army used first flame thrower in China in WW II. Do you know that ?
No. The weapon was invented in WWI. It is famours in WWII during the USA army attacked the JAP army in the island war of Pacific ocean. China PLA got the experience in Korea war and Sino-Viet war.

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