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Xinjiang Province: News & Discussions

Right, like the many western reports proclaiming Chinese govt's official positions, based only on one newspaper, blog, or an "official mouthpiece".

Well Xinhua and People's Daily are state-run so you'd expect them to be accurate.

Xinhiua is pretty much the only place quoted these days.
Well Xinhua and People's Daily are state-run so you'd expect them to be accurate.

Not necessarily, but most of the time they are pretty accurate. But what about the many western reports sourced from blogs, opinion pieces, anonymous or "official" govt workers, that are lumped together with official govt positions ?
Not necessarily, but most of the time they are pretty accurate. But what about the many western reports sourced from blogs, opinion pieces, anonymous or "official" govt workers, that are lumped together with official govt positions ?

Want to show some examples.....I'd like to see some of mainstream western newspapers quoting some obscure Chinese blog/editorial.

If you can't list a bunch I'd say you are being paranoid and making generalizations.

Tick tock tick tock.... I can tell this is going to be a LONG wait. We all await your answer...
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Chinese authorities say they are battling "foreign terrorists" in Xinjiang

I guess the same ''foreign terrorists'' they were forcefully stopping from fasting in the month of ramadhan and breaking their fasts with water. In fact they banned fasting even India has never done this. Forcefully cutting beards and stopping women from wearing veils. Speaks volumes!

China bans Ramadan fasting in mainly Muslim region - Al Jazeera English

Where are the Pakistani brothers??? If this was done by Indians we would have had a horde of people. Shame on you!
I guess the same ''foreign terrorists'' they were forcefully stopping from fasting in the month of ramadhan and breaking their fasts with water. In fact they banned fasting even India has never done this. Forcefully cutting beards and stopping women from wearing veils. Speaks volumes!

China bans Ramadan fasting in mainly Muslim region - Al Jazeera English

Where are the Pakistani brothers??? If this was done by Indians we would have had a horde of people. Shame on you!

Remember only the "West" has double standards...everybody else are angels.
Remember only the "West" has double standards...everybody else are angels.

You are misinformed, again it shows the disadvantage of knowing only English. The people who were regulated during Ramadan were Communist Party Members. In China, one can't not be CPC member at the same time openly declares he has a religious faith. This is either/or issue. You just can not have both ways. Remember, China is officially a atheist country.
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Remember only the "West" has double standards...everybody else are angels.

Christendom has humanity. It's unfortunate the people don't represent the gormant in these times. When Islam first came and the pagans started to attack the Muslims, the Prophet Muhammad (as'salathu was'salaam) sent his companions to Abyssinia and who was a just Christian King for refuge. This is why Muslims in history have sort refuge in Christendom.

Precisely, the evil west. :D

Take note of last min where the stupid woman is caught lying and force to correct her stance. That woman represent is the spokewoman of USA.

@anon45 Please respond as I remember you said it's propaganda. She is caught blatantly lying and represents the US gormant.
You are misinformed, again it shows the disadvantage of knowing only English. The people who were regulated during Ramadan were Communist Party Members. In China, one can't not be CPC members at the same time openly declare you have religious faith. This is either/or issue. Remember, China is officially a atheist country.

I never said his insinuation was correct. I said only the West has double standards so there is no use in making any other argument to the contrary since no one will back you up.
Christendom has humanity. It's unfortunate the people don't represent the gormant in these times. When Islam first came and the pagans started to attack the Muslims, the Prophet Muhammad (as'salathu was'salaam) sent his companions to Abyssinia and who was a just Christian King for refuge. This is why Muslims in history have sort refuge in Christendom.

@anon45 Please respond as I remember you said it's propaganda. She is caught blatantly lying and represents the US gormant.

He is too ashamed to reply. American is a bunch of liars. From Iraq WMD, to Gaddaffi threat and now to Syria,Russia bomb hospital and children only but no ISIS, how much death and destruction has US created?

US is the root of World Evil.
Want to show some examples.....I'd like to see some of mainstream western newspapers quoting some obscure Chinese blog/editorial.

If you can't list a bunch I'd say you are being paranoid and making generalizations.

Obscure? Who mentioned that?

US-China war 'inevitable' unless Washington drops demands over South China Sea - Telegraph

Global Times, a tabloid newspaper run by the Communist Party, said that China might have to “accept” there would be conflict with the United States. “If the United States’ bottom line is that China has to halt its activities, then a US-China war is inevitable in the South China Sea”, said the paper, which is often seen as a mouth-piece of hardline nationalists in the government in Beijing.

By simply mentioning the quoted part, the telegraph is linking the GT's opinion with the govt's.
One French magazine publishes an article and it's lumped it into a generic "West" viewpoint.


I think it is not about ONE French magazine, every mainstream media I read would add a quotation mark on the word TERRORISTS if the attack happens in China. If it is not double standard, what it is?
The Chinese have their way of conducting operations. I'm sure their policies are working well because China appears to be more peaceful compared to democratic Britain.
I want India to walk in China's footsteps, may be that will help curb intolerance in India.

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