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Xinjiang Province: News & Discussions

As a Pakistani, I have great respect for my Chinese friends, but this is shocking and disappointing- China restricts Ramazan fasting in Xinjiang - World - DAWN.COM
This title is exaggerated.
However, I think that a person is fasting, no one knows, no one forced to intervene. Like 18 years old non-believers of this provision, did not practice
Government officials are generally Communist Party, the Communist Party of their own articles of association, under normal circumstances can not be religious.
Students, generally 18 years of age, according to the provisions can not be religious, but it provides no execution. Therefore, the school does not encourage students to Ramadan fasting, as school officials and teachers, students play a leading role.
However, I think that a person is fasting, no one knows, no one forced to intervene. Like 18 years old non-believers of this provision, did not practice.
Adult, you can choose their own religion, nobody interfere with you fast.
Report is completely exaggerated, in order to emphasize that China is not actual "freedom" again,Proof of certain minorities" oppressed".
They never reported that China's special preferential policies given to minorities
This title is exaggerated.
However, I think that a person is fasting, no one knows, no one forced to intervene. Like 18 years old non-believers of this provision, did not practice
Government officials are generally Communist Party, the Communist Party of their own articles of association, under normal circumstances can not be religious.
Students, generally 18 years of age, according to the provisions can not be religious, but it provides no execution. Therefore, the school does not encourage students to Ramadan fasting, as school officials and teachers, students play a leading role.
However, I think that a person is fasting, no one knows, no one forced to intervene. Like 18 years old non-believers of this provision, did not practice.
Adult, you can choose their own religion, nobody interfere with you fast.
Report is completely exaggerated, in order to emphasize that China is not actual "freedom" again,Proof of certain minorities" oppressed".
They never reported that China's special preferential policies given to minorities

Well I see where you are coming from and the Western media is known for spreading propaganda against the Chinese.

I have a very stressful & tiring job of managing multiple restaurants, but I fast without any problems.

Also, many Muslims (students and teachers) around the world fast without any problems
Well I see where you are coming from and the Western media is known for spreading propaganda against the Chinese.

I have a very stressful & tiring job of managing multiple restaurants, but I fast without any problems.

Also, many Muslims (students and teachers) around the world fast without any problems
In recent years, Xinjiang, funded by Western countries, and some extreme tissue culture, some of the rapid rise of extremist ideology, the Chinese government had to consider a number of issues.
I also said, China is not a country, after all, universal religion, religious interference in education, most people are opposed to the country's stability, this is a good requirement.

If there is no interference by foreign forces, I do not mind.
half-w1tted people always believe in propaganda, it makes very sense that if you served as security, gov official or any vial position you should always put your duties at first then others..but simpleton china-haters' foul brains dont function in a normal way
When the majority no-back-bone Chinese are told how to live their lives (one child per family) did they protest? then why you religious fanatics make an big issue about fasting... be like others... live as you are told in CHINA.

use Cheating way to run to the United States of xinjiang's richest woemen, Rebiya kadeer, now is the anti-China's Uighur leader, she gave birth to 11 children in China.
The West never tire of circulating such disinformation to weaken China and create a wedge between China and the Muslims. West's stooges are quick to circulate such reports to please their master.
I think this is not a good provision made by local government, even the provision only for member of Chinese Communist Party ,the employee of government and students under 18 years old, even in fact no one care about if you become a follower.
This will bring some problems, just as "bad money drives out good", extremist religious ideology drives good one.
I think should change the "One size fits all" method made by some local government , this provision is against the <The regulations on Religious Affairs>,
Article 3 Citizens enjoy freedom of religious belief. No organization or individual may compel citizens to believe in, or not to believe in, any religion; nor may they discriminate against citizens who believe in any religion or citizens who do not believe in any religion. Religious citizens, non-religious citizens, and citizens who believe different religions shall respect each other.
For ignorant non-Chinese.... please first study mainland's laws. If you don't have the time learn the below two.

Commandment 1: - I, the Communist Party of China (CPC) is your God. You shall not have other gods besides me.

Commandment 2: - Love thy nation and hate thy neighbors.
I think this is not a good provision made by local government, even the provision only for member of Chinese Communist Party ,the employee of government and students under 18 years old, even in fact no one care about if you become a follower.
This will bring some problems, just as "bad money drives out good", extremist religious ideology drives good one.
I think should change the "One size fits all" method made by some local government , this provision is against the <The regulations on Religious Affairs>,
Article 3 Citizens enjoy freedom of religious belief. No organization or individual may compel citizens to believe in, or not to believe in, any religion; nor may they discriminate against citizens who believe in any religion or citizens who do not believe in any religion. Religious citizens, non-religious citizens, and citizens who believe different religions shall respect each other.
To a certain extent, I agree.
But in recent years, should also take into account the impact of Western forces and extremist ideology in Xinjiang.
Chinese law, not to minors under the age of 18 spread religion because minors do not have the ability to judge the independent thinking. But this law is not strictly implemented, in my hometown, many children around the age of 10 are often go to Christian, Muslim families have many children to enter the mosque. China Given this provision, the official would not be encouraged to learn in Ramadan fasting.
Communist Party of China have more stringent regulations, government officials, generally are not allowed to credit religion. But some minorities, but no how to perform.
Therefore, some foreigner, I want you to understand China, and then to talk nonsense. China has its own rules and regulations, please foreigners, do not tell me what right or wrong

"Godless people, oppresing believers" you can use fancy words like Americans... does it change the fact ? No.

Great news. Muslims must follow our rules. Get with the program, it's 2014.

Look at the mentality, invade Muslim lands.. then force them to obey rules.. so don't cry when shıt happens.
The ban is for CPC members:

No fast for CPC members during Ramadan - Global Times

A learned comment by senkhoe:

"China is a large country with 56 ethnic diversity. With that it comes with many languages, of dialects, customs practices, folklore, habits, religions,etc. Perhaps, India is in similar situation... ?! China former scholars, philosopher and leaders for practical application and reason to simplified one official language(Potunhua)of Chinese Mandarin,... to under scientifically refining. China also having quite a few religions. The successful conversion and adoption of one national language..to which religion is under studies and recommended to strictly and uniformly not to apply on official duty and function. In this case, it is CPC members which include the military, police and other mission critical function where religious practice or Ramadan or excuse not permitted. This is only fair as security and mission critical like terror attacks, life saving measure to national security are of paramount importance. This is what it is as any other is subject to individual interpretation or opinion".
"Godless people, oppresing believers" you can use fancy words like Americans... does it change the fact ? No.

Look at the mentality, invade Muslim lands.. then force them to obey rules.. so don't cry when shıt happens.
Ridiculous. What you say is Constantinople ?
I am not here to discuss our own homeland with the Turks, I just want to discuss Constantinople
Ridiculous. What you say is Constantinople ?
I am not here to discuss our own homeland with the Turks, I just want to discuss Constantinople

Constaniople, as it is Istanbul now.. conquered byTurks in 1453 some 560 years ago.
Today it's inhabited with over 12 million Turks.

I you are done with Constantinople, maybe we can compare your invasion of East Turkestan in 50 years ago... which was largely inhabited by Uyghurs.
Ridiculous. What you say is Constantinople ?
I am not here to discuss our own homeland with the Turks, I just want to discuss Constantinople

No need to dicuss personally with a terrorist-symphatizer from a terrrorist-loving third-world hole.

Report: Turkey Financing Top Global Terror Groups

Turkey has become a principal financial hub for terrorists under the leadership of Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, whose government has helped Iran skirt sanctions, supported jihadi groups in Syria, and provided financial backing to Hamas, according to a new report by the Foundation for Defense of Democracies (FDD).

Turkey, a key U.S. ally, “has turned a blind eye” to terror financing and is potentially on the verge of crossing the line to becoming an official state sponsor of terrorism, according to the Friday report, which cites the Erdogan government’s close ties to some of the world’s top terror organizations and operatives.

The report comes just a day after 84 U.S. lawmakers and former government officials urged President Barack Obama to confront Erdogan over his harsh repression of political opponents.

As Turkey’s support for terrorism expands, the Obama administration has remained silent out of fear of offending Erdogan, whom the White House considers a strategic asset, according to the report authored by FDD’s Jonathan Schanzer, a former terrorism finance analyst at the U.S. Treasury Department.

The Obama administration “has remained on the sidelines, expressing relatively mild concern about the crackdowns on law enforcement officials and the jailing of journalists, while electing not to mention terrorism finance issues publicly,” the report states.

“Washington’s silence stems from fears of a fall-out with Turkey, which has been a crucial ally over the years, and is situated strategically at the intersection of Europe and the Middle East,” according to the report. “But Turkey’s actions constitute a direct challenge to Washington’s sanctions regime.”

The report catalogues in detail Turkey’s cozy relationship with jihadi groups, terrorist operatives, and the Iranian regime.

Last year, “Turkey was involved in a massive sanctions-busting scheme with Tehran,” according to the report. “Now known as ‘gas-for-gold,’ the scheme helped the Iranian regime gain some $13 billion” despite international sanctions meant to stop such deals.

Additionally, over 2,000 Iranian companies are reportedly registered in Turkey, where pro-Erdogan political elites have been accused of facilitating large cash transfers with Tehran.

Turkey’s top intelligence agency is also believed to be working with Iran in a bid to “scuttle intelligence operations” aimed at stopping Iran’s nuke program, according to the report.

Erdogan has also gone to great lengths to bolster extremist rebel groups in Syria, according to the report, which cites “mounting evidence suggests that Turkey has been directly or indirectly arming, training, and even financing Sunni jihadi groups” in the country.

Turkey reportedly sent 47 tons of weapons to Syrian rebels during a six-month period in 2013, according to the report.

There are “few questions that it has been Turkish policy to provide support to a range of rebel factions,” the report states. “Turkey now appears to allow a broad spectrum of anti-Assad forces, including those with radical ideologies, to operate on Turkish territory.”

“Jihadi personnel and finances” have been identified as flowing from Turkey to Syria.

Israeli military officials have additionally claimed that “Syrian al Qaeda groups were training in three separate bases in the Turkish provinces.”

Erdogan has also been exposed for having a close friendship with Yasin al-Qadi, a Saudi Arabian businessman who has faced sanctions for his financial ties to al Qaeda, Osama bin Laden, and other terrorist fronts.

Hamas has become another ally of the Erdogan government, which has held meetings with the terror group’s senior leadership and allows one of its key operative to work in Turkey.

Senior Hamas leader Saleh al-Aruri has been living in Turkey, “where he has been allegedly involved in the financing and logistics of Hamas operations,” according to the report, which states that “al-Aruri may be raising funds on Turkish soil that go to support terrorism.”

This coincides with “broader Turkish support” for Hamas, including political cover and financial backing.

The Turkish government’s growing ties to terror have come amid a corruption scandal that has rocked Erdogan’s AKP political party, which has “purged the investigators, prosecutors, and journalists involved” in exposing the corruption.

FDD’s Schanzer warned that left unchecked by the United States and the rest of the international community, “Turkey’s terrorism finance problems could fester further.”

“These problems have already raised questions about whether Turkey currently serves as a barrier to extremism from the Middle East,” Schanzer said.
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