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Xinjiang Province: News & Discussions

China is not Muslim friendly place like japan. Encourage all Allah's children to immigrate to japan. Japanese government will treat you very well. Abe will provide you an autonomous region in Fukoushima prefecture. If you cannot go there, the second choice is Australia, a Muslim friendly place to build mosques, raise your children and best of all, the people will welcome you with hugs and kisses. For the more daring, democratic India is another good place. There, as a female you will receive more than just hugs and kisses. You get the empress special.
China has banned Ramadan for many Muslims in Xinjiang – Quartz

By Heather Timmons @HeathaT July 2, 2014

Men transport a goat during Ramadan in Xinjing. Reuters/Stringer

Ramadan, the Islamic religious festival marked by a month of fasting, officially started June 28 around the world but has been effectively cancelled for many Muslims in Western China. Government offices, hospitals and schools in China’s Xinjiang region, where about half the 22 million population is Muslim, have banned the traditional sunup to sundown fast and other religious activities,according to notifications on local school and government websites.


Students, teachers, civil servants and and Communist Party cadre members—a far-flung group that includes everyone from nurses to engineers to scholars—are forbidden from fasting and other activities. Government-run websites are running prominent messages explaining the ban on fasting, and lauding Muslims who do not fast.


The crackdown on Ramadan comes amid a string of attacks, many linked to ethnic minorities across the Uyghur region, that have killed hundreds across China since last fall but have been concentrated in the Xinjiang region. In response, China’s government has sentenced dozens to prison in a mass public trial, and executed 13 people said to be connected to the attacks.


The Tarim River Basin Management Bureau in Xinjiang showed men in traditional caps eating during the daylight in a report (link in Chinese) about a Party Day celebration dated June 30:



“Although it was Ramadan, the party members and the officials in this area showed their attitudes and expressed their opinions by not fasting, which shows the advance of the Communist Party,” and shows they are people who admire science and want to improve society, the agency’s website said.


The Chinese Medicine Hospital in Yining asked staff to pledge in writing not to fastin order to “not affect normal work and life” in a post on their Sino Weibo page (link in Chinese). “We remind everyone that they are not permitted to observe a Ramadan fast,” Bozhou Radio & Television University said in a statement, according to the AFP. A local weather bureau asked current and retired staff not to fast.


The ban on following traditional religious practices during Ramadan is much more visible, widespread and strict than it has been in recent years. Last year, China’s party mouthpiece newspapers ran feel-good articles quoting high school students who said they were permitted to fast, despite reports to the contrary. In 2008, the local government forced Muslim restaurant owners to remain open during the daytime over the holiday, when they would have traditionally shut.


July 5 marks the anniversary of riots in the region that killed nearly 200 people in 2009, and Chinese authorities have also detained hundreds of people to prevent protests and demonstrations, the Uyghur Human Rights Project reports.
China is not Muslim friendly place like japan. Encourage all Allah's children to immigrate to japan. Japanese government will treat you very well. Abe will provide you an autonomous region in Fukoushima prefecture. If you cannot go there, the second choice is Australia, a Muslim friendly place to build mosques, raise your children and best of all, the people will welcome you with hugs and kisses. For the more daring, democratic India is another good place. There, as a female you will receive more than just hugs and kisses. You get the empress special.

LOL :lol:, good one.
Chinese Government has a Moral and Constitutional Responsibility to protect the rights of All Chinese citizens, especially those who wish to practice their religion, by Articles 36 and 37 of the Constitution:

Article 36. Citizens of the People's Republic of China enjoy freedom of religious belief. No state organ, public organization or individual may compel citizens to believe in, or not to believe in, any religion; nor may they discriminate against citizens who believe in, or do not believe in, any religion. The state protects normal religious activities. No one may make use of religion to engage in activities that disrupt public order, impair the health of citizens or interfere with the educational system of the state. Religious bodies and religious affairs are not subject to any foreign domination.

Article 37. The freedom of person of citizens of the People's Republic of China is inviolable. No citizen may be arrested except with the approval or by decision of a people's procuratorate or by decision of a people's court, and arrests must be made by a public security organ. Unlawful deprivation or restriction of citizens' freedom of person by detention or other means is prohibited; and unlawful search of the person of citizens is prohibited.

Reference: http://english.people.com.cn/constitution/constitution.html
(2) Implement the principle of secularism. No person shall use religion to interfere with state administrative, judicial intervention, the intervention of public school education and social education, never allow force anyone, especially children under the age of 18 to join the church, was ordained to the temple school, never allow the use of religion to oppose China Communist Party leadership and the socialist system, undermine national unity and national solidarity among peoples.

I think this is correct
China is not Muslim friendly place like japan. Encourage all Allah's children to immigrate to japan. Japanese government will treat you very well. Abe will provide you an autonomous region in Fukoushima prefecture. If you cannot go there, the second choice is Australia, a Muslim friendly place to build mosques, raise your children and best of all, the people will welcome you with hugs and kisses. For the more daring, democratic India is another good place. There, as a female you will receive more than just hugs and kisses. You get the empress special.

Isnt it ironical that despite this, Pakistani posters here never stop extolling China for its virtues ?

LOL :lol:, good one.

You saw what you wanted to see & LOLed' on it but chose to ignore the opening line of the poster !
BEIJING: China has ordered schools and government offices in the northwest Xinjiang region to ban fasting during the ongoing holy month of Ramzan.

The ban orders are being issued through websites of schools and government agencies in the region as well. "Civil servants and students cannot take part in fasting and other religious activities," said Turfan city's commercial affairs bureau on its website.

The local government in Xinjiang had earlier asked its employees to refrain from observing Ramzan saying fasting can hurt their health.

"We remind everyone that they are not permitted to observe Ramadan fast," the state-run Bozhou Radio and TV University said on its website. "We would enforce the ban on party members, teachers, and young people from taking part in Ramzan activities."

The Chinese Communist Party and the local government in Xinjiang discourage large prayer meetings and gatherings due to fears of separatism.

The fasting ban orders are believed to have come from Beijing's Public Security Bureau. A weather bureau in Qaraqash County in western Xinjiang cited "instructions from higher authorities" while asking "all current and retired staff not to fast during Ramzan".

"China taking these kinds of coercive measures, restricting the faith of Uighurs, will create more conflict," exiled World Uyghur Congress spokesman Dilxat Raxit said in a statement. "We call on China to ensure religious freedom for Uighurs and stop political repression of Ramzan.

China bans Ramzan fasting in Xinjiang - The Times of India

disgusting :tdown::disagree::angry:

Thats shocking!!!
Muslims world over fast during ramadan without it effecting their performnance in work.

The Chinese Communist Party and the local government in Xinjiang discourage large prayer meetings and gatherings due to fears of separatism.
Communist party's forlorn attempt at curbing anything and everything they see as a threat would back fire some day.
Brother with all the honest and love i have in my heart for china .. It is a stupid move ... the oppression never solved the problem .. specially if it is the religious one .. the more the restriction u put them the more sympathy they will have .. the world dont cares what u do to the rebels but once the feel that u r being racist to muslims , there will be a reaction

Banning them to fast is not saving a muslim brother life .. it is like telling them we hate muslims and we dnt want u to be a muslim
Think of it from another perspective. Would you want your soldiers on alert against India to fast? Would you want your pilot flying you to fast? Would you want your athletes to fast before your next match?
Actually, Article 36 of the Constitution of the People's Republic of China guarantees Freedom of Religion:

Article 36. Citizens of the People's Republic of China enjoy freedom of religious belief. No state organ, public organization or individual may compel citizens to believe in, or not to believe in, any religion; nor may they discriminate against citizens who believe in, or do not believe in, any religion. The state protects normal religious activities. No one may make use of religion to engage in activities that disrupt public order, impair the health of citizens or interfere with the educational system of the state. Religious bodies and religious affairs are not subject to any foreign domination.


And your point is? The Communist party is atheist. They allow religion, not same as they believe in it. If citizens believe it, so be it. You may be free to believe in God.

Reading the article, I find the following.

1. Normal activities.
2. Disruption of public order
3. Impair health of citizens
4. Interfere educational system

With all of the above, they are well within their rights to enforce the ban if required citing the above four points.
Their land, their laws. Anybody doesnt like it, is free to leave China. Simple.
We China are not a theocratic religious state.
We allow religion, but religion should in our laws, religious rules can not be greater than the law. Religion should not interfere in politics, education, and this is our bottom line, which is what most people agree. In the 19th century, the Qing Dynasty, in order to engage in the name of Christianity Taiping Rebellion, died hundreds of millions. I do not know why the Westerners while criticizing Islamic countries in the Middle East and regulations, the implementation of Islamic law while also China.
Yes, the French legislation banning women wearing black robes in public wearing of the veil, the EU agreed. Some people oppose it?

Yes, the French legislation banning women wearing black robes in public wearing of the veil, the EU agreed.
Some people oppose it?
We China are not a theocratic religious state.
We allow religion, but religion should in our laws, religious rules can not be greater than the law. Religion should not interfere in politics, education, and this is our bottom line, which is what most people agree. In the 19th century, the Qing Dynasty, in order to engage in the name of Christianity Taiping Rebellion, died hundreds of millions. I do not know why the Westerners while criticizing Islamic countries in the Middle East and regulations, the implementation of Islamic law while also China.
Yes, the French legislation banning women wearing black robes in public wearing of the veil, the EU agreed. Some people oppose it?

Yes, the French legislation banning women wearing black robes in public wearing of the veil, the EU agreed.
Some people oppose it?

I agree completely with the part in bold above. In addition to Politics & Education I would add social & national development too.

Everything has its place - religion is one of them.
We China are not a theocratic religious state.
We allow religion, but religion should in our laws, religious rules can not be greater than the law. Religion should not interfere in politics, education, and this is our bottom line, which is what most people agree. In the 19th century, the Qing Dynasty, in order to engage in the name of Christianity Taiping Rebellion, died hundreds of millions. I do not know why the Westerners while criticizing Islamic countries in the Middle East and regulations, the implementation of Islamic law while also China.
Yes, the French legislation banning women wearing black robes in public wearing of the veil, the EU agreed. Some people oppose it?
洋鬼子 try to destabilize China what else?
When the majority no-back-bone Chinese are told how to live their lives (one child per family) did they protest? then why you religious fanatics make an big issue about fasting... be like others... live as you are told in CHINA.
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