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Xinjiang Province: News & Discussions

Curios to know, how will they identify non-Muslims and restrict them from entering?
Passport....some form of identity :enjoy:

just by keeping roza hiding at home so that no one knows, is not religious freedom.
So one who fasts in a Muslim country goes out and dances? If its boiling hot most do prefer to stay at home!
You can think what you want. Numbers say China will be the most christian nation in about 20 years and i´m sure will outlive the reds by decades . ;)

No Marcus it won't be. The Chinese are atheist to the core and view Christianity as an extension of Western imperialist rubbish but with a superstitious flavour to it.

There is even Chinese on this thread speaking against Christianity.

It's the same when people say Islam will conquer Europe and other nonsense. It won't, why? Because the population is sceptical about it and it makes them think of earlier historical events.
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Na.. in this case Pakistanis can't rush because its about Pakistanis poking Chinese which they don't want because their Papa doesn't like..... That's the only different

Plenty of Pakistanis have spoken about it. If you choose to ignore it then that is your problem.
No groups/country can do any harm to China, because their growth is completely on their own and well with in their lines. Which country is gonna stand against this decision? no one, not even muslim countries. Have toured china, malaysia, singapore for the past few months, their integration as chinese(china) is bigger than any religion, actually even they dont care about these. Seriously, I am jealous of their culture, tradition and growth. Chinese are very strong even in Malaysia &Singapore and part of the decision making bodies. Went to pubs/bars with them and interacted with many, they dont feel any restriction, my socalled impressions about china/chinese were wrong.

Really they outclassed everyone everywhere.
No Marcus it won't be. The Chinese are atheist to the core and view Christianity as an extension of Western imperialist rubbish but with a superstitious flavour to it.

China is not atheism, belief in God is not only a uniform, you can ask people around the world speak Chinese? You can not, because each country has its own language to communicate, Confucius said, "Do unto others, do not impose on others", can you understand?
Chinese culture is extremely assimilative,and chinese never accept foreign things,u can find chinese in every countries, u may say they do not integrate, they speak poor english, they only interact within chinese community, and we have zero interest in spreading our culture and values. its not racism, after all, we are the biggest trader in the world.
Whoever invade China, they became chinese, not we became them, Mongol and Manchu are examples.​
Chinese culture is extremely assimilative,and chinese never accept foreign things,u can find chinese in every countries, u may say they do not integrate, they speak poor english, they only interact within chinese community, and we have zero interest in spreading our culture and values. its not racism, after all, we are the biggest trader in the world.
Whoever invade China, they became chinese, not we became them, Mongol and Manchu are examples.​
The irony?
You are an uber moron. Many people from South Asia, who frequent this site are very well to do. And about your 3 week adventure, let me bust your bubble, I own a house in Majorca, one in Lanzarote, one in Cyprus, villa in Istanbul, one in London, 7 in Dubai and have absolutely no idea how many more my mom owns around the world....

You can't even imagine the sort of parties I've been invited to...... so shut your trap about "us" Asians. I bet, we spend more money on education than you see all your miserable lives....... I know Italians, and their HUGE mouths very well..... that is if you are an Italian.......

Thats not an "Illuminati" theory. Its simply the principle of economy and the free market. Didn´t you learn economics in your Madrassa?

I´m a normal trainee and earn propably up to 20 times of what a average worker in india or pakistan gets. We live in a totally different world than you guys do and i realized this first time i was invited into this forum. The world is much smaller for you guys. I see the entire world as my playground. Cruise in the mediterranean, 3 week adventure tour through new zealand, one week party in Dubai, visiting friends in Atlanta and plan a weekend with my sister in London. Thats totally alien for most "eastern guys" here. I´m sure 90% never left their country. Their world ends at their boarder. Because of that you see all this senseless war, domination and fighting about some rocks.

Your nations conflicts look so irrelevant from outside.
She abused you & you were alright with it ? :mad:

I do realize that we look alike, sharing striking similarities with people from Western and Northern India. I did correct her and tell her that I'm from Pakistan and not a lord of any sort though, I wasn't offended by it.
Bro, this news from thegardian was six years old. To make bad image of China is an easy business to make money and Chinese citizen never buy west propagenda especially after 2008.
ok then, i withdraw my protest, yay
heheh.... nice ... when there are instances of anti islamic activities and religious oppression in ... hmmm say Burma, India, Sri-lanka, Israel ... europe et all .... the pakistani blood boils... but if sweet as honey china does something like in this article.. they dont give as much as a F**K
heheh.... nice ... when there are instances of anti islamic activities and religious oppression in ... hmmm say Burma, India, Sri-lanka, Israel ... europe et all .... the pakistani blood boils... but if sweet as honey china does something like in this article.. they dont give as much as a F**K

Go through the thread before posting, many people have raised concerns about the policy and have offered condemnation with regards to it.
no seriously the chinese people are too good a people for their own good :D
That's why some serious a-brats pops up among them from time to time

Dude....nothing is good or bad in absolute term...If China is not powerful nation then it would have been hounded by the Islamic nations in the same way as other nations...Power projects impacts all...Take an example of your nation...Most of the Muslim nations supports you for your stand against West while directly dealing with them to get benifits..Because they are weak enough to fight against West and because you are perceived enough to be a rival powerful nation among Muslim nation so you command respect.....

As long as China is powerful no one will raise eyebrows..the moment it has any weakness, dogs are there to pound at it..

But personally i like the way China deals with its citizens in its nation...Nation should be a primary thing rather than the religion...
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