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Xinjiang Province: News & Discussions

you faked tamil liar, kiched @s by hindi and sinhalese more, it is nothing with china as your terror tamil organization failed.
because terrorists are not welcome in no where.
First Chinese kill innocent Tibetans, then they commit genocide on us Lankan Tamils and now they oppress Turkic Uyghurs
Where is the backstory of this incident ? where does it say it wasn't just a street dispute but a terrorist act ? I pointed out info we have and analyzed why it does not looks like a terrorist act, you're free to bring further evidence.

It does have nothing with my kinship towards Uyghurs, I'm trying to be objective in everything, I don't support seperatist actions of Uyghurs as well, getting no discrimination, getting cultural, religious and language rights is more then enough insisting on an independent state is pointless and harms everybody, as I said we are having the same thing with Kurds.
They tried to kill people randomly.

You can see the video and the picture ,no argument , no talk before they chop people.

It is obvious not personal dispute.

Oh cmon, criticizing because ccp is 'too soft'. Who are you kidding? This is not criticizing the govt at all, it's actually in favor for the govt to do so. I really shouldnt be explaining this, but a regime like CCP gives you the twist it wants through media and state control policies, sure this happens in other countries too, but can you in China criticize or question CCP's policies? Can you make anti-CCP noise without any consequences? Can you openly question its Uyghur or another minority policies and say they are wrong? Many Chinese like to bring up another country's internal matters and mock about it, but i bet they most probably wouldn't dare to criticize or question their own govt's actions, on the contrary they seem to swallow it all nicely (just because it serves their view) and mock foreigners who question it.
As for this case, if the details Targon gave in one of his msg are true, then it seems mostly a personal issue to me. If they attacked Han people like at Kunming, i would believe it was terroristic, but this case just seems fishy
You can not read chinese , if you can , you can check out our network.So many people accuse Gov poignantly.

welfare / traffic / corruption / food safety.................

And now many chinese people or company sue gov official even local gov and they do win .
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Forget to say .

Next time , do not shoot them to dead.

Capture them alive and keep torturing them but never let them die.

Death is too mercy for them.
Oh yes, those guys with the axe or blades were trained on how to handle such melee weapons specially in Turkey. You went full retard there, seriously, yet am not so surprised.

Many terrorist-supporting state-sponsored civil Turkish organizations such as IHH do also support terrorism in Xinjiang.

Oh cmon, criticizing because ccp is 'too soft'. Who are you kidding? This is not criticizing the govt at all, it's actually in favor for the govt to do so. I really shouldnt be explaining this, but a regime like CCP gives you the twist it wants through media and state control policies, sure this happens in other countries too, but can you in China criticize or question CCP's policies?

Yes we can. Check out the reports. Turkey is the number one in terms of reporters jailed.

Can you openly question its Uyghur or another minority policies and say they are wrong?

Yes, this debate has been going on in China -- among academics and lay-people. Of course, mass hysteria will not be given ear to. Lynch culture is that of your own.

As for this case, if the details Targon gave in one of his msg are true, then it seems mostly a personal issue to me. If they attacked Han people like at Kunming, i would believe it was terroristic, but this case just seems fishy

You seem more and more like a terrorist symphatizer. On the contrary, we do not care what PKK does in your country or what you do with them.

Turks are not the ones boosting about IQ on this forum.

That's scientificially proven. People are not talking out of blue air. Bring out your evidence, give a link here, and show the level of your IQ. We will consider that.

Chinese section defintely needs more grown up serious people.

No, just as we do not care what is going on in Turkey section, you are relieved from the duty of showing up in our section. Just because we do not care what is going on in your country does not mean that we know nothing about your country. We just do not care. You can do the same and everybody lives in peace.

Indeed Uyghurs are our business too

It is not. You are being racist here.

Bombing Turkey from inside Syria and then launching a full attack on Syria is your business. Your new 'breave sons,' that is ISIS, is your greatest concern now. You have zero control over what China does inside and outside the country.

But many Chinese expressed support for Russia to protect 'its' Russian subjects in Ukraine. what about that?

Chinese government remained neutral on that matter.

And no, we dont want them to commit terrorist deeds for an independent state which will ultimately fall in Russia's influence, but neither want we to see Uyghurs getting harm done through Han people badmouthing them here or the Chinese govt using suspicious media tricks to blame every incident as a terrorist deed for its own purposes. This Uyghur chapter aside, we're cool, i guess.

You are just too blinded by your racism. Uighur is a Chinese national, none of your problem. You do not see our President or PM to travel to the US and lecture US Chinese there, right? This kind of racist affinity is of your nature. Look how both Germany and Austria got pissed by your religio-fanatic PM Erdogan who tried to give sermon to German and Austrian Turkish nationals in their own country.

You are a backward, tribal country. Get over that mindset.
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Ouch, I am hurt now, bro. Real hurt!

You are fine since you are clearly very loyal to China.

I'm talking about people like Gary Locke, people who only serve the interests of America, and who parade their Chinese ethnicity all while trying to hurt China on behalf of their new motherland.

However, those foreign nationals of Chinese descent, if they serve the interests of China and have their ultimate loyalty to China, I would consider them my compatriots.

It's loyalty that counts in the end. Are they American first, or Chinese first?
You are fine since you are clearly very loyal to China.

I'm talking about people like Gary Locke, people who only serve the interests of America, and who parade their Chinese ethnicity all while trying to hurt China on behalf of their new motherland.

However, those foreign nationals of Chinese descent, if they serve the interests of China and have their ultimate loyalty to China, I would consider them my compatriots.

It's loyalty that counts in the end. Are they American first, or Chinese first?
Agreed! There are always a few bad apples in a bunch. ;)
Many terrorist-supporting state-sponsored civil Turkish organizations such as IHH do also support terrorism in Xinjiang.

Then proof it with reports. I keep seeing people write this, but no provided links or any credible reports so far. i will read it and consider it.

Yes we can. Check out the reports. Turkey is the number one in terms of reporters jailed.

Turkey has its own internal mess with various groups struggling for influence. It's not like those journalists are detained without any reason. again this has nothing to do with the topic and how CCP handles the case, but with you trying to divert the topic.

Yes, this debate has been going on in China -- among academics and lay-people. Of course, mass hysteria will not be given ear to. Lynch culture is that of your own.

If this debate has been going on, then why all this news about Uyghur or Han anti-CCP political dissidents being hunted by CCP? Sounds nice, but i doubt the Uyghurs themselves have much say.

You seem more and more like a terrorist symphatizer. On the contrary, we do not care what PKK does in your country or what you do with them.

If this debate has been going on, then why all this news about Uyghur or Han anti-CCP political dissidents being hunted by CCP? Sounds nice, but i doubt the Uyghurs themselves have much say.

nah, it's just that some of you guys, incl the Chinese govt, likes to portray every crime of Uyghurs as terrorist. at least it seems like that to me. If this is terrorist by your definition, then a complaining Uyghur must be a crime. again this has nothing to do with the topic and how CCP handles the case, but with you trying to divert the topic.

No, just as we do not care what is going on in Turkey section, you are relieved from the duty of showing up in our section. Just because we do not care what is going on in your country does not mean that we know nothing about your country. We just do not care. You can do the same and everybody lives in peace.

you don't care about what's going on in Turkey because you don't have something to care about to begin with. You have no ties to the people who live there (or are you gonna claim that Armenians and Kurds are suddenly your family?), on the other hand common Turkics (be it Turks, Azerbaijianis, Turkmen, Kazakhstani etc.) have the right to care about Uyghurs and question CCP's actions.

It is not. You are being racist here.
Bombing Turkey from inside Syria and then launching a full attack on Syria is your business. Your new 'breave sons,' that is ISIS, is your greatest concern now. You have zero control over what China does inside and outside the country.

i fail to see how i am being racist, but definitions like racist, terrorist, criminals seem to have another meaning for many of you guys on this forum. again this has nothing to do with the topic and how CCP handles the case, but with you trying to divert the topic.

You are just too blinded by your racism. Uighur is a Chinese national, none of your problem. You do not see our President or PM to travel to the US and lecture US Chinese there, right? This kind of racist affinity is of your nature. Look how both Germany and Austria got pissed by your religio-fanatic PM Erdogan who tried to give sermon to German and Austrian Turkish nationals in their own country.
You are a backward, tribal country. Get over that mindset.

you sure skip reading messages, don't you? or do you get angry that you start accusing others and put words in my mouth?
i hope i won't be seeing you defending foreign nationals of Chinese background in neighboring Asian countries when foreign governments or people commit injustice to your Chinese kin abroad.

all in all, baseless accusations, derogatory tone, closed for criticism, diverting topic etc = waste of time. it's not the first time i see you do this and it's getting tiresome, so welcome to the ignore list. Do the same if you can't stand others criticizing your govt or fail to respond in a normal way.
The CCP never ever blame a single Uyghur people for any terrorist attack caused in China. They use the term "Xinjiang Separatist Terrorist (新疆分裂份子)" which always being translated as "Uyghur Muslim" by some western medias for some reason.

Also Xinjiang is not a land traditionally belongs to Uyghurs only.
Xinjiang sets up trade zone in border county

Northwest China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region broke ground for the construction of a border trade zone Friday to boost trade between local residents and their foreign neighbors.

Taxkorgan Tajik Autonomous County, which hosts the project on the Pamirs Plateau in southern Xinjiang, borders Pakistan, Afghanistan and Tajikistan.

The trade zone, built with an investment of 100 million yuan (about 16 million U.S. dollars), covers an area of 99 mu (about 6.6 hectares). It comprises functional areas for commerce, trade, tourism, dining and accommodations respectively.

Joint inspection units and other law-enforcement departments will be stationed in the zone.

When it is completed, the project will provide 300 jobs for local people and create nearly 20 million yuan taxes annually for the local government, said Yu Jun, deputy head of the county.

The trade zone will help increase incomes of farmers and herdsmen, boost tourism, and promote the Silk Road economic belt and economic cooperation between China and neighboring countries, added Yu.
Xinjiang is very fortunate. Our central government and the people fully support the effort to modernize and develop the Xinjiang province which will not only help the local ethnic minorities but will give our country a boost in trade and image. We have the money, will, and determination to do whatever we want in this 21st century.
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