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Xinjiang Province: News & Discussions

Mindset of most Chinese members here; an Uyghur releases a fart in a train, boom, a new terrorist.
as Targon said, media could be using such material to manipulate and give their own flavor to it. What can you gonna say and do against ruthless CCP? you guys take your own media, which serves the authoritarian CCP, way too serious, i see too little open-minded Chinese here.

Yet another Turk supporting terrorists. What's up with Turks supporting Islamic terrorists?
Mindset of most Chinese members here; an Uyghur releases a fart in a train, boom, a new terrorist.
as Targon said, media could be using such material to manipulate and give their own flavor to it. What can you gonna say and do against ruthless CCP? you guys take your own media, which serves the authoritarian CCP, way too serious, i see too little open-minded Chinese here.

yet another Chinese pointing fingers at others and refusing to criticize his own government. are you afraid of criticizing your own govt/country's policies here? if you're big, you should be able to take some criticism too. Go to Turkish section, you'll see that we openly criticize our govt. i want to see you guys do the same instead of immediately bringing up off-topic related matters about Turkey or whatever.

With all due respect lets stay on topic now this isn't about the CPC if you want you can open a thread on it. Aside from that many Chinese do criticize the CPC we have done it all the time here.

However that doesn't excuse Uighurs from attacking civilians, police stations, trying to hijacking planes, or setting bombs on markets. This isn't a conspiracy by the media now we have seen photos of dead victims of terrorism in Xinjiang or Kumning posted by individual civilians unless they are part of it. Simple solution is Uighur integrating into Chinese Society which the Government is paying for. With the demographs in Xinjiang Han majority it's inevitable it happens.
Not to us they already alienated themselves with multiple bombings and stabbings after the Train attack ordinary Chinese got a good look at it, there's already bad blood between Uighurs against Han, Hui, and Kazakh in Xinjiang.
Now it's a shoot first policy.

I'm ignoring rest of retarded comments here and answering you, I'm solely commenting on this incident, I understand the behaviour of some Chinese as we had the same process with Kurds.

-Location ? Khotan, which according to wiki is a Uyghur majority city.
-Place ? a game place, has absolutely nothing with government.
-Attackers ? 3 guys with cutting weapons.

Now is there any evidence this was a terror attack ? if not what makes this a terror attack ? why Chinese media serves this as Uyghur Terrorism ? if there issn't any evidence this from the outlook definetly looks like an ordinary street dispute.

I also understand why Media would do this as our Media was same about Kurds.
I'm ignoring rest of retarded comments here and answering you, I'm solely commenting on this incident, I understand the behaviour of some Chinese as we had the same process with Kurds.

-Location ? Khotan, which according to wiki is a Uyghur majority city.
-Place ? a game place, has absolutely nothing with government.
-Attackers ? 3 guys with cutting weapons.

Now is there any evidence this was a terror attack ? if not what makes this a terror attack ? why Chinese media serves this as Uyghur Terrorism ? if there issn't any evidence this from the outlook definetly looks like an ordinary street dispute.
On top of that, Uyghurs attacking most probably Uyghurs. If i was a desperate Uyghur i would attack Han, not my fellow people. This means that this case leans more towards personal problems, but govt catches every chance to paint Uyghurs black, probably in the hope to alienate the weak-minded Uyghurs from their own people and religion. smart policy, if this is true.
ok ok, i get it angry sounding dude, criticizing your own govt is a taboo in China :tup: good to know when i visit China in the future
why should I criticize our government just because it rightfully handled terrorists? we have our way to rule the country. If you don't like it, we don't care.
I'm ignoring rest of retarded comments here and answering you, I'm solely commenting on this incident, I understand the behaviour of some Chinese as we had the same process with Kurds.

-Location ? Khotan, which according to wiki is a Uyghur majority city.
-Place ? a game place, has absolutely nothing with government.
-Attackers ? 3 guys with cutting weapons.

Now is there any evidence this was a terror attack ? if not what makes this a terror attack ? why Chinese media serves this as Uyghur Terrorism ? if there issn't any evidence this from the outlook definetly looks like an ordinary street dispute.

I also understand why Media would do this as our Media was same about Kurds.

Attacking civilians or government with violence ? Definition of terrorism is to use violence to intimidate civilians or the government.
Kunming attacks Police station attacks ?
Kunming railway station attack | South China Morning Post
Attack on a police station in Xinjiang

There are many more I could put up the Ultimate goal of is an independent Islamist Xinjiang for some Uighurs, ETIM, many lone wolves will simply kill Han or other Uighur who don't follow their cause. Many already kill others for not follow their cause. There is bad blood between Han and Uighur and Uighur and other Uighurs for working with Han Chinese.
why should I criticize our government just because it rightfully handled terrorists? we have our way to rule the country. If you don't like it, we don't care.
How do you know they handle every case rightfully? is there any opposition in China that put question marks on CCP's actions? Can someone bring CCP's men to the court and win? etc. you just naively believe, at least you seem like that. i only care about Uyghurs, whatever CCP does to non-Uyghurs, i dont care.
Attacking civilians or government with violence ? Definition of terrorism is to use violence to intimidate civilians or the government.
Kunming attacks Police station attacks ?
Kunming railway station attack | South China Morning Post
Attack on a police station in Xinjiang

There are many more I could put up the Ultimate goal of is an independent Islamist Xinjiang for some Uighurs, ETIM, many lone wolves will simply kill Han or other Uighur who don't follow their cause.

I told you I'm solely commenting to that issue, other examples has nothing with it.. Not every negative thing involves Uyghurs is an act of terrorism and treachery againts Chinese governments, i'm trying to point out Chinese media is manipulating things just like our media used to do about Kurds.

Your process with Uyghurs is absolutely same as our process with Kurds, the end of this way is not good for any side.

Also you're the mod, you better do something about your little friend, as I didn't insulted anybody here.
How do you know they handle every case rightfully? is there any opposition in China that put question marks on CCP's actions? Can someone bring CCP's men to the court and win? etc. you just naively believe, at least you seem like that. i only care about Uyghurs, whatever CCP does to non-Uyghurs, i dont care.
Did anybody question US's 911? you are so naive.

You care about your brothers, that is good. you can either send your army here to protect them or evacuate them to your country, suit yourself.

I forget to mention we did criticize our government, for it give too much special treatment to your Uyghur brothers instead of enjoying equal rights like us.
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I told you I'm solely commenting to that issue, other examples has nothing with it.. Not every negative thing involves Uyghurs is an act of terrorism and treachery againts Chinese governments, i'm trying to point out Chinese media is manipulating things just like our media used to do about Kurds.

Your process with Uyghurs is absolutely same as our process with Kurds.

Also you're the mod, you better do something about your little friend, as I didn't insulted anybody here.

But I've given you the answer ? There has only been 1 incident of a Uighur v Uighur street dispute in which one stabbed another over a nutcake the rest were attacks. Attacking civilians doesn't matter if it's Han, Hui, Kazakh or even Uighur it's still terrorism, most attacks are reported by ordinary civilians not the media.

Quite an assumption not my friend now, I've given infractions out.

i only care about Uyghurs, whatever CCP does to non-Uyghurs, i dont care.

Thank for your honesty
But I've given you the answer ? There has only been 1 incident of a Uighur v Uighur street dispute in which one stabbed another the rest were attacks. Attacking civilians doesn't matter if it's Han, Hui, Kazakh or even Uighur it's still terrorism, most attacks are reported by ordinary civilians not the media.

Quite an assumption not my friend now, I've given infractions out.

Thank for your honesty

Its terrorism if you automatically assume attackers were terrorists, which I think we don't know in this incident, not every dispute involves violence is terrorism, in this case terrorism would be a regular part of our daily lives.

Its not matters who reports it, what matters it how media serves it.
Its terrorism if you automatically assume attackers were terrorists, which I think we don't know in this incident, not every dispute involves violence is terrorism, in this case terrorism would be a regular part of our daily lives.

Its not matters who reports it, what matters it how media serves it.

What do you mean we ? You don't but most Chinese have multiple sources the the only Uighur v Uighur street dispute was reported as such by the media and social sites like webio. Xinjiang has had many bombings, stabbings on civilians( Doesn't matter nationality), attacks on police stations, and even an attempted hijacking of a plane. It's different from other regions, I understand your kinship toward the Uighurs but that doesn't excuse the terrorism now.

You see it one way we see it another not gonna change any time now.
What do you mean we ? You don't but most Chinese have multiple sources the the only Uighur v Uighur street dispute was reported as such by the media and social sites like webio. Xinjiang has had many bombings, stabbings on civilians( Doesn't matter nationality), attacks on police stations, and even an attempted hijacking of a plane. It's different from other regions, I understand your kinship toward the Uighurs but that doesn't excuse the terrorism now.

Where is the backstory of this incident ? where does it say it wasn't just a street dispute but a terrorist act ? I pointed out info we have and analyzed why it does not looks like a terrorist act, you're free to bring further evidence.

It does have nothing with my kinship towards Uyghurs, I'm trying to be objective in everything, I don't support seperatist actions of Uyghurs as well, getting no discrimination, getting cultural, religious and language rights is more then enough insisting on an independent state is pointless and harms everybody, as I said we are having the same thing with Kurds.
Where is the backstory of this incident ? where does it say it wasn't just a street dispute but a terrorist act ? I pointed out info we have and analyzed why it does not looks like a terrorist act, you're free to bring further evidence.

It does have nothing with my kinship towards Uyghurs, I'm trying to be objective in everything, I don't support seperatist actions of Uyghurs as well, getting no discrimination, getting cultural, religious and language rights is more then enough insisting on an independent state is pointless and harms everybody, as I said we are having the same thing with Kurds.

Two Uighur carrying axes to a card room full of Han and Uighur civilians unless you bring axes to a street dispute now ? (Only street dispute was over a nutcake) And randomly start attacking just like Kunming attacks until the heavily armed police arrive. This has the same markings as the Kunming train attack. You can see the photos for yourself, you don't bring the heavily armed police to a street dispute.

I agree with with you , they received benefits as the other minorities in China have which majority Han don't have.
Two Uighur carrying axes to a card room full of Han and Uighur civilians unless you bring axes to a street dispute now ? (Only street dispute was over a nutcake) And randomly start attacking just like Kunming attacks until the heavily armed police arrive. This has the same markings as the Kunming train attack. You can see the photos for yourself, you don't bring the heavily armed police to a street dispute.

I agree with with you , they received benefits as the other minorities in China have which majority Han don't have.

There are disputes where people even use guns, it does not proves anything.

Kunming has taken place in a Chinese majority area, in a crowded place where they attacked security guards and police as well, one can easily see the difference, all I'm saying there is no clear indication that this was an intentional terrorist action, it can be a manipulation as well.

Kunming's wiki page mentions police suppressing demonstrations againts closure of a mosque and arresting of an Imam where they killed 15 people, if thats true I don't see how they're in better situation then rest of minorities, if government killed 15 people in demonstrations people would go bersek here.
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