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Xinjiang Province: News & Discussions

That was brutal. But why are some pics censored? Are there any civ casualities?
three men at bottom right look uyhgur. im pretty sure there are more, but images are too poor. those psychos just whacking everyone in there.. it's ridiculous seeing some turdistani citizens here defending them..:rolleyes:

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2014.06.15 Three Uyghur terrorists plan to chop down innocents in a chess & card room of HeTian city, XinJiang. But terrorists were beat by brave citizens, after 1 minute China Armed Police arrived there'r two terrorists died and one serious injury.

A very simple answer ... :butcher:
They (3x terrists) die ? Or we (innocent citizens) die ?

CCTV video:


An axe in the hand


Two Axes




Soon there will be virgin deficit in Heaven. Prices will increase.

Good Chinese Armed Forces gave them their due. Kudos to the responsible citizens, as well.

Nice state-society cooperation.
Sorry but thats sounds like bullsh.t to me, its looks like Chinese media tries to serve every violence involves Uyghurs as an act of terrorism to further alienate Chinese people againts them.

From every perspective thats looks like an ordinary personal dispute that ends up violently.
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Sorry but thats sounds like bullsh.t to me, its looks like Chinese media tries to serve every violence involves Uyghurs as an act of terrorism to further alienate Chinese people againts them.

From every perspective thats looks like ordinary personal dispute that ends up violently.
are you a retard? maybe that is a typical behavior of turks in your country, but in China it means death without mercy. if you don't believe, send more of your brothers to test our iron hand.
Sorry but thats sounds like bullsh.t to me, its looks like Chinese media tries to serve every violence involves Uyghurs as an act of terrorism to further alienate Chinese people againts them.

From every perspective thats looks like ordinary personal dispute that ends up violently.

Not to us they already alienated themselves with multiple bombings and stabbings after the Train attack ordinary Chinese got a good look at it, there's already bad blood between Uighurs against Han, Hui, and Kazakh in Xinjiang.
Now it's a shoot first policy.
Mindset of most Chinese members here; an Uyghur releases a fart in a train, boom, a new terrorist.
as Targon said, media could be using such material to manipulate and give their own flavor to it. What can you gonna say and do against ruthless CCP? you guys take your own media, which serves the authoritarian CCP, way too serious, i see too little open-minded Chinese here.
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